Star Odyssey

Chapter 1997 Right and Wrong

Elder Zen clasped his hands behind his back and seemed to be reminiscing, "During the decisive battle with the Sixth Continent during the Daoyuan Sect era, does the Great Elder still remember that group of casual cultivators who looked upon death as though they were dead?"

Elder Nihuang was confused at first, then his expression changed, and he stared at Elder Chan, "Are you one of them?".

Mr. Zen nodded and sighed, "The Sixth Continent invaded, and no one in the Fifth Continent could protect themselves. Even the children who had just embarked on the path of cultivation took up arms to fight, and the rogue cultivators were no exception. There is a group of rogue cultivators who know that With low strength, he was just cannon fodder when he entered the battlefield. Fortunately, he met a strong man from the White Dragon Clan and fought in a battlefield. Almost all of them were wiped out." As he spoke, he looked at Elder Nihuang and exclaimed, "This junior still remembers what the elder said in the past. Heroic appearance".

Elder Nihuang exclaimed, "I had just entered the Star Envoy realm at that time."

Zen Lao smiled and said, "Junior, extreme state."

Elder Nihuang nodded, with admiration in his tone, "I remember that group of loose cultivators, there were only hundreds of thousands of them, but almost all of them died in the battle. Their spirit was admirable."

Elder Zen laughed, "It's just a face-to-face meeting. Facing the powerful star envoys of the Sixth Continent, our group of casual cultivators couldn't even hold on for a breath, which made the great elder laugh."

Elder Nihuang said solemnly, "You dare to go to the battlefield, you are worthy of our admiration from the White Dragon Clan."

Shangsheng Tianshi and others did not expect that Mr. Chan still had this past. Mr. Chan did not tell them these things. In fact, they did not understand Mr. Chan. Ever since they embarked on the path of cultivation, Mr. Chan has been Mr. Zen. His seniority far exceeds theirs.

Even so, they did not expect that Mr. Zen had actually experienced the decisive battle that changed the sky on the fifth continent, even though he was only at the extreme level.

Elder Nihuang laughed, "I didn't expect to meet my former comrades in this abandoned place. It's an unexpected joy. After this incident is over, I will definitely have a chat with you about the people who have experienced that war and are still alive." Too little."

Zen Lao sighed, "Yes, too few."

Wang Si frowned and stared at Mr. Chan, "Where are the strong men from the ancestral realm in your abandoned land? Why don't you come out?".

Zen Lao was puzzled, "A strong man in the ancestral realm?".

Wang Si said coldly, "It was the Ancestral Realm expert who stood behind Lu Xiaoxuan when he broke through. It was that person who taught Lu Xiaoxuan his cultivation level today. Please ask him to come out. We want to talk to him."

Zen Lao is confused, is the ancestral realm strongman behind Lu Yin? Breakthrough? Could it be? He thought of Mr. Mu. Was that gentleman by his side when Lu Yin broke through? No wonder he didn't care if the Star Source Universe was boiling. It turned out to be that gentleman who helped him.

"We can't contact that gentleman," Zen said.

Wang Si's eyes flashed, "You can't contact your ancestral realm in the abandoned place?".

Xia Ji was dissatisfied, "Don't talk about an abandoned place, this is the fifth continent."

Wang Si sneered, "As long as the mother tree exists, the fifth continent exists. Without the mother tree, this place is an abandoned place, and even the sky has been replaced by the sixth continent."

The Holy Heavenly Master said, "If you hadn't escaped, Heaven would not have been replaced. Rather than saying that this is an abandoned place, it would be better to say that you are just a group of deserters."

Wang Si raised his eyebrows, "What did you say?".

Elder Nihuang raised his hand to stop Wang Si, "The original decision was made by the Lu family. It was also the Lu family's decision to move the mother tree. You should know that the Lu family dominates everything and they make the decision. We can't refute it. Since you hate it so much

That decision should make you hate the remnant of the Lu family, the one you call Lu Yin, we are here to take him away this time."

The elder Gong said, "Lu Yin is Lu Yin, where did the remnant of the Lu family come from?".

Wang Si sneered, "Don't say you don't know, is it possible? The last time I came here, in the science and technology star field, his identity was exposed. Why, did he kill people and silence them? Didn't he reveal his identity?"

Elder Gong looked at Wang Si, "We don't care what his identity was. He grew up and cultivated in this starry sky. He did a lot for this starry sky, saved many people, and even built the fifth tower. Blessing the entire fifth tower." Mainland, selfless, he is Lu Yin, he is from my fifth continent, please come back."

Wang Si's tone became colder, "It seems that you want to protect the remnants of the Lu family."

The Supreme Saint Heavenly Master looked at Wang Si and said, "Since you have eradicated the Lu family and it is at its peak, why do you have to deal with Lu Yin? Are you really afraid that he can deal with you Sifang Tianping on his own?".

Elder Nihuang said, "It's not just that." He glanced at Elder Chan and the others, "Your abandoned land will send people to sneak across after the Yuanlun Festival to find the origin of things in the starry sky of our tree. This time, That remnant of the Lu family not only smuggled across the country, but also pretended to be a descendant of my White Dragon clan and humiliated the entire White Dragon clan on the top of Longshan Mountain, making our White Dragon clan lose face." The more he spoke, the darker his face became. "Throughout the history of our White Dragon clan, we have never been like this. After being humiliated like this, Lu Xiaoxuan must be handed over to me, the White Dragon Clan, for punishment."

Elder Chan sighed, "Longshan is the place of your White Dragon Clan, and you, the Great Elder Nihuang, are sitting here. How can a small enlightened person dare to act so arrogantly in Longshan? Unless he is forced to a certain level, he will never be able to do such a thing. , this was not of his own free will.”

Nihuang said in a deep voice, "I know you hate the ancient Du family and hate us for abandoning you. If that's the case, why must you protect the remnants of the Lu family? The Lu family is the culprit behind abandoning you. They removed the mother tree and isolated the fifth continent. That's why your world was replaced by the Sixth Continent. The Lu family is the one you hate the most. There is no need to turn against us because of Lu Xiaoxuan."

"In exchange, we allow your abandoned land to send people to practice in the starry sky of our tree every once in a while, and allow you to compete fairly for the things of origin. For you, this is the greatest preferential treatment."

Xia Ji's eyes flashed, "Seriously?"

"Naturally," Wang Si said.

Xia Ji looked at Mr. Chan and said, "Lu Yin is Lu Xiaoxuan. He is a member of the Lu family. It is the matter of the starry sky. There is no need for us to interfere."

Mr. Zen looked at Xia Ji deeply, which made Xia Ji panic, "If your Xia family can take the initiative to take over the war against the Behemoth Star Territory and save the lives of countless people from outer space, if your Xia family can build the fifth tower, , Fuze Fifth Continent, you are qualified to say that."

Xia Ji was dissatisfied and was about to continue speaking.

Zen Lao said sternly, "If you, Xia Ji, are confident of breaking through the ancestral realm and sincerely guarding this starry sky, you are qualified to say so."

Xia Ji's expression changed. How could he be sure of breaking through the ancestral realm?

Elder Zen turned to look at the Great Elder Nihuang, "Since you participated in the decisive battle during the Daoyuan Sect period, you should know that the war was not only between the Fifth Continent and the Sixth Continent, but also between the Eternals and humans. civil war".

Elder Nihuang’s eyes were sharp.

"The human civil war will only benefit the Eternals. Lu Yin has a chance to break through the ancestral realm, and the chance is great. He is like this

The Eternals want to kill them quickly, so why should you become the sword of the Eternals and slaughter their own people," Zen said loudly.

Wang Si shouted angrily, "Nonsense, the Lu family are all enemies, and everyone in the Lu family deserves to die. They are more hateful than the Eternals."

"Wang Si", Emperor Ni shouted loudly, calming Wang Si down.

Zen Lao raised his head, "Is this what Sifang Balance thinks? It turns out that the Lu family is more hateful than the Eternals? Then who resists the Eternals? Who protects you? No matter how much you hate the Lu family, even if you take action to eradicate the Lu family, Back then, the Lu family was on the front line against the Eternals. The blood of the Lu family was spread all over the sky. Elder Nihuang, you will never forget it, right?"

"The platform is shattered one by one. The Lu family is the ruler of the fifth continent, and it is also the Eternal clan that will be destroyed first. You have eradicated the Lu family at all costs, and now you have to destroy Lu Yin, who is very likely to break through the ancestral realm. Seeds?".

Nihuang was helpless, "I admit that Lu Xiaoxuan's talent is extremely high and he is very likely to break through the ancestral realm. But when he breaks through the ancestral realm, the first person to attack is not the Eternals, but me, Sifang Tianping."

"Do you dare to guarantee that Lu Xiaoxuan will not take revenge on Sifang Tianping in the future?".

Chan Lao had nothing to say. He was thinking from a human perspective, but from the perspective of Sifang Balance, he knew that Nihuang and the others did the right thing. The Lu family was destroyed by Sifang Balance. Lu Yin would not give up on this hatred. , especially he also understands Lu Yin. Even if Lu Yin builds the fifth tower to benefit all generations, in fact, it is impossible to let go of the hatred in his heart, and he will never reach the state of hopelessness and letting go of everything.

"One less ancestral realm is a pity for mankind, but for me, Sifang Tianping, it is one less enemy." Elder Nihuang said, "The Lu family once resisted the Eternals and stood on the front line. I, Sifang Tianping, It's the same now, regardless of whether it is right or wrong to eliminate the Lu family, now that the matter is over, do you still want Lu Xiaoxuan to take revenge on me, Sifang Tianping, and really cause a civil war among humans?"

"In his realm of Star Envoy, there is no need to pay any price to eliminate him. This is the best explanation for mankind."

Mr. Chan had nothing to say. The hatred between Lu Yin and Sifang Tianping could not be resolved. Unless the Lu family was still there, this civil war would inevitably begin.

He stands on the basis of human justice and wants to prevent Sifang Tianping from killing Lu Yin, but Emperor Ni also stands on the basis of human justice and wants to kill Lu Yin. Who is right? Who is wrong? I can't tell, war may be like this, there is no right or wrong.

"Now, do you still want to protect Lu Xiaoxuan?" Nihuang said in a deep voice, staring at Mr. Chan.

Everything Lu Yin had done came to mind in Mr. Zen's mind. Looking at the universe sea, the fifth tower had just been erected. A few years later, it would be the largest inheritance place in the fifth continent. Lu Yin had made great contributions to the fifth continent. It was so big that he couldn't even say the word "give up".

How great would it be if people from Sifang Tianping came when they first found out that Lu Yin was Lu Xiaoxuan? He could give up Lu Yin without hesitation and avoid human civil war.

But now, let him give up.

Countless people in the outer universe built statues for Lu Yin.

Countless people in the inner universe rely on him.

Throughout the Fifth Continent, countless people were grateful to him, and countless people accepted his kindness as a half-master. How could he give up on such a person?

The Holy Heavenly Master, the Elder Gong, and the alcoholic are also unable to say the word "give up".

Elder Nihuang frowned and said that even now, he still didn't give up on Lu Xiaoxuan. What on earth did this Lu Xiaoxuan do in the abandoned land? So popular?

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