Star Odyssey

Chapter 2009 Uneasiness

Shade said, "I can promise to let you take your people to the Starry Sky of Trees to avoid this disaster."

"Where are the other people in the Fifth Continent?" Lu Yin asked.

Shade sighed, "As humans, we also want to save them, but we can't. It's good to be able to save the starry sky of trees. You should know that there were six continents in human history, and now, only this broken one is left. The Fifth Continent, now the Fifth Continent is also going to disappear, humans are no match for the Eternals, and we can’t help you.”

Lu Yin sternly said, "It's a shame that people call you Xia Yingxiong, but you are more timid than anyone else."

Xia De laughed, "I can die for the Starry Sky that protects the tree, but I will not die for this abandoned land. Lu Xiaoxuan, you want to use the captured people to threaten us. It is too simple to think. Every major family will do it every few dozen times." Direct descendants will be born every year, or at most hundreds of years, and they are not that precious. Letting you escape to the starry sky of the tree is already the bottom line. Don’t expect to drag us into this war."

"The Starry Sky of Trees is humanity's last line of defense. Why did Huizu arrange the infinite power original treasure formation in the Starry Sky of Trees? Instead of arranging it in the Fifth Continent? Because he knew that the Fifth Continent would be destroyed sooner or later."

Lu Yin raised his head, "Nonsense, Huizu arranged the infinite power not in the starry sky of the tree, but on the back of the mother tree. It was you who dragged the mother tree away."

Xia De said, "That's also the Lu family's problem. It's your problem, not ours."

"Okay, as you promised, let a group of people from my Fifth Continent hide in the Starry Sky of Trees." Lu Yin did not argue anymore. Back then, the Lu family dominated the Fifth Continent. Only the Lu family could answer what was right and wrong.

Shade nodded, "Yes, I can make the decision and let a group of people from the Fifth Continent follow me to the Starry Sky. You can go too."

Lu Yin laughed and said, "I will die if I go."

"Staying here will mean death." Xia De did not deny it, nor could he promise not to trouble Lu Yin on behalf of Sifang Tianping. In the final analysis, the people Lu Yin caught were not as valuable as him.

Lu Yin sighed, "I still have to die in the end."

Not long after, Lu Yin left, heading to the inner universe with a heavy heart.

The Eternals invaded, the Star Source Universe was swallowed up, and the combat power of human cultivators was greatly reduced. They would definitely not be able to resist it. He was powerless, and all he could do was to lead a group of people to leave and go to the Starry Sky of the Tree.

But he won't go from Chuangtianyuan, but from Jupiter.

Want to kill him? How could it be so easy? He wants to lead the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance to hide in the Starry Sky of Trees and find a way to make a comeback.

Chan Lao and the others had no choice but to go from Chuangtianyuan. They hoped that as many people as possible could escape and preserve the seeds of the fifth continent.

But before that, a fierce battle is inevitable, and it is impossible for Mr. Chan and others to escape without fighting. Escape is the last step. The Fifth Continent will do everything possible to fight against this disaster, and he will do the same, even if he knows he must If defeated, it is impossible to flee without fighting even if you know you will lose your life.

"You don't want that King of the Second Night?" Quiro's voice rang in his ears. When Lu Yin came out of the technological star field, he took over.

Before that, Lu Yin had already informed Quero of the news that he was in the technological star field through wireless Gu relay, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed over so quickly.

The reason why he dared to negotiate conditions with Sha De was that he was not afraid of Sha De and could escape at any time. His confidence was Quiro. Otherwise, even if he escaped to the ruins of Daoyuan Sect, he would still be in the same place when he came out a month later, surrounded by the stars in the tree sky. A half-ancestor is guarding him.

Lu Yinwan

Unfortunately, "The king of the second night didn't really take refuge in me. He was controlled by the cage technique. Now that he has come into contact with the Bai family, it is very likely that he will be controlled by the Bai family again. I am worried."

Quello was right when he thought about it.

"Moreover," Lu Yin frowned, "he had a different intention before in the big world of Clover Headquarters. At that time, I wanted to find someone to replace him."

"That's right. I have a different intention and cannot be used. I need to find someone to replace me." Quilo sighed. He felt something was wrong as he spoke. He looked at Lu Yin with an evil look, "What do you mean? You won't let me replace the Second Night King." Bar".

Lu Yin said innocently, "No, why do you think so? You are a senior I respect."

Quiro looked at Lu Yin, then rolled his eyes, "Boy, don't do this. Old man, when I was playing the Four Square Balance, you didn't know where to drink milk. You still pretend to be like this. I tell you, don't expect me to take my place. It’s impossible for the King of Night to protect you the second time”.

Lu Yin sighed, "Senior, you think too much."

"Humph", Quiro snorted coldly.

Lu Yin was speechless. This old guy was really smart. He also blamed himself for talking too much.

Of course, the more powerful the bodyguard is, the better. You can't just go back and get lost. Liuye Feihua, the second night king, and then the half-ancestor's turn, but this old guy is too shrewd, so he has to find someone who is not so shrewd. of.

"Where are you going now?", Quiro's tone was not good. He always felt that Lu Yin regarded him as a bodyguard. Even when the Lu family was at its peak, he had never been Lu Xiaoxuan's bodyguard, let alone Lu Yin now, at most Protected occasionally, he is free and never bound.

Lu Yin looked to the south, "New Universe, I want to pick up someone."

"No, it's too dangerous. Whether it's the new universe, the universe sea or the inner and outer universe, there are half-ancestors fighting in the fifth continent. What I have to do is take you to the starry sky of the tree and keep the Lu family's fire. Although Xia De can't speak It sounds nice, but it's the truth, this starry sky can't be saved," Quiro said in a low voice.

Lu Yin raised his head and said, "I'll go there too, I want to pick up my woman."

Quiro raised his eyebrows, "Lan Xian? Isn't she in the outer universe? By the way, hurry up and get Lan Xian, don't be destroyed by the Seven Gods."

"It's not Lanxian, I'm not interested in her, it's my wife, my real wife, named Mingyan, who lives in the new universe."

"Wife? Are you married?".

"Not yet, but soon."

"What about Lan Xian?"

"When you meet Ming Yan, don't mention Lan Xian, don't mention a single word. I have nothing to do with that Lan Xian from beginning to end. We only met once."

Quiro was weird and murmured to himself, "Sure enough, I have the same virtue as your father. He eats from the bowl and looks into the pot. I remember he said similar things back then."

Lu Yin was helpless. Quiro's mouth was very unreliable. If possible, he would never let Quiro take him to pick up Ming Yan. He would definitely say nonsense, but now there is no one else.

As a half-ancestor, Quiro's speed was far inferior to that of the Second Night King. He reached the Chaos Flow Realm in a blink of an eye and passed by the Chaos God Mountain.

At this moment, Luan Shen Mountain is already in ruins. This place is too close to the Falling Star Sea and is also a battlefield.

Lu Yin stared at the collapsed Luan Shen Mountain, wondering what happened to Qian Yan. He asked Qian Yan to stare at Luan Shen Mountain, hoping to escape.

All the corpse kings hidden in the Fifth Continent by the New Human Alliance broke out, plunging the Fifth Continent into war, but it was only war. Without the support from Falling Star Overseas, the newcomers would

The Human Alliance was destroyed sooner or later, but now, it is different. The power of the New Human Alliance is consuming the star energy and star source in the cultivators of the Fifth Continent. The longer the fight lasts, the more detrimental it will be to humanity.

After crossing the Luan Shen Mountain, Quilo took Lu Yin into the cosmic sea and headed towards the new universe.

While heading to the new universe, Lu Yin contacted Ming Yan, but he couldn't get in touch. Inexplicably, his heart sank and he panicked.

"Quick, senior, quick, quick, quick," Lu Yin urged.

Quiro was puzzled, "What's wrong?".

"We can't contact Ming Yan anymore. She is in a dark street, where the Half-Ancestors are fighting," Lu Yin said in a low voice.

Quiro was shocked, "Half-Ancestor? Trouble, the Half-Ancestor's battle has spread too widely." As he spoke, he gritted his teeth and crossed the cosmic sea as quickly as possible, heading towards the black street.

In the eastern boundary of the new universe, the originally endless accumulation of cosmic garbage was scattered everywhere. The sharp sword light slashed across the starry sky, splitting the universe, and seemed to cut off the entire new universe.

In the distance, the Immortal God raised his eyes, always looking lazy, and slashed his head with the blade. Without moving his body, the blade brushed past him without causing any harm to him.

"Your sword skills are good, you have some shadows of Xia Shang." The Immortal God walked around casually, with no intention of taking action, but he did not retreat either.

Opposite, Xia Ji clenched the hilt of the knife. He knew that the Seven Gods were difficult to deal with. Each of these old monsters were figures from a long time ago. They still don't know what methods they mastered, but they never thought they would be so difficult to deal with. Only the half-ancestor Just a shell.

Thinking about it, the starry sky was overturned, and a huge long knife covered the stars and slashed down hard.

The Immortal God was helpless, "Why bother, don't talk about you, even Xia Shang's sword skills are useless against me. If he were still alive, he would definitely tell you, don't use weapons against me."

The inner world of Xia Ji cooperated with the three-style sword intent to strike down, shaking the east boundary, but it still had no way to defeat the God of Death.

Outside the east boundary, Quello waved his hand to disperse the sword intent, "What a fierce attack."

Lu Yin's pupils flickered. If such an attack broke out on a black street, how could it be blocked?

"Quick, go into the dark street," Lu Yin urged.

Quilo looked solemn and tried his best to hide his figure as he entered the east boundary and headed towards the black street.

The endless blade still cuts down, Xia Ji is determined to deal with the immortal god.

Lu Yin was led by Quilo to the black street. At a glance, he saw that the once black street had become torn into pieces. The starry sky was filled with sword energy. Countless void cracks were torn open and closed. After closing, they were torn open again, which could not be recovered at all.

Above the head, the drop of liquid continues to absorb the star source.

Lu Yin looked pale, and the scene was scattered. He suddenly turned his head and saw a brothel, a broken brothel.

He rushed over and saw Ming Yu lying seriously injured and dying outside the brothel. There were corpses lying around, and the entire black street was extinct.

Lu Yin paused, not daring to approach for fear of seeing Ming Yan's body.

Quilo waved his hand, and the Broken Brothel was opened, revealing scarlet blood stains and the pale, bloodless face, which was none other than Ming Yan.

Lu Yin's pupils narrowed sharply and he appeared in front of Ming Yan very quickly. He knelt down and slowly hugged her. His hands were cold, like a corpse. It was obviously light but heavy as a mountain.

At this moment, Lu Yin's mind went blank. He could only look at Ming Yan. He didn't know what to do or what sound to make. Is she dead?

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