Star Odyssey

Chapter 20133 The culprit

"Senior, how was the Lu family back then?" Lu Yin asked.

Behind him, Wuzu appeared, "What's the matter? He's aloof, worshiped by the Fifth Continent, and also bears the responsibility of protecting the Fifth Continent."

"Aloof?" Lu Yin was confused.

Wu Zu smiled lightly, "In the eyes of ordinary people, the Lu family is superior. No matter what the Lu family has done for this continent, ordinary people cannot understand it. They want to replace the Lu family."

"From the Lu family's point of view, everything they do is ordinary. It is ordinary to accept submission from others, it is ordinary to be envied by others, and it is ordinary to obtain the resources of the entire continent. These are too ordinary."

Lu Yin asked, "So, have the Lu family ever done anything outrageous?".

Wuzu said, "I don't know." She looked at Lu Yin, "You think too much. If you rule a continent with integrity, do you believe it?"

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze.

"You have come this far. Do you dare to say that you are right to kill innocent people? Do you dare to say that you have never done anything against your will? It depends on how you think about it. At least the Lu family has protected the Fifth Continent. This is an unchanging fact, Han Xian It seems to me that these families in the sect are rebelling against the Lu family and want to taste the experience of climbing to the top," Wu Zu said.

Lu Yin smiled, thinking too much? No, he just wanted to hear Wuzu's attitude.

He doesn't care what the Lu family has done and what they have undertaken. It doesn't matter who is in charge of a continent. In his opinion, what the Lu family has done is not enough, very insufficient. If it were him, he would never let the Sifang Balance take advantage of it.

Ancestor Lu Tianyi could favor Ancestor Chen and make the Xia family resentful, why can't he favor the people of the Lu family? If there is more than one Lu family in the world, who would dare to rebel? If it were him, there would be no Wang family and nothing would happen to the Hanxian Sect.

He would not make the mistakes that the Lu family made.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin looked at Tianshang Sect. From the moment he borrowed the power of Chen Ancestor to walk on behalf of Tian, ​​he had the final say on this fifth continent, and only he could have the final say.

Not enough, not enough. During the Tianmen Association, he needed to establish his authority, and the best person to establish his authority was the Half-Ancestor.

Lu Yin raised his feet again, appeared outside the Tianshang Sect prison, and entered.

This time, he met Wang Si.

Wang Si was worse than Xia De, Bai Laogui and others. She had been stabbed through the inner world and suffered severe injuries. After being imprisoned, she insulted the Lu family many times and was taken care of by Lu Buzheng. Now she is half dead.

Even so, she was still cursing the Lu family.

When Lu Yin appeared, the hatred in Wang Si's eyes was undisguised, like a ferocious evil ghost, "Lu family bitch, you won't be proud for long, you will die, and you will die miserably, a thousand times worse than me." , ten thousand times."

Wu Zu looked at Wang Si and frowned. This person's hatred was so deep that if she were Lu Yin, he would want to kill her immediately.

On her journey of cultivation, she had killed many people, and there were very few people with such extremely malicious eyes as Wang Si.

Lu Yin looked at Wang Si calmly, "Do you want to die?".

Wang Si sneered, "You little bitch, you bastard, you won't have an easy time. The pain I endured, you will have to endure even more in the future. Your relatives, friends, everyone you know and care about will all die miserably. Every one of them will die miserably." Don’t even think about running”.

Lu Yin nodded, "You really hate the Lu family. I'll give you a chance to tell me why. Why do you hate the Lu family so much?"

Wang Si roared bitterly, "I hate you. I just hate your Lu family. I wish that all your Lu family could be exterminated. Do you want to know the reason why the Lu family was exiled in the first place? Let me tell you, I was the one who suggested it. I was the first one." He proposed to banish your Lu family, hahahaha."

Lu Yin's expression changed, his eyes were cold, "What did you say?".

Wang Si laughed wildly, a smile full of revenge. She knew that she would not survive. "It was me who found the ancestor Wang Fan and was the first to propose the exile of the Lu family. It was me who took the initiative to find the White Dragon clan after knowing that it could make the White Dragon turn around." I was the one who found Bai Wangyuan in the White Dragon Clan. It was all me. I was the one who led the annihilation of your Lu family, hahahaha."

Lu Yin grabbed Wang Si's neck, his expression downcast as never before. Due to the excessive force, even Wang Si, the half-ancestor, could not breathe.

Practitioners reach the half-ancestral level step by step, and have experienced nine origin tribulations, especially the half-ancestral origin tribulation, which is a nine-death life. However, once the breakthrough is successful, it will also have the benefit of rebirth for the body.

Wang Si can reach the level of half-ancestor, even if he has never actively cultivated physical strength, it is not something that a third source calamity star user can shake.

But Lu Yin's power was too great. He was so stimulated by Wang Si that even the Immovable King Elephant appeared and let out a silent roar.

Wang Si laughed wildly, his neck was grabbed, and he couldn't cough even if he wanted to. His face was red from suppressing it, and with those vicious eyes, it was scary no matter how you looked at it.

"Don't challenge my patience. If you want to die, I can help you." Lu Yin gritted his teeth and stared at Wang Si.

Although Wang Si couldn't breathe, his eyes became more and more proud.

Lu Yin let go of his hand, "You want to make me angry and die happily. It's not that easy. Do you think I will believe you? How can a mere half-ancestor plot against my Lu family?"

Wang Si coughed twice and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, "You can rule the outer universe in this ruined place in the exploration realm. Why can't I take advantage of the Lu family?".

"There are some things I'm afraid to think about. The Lu family is so powerful, who dares to offend? Even at the peak of Sifang Tianping, he could only stay in Zhongping Realm and didn't dare to cross the Leichi. Bai Xian'er, the most talented disciple of Hanxian Sect, I will commit myself to you as a maid, so what about the others?"

"Do you think no one has wanted to overthrow the Lu family for so many years? They want to, but they don't know how to do it, and they don't dare to do it. I dare, I can meet ancestor Wang Fan at any time, I can contact the White Dragon Clan, contact Xia Home, contact Hanxian Sect, I can connect the entire Sifang Balance."

"The Lu family is so high up, looking down at the starry sky among the trees, how could they have thought that I, a mere half-ancestor, would dare to attack them, but I just did it. I want the Lu family to die, and I want the entire Lu family to be wiped out."

Wuzu suddenly slapped his head and said, "I remembered it. No wonder you looked familiar at first sight. What's your relationship with Wang Yi?".

Wang Si's eyes widened suddenly and he looked at Wuzu in disbelief, "You?"

Lu Yin looked at Wu Zu, "Wang Yi?".

Wuzu said in a deep voice, "A half-ancestor who violated the will of the Daoyuan Sect and took action against Xia Shang without permission. He was eventually exposed and was killed by Senior Lu Tianyi."

Wang Si stared at Wu Zu in disbelief, "Who are you? How do you know this?".

Lu Yin also asked, "Senior, what's going on?" He vaguely guessed the reason why Wang Si hated the Lu family.

Wu Zu looked at Wang Si and said, "Looking at your reaction, you are indeed related to Wang Yi. You are so similar to her." "Who are you? How do you know about her?" Wang Si shouted.

Wu Zu said slowly, "When Xia Shang cultivated nine clones, one of them transformed into a giant and was hunted by the Daoyuan Sect. However, senior Lu Tianyi took pity on his talent and ordered that only his peers were allowed to take action. Elders who were too advanced were not allowed to move. , if Xia Shang can break through, it proves that he is on the right path, if he cannot break through, he deserves to die."

"At that time, all the people of the same generation in the Fifth Continent were looking for trouble for Xia Shang, overtly or covertly taking action against him. The Xia family used all possible means. Among them, Wang Yi, as the half-ancestor, secretly took action against Xia Shang. If it weren't for a coincidence, Xia Shang would have died. This matter was finally exposed. Ancestor Lu Tianyi was furious and went to the Wang family to capture Wang Yi himself and killed him in front of the gate of Daoyuan Sect. The stairs were stained with blood."

"No one from the Wang family dared to plead for mercy. From now on, the Xia family did not dare to go too far when dealing with Xia Shang."

Lu Yin looked at Wang Si, "Is this why you hate the Lu family?".

Wang Si was resentful, "My mother sealed me in ice before being taken away and told me to remember her hatred for the Lu family and Lu Tianyi."

"Wang Yi violated the will of Daoyuan Sect and took action against Xia Shang without authorization. She deserves to die. She did it because of the Xia family. She was married to a member of the Xia family. That's right. You are half of the Xia family. Your mother He deserves to be executed, and no one from the Wang family intercedes, so why don’t you resent the Wang family?” Wu Zu said.

Wang Si roared angrily, "It is the Lu family that is arrogant. My mother liked Lu Feng at the beginning. If Lu Feng had not abandoned my mother, my mother would not have married with the Xia family. It was Lu Tianyi who separated Lu Feng and my mother. The Lu family wanted to Whatever he does, we will destroy it, and if Lu Tian wants to protect Xia Shang, we will kill him."

"Your mother Wang Yi is vicious by nature. How could Uncle Lu Feng fall in love with her? She has nothing to do with senior Lu Tianyi," Wu Zu retorted.

Wang Si roared angrily, "You're talking nonsense. It was Lu Tianyi who deceived Lu Feng and broke them up."

Lu Yin sneered, "You didn't get what you asked for, but you were instigated by the Xia family to attack Chen Zu, and finally killed him in front of the gate of Daoyuan Sect. From the beginning to the end, your mother was too persistent. You are more persistent than her. The Lu family didn't I'm sorry for you, but you secretly plotted against the Lu family. You are more vicious than your mother."

He finally understood why Han Clan Qingchen Half-Ancestor said that Wang Si was not simple and few people dared to touch him. This was because this woman was both a member of the Wang family and a member of the Xia family. She could also connect the White Dragon Clan and the Hanxian Sect. Her identity was too complicated. , and because she had contributed to the murder of the Lu family, no one could touch her.

No wonder this woman was so bitter towards the Lu family from the beginning to the end. When she found out that she was Lu Xiaoxuan, she was the one who pursued her most ruthlessly. She had joked about Wang Su's beauty before, so her reaction must be because of what happened to her mother.

She was the trigger and lead for the Lu family to be exiled.

Lu Yin could imagine how deep the resentment in Wang Si's heart was. A little girl had been indoctrinated with the idea of ​​hating the Lu family since she was a child. She watched her mother being captured and killed. Her hatred was buried too deep, and when it exploded, Enough to bury countless people.

"If your mother and Uncle Lu Feng were together and you were gone, you should thank Senior Lu Tianyi," Wu Zu suddenly said.

Wang Si couldn't listen at all and stared at Lu Yin as if he wanted to eat people.

Lu Yin collected his thoughts and looked at Wang Si, "So, how did Sifang Tianping banish the Lu family?".

Wang Si sneered, "I know, but I won't tell you."

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