Star Odyssey

Chapter 20160 The Power of Double Pupils

I don’t know if there is an ancestral realm on this general platform. If not, Ancestor Lu Tianyi would not leave it to protect future generations, and Ancestor Hui would not agree.

But if this general station is Lu Jian, and the Lu Jian has not broken the ancestors, why can it be used to point the generals to the ancestral state?

Apart from Lu Jian, there is no other descendant of the Lu family who has practiced the Zhou Yan Sutra to such a high level.

Strange, strange.

"It seems that it should be Lu Jian. As far as I know, since Lao Fu became an ancestor, although there are many people who have cultivated his power, there are very few successors of big powers, let alone the Lu family. Anyone from your Lu family is There are all celebrities in the Fifth Continent, even if they are from collateral branches, but Lu Jian is the only one who is addicted to this power. Moreover," Wu Zu exhaled, "Lu Jian hates blood giants the most. He once threatened to massacre the blood giant clan and make the blood giants extinct. ".

Lu Yin was surprised, "Why is this?".

Ancestor Wu said, "Blood giants are a scourge. After countless years of development, some of the giants under your command have extremely strong combat power but are docile. Some have become cruel and their wisdom has deteriorated. I only know that Blood giants are the most famous among them for killing. Whenever they appear, they will commit murderous crimes."

"In that era, many people would kill the blood giant whenever they saw it. Lu Jian was just a little extreme, but no one would stop him."

Lu Yin wondered, "If this Dianjiangtai is really left by Lu Jian's ancestor, has he reached the ancestral realm?".

Wu Zu was surprised, "I don't understand either, but Lu Jian is definitely not from the ancestral realm, otherwise I wouldn't have known it, but Hui Wen couldn't have deceived him for so long and only allowed senior Lu Tianyi to leave half of his ancestral combat power. It's strange," she said Looking at Lu Yin, "Are you sure there is an Ancestral Realm expert here who has been selected?".

Lu Yin nodded, "There should be. At least there are existences here that I cannot summon generals. Once I forcefully summon generals, let alone whether the star source in my body can hold on, whether I can summon generals is still a question."

"That's right, it should be the Ancestral Realm. With your current strength, even the Half-Ancestor can summon generals, except for the Ancestral Realm," Wu Zu said.

Looking at the general platform, the two of them thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out. Wuzu had gone back. She liked to study blood refining. As for the general platform, it had nothing to do with her.

Ancestor Wu couldn't even figure it out. Without this living fossil, it would be even more impossible for Lu Yin to know what happened, and it would be impossible for Elder Zen to know. It was already pretty good for him to know that Patriarch Lu Tianyi had left some generals behind.

You know, when the ancestor Lu Tianyi left Dianjiangtai, there was no war.

Reluctantly, Lu Yin left the Dianjiangtai on the earth. The sect in the sky was too conspicuous, but the earth was more ordinary.

After dealing with the general station, Lu Yin called Liu Huang. Since he was going to use the new power to go to the Starry Sky of the Tree, he still had to get used to it. It happened that Liu Huang was still in the Tianshang Sect and had not returned to Jianshan, so he was a suitable training target.

"Attack on you?", Liu Huang was puzzled, "What sword moves did Daozi understand that need to be confirmed?".

Lu Yin said, "Just take action."

Liu Huang took out his sword, without hesitation, and slashed out with one sword. It was not thirteen swords, but just an ordinary sword. However, with his strength of over one million combat power, any sword was enough to cut through the starry sky. With one sword, There is no sharp edge at all, and only those facing this sword can feel the unparalleled sense of crisis.

Liu Huang didn't hold back, and with Lu Yin's ability to kill Wang Si, there was no need for him to hold back.

Facing Liu Huang's sword, Lu Yin's pupils turned into runes. When he saw the majestic runes coming together with the sword, his pupils shrank. The approaching runes quickly dissipated. The infinite realm seemed to weaken the runes like the spiritual realm. Numbers are actually completely different.

The Lingming Realm can only weaken the rune number representing the destructive power of the sword, while the Infinite Realm can directly change the rune number of the sword itself. It only erases part of the rune number, and the trajectory of Liu Huang's sword will change. Lu Yin slashed his shoulder towards the starry sky, tearing open the sky of the solar system.

Liu Huang looked at Lu Yin in shock and disbelief, "This is this?"

Lu Yin curled up his lips, neutralizing the enemy's combat skills at the smallest cost. This was the Infinite Realm. Any attack would appear in front of him in the form of rune numbers. He could change the trajectory of the rune numbers formed by this attack, or even directly erase it. , transform this attack.

If there was no difference in strength between him and Liu Huang, he would try to transform this attack, retaining all the runes and attack Liu Huang in turn.

Even if the gap in cultivation is so big now, he can still change the trajectory of the sword's runes and make it ineffective.

This is the power of Fu Zu, the magical Zhou Yan Scripture, and the magical rune Tao Shu civilization.

"Come again," Lu Yin shouted.

Liu Huang's eyes changed, and he slashed out with another sword. This was the first of the thirteen swords. It was not comparable to the sword just now in terms of destructive power and speed.

Lu Yin couldn't dodge it at all. Before he could use Zhou Yan Zhenjing, his body was hit by a sword.

Liu Huang was shocked and said, "Taozi".

Lu Yin raised his hand and said, "It's okay."

Liu Huang was relieved, but also bitter. He was known as the genius of the sword sect. He was confident that he could create his own fourteenth sword, which aroused the fear of the new universe. He forcibly arrested Kunze and imprisoned him. He thought that looking at the universe, his talent was the best. .

But compared with the person in front of me, there is so much difference that there is no possibility of comparison.

How talented is this person to render his attacks ineffective? It's just so shocking.

Lu Yin exhaled. Fortunately, he used Zhifou Realm, otherwise this sword would have been enough to hurt him.

The first sword of the Thirteen Swords was too fast. When Liu Shaoqiu used it for the first time, his opponent was eliminated without even seeing it. Although he could use the Zhou Yan Sutra to deflect the sword, it was useless if he couldn't react.

"Next time, it's the first sword," Lu Yin said.

Liu Huang nodded and slashed out with one sword, the first of the thirteen swords.

This time, there was a little figure on Lu Yin's shoulder. Seeing Liu Huang slash out with his sword, Lu Yin waved his hand, and the figure's majestic runes covered the mountain. Although Liu Huang's first sword was fast, at this moment, All fluctuations in rune numbers within this range could not escape Lu Yin's eyes. Lu Yin easily changed the trajectory of the first sword, making Liu Huang's sword technique ineffective.

Liu Huang looked at the little man on Lu Yin's shoulder in surprise, what is it?

"Come again," Lu Yin shouted.

Liu Huang raised his sword.

In the next three days, Lu Yin was experimenting with Liu Huang to become familiar with the power of the Infinite Realm Zhouyan Scripture.

At the same time, Qingping, who was far away in the new universe, received news from the Behemoth Star Territory that the hidden monster who acted as an internal agent was dead.

The news quickly reached Lu Yin. Lu Yin ended his confrontation with Liu Huang and looked seriously, "Dead? How did he die?".

Qingping replied, "We can only get the news that it died. We don't know the details. If the hidden monster didn't have a high status in that clan, we wouldn't even know it was dead."

"Senior brother, you mean that the news of the hidden monster's death was not conveyed to you on purpose?" Lu Yin asked.

Qingping replied, "No, we will pay attention to some powerful tribes in the Behemoth Star Region. It is through this channel that we know about the death of the hidden monster."

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. From this point of view, although the hidden monster died, it may not have exposed them. It may have died because he wanted to investigate the humanoid original treasure. However, if it was the Master of Butian who took action, he might not be able to guess the reason.

So, does Master Butian know that he knows that secret place?

No, this matter needs to be clarified. The humanoid original treasure is always a hidden danger. The hidden monster is dead, and they have no one available in the Behemoth Star Territory. Lu Yin thought about it and decided to use the old method of rolling the dice.

He still has so much star energy crystal essence in his body, that's enough.

"I'm getting closer and closer to a breakthrough," came the news from Qingping.

Lu Yin replied, "I know, and I will deal with some things as soon as possible."

After ending the call, Lu Yin returned to the place where he had retreated. He raised his hand and the dice appeared, hoping to roll it to six o'clock and integrate into the body of the senior officials of the Behemoth Star Territory. This was the fastest and most likely way to learn the secrets of the Sky Demon Empire.

With his current strength, he will at least be able to integrate into the body of a strong man with over a million combat power, which should be enough.

Watching the dice spin slowly, stop, one point, no surprise, the one that rolls the most is one point.

When something useless fell out, Lu Yin continued to point it out and try again.

This time it was three o'clock, and again, six o'clock. Lu Yin's eyes lit up and he appeared in the dark space in an instant.

There are light groups everywhere, but they are all dim, some are even too dim to be seen.

As his cultivation improves, how many creatures under the starry sky can rival him?

Lu Yin's consciousness kept going back and forth, and most of what he saw was dim. Suddenly, a bright light group appeared. He rushed over and blended in without hesitation. The longer he stayed in this space, the more crystal marrow he consumed.

In an instant, the darkness in front of him became bright. Lu Yin opened his eyes. This was a grand palace, very luxurious, but he had seen the Tianshang Sect, and now any building was no different in his eyes.

However, there was one thing about this hall that attracted him, that is, the stone carvings on the walls were all eyes, as if there were countless eyes staring at you.

There was a person kneeling in front of him. Lu Yin looked at it, huh? Xu San?

At the same time, memories flooded in, and Lu Yin had a strange expression. He actually merged into the body of the Lingtong Ancestor.

Ancestor of Lingtong, an extremely talented wizard in the Sixth Continent. He was originally a sealer of the universe. He was considered invincible in the field of sealer of the universe. Later, he broke through to become a sealer of the universe and uncovered one of the seven gods. , in terms of combat power, it is stronger than the veteran Wumu Patriarch who is the Seal of the Universe.

Lu Yin had dealt with this person when he took the initiative to take over the war against the Behemoth Star Territory and then secretly took away the Little Giant's lineage in the Behemoth Star Territory and the Sixth Continent battlefield.

This man is Xu San’s master.

Opening his eyes and looking around, what Lu Yin saw was different from what he saw with his body. The entire space was different. He looked at Xu San again, and his expression changed. Xu San's body and blood were actually seen through. , this is the power of the spiritual pupils’ innate pupils, no wonder he saw through the disguise of Qishentian.

Xu San knelt on the ground respectfully, his eyes rolling. He came here to ask for resources. He didn't have enough star energy crystals to spend, and a bunch of brothers were waiting for him. He was used to being lavish, but now he has no money. It's sad.

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