Star Odyssey

Chapter 20204 Burial

"My little master, it's really you, my little master, I've been waiting for you so hard," the old man cried loudly.

Lu Yin held his arm tightly, his eyes were cold, "I'm back, don't worry, I won't let go of anyone who has hurt you, and I won't let go of those who have wronged the Lu family and betrayed the Lu family. ".

The old man was excited, "We can't let it go, we absolutely can't let it go, Lu Jian, that beast Lu Jian betrayed the family, and that woman Bai Xian'er betrayed you, my little master, we can't let it go, Sifang Tianping can't let anyone go, My dear, it will be fine if you come back."

Lu Yin said seriously, "Lu Jian is dead, I killed him with my own hands."

The old man looked up in surprise and laughed, "Dead?"

Lu Yin nodded, "Dead."

The old man laughed wildly again, "A good death, a good death. He thought that he would have no worries if he took refuge in the Hanxian Sect. I said that sooner or later, he would die at the hands of the little master, cough, cough, cough, cough."

Blood spurted out from the old man's mouth, and Lu Yin hurriedly hugged him, "Don't be too excited, I will find a way to save you."

The old man waved his hand, "My little master, I can't save this old slave, but it's worth it for me to wait for you for so many years. I didn't say anything, and I didn't betray the Lu family in the slightest."

"I know, I know you didn't betray. You are a member of my Lu family, and you will always be." Lu Yin said sadly.

The old man smiled and gasped, "My little master, this old slave is leaving. Please take care of yourself. Even if you can't get revenge, you must protect yourself. Nothing is more important than your own life. Little master, you must take care of yourself."

Lu Yin's eyes were red. This was the biggest wish of a loyal old servant before he died. He hoped that Lu Yin would take revenge and avenge the Lu family, but he also hoped that Lu Yin could protect himself.

"Little Master, Food Paradise, Food Paradise, Food Paradise is at the top of Jie Mei Mountain. Old slave, old slave saw it fall. Little Master, go on your own. There are things you have collected there. Yes, there are things you care about. My stuff, old slave, old slave, old slave didn’t tell anyone,” the old man said intermittently.

Lu Yin hugged the old man tightly, clenching his fists, watching him dying, listening to him mumbling to himself, and finally died in his arms.

At this moment, Lu Yin's hatred for Sifang Tianping skyrocketed again. Those who cared about him and cared about him gradually left. This debt must be paid back.

The Yuntong Stone vibrated, and Lu Yin connected.

"Mr. Haoyu, has the original treasure formation been dismantled?" Bai Weiwei's voice came out.

Lu Yin was originally supposed to go back to the academy, but turned back midway. The reason was that the original treasure formation he had placed in the wasteland had not been dismantled. If someone entered it by mistake, they would easily be trapped to death.

"It was not demolished, it was destroyed," Lu Yin said.

Bai Weiwei was surprised, "Someone destroyed your original treasure formation? Who?".

"I don't know," Lu Yin replied, "What do you want from me?".

Bai Weiwei said, "Suddenly it occurred to me that if you haven't dismantled the original treasure formation, you can just leave it for me to study, but since it has been destroyed, forget it."

"It's just an original treasure formation similar to defense. If you want to study it, I can help you set it up." Lu Yin said, quickly ending the call, then looking at the old man's body in his arms, he personally took him into the Supreme Mountain.

"Ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil, I still haven't remembered your name." Lu Yin looked at the old man's corpse and pointed it out. The extreme cold frozen the corpse, "I will bury you when I remember your name. Sacrifice with the blood of your enemies." After saying that, he left the Supreme Mountain and headed towards the academy.

At this moment, in the academy, on the Dean's stone pillar, Xia Ziheng was confronting Dean Wen.

"It's okay if you didn't help me deal with Quiro immediately. I just want to meet all the tutors in your college. Isn't this okay?" The people from Sifang Tianping and the people from Yixian Academy knew that if anyone would save that person, the news must have been leaked, and the tutor from Yixian Academy was suspected.

Dean Wen said indifferently, "The academy is a place for learning, not your star alliance with Sifang Balance, and it is not something you can point your fingers at. If you doubt my academy tutor, don't contact me in the future. In short, in my Yixian Academy, there is no such thing as you acting wild. qualifications".

Xia Ziheng's eyes were cold.

Dean Wen showed no sign of weakness.

Xia Ziheng finally nodded, "Okay, I will report this matter to the ancestor and let the ancestor handle it. Last time I said that one of the instructors who will lead the team to my Sifang Tianping training must be Yu Hao. I hope you can do it."

Dean Wen frowned, "I also said that the instructors who lead the training are selected by the students. If you are really worried, you can send a group of people to participate in the assessment. It will be easy for your Xia family."

Xia Ziheng stared at Dean Wen, "You have refuted my words again and again. Wen Lai, I hope you will remember today."

Dean Wen sat down, picked up the teacup, and said, "Go slowly, I won't send you away."

"I haven't left yet. Let Yuhao come see me." Xia Ziheng also sat down.

Dean Wen couldn't refuse this time. As a half-ancestor, it was natural for him to want to meet a mentor. As long as he didn't take action against Yu Hao, he couldn't control it. After all, Xia Ziheng could be considered a relative of Yu Hao.

As soon as Lu Yin returned to the academy, he received a notice from the dean asking him to come see Xia Ziheng.

Xia Ziheng? Lu Yin raised his head, clenched his fists, and then released them. He took a deep breath and changed his mentality. Now he is Yu Hao, not Lu Xiaoxuan.

Lu Yin didn't go quickly, but walked step by step. It started to rain and dripped on him.

Some students saw this and quickly stepped forward to hold an umbrella. It is obvious that the rain can be separated by the power of stars. In theory, all practitioners do not need umbrellas, but umbrellas are not obsolete and there are always people who like to use them.

"Thank you, classmate," Lu Yin said with a smile. Yu Hao's handsome face combined with the misty drizzle made the girl holding the umbrella fascinated.

In the dean's courtyard, Xia Ziheng waited for a long time and Lu Yin didn't come, so he couldn't help but look at dean Wen.

Dean Wen said calmly, "What's the rush? He has already set off."

Xia Ziheng moved his fingers slightly, and ripples appeared in the void, spreading to the entire Yixian Academy. Dean Wen immediately stopped him, "I have tutors and students in Yixian Academy, and everyone has their own secrets. If you do this, it won't work." suitable".

Xia Ziheng ignored him. Just for a moment, his power covered half of the college. He saw Lu Yin walking step by step, very slowly. Was this person expressing dissatisfaction? Forget it, let's wait. With his background as an ancient master, it's worth his while.

Dean Wen had known for a long time that Lu Yin was approaching, and was secretly amused. This son's dissatisfaction with the Xia family was too obvious. Not everyone would dare to make the Half-Ancestor wait, but he did it on purpose.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Yin arrived under the stone pillar and said slowly, "Hao Yu, please see the dean."

Dean Wen was drinking tea from his cup. When he heard Lu Yin's voice, he put it down and said calmly, "Come up."

Lu Yin stepped out and slowly climbed up the dean's stone pillar.

Xia Ziheng looked at Dean Wen and said, "It's time for you to go, or I can take him somewhere else."

"I want to ensure the safety of the instructors in the college," Dean Wen said.


Zi Heng stared at him, "Wen Lai, you know very well what will happen to Yixian Academy in the future, so don't challenge my bottom line too much."

Dean Wen was indifferent, "I understand, but that is a matter of Sifang Balance and has nothing to do with you, Xia Ziheng. Why, do you think you can represent the entire Sifang Balance?"

Xia Ziheng took a deep breath and said no more.

Lu Yin had already arrived outside the courtyard and looked at Xia Ziheng through the courtyard door.

Xia Ziheng saw hatred and murderous intent in Lu Yin's eyes and frowned slightly, but this was what he expected.

Not only did he come here because of the old man, but he also wanted to see Yu Hao. He wanted to confirm that Yu Hao was the real Yu Hao before worshiping his ancestors. Otherwise, if someone pretended to be a fake, his Xia family's ancestor worship would be the same as that of the White Dragon clan decades ago. Worshiping ancestors has become a joke.

Lu Xiaoxuan pretended to be Long Qi and tricked the entire White Dragon clan. As a result, Old Monster Long was punished to face the battlefield and was not allowed to come out for ten thousand years. He couldn't bear the consequences.

Looking deeply at Lu Yin, Xia Ziheng saw no flaws. He was not pretending, he was really Yu Hao.

He is the half-ancestor, who can pretend in front of him? Unless they are both half-ancestors, or are extremely evil and extremely powerful Star Envoys, that possibility is unlikely.

"Dean", Lu Yin entered the courtyard, ignored Xia Ziheng, and saluted to Dean Wen.

Dean Wen smiled and said, "I'm not disturbing your practice."

Lu Yin said, "It's okay."

Dean Wen nodded and pointed at Xia Ziheng, "Do you know him?"

Xia Ziheng has already found him. Wu Taibai and Bai Weiwei both know Yu Hao's identity. Dean Wen naturally also knows. Lu Yin no longer hides it, "I know him, half-ancestor of the Xia family Zi Heng."

Xia Ziheng looked at Lu Yin and asked, "What should you call me?".

Regardless of the descendants of the Xia family, when facing Xia Ziheng, they all have to call out "Ancestral Zi Heng", not only because of his seniority, but also because of his half-ancestor's cultivation. Otherwise, there are many other cultivators of the Xia family's collateral clan who have seniority, but none of them. A person has this honor and can be respected by his direct descendants.

Lu Yin calmly looked at Xia Ziheng and said, "Half-ancestor Ziheng."

Xia Ziheng frowned, "You should call me ancestor."

Lu Yin was surprised, "You broke through the ancestral realm? Congratulations."

Dean Wen laughed.

Xia Ziheng's eyes turned cold, and he subconsciously used the pressure of his half-ancestor to descend, but was stopped by Dean Wen, "He also said to let me leave. If I leave, Mr. Haoyu will suffer a big loss."

Lu Yin stared at Xia Ziheng without fear, "What, is the half-ancestor Zi Heng going to take action against me? Do you think too highly of yourself and underestimate me, Yixian Academy? Who gave you the right to run wild in the academy? ".

Xia Ziheng was furious, "Yu Hao, how dare you talk to me like that."

Lu Yin sneered, "My name is Hao Yu. That Yu Hao is now dead and has even become the legend of this tree and the starry sky."

Xia Ziheng's eyes flickered, staring at Lu Yin's face, "Since you are not dead, you can never get rid of your identity as Yu Hao, and you can't get rid of the fact that you are the son-in-law of my Xia family."

Lu Yin looked at Dean Wen, "Dean, you called me here to deal with this useless person? If there is nothing important, I will leave first. There will be classes in a few days, and I still have to prepare lessons."

Dean Wen nodded, "That's okay, you." Xia Ziheng interrupted, "Yu Hao, your matter with Xia Zhitong must come to an end. Do you think our Xia family will let you wander outside?"

Lu Yin stared at Xia Ziheng, "What result do you want? If everyone who has slept with her has consequences, your Xia family will be very busy."

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