Star Odyssey

Chapter 20226 The Second Sword

Nong Siniang was just the opposite of Mr. Wei. She was very noisy, but she was also a happy person. When she knew Lu Yin came back, she got involved with him and even found Mr. Wei's place. But she also had some minor worries.

"Sword competition?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Mr. Wei also looked at Nong Siniang curiously.

Nong Siniang pursed her lips, a little aggrieved and unhappy, "Liu Que is too arrogant. I just said that his sword is like our hoe, but he actually said that our hoe is not worthy of it. How can it be unreasonable? Mr. Haoyu, tell me. Look, does his chipped broken sword look like a hoe?".

Lu Yin was weird. Don't tell me, if you bend the hilt of the sword, it looks a bit like him. But the resemblance is the same. Don't say it out loud. "So you went up against him?"

"Hmph, our hoe can plow the ground to grow food, and its hoe can dig graves. What can his broken sword do? It's just a competition, it's just swordsmanship. Our hoe is not a vegetarian." Nong Siniang clenched her fist. Encouragement.

Lu Yin was speechless and looked at Mr. Wei helplessly.

Mr. Wei was amused, "I heard that the farmers in the seed garden are very good at hoeing. It seems that I can see it."

Nong Siniang raised her head proudly, but soon she lowered her head and looked at Lu Yin for help, "Mr. Haoyu, although our hoe is very good, I am not very good. I, I can't beat Liu Que, what should I do?" .

"Then you're looking for me?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Nong Siniang's eyes were bright, "You said you were good at giving pointers when you introduced yourself in the first class, so you can give me pointers. If you don't want to defeat Liu Que, at least don't make our hoe feel too wronged." She said, taking out a handful of hoe.

Lu Yin had a strange expression. He also had a hoe here. He also came from a farmer's family, a farmer from the Sixth Continent. After all, the farmers from the Sixth Continent and the Starry Sky Farmer from the Trees couldn't be from the same source. Otherwise, why would they all have hoes?

Nong Zaitian said that his hoe was a rare treasure obtained by the old man from the ruins of the Daoyuan Sect of the Fifth Continent. However, in Lu Yin's opinion, he must have been deceived by the old man. The weapon they used at home must be a hoe.

"Sir, let me play a few tricks first to see if you have anything to give me." Nong Siniang didn't wait for Lu Yin to refuse. She tightened her grip on the hoe and started playing. As the most powerful family in Tree Starry Sky, second only to Sifang Tianping, Nong Siniang and Sword The monument is as famous as the Liu family, so the hoe as a weapon is naturally not covered.

Although the hoe seems not as elegant as the sword, Lu Yin has seen Nong Sanniang and Nong Lie display their combat skills. The farmer's farming skills and recipe-making skills are very powerful, and they are enough to fight against the Sifang Tianping Tianjiao. Nong Sanniang He is also qualified to challenge the existence of the Fourth Young Ancestor.

Although Nong Siniang is not as strong as Nong Sanniang, she is still quite good at dancing with a hoe, and she is no match for ordinary people.

After some exertion, Nong Siniang panted heavily and looked at Lu Yin expectantly, "Sir, how are you?".

Lu Yin was embarrassed, "I have never seen Liu Que's swordsmanship, so it's not easy to compare."

Nong Siniang rolled her eyes and said, "Sir, do you know my seed garden fighting skills?"

Lu Yin shook his head. Even if he understood, he couldn't say he understood.

Mr. Wei said, "Do you want to use farming?".

Nong Siniang looked at Mr. Wei in surprise, "Okay, Mr. Wei, you know this."

Lu Yin was curious, "What do you mean?".

Nong Siniang said, "My farm farming and fighting skills rely on a belief and a kind of persistence. When the fighting skills are used, the images of people farming with hoes will overlap whenever we see them, forming an indomitable momentum. It is both a combat skill and a secret skill. Of course, those

It's too strong to be used, but if Mr. Haoyu can farm with my hoe, I can overlay the image of Mr. Haoyu farming and become one of my farming forces."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, isn't this just visualization? It cannot be regarded as a pure visualization, but it is also a visualization unique to the peasant family. The visualization induced by combat skills has not been achieved by Sifang Tianping. Their visualization comes from the Lu family.

"Sir, please help me, okay?" Nong Siniang prayed.

Lu Yin wondered, "With this farming combat skill, you can definitely superimpose the images of many people, why do you need mine?".

Nong Siniang laughed, "One more is one."

Lu Yin rolled his eyes, "What should we do?".

"It's enough to farm. Mr. Haoyu only needs to control his combat power to the peak I can bear when farming, which is about thirty cycles. As long as he can maintain this combat power, Mr. Haoyu can show as much power as he wants. No matter how much power you show, the more you show, the more helpful it will be to me," Nong Siniang said.

Lu Yin reluctantly took the hoe and said, "Farming, right?"

Nong Siniang nodded. In fact, she asked Lu Yin to farm for the purpose of competing with Liu Que. I just wanted to see Lu Yin farming. This was a unique hobby for farmers. They liked to see people sweating in the fields. It was a feeling close to nature.

As for the superimposed images, there is not much difference, otherwise the farmers would have suppressed the Sifang Balance.

Lu Yin tightened his grip on the hoe, raised it high, and dropped it suddenly. Now that he had done it, he would not just do it for show. He must not only maintain the strength of the thirty-second cycle of enlightenment, but also increase his combat power based on this strength. Simply , just add physical strength.

Back when Lu Yin was in the 30th Enlightenment Cycle, he could challenge the Star Envoys in a single combat. His power was beyond the capabilities of ordinary Star Envoys, including Shi Xin, who was at the peak of the Source Tribulation.

When the hoe came down, Nong Siniang couldn't see anything, but Mr. Wei's eyes lit up and said, "Siniang, you are blessed."

Nong Siniang was still obsessed with Lu Yin's handsome farming action just now, and didn't hear Mr. Wei's words clearly at all.

Mr. Wei smiled and said, "Go find Liu Quebi, you will give him a surprise."

Nong Siniang finally came to her senses and left reluctantly.

After Nong Siniang left, Mr. Wei looked at Lu Yin and said, "Mr. Haoyu hides his secrets. His control of power just now is breathtaking. Liu Que will be surprised."

Lu Yin shrugged, "I've tried my best. After all, the students asked me for help."

"If I have anything to ask Mr. Haoyu for help in the future, will you help me?" Mr. Wei looked at Lu Yin and asked.

Lu Yin said, "It is my duty to do so."

Mr. Wei smiled and continued to tell Lu Yin a story.

On the other side, Nong Siniang found Liu Que. Liu Que frowned and said, "I don't have time to play with you."

Nong Siniang provoked, "Liu, you look down on the hoe. Today I have to defend the hoe." Many students around made noises. Nong Siniang was very popular in the college. On the contrary, although Liu Que was powerful, he was indifferent. No friends.

Liu Que's eyes were calm, "Okay, I'll give you a chance to take action. Remember, you only have one chance."

Nong Siniang was eager to give it a try and took out her hoe. "You look down on people, don't you? Watch it and just be a carrot." After saying that, she raised the hoe, stepped out, appeared directly in front of Liu Que, and dropped the hoe hard.

Liu Que raised his eyes, and the long sword fell directly into his palm through the scabbard.

He didn't look down on the hoe, and it was impossible to look down on him. The farmers were no worse than the Liu family, and their combat skills were even more unpredictable. But he looked down on Nong Siniang. If the person in front of him was Nong Lie or Nong Sanniang, he would definitely not be like this. manner.

He is stronger than his peers in this generation, and in his eyes, only the generation of the Fourth Young Ancestor is there.

"Plant the land," the farmer Siniang shouted, and countless hoes appeared and overlapped. This scene did not surprise Liu Que. Although the farmer's combat skills sounded simple and unpretentious, they were profound and had a unique charm. However, no matter how powerful their combat skills are, they can't make up for the gap between the two.

Liu Que's sword moved from bottom to top and slashed out with one strike.


A huge sound spread in all directions, and Liu Que's expression suddenly changed. He almost lost his grip on the sword in his hand. Huge power came through the sword body, and at the same time it brought superimposed vibrations. He took advantage of the sword's edge and circled it from left to right. He turned his body in a circle to release his strength. When his body turned around, the sword edge also followed, pointing directly at Nong Siniang's throat.

Nong Siniang had a sad face, is this still the case?

"Have you ever seen someone who can challenge me at the Enlightenment level among those who farm? Who?" Liu Que asked, staring at Nong Siniang.

Nong Siniang blinked and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Liu Que retracted his sword and looked at Nong Siniang, his eyes full of interest, "Make a list of the people you have seen farming."

Nong Siniang rolled her eyes and said, "Why?"

Liu Que said calmly, "You lost to me."

Nong Siniang sneered, "If you lose, you lose. Why, you still want me to pledge my life to you?"

"Nong Siniang, I'm not joking with you. With your strength, it's impossible for me to use my second sword," Liu Que said in a deep voice.

Nong Siniang exclaimed, "Yes, you have used the second sword. You are not that powerful. You have to use the second sword to fight me. Let me tell you, my sister doesn't even need to use the second sword to fight me. You It’s far worse than my sister.”

No matter what Liu Que said, Nong Siniang just ignored him, leaving Liu Que helpless.

Nong Siniang is not stupid. She has seen many people who farmed with hoes before, but there are only a few who can be used by her. She knows what their strength is. The only surprise can only be Mr. Haoyu. Mr. Wei also said before that he would surprise Liu Que.

She didn't want Liu Que, a lunatic, to trouble Mr. Haoyu.

After finally getting rid of Liu Que, Nong Siniang patted her chest and said, "I'm so annoyed." Suddenly, a hand appeared in front of her eyes. There was a gourd in it, exuding a strong smell of alcohol, which made Nong Siniang almost burst into tears.

She glared at the person in front of her angrily, "Who are you?"

"Have you ever heard of a legend that a drop of wine can dissolve all the sadness in your heart?" The person who appeared staggered and made a hazy voice. He looked like a drunkard at first sight.

Nong Siniang turned around and was about to avoid it. The man waved his hand, and a drop of wine flew out of the gourd and floated in front of Nong Siniang's eyes. Nong Siniang's eyes suddenly blurred, as if she was confused.

"Tell me the names of all the people who have farmed in front of you." The man spoke slowly, and the fire phoenix shone brightly. It was Xia Shenfei who came to Yixian Academy.

Just as Nong Siniang was about to speak, another figure appeared in front of her eyes, it was Dean Wen.

Dean Wen looked at Xia Shenfei and said, "Little guy, just enter the academy privately and attack the students, that's a bit too much."

When Xia Shenfei saw Dean Wen, he saluted respectfully and said, "Greetings to Senior Wen Lai."

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