Star Odyssey

Chapter 20246: Attacking Farmers

Looking at the surrounding light groups, only one was very bright, and the brightness was just right for him. Lu Yin did not hesitate to blend in.

This is Zhongpinghai?

The person Lu Yin merged with was currently on the bottom of the Zhongping Sea, but it was not the Zhongping Sea in the Zhongping Realm, but in the Lower Mortal Realm.

Zhongpinghai connects the Zhongping Realm and the Lower Mortal Realm. As memories poured in, Lu Yin knew that he was located in the Zhongpinghai of the Lower Mortal Realm, and the person he merged with was an island owner in this sea area, known as Island Master Rong.

Lu Yin merged with others to check the results of Sifang Tianping's handling of the Star Alliance. However, the owner of Rong Island has not left this sea area for a long, long time. There is almost no news from the outside world. When he merges into his body, he can't get any news from Sifang Tianping. .

Just as Lu Yin was about to withdraw from the fusion, he suddenly saw something strange in the memory of the island owner.

This person did not stay in this sea area voluntarily, but was forced. The person who forced him was the Lu family. The Lu family not only forced him, but also forced many Star Envoy practitioners to go deep into the Zhongping Sea, just to protect the direct mother tree. Waterways of tree roots.

Previously, Lu Yin accompanied Bai Weiwei to Zhongping Sea. When he talked with Mr. Bai and others on the way, he learned that there are many creatures in Zhongping Sea that can touch the roots of the mother tree, which means that Zhongping Sea can directly reach the roots of the mother tree.

Since those sea creatures can be touched, humans can too, as long as they find the path.

Countless years after the birth of the Starry Sky of Trees, the Eternals have tried their best to pollute the roots and find ways to get in close contact with the roots. Humans have also tried their best to block these paths. Over time, the formation of A hundred thousand waterways.

One hundred thousand waterways means that there are one hundred thousand undersea paths that lead directly to the roots of the mother tree. The Lu family has built an island outside each waterway, which may be large or small, depending on the scale of the waterway. The island guarded by this island owner is considered One of the biggest, after all, his cultivation reached six source tribulations.

There are 100,000 waterways in the entire sea area connecting Zhongping Sea to the Lower Mortal Realm. Lu Yin had no idea about it before. However, in the memory of the island owner, Conong Rong, he was surprised to find that no one except the Lu family knew about the 100,000 waterways.

To be precise, no one can find the location of the Shiwan Waterway, because there was once an incident where the Eternals attacked the waterway with a large-scale red back, trying to contaminate the roots of the mother tree with the poison of life. The Lu family managed to stop it, in order to avoid it again. , and the Lu family also knew that the Eternals were constantly researching poisons, perhaps for the mother tree, so they spent a lot of money to arrange an original treasure formation.

The origin of the original treasure formation, Rong Island Master did not know. He only knew that after arranging the original treasure formation, their 100,000 waterways disappeared directly. They did not really disappear, but were covered by the original treasure formation so that others could not see it. Even if it doesn't come close.

One hundred thousand waterways still exist, but they are inaccessible, except for the Lu family.

Even powerful forces such as Hanxian Sect and Shenwutian thought that the Hundred Thousand Waterways died together with the red backs who had attacked the roots of the mother tree after they arranged the original treasure formation in the Lu family. They had no idea that they were just hidden.

The Lu family did not deliberately conceal the matter of the Hundred Thousand Water Channels. After all, there were too many red backs in the Star Sky of Trees. They did not want the Eternals to know about it, so they simply did not tell anyone. This also led to Sifang Tianping still not knowing that the Hundred Thousand Water Channels still existed. .

Of course, there are undercurrents surging under the sea, and new waterways connecting to the roots of the mother tree may appear at any time. The island owner does not know, but Mr. Bai can tell that living things can approach the roots, which proves that there are more than 100,000 waterways now, maybe 110,000, or even 120,000, but in the eyes of Sifang Tianping and the Eternals, it is only 10,000 or 20,000 waterways, and the previous 100,000 waterways have completely disappeared.

Lu Yin looked up. The bottom of the sea was dim, but the light from nowhere shone from time to time.

There was an island at his feet, blocking the waterway that led directly to the roots of the mother tree. The island was wrapped in bubbles. He couldn't get out, and neither seawater nor underwater creatures could get in.

One Hundred Thousand Waterways It is not only the waterways that have disappeared, but also the cultivators that the Lu family once forced to guard the waterways. There are at least one hundred thousand cultivators. Although not all of them are Star Envoys, they are at least the Enlightenment Realm, and the only ones who are cultivators above the Enlightenment Realm. Only those who are qualified to protect waterways.

Through the memory of the island owner, Lu Yin knew that although the Lu family forced them, they also gave them a promise to protect the waterway before they could come out after a number of years. When guarding the waterway, the Lu family provided all their cultivation resources, which was equivalent to a transaction.

Since the Lu family was exiled, has anyone among the 100,000 waterway guardians broken through to the Star Envoy? Did anyone die? Lu Yin didn't know, and they couldn't see each other.

Island Master Rong’s memory is stuck on the transaction with the Lu family a long time ago. Before that, it was his practice in the starry sky of the tree. Lu Yin was not interested in those things. He was only interested in the Lu family cultivators who traded with Island Master Rong. , that person’s name is Lu Qi, and his father is Lu Qi.

After exiting the fusion, Lu Yin's consciousness returned to the body. One hundred thousand water channels, one hundred thousand cultivators who had reached an agreement with the Lu family, one hundred thousand cultivators that Sifang Tianping didn't know. How many star envoys are there among them? How much enlightenment?

This is another huge force, but this power may not be used by him. These people do not belong to the Lu family, but only trade with the Lu family.

They still don't know that the Lu family has been exiled. If they hadn't merged into the main body of the island by chance, these people would never have been able to get out and would have died of old age in Zhongpinghai.

So, should I take them out? If they are brought out, one hundred thousand waterways will be exposed. The Lu family originally asked them to guard the waterways to prevent the Eternals from destroying the roots of the mother tree, unless there is a way to bring them out without destroying the original treasure formation.

Lu Yin suddenly remembered something. Since the Lu family could arrange the original treasure formation to cover hundreds of thousands of waterways, why did they still let them stay in the original treasure formation? Unless, the original treasure formation can be destroyed.

After bringing them out, he still had to find a way to block hundreds of thousands of waterways, one carrot and one pit. Lu Yin thought about it and put them aside for the time being. These people could not move.

Raising his hand, come again, one o'clock, Lu Yin shook his head, he had to rest for another ten days.

There is still one month left before he takes the students to practice. He can shake it up to twelve more times. How many times can he shake it to six o'clock in the twelve times? Not much chance.

Ten days passed. Lu Yin raised his hand and looked at the dice, hoping that it would roll to six o'clock and merge into a useful human body.

Thinking about it, he pointed out.

The first time, the second time, and the third time have not reached six o'clock. Lu Yin has no hope for the fourth time because so far, four o'clock has not been reached. Four o'clock is a number that can often be reached. , this fourth time the dice is rolled, the most likely number is four.

Fortunately, his luck wasn't too bad. The fourth time he rolled the dice, he actually rolled it to six.

Looking at the number six, Lu Yin was excited, and his consciousness appeared directly in the dark space. This time he saw many bright light groups, some of which made him have no intention of integrating. They were too bright, like the sun, There are also some light groups that are just right for you.

Lu Yin looked at it and finally decided to merge into a very bright light group.

This light group does not almost illuminate the darkness like the brightest light group, but it is also different from the brightness suitable for him. It is brighter. He doesn't know if he can blend in. He has to give it a try. This kind of brightness corresponds to The strength of a cultivator is estimated to be seven or even eight source tribulations.

Open your eyes and see the corpse king.

Lu Yin's expression changed, Corpse King?

The sky was dark, and only the ruins of the city were left. Countless corpse kings were walking around unconsciously on the streets. Occasionally, a few black shadows passed by, and they were also corpse kings.

Memories poured in, and Lu Yin watched quietly, knowing that this place belonged to a pond civilization, which was the same as the Beijia pond civilization that appeared when he came to the tree starry sky this time. The difference was that in this pond civilization, the human beings who were originally cultivated He became the Corpse King, and the family to which Pond Civilization belonged was controlled by Anzi, making this place the place where the Corpse King developed and hid.

This situation is not uncommon. The pond civilization belongs to a place that is not under the jurisdiction and monitoring of the Tree Starry Sky. It belongs to a certain family or even a certain person. Once that person is controlled by the Eternals, the pond civilization changes.

Generally speaking, this kind of pond civilization is unlikely to have a very powerful corpse king. Lu Yin did not expect that he would encounter one.

The Corpse King he merged into has extremely strong combat power. He can feel the tyranny of his body even after he has cultivated for at least seven times.

And this corpse king has been hiding in the pond civilization for nearly a thousand years, waiting for something.

Lu Yin was unable to learn more information from the memory of this corpse king. He raised his head and controlled his body to rush out. All he could do was to expose this corpse king and attract the balance of the four directions to eradicate this family controlled by An Zi, and this The pond civilization has been filled with corpse kings.

The Corpse King rushed out of the pond. Outside the pond, many people were shocked and said, "Weird, monster."

"The Corpse King of the Eternals, take action."

The family was in chaos, and the patriarch was shocked, no, why did he come out?

The appearance of the Corpse King spread as quickly as possible, and many cultivators around him took action. However, the Corpse King that Lu Yin integrated into was too high in cultivation. The strongest of these cultivators was only in the Enlightenment realm. This was something Anzi could easily do. How could the reason for controlling this place pose a threat to the Seventh Origin Corpse Robbery King?

Fortunately, the Corpse King was controlled by Lu Yin, and Lu Yin did not take action, so these people were not harmed.

But he couldn't always integrate into the body of the Corpse King. The closest thing to here was the farmer's house. Lu Yin controlled the Corpse King to rush towards the farmer's house. He wanted to commit suicide.

The Zhongping Realm is too big. Even if you want to cross the region with half-ancestral cultivation, it will take a while. Fortunately, the farm is not far away. The man who controls the family thought it was dark under the lamp, and the result was exactly as he expected. No one noticed it, but It is also convenient for Lu Yin, so that he will not blend in for too long and consume too much.

He controlled the body of the Corpse King and quickly saw the seed garden, his eyes flashed, and he rushed.

Attacking the farmer's family with the Seventh Source Tribulation cultivation base is tantamount to courting death. The farmer's family is a behemoth in the Zhongping world. When the Lu family was still there, it was as famous as the Hanxian Sect, Shenwu Tian, ​​etc. After the Lu family was exiled, countless people close to the Lu family The family power was destroyed, but the farm family and the Liu family were safe and sound, relying on their strength.

Not to mention the seven origin tribulations, not even the half-ancestor dared to attack the farmhouse.

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