Star Odyssey

Chapter 20285 Disposal

"Old man, they are at our disposal today," Lu Yin told Yuchuan in a low voice.

Yuchuan trembled with excitement, staring at Xia Zhitong and his group, muttering to himself, "Thank you, thank you, thank you...".

He was talking to Lu Yin, but he didn't dare to look at Lu Yin for fear that Lu Yin's identity would be exposed.

This gratitude could not be repaid even if he spent his life. He didn't need to know why this person pretended to be Yu Hao or his purpose. He only knew that it was this person who saved the Yu family's face and that it was this person who avenged them. ,This is enough.

Everyone in Shenwu Tian watched quietly, as did Chai Banzu, Wu Yao and other outsiders, as well as those from Yixian Academy.

No one expected that Shen Wutian would be so ruthless, even if he handed over his children to Yu Hao, he would still do it during the ancestor worship ceremony. This ruthlessness made people feel chilling, and at the same time, it also made many people see their confidence. Shen Wutian treated him like this Yu Hao, if they also show a certain amount of talent and strength, their status after joining Shenwutian may not be worse than those of the Xia family's children.

Although the Wang family, the Bai family, and the Bailong clan have different attitudes towards the main line and branch lines, they are not as cruel as the Xia family. The Xia family treats the branch lines cruelly. Although it is easy to cause betrayal by the branch lines, it also allows people with other surnames to see the Xia family's There are good and bad attitudes, and the recent execution of Xia Zhitong and others is the attitude shown by the Xia family to the outside world. They have achieved results.

The Wang family and the White Dragon clan both woo students, but these students are not stupid. If they join these behemoths, their status will never be as good as that of their own family members. But the Xia family is different. They have a sense of superiority, a sense of superiority over the Xia family, which makes it easier for them to join and return home.

No matter what the Xia family's plans were, Lu Yin didn't think about it. He supported Yuchuan and walked towards Xia Zhitong and others step by step.

This section of the road was very long, and Tamagawa walked very slowly, but no one rushed them, so he just watched them walk step by step.

Xia Zhitong knelt on the ground, already numb. The experience during this period was the darkest in her life. She went from the initial hope to the final despair, and then to numbness. She had changed as a person, especially when she knew that she was going to sacrifice. She was handed over to Yu Hao for execution during the ancestral ceremony. This decision made her completely crazy. She couldn't accept the fact that she was abandoned by the Xia family. It shouldn't be like this. Why did the Xia family abandon her? After all, she is also from the Xia family and represents the face of the Xia family.

She originally thought that the Xia family would save her, but as the news of Yuhao came step by step, she was getting closer and closer to the abyss. That person was so bright, so bright that even Shen Wutian would not give up, and would do anything to Even if the Xia family didn't give up on her, there would be no place for her in the entire tree starry sky.

Xia Zhitong watched numbly as Yuhao and Yuchuan walked step by step. Every step brought her one step closer to death, and every step stepped on her heart.

Finally, the footsteps were approaching, so close that they stopped.

Xia Zhitong slowly raised his head and saw Yu Hao. He was still so handsome and charming, just like when she saw him for the first time. At that time, she vowed to do everything possible to get this man. In the end, she got it. Not only did he get his , also got his heart, wait, who is that monster in his eyes? Is it yourself? Is the figure he sees in his pupils his own? No, that's not myself, that's a monster, an ugly monster.

Xia Zhitong's eyes were desperate and he struggled wildly, "That's not me, that's not me, that's a monster, an ugly monster, not me...".

Yuchuan stared at Xia Zhitong, "It was you who harmed the Yu family, my son, and my grandson."

Lu Yin held Yuchuan's arm tightly.

Tamagawa hurriedly changed his words, "Fortunately, God is merciful, and my grandson saved the day. Otherwise, our Yu family will become the laughing stock of the entire tree and starry sky, you vicious woman."

Xia Zhitong yelled wildly, "That's not me, I'm not a monster, I've fascinated countless men, that's not me."

Everyone looked at Xia Zhitong going crazy, with complicated expressions in their eyes. Do they sympathize? Yes, but there are other emotions as well. If Yuhao had not been accepted as a disciple by the Guyan Heavenly Master, and if he had not behaved like such a monster, Xia Zhitong would not have ended up like this. She would have been happy in Yucheng forever, enjoying everything she liked. No one will do anything to her until she dies.

This is reality, the reality of the cultivation world.

Looking at this scene, even Chai Banzu and others are palpitating. They are only half ancestors, not the ancestral realm. If one day the sect has a choice that requires them to sacrifice, they will be like Xia Zhitong. They will never have themselves unless they reach the ancestral realm. Opportunity to choose.

However, do you have the opportunity to choose when you reach the ancestral realm?

"Old man, let all this end," Lu Yin said deeply. He disguised himself as Yu Hao and walked among the stars in the tree sky as Yu Hao. Now, it was repayment, and it was also a wish of Queluo.

Yuchuan closed his eyes, raised his hand, and slapped Xia Zhitong with a palm. Yuchuan did not let her body be wiped out, because Xia Zhitong's appearance at the moment was the biggest punishment for her. Yuchuan wanted her to keep this appearance until her death, forever. keep it up.

Those people behind Xia Zhitong screamed in fear and begged for mercy, and their wails resounded, but they disappeared one by one under Yuchuan's palm.

Lu Yin didn't take action, and everything in the Yu family was left to be ended by the Yu family.

Xia Shenfei saw that Lu Yin had been following Yuchuan without making a move, his eyes flashed with thoughts in his eyes.

One by one fell to the ground, and it was at this moment that all the students of Yixian Academy knew that Mr. Hao Yu was the Yu Hao who was famous among the trees and stars in the sky. However, this fame was not a good thing. Everything Xia Zhitong did to the Yu family made the The Yu family became a laughing stock.

However, as of today, this laughing stock has disappeared.

Looking at Lu Yin's calm face, Nong Siniang felt that Mr. Haoyu was unfamiliar to her for the first time, even more unfamiliar than when she left the Xia Family Branch in Qingyue District.

It was supposed to be an ordinary ancestor worship, but it became extraordinary because Xia Xing almost pulled out the remaining sword and the final execution.

After worshiping his ancestors, Lu Yin did not speak to anyone and returned to his residence alone. As for Yuchuan, he was also taken away by Shenwutian. Until it was confirmed that Lu Yin had fully joined Shenwutian, Yuchuan was still not free.

Wu Yao wanted to ask Lu Yin for clarification, but Xia Xing beat him to it.

Xia Xing has long been impatient to ask Lu Yin for Chen Zu's blood. No one is more eager to pull out the broken sword than the Xia family.

"I have ancestor Chen's blood," Lu Yin said calmly.

Xia Xing's eyes shone as he stared at Lu Yin, waiting for his next words.

"But why should I give it to you?" Lu Yin asked, looking at Xia Xing with deep eyes.

Xia Xing said anxiously, "I am your internal agent in Shenwutian. I can help you with whatever you want. Helping me means helping yourself."

Lu Yin pondered.

"I have been restrained by you in my body, what else do you have to worry about?" Xia Xing asked anxiously. Lu Yin raised his eyes, "The restriction can be lifted. There are strong people in the Ancestral Realm in Shenwutian. I don't think my restriction will make the Ancestral Realm helpless."

"I forcibly fused my body and helped you. How could I ask my ancestor to lift the restriction? Even if I did, I would be exposed." "But you pulled out the residual sword." Before Xia Xing could finish his words, Lu Yin shouted and stopped him. .

Xia Xing opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Lu Yin looked at him and said, "You who pulled out the broken sword, your value can no longer be determined by a clan leader. I guess you are right."

Xia Xing said solemnly, "I can swear that I will never betray you."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and pondered for a moment, "Okay, I believe you, but Chen Zu's blood is rare, and I can't give it to you for free. There are some things that even I can't bear to use myself."

"I understand, what do you want?" Xia Xing asked in a relaxed tone. As long as he could get Chen Zu's blood and pull out the broken sword, he would exchange anything.

Lu Yin raised two fingers and said, "First, tell Xia Ziheng that your clone is in the Yunlin Tower of Hanxian Sect. Wang Zheng and Long Ke are also there."

Xia Xing was confused, "Hanxian Sect Yunlin Tower? Is this the place where you let me out once in Hanxian Sect?".

"You don't have to worry about this, just do as I say. Secondly," his eyes were hot, "I need resources, very huge resources."

Xia Xing's eyes narrowed, "You took all the resources on Shaozu Planet?"

The resources of Shao Zuxing disappeared before. At that time, the Xia Xing in front of him was imprisoned by Lu Yin in the Supreme Mountain, so he didn't know. It wasn't until Shenwutian came and he replaced Xia Xing that he knew what happened after he was captured. Lu Yin was shocked at the same time. At the same time, I am also curious about where so many resources have gone.

He wondered if Lu Yin would throw him into the abandoned place.

"I took it. Why, you still want to report it?" Lu Yin asked.

Xia Xing laughed dryly, "How is this possible? I'm just curious where all the resources went."

"It has nothing to do with you. Anyway, I need resources. The more, the better." Lu Yin's lips curled up. "The more resources, the more Chen Zu's blood you will get."

The last sentence made Xia Xing's eyes change, but then he became bitter, "Shenwutian has a lot of resources, but I don't have many resources that I can mobilize, and they are definitely not as much as what you got on Shaozu Planet."

"As you can pull out the residual sword, I don't believe it will be less. You can leave. In short, the more resources you give me, the more Chen Zu's blood will be. You should know that Chen Zu's blood can only reach a certain level." Only with enough strength can I help you pull out the broken sword," Lu Yin reminded, and then drove Xia Xing away.

Xia Xing left Lu Yin's residence, and Wu Yao arrived shortly after, wanting to find out Lu Yin's attitude.

Lu Yin made it clear that he had already become a disciple of Bai Wangyuan, so it was naturally impossible for him to join Shenwu Tian, ​​otherwise no one would want a slave with two surnames.

Wu Yao looked at Lu Yin and said, "It's good that you know that no matter how talented you are, you are not qualified to swing between Hanxian Sect and Shenwu Tian. Even a strong person in the Ancestral Realm is not qualified."

"I know," Lu Yin replied, watching Wu Yao leave.

Oscillating between Hanxian Sect and Shenwutian? Wrong, he is swinging between the four balances.

As for Xia Xing's request for Chen Zu's blood, Lu Yin would never give it to him. Once the Death Seal was broken, he would be doomed, and Lu Yin couldn't believe everything he swore. After all, Xia Xing knew the art of nine clones.

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