Star Odyssey

Chapter 2350 The Mountains and Seas Belong

The change of the God of Forgotten Ruins lasted only a moment. When Wuzu was worried, she smiled again, and the coldness was like an illusion. "Let's go. Let's talk about it next time we meet. You will definitely join the Eternal Clan, haha." After that, , the body disappears.

Wuzu stared blankly at the disappearance of the God of Forgotten Ruins, his face flushed. She was actually frightened. How could she be so frightened? She was from all over the world, she was Wuzu, a little girl? How dare this traitor call her little girl?

Anger accumulated in his heart, Wuzu clenched his fists, eager to chase the Eternals.

Except for Wu Zu, no one heard what the Forgotten God said just now, and neither did Lu Yin.

He stepped onto the starry sky and came to Wu Zu, "Senior, thank you for saving me."

Wu Zu glared at him, "Senior, let's go and have fun." After saying this, he returned to the Dominion Realm very unhappy, leaving Lu Yin with a confused look on his face. Did he offend Wu Zu?

The Forgotten God's attack didn't take long from start to finish. At least within the time that the Dominator Realm could react, there was no loss except for Lu Yin and Kuang Yan being injured and the Hell Dragon being hit twice.

The people in the three major formation bases were only briefly confused.

That continent not only confused humans, but also the Corpse King, otherwise the losses just now would have been huge.

Lu Yin looked at the seriously injured Kuang Yan with a calm expression. He was not dead yet, but his injuries were too serious and he would not be able to recover without recovery for several months, and he had not yet regained consciousness.

If he hadn't blocked it with the Zhou Yan Sutra, this guy would have been dead.

"I really don't know if this guy is unlucky or lucky. He can still survive after being hit by the Seven Gods at close range," said Zen Lao with emotion.

Lu Yin looked at Kuang Yan, but he was actually thinking about other things.

After all, he underestimated Qishentian.

I originally thought that I could defeat Xia Shenji and Bai Sheng with my own methods, and then compete with the Seven Gods. In fact, I was not even qualified to let the God of Forgotten Ruins use the Ancestral World. That continent was just the Ruins of Forgotten. It is the ultimate expression of the Wang family's neglect of merit, rather than the ancestral world.

Even so, it would be difficult for him to break through with the runes of Lu Jian's ancestral realm. The gap between him and the Forgotten God was too big.

The Seven Gods he has always faced are half-ancestral bodies. Even if the ancient gods use the half-ancestral bodies to exert the power of the ancestral realm, it is only the most common and ordinary ancestral realm physical power, far less than the strength of the Seven Gods.

What just happened was the strength of the Seven Gods.

Just as the Forgotten God said, he is just average.

Xia Shenji was definitely not fighting with all his strength. Even Bai Sheng must be hiding something. Those ancestral realms may be afraid of him and don't want to fight him to the death, but if he really fights to the death, he may not be able to defeat him with all his methods. Come on, even if you can use Chen Zu's power in the fifth continent.

What really makes Sifang Tianping fearful is his threat to Bai Xian'er.

Lu Yin exhaled. He wanted to thank God Wangxu. It wasn't her. He was still a little arrogant. He really thought he could be on an equal footing with the ancestor of Sifang Tianping, but he was still far away.

However, I have only cultivated for the third source tribulation, and I am not far away from the fourth source tribulation. Once I reach the semi-ancestral level, I should be able to compete with them in a real way and achieve the ancestral realm.

Lu Yin didn't want to think about it, it was too far away.

However, although the God of Forgotten Ruins made Lu Yin clearly realize the gap between himself and those in the strongest ancestral realm, it did not mean that Lu Yin was afraid. He could not defeat these strongest ancestral realms, but he was not without the ability to resist.

No matter what, those people were afraid of him, that was enough.

The battlefield behind was completely silent. After the Forgotten Ruins God retreated, the countless corpse kings who attacked the five formation bases also retreated like a tide.

Although the war continues, there are also times of calm.

Bai Chi, Wang Xun and other half-ancestors of the Formation Base were silent.

They also saw the Forgotten Xu God take action against the fourth formation. They were not at the scene. They did not know the specific situation. They only saw the Forgotten Xu God take action, saw the Hell Dragon flying across the sky, and saw Lu Yinxuan killing the ancestral realm towards the Forgotten Xu. God, they saw more than one ancestral realm.

At this moment, they finally understood why the family wanted to reach an agreement with Lu Xiaoxuan.

This Lu Xiaoxuan can actually possess more than one ancestral realm power. No wonder the Sifang Tianping is afraid and dare not take action.

Their attitude toward the fourth formation suddenly changed. Don't even think about competition. If Lu Xiaoxuan left a trace of his ancestral realm power there, how could he still compete?

Even if there is no ancestral realm power, there are still four half-ancestors there, four in total, which is equivalent to the power of two formation bases. Coupled with the combat method of training and technology, the fourth formation base is a complete five-formation base. First.

The battle where the Forgotten Gods attacked the fourth formation was shocking and terrifying.

The most unlucky one is Kuang Yan, the most feared one is Lu Yin, and the most durable one is the Hell Dragon.

Lu Yin didn't expect the Hell Dragon to be so durable. He remembered that in the battle with Xia Shenji and Bai Sheng, this guy was also very durable and didn't get hurt.

The Forgotten God was merciless to the Hell Dragon, but he was unable to injure it.

Looking at the Hell Dragon that was still showing its teeth and claws in the distance, Lu Yin was curious about who left such a deep thunder scar on its head, destroying its intelligence. Can Xia Shenji do this?

Suddenly, the hell dragon lowered his head and looked at Lu Yin, his huge pupils filled with intimidation.

Lu Yin grabbed the general platform and used the ancestral realm runes to fill the surroundings. For a moment, he looked in one direction, where Bai Wangyuan walked out.

"Are Bai Zu planning to attack the fourth formation?" Lu Yin said coldly, staring at Bai Wangyuan warily.

Bai Wangyuan said, "I'm here to talk to you about Yixian Academy."

Lu Yin said coldly, "Coming without warning and showing up directly, in my opinion, this is hostility."

Bai Wangyuan didn't care, "Lu Xiaoxuan, we have reached an agreement with you. There is no need for you to guard against us. We will not go back on our words. And if we want to take action against you, even guarding will be useless."

"I'm just afraid that I might accidentally hurt you, Bai Zu," Lu Yin countered.

Bai Wangyuan said calmly, "Are you sure you want to get involved in Yixian Academy's affairs?"

Lu Yin said, "The Fourth Formation Base has just experienced the attack from the Seven Gods. Bai Zu doesn't want to think about how to defend against the Seven Gods. He doesn't even want to ask?".

"Xi Wei has already been here, there is nothing to ask," Bai Wangyuan said.

Lu Yin looked at him, "The Seven Gods descended upon the formation at will, and the Dominion Realm had no countermeasures? Even if it only descends for one second, it would be enough to kill everyone."

Bai Wangyuan shook his head, "This is our business." When he said this, his heart moved and he looked at Lu Yin, "Maybe you also want to join the defense in the Dominion Realm? We welcome it."

Lu Yin sneered, "Do I look like an idiot?".

"The Abandoned Land blocks the Eternals. All the half-ancestral bodies of the Seven Gods in the Abandoned Land seem to be dead. If they focus on the Dominion Realm, it will be difficult for us to fully resist them. You may not need to take action then." , Bai Wangyuan said.

Lu Yin was surprised, "Isn't it the Seven Gods that you have been resisting in the Dominion Realm for so many years?".

"Of course not." Bai Wangyuan said solemnly, "The Seven Gods are all ancient monsters, just like the Forgotten God just now. They are much older than your Lu family ancestor, Lu Tianyi. It would be terrifying for any of the Seven Gods to truly show their strength. Yes, Xiwei can't stop it, and it's hard for us to really stop it."

"Then why didn't the Seven Gods take action against the Dominion Realm? Wouldn't it be easier for seven of them to attack the battlefield behind?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Bai Wangyuan said, "When you go to the Dominion Realm, you will naturally know that there are some things that I won't tell you unless you reach a certain level. Even if you have the power of the Ancestral Realm, just like Mu Xie has not participated in the Dominion Realm battlefield before, he will have no idea".

"Then what level are the Eternal Clan's ancestral realm enemies who have appeared on the battlefields of the Dominion Realm over the years?" Lu Yin asked again.

Bai Wangyuan clasped his hands behind his back, "I said, you haven't reached that level yet, so you don't need to know. The reason why I came here today is to talk about Yixian Academy."

Lu Yin was puzzled, "What's going on at Yixian Academy?".

Bai Wangyuan said, "No need to pretend. You sent someone to help Yixian Academy, and you are clearly an enemy of Sifang Tianping. We have an agreement not to deal with you, but that doesn't mean we can't touch other people in your abandoned land."

Lu Yin frowned, "Yixian Academy is the best academy in the Tree Starry Sky. You keep saying that our place is an abandoned place. What's more, we don't have a star source now. Is there a problem in bringing some elite children to the academy to study?"

"You know we want to destroy Yixian Academy."

"I didn't know. Now that I know, I'm curious, why was it destroyed?"

Bai Wangyuan stared at Lu Yin and looked at him, "Whether you know it or not, Yixian Academy cannot exist."

Lu Yin laughed, "It's just an academy, why should Bai Zu care about it?"

"Lu Xiaoxuan, I can tell you clearly that there are mountains and seas in Yixian Academy, and we need those mountains and seas," Bai Wangyuan said bluntly.

Lu Yin was surprised, "Mountains and seas? Mountains and seas should all have owners."

"A few of the nine mountains and seas are alive, and a few are dead. We don't know exactly who owns that mountain and sea, but no matter who it is, it must be ours. Anyone who inherits the mountain and sea warfare method and has the strength to The city will transform, which is also beneficial to defending the battlefield behind," Bai Wangyuan said.

Lu Yin was distressed. If he didn't explain it clearly, he would be able to deal with it. Now that he has made it clear, he can only say it clearly.

"No matter who the owner of Shanhai was in the past, since it is now in Yixian Academy, it should be controlled by Yixian Academy. I agree with Bai Zu's statement. It is a pity that Shanhai is not inherited by others, but not everyone can inherit Shanhai. It belongs to the entire human race, not to your four-dimensional balance," Lu Yin said.

Bai Wangyuan's face darkened, "So you want to rob Shanhai?".

Lu Yin shook his head, "It's not a robbery, it's a fair distribution. Someone can try to inherit the Sifang Balance, and I, the Fifth Continent, can also try to inherit."

"It's a joke, Lu Xiaoxuan, do you really think you can fight against my Sifang Balance? The mountains and seas must be controlled by my Sifang Balance, and no one can change it." Bai Wangyuan shouted, "I can not destroy Yixian Academy, but they must hand over the mountains and seas, otherwise , I, Sifang Tianping, will take action directly, you can try to see if you can block it."

Lu Yin said hurriedly, "Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Bai Wangyuan stared at Lu Yin coldly. If they could, they would naturally not want to destroy Yixian Academy. After all, they had to worry about the reactions of the Liu family, the Nong family, Mu Xie, and Wu Zu. But Shanhai and the others were determined to win.

Mountains and seas are so important.

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