Star Odyssey

Chapter 2358 Forced to meet

Lu Yin said seriously, "If I were not the relic of the Lu family, why would you help me? You have helped me just like the Adventure King. The Adventure King was targeted by the Sifang Balance and almost died. I am very worried about your safety, senior. In fact, with the junior's current situation The ability can protect all the Lu family's descendants, and we have reached an agreement with Sifang Tianping. As long as the senior admits that he is the Lu family's descendant, no one will take action against you, including Shen Wutian. I will confess to Shen Wutian now."

Heavenly Master Qiuling was anxious, "Don't act recklessly, Lu Xiaoxuan, I am not a relic of the Lu family."

"But you have helped this junior. I am definitely not an ungrateful person," Lu Yin said loudly.

Heavenly Master Qiuling was speechless. She wanted to say that she did not help voluntarily, but was ordered by the Eternals, but she would not dare to say this even to death.

If Lu Yin confessed to Shen Wutian and said that he had helped her, it would be troublesome. Not to mention that it would ruin the Eternals' plan. Maybe Sifang Balance's investigation could find out that she was a red back.

No one is investigating her on the same front as Sifang Tianping. If she stands on the opposite side, God knows what will be discovered.

"Lu Xiaoxuan, you really misunderstood. I am really not a relic of the Lu family." Heavenly Master Qiuling didn't know how to explain it, and was quite aggrieved.

Lu Yin smiled secretly, but on the surface he said solemnly, "This junior doesn't believe it."

"How do you believe it?" Master Qiuling angrily yelled.

Lu Yin thought for a while and said, "Let's meet him. This kind of thing can only be explained clearly in person."

"No, what if someone finds out and tells Shen Wutian?" Tianshi Qiuling refused directly.

Lu Yin said, "Junior knows that you are a relic of the Lu family and is unwilling to renounce the relationship in person. Don't worry, I will tell Shen Wutian about this to ensure your safety, senior." He was about to end the call.

Master Qiuling was really anxious this time, "Wait, okay, let's meet up and say, where do you want to meet? Where are you?".

Lu Yin said, "Junior is at the fourth formation base. If senior doesn't want to be discovered, we can choose a secret place."

Tianshi Qiuling was helpless, how could there be such a person who helped him in the first place but dragged him into trouble decades later? He must explain clearly now, otherwise Shen Wutian would be finished once he knew that he had helped him in the first place.

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved Master Qiuling became. It had been so many years since she had felt so uncomfortable.

In the end, the two chose a secret place, just on the back battlefield, at the junction of the third formation base and the second formation base, located on the mother tree.

And that position was familiar to Lu Yin, it was exactly where he was integrated into Qiuling Tianshi's body.

After confirming the location, Lu Yin hurried over. He couldn't wait to merge into Qiu Ling Tianshi's body and gain all her interpreting experience.

Tianshi Qiuling, on the other hand, was thinking about how to solve this matter. It was impossible for her to silence her. If she didn’t have the ability, how could she explain? How can you explain it clearly?

With that in mind, the two of them headed in that direction.

On the other side, a group of people gathered in the mountain col below the Wang family continent in the top realm. They were all elite practitioners of Sifang Tianping. Among them were Long Tian, ​​Wang Su, Wang Yi, Xia Shenfei and others. They were summoned to go The Fifth Continent accepted the inheritance of the Fifth Tower, and the leader was Bai Qi.

At this moment, everyone was waiting for Bai Qi, who had just left the battlefield behind and was heading here.

"Wang Su, you are the only one among us who has been to the abandoned land. Does the fifth tower really have so many inheritances?" Long Tian asked.

The rest of the people looked at Wang Su and Wang Yi. Wang Su has a cold face. Due to his practice of the Supreme Secret Art, he has a unique temperament, "some are present and some are not."

"What do you mean?" Xia Shenfei asked after taking a sip of wine.

Wang Su was not interested in answering.

Wang Yidao, "The abandoned land was attacked by the Eternals, and Lu Yin disappeared for twenty years. In the past twenty years, half-ancestors have explored the fifth tower. Most of the inheritances are there, but the inheritance of the dead ancestors, which is similar to the one that must be reversed, is not. It's just that A qualification”.

"And once the fifth tower inheritance is obtained, you need to accept Lu Yin's half-master's favor."

As for the kindness of half-master, everyone here knows that Bai Wangyuan means that ordinary inheritance is not needed. The only purpose of this group of people going to the fifth tower is the thirteen swords, things must be reversed at the extreme, and reverse steps. As long as they get these, half-master can So what.

The rest of the inheritance is meaningless and not worthy of half a master's favor.

He wanted Lu Yin to cancel this half-master's favor, but Lu Yin would definitely not agree. Otherwise, Bai Wangyuan could only decide how those people in the Fifth and Sixth Continents would deal with it.

He didn't even mention it to Lu Yin.

A group of people discussed among themselves while waiting for Bai Qi's arrival.

Bai Qi was already on her way here, during which she reported to Bai Wangyuan what happened in the first formation.

Bai Wangyuan took action because he noticed the power of the ancestral realm runes, otherwise he would not have been able to keep an eye on Lu Yin.

It was precisely because of Bai Qi's report that they understood what happened.

They didn't care about Qiao'er, they were just ants. They were more concerned about Lu Yin's challenge to Mu Shang and wanted to snatch the title of the youngest original formation Celestial Master in history.

At this time, they remembered that Lu Yin was still a Jie Yuan Formation Master and had the confidence to challenge the Yuan Formation Celestial Master.

This fact once again made them murderous.

The combination of the original formation Celestial Master and the ancestral realm is terrifying. Just like Hui Wen, once he achieves success in Jieyu, the future will be beyond their imagination.

In the Daoyuan Sect era, they never dreamed that humans would have to rely on Huiwen's power to defend themselves. Even Lu Tianyi couldn't imagine that Lu Xiaoxuan would be the next Huiwen? It's not impossible.

Bai Wangyuan looked at the battlefield behind him. It would be great if Lu Xiaoxuan died in this challenge. This was something he asked for and had nothing to do with their four-way balance.

On the battlefield behind, Lu Yin had arrived at the place agreed upon with Master Qiuling. When he looked up, he saw that it was exactly the same place where he had been integrated into Master Qiuling's body.

There was a general platform floating behind him. He glanced behind him and used the runes of the general platform to cover the surrounding area. He wanted to make sure that Bai Wangyuan and those people were not staring at him.

Although he couldn't defeat those people, he could still determine whether anyone was watching based on the ancestral realm runes.

Fortunately, no one was monitoring him, and Bai Wangyuan and the others knew they couldn't monitor him. What's more, the Dominion Realm was also a battlefield, a battlefield in the Ancestral Realm, so it was not easy for them to monitor him.

Wait, Lu Yin suddenly thought about whether it was Master Qiuling who did it. She definitely didn't want Sifang Tianping to know about her meeting, so she thought of a way to let the Eternals hold back Bai Wangyuan and the others in the Dominion Realm.

If this is the case, Lu Yin is funny. The Eternals have helped him a lot, but the result is that there may be changes in the fourth formation. Master Qiuling definitely does not want to be in contact with him for too long, and must find a way to lure him away. Walk.

"Come out, senior", Lu Yin looked in one direction and smiled.

Master Qiuling walked out and looked at Lu Yin with scrutiny and helplessness, "It's very fast."

Lu Yin said seriously, "With the speed of the half-ancestor, the junior can also use other means to reach the speed of the ancestral realm. Not long ago, the junior also fought against the Seven Gods of the Eternal Clan. It is the real Seven Gods. In the fifth On the mainland, Xia Shenji teamed up with Bai Sheng and was repelled by the junior, so Sifang Tianping reached an agreement with the junior. Senior, you don't have to have any worries, the junior will definitely protect you."

Qiu Ling Celestial Master was speechless. Although she was jealous, it was just a dark character deep in her heart. Since she reached the level of the Celestial Master of the Original Formation, her temperament had changed a bit and she had become closer and gentler. The more she does this, the better she can After getting close to some people, over time, she became different from her younger self. She even doubted that if she lived again, with her current temperament, she would join the Eternals because she wanted to surpass that person.

Even so, Lu Yin was making him want to get angry at this moment. Why couldn't he understand people's words?

"I told you, I am really not a relic of the Lu family," Heavenly Master Qiuling repeated.

Lu Yin looked around cautiously, "Is someone watching us? Senior, don't worry, even if those old guys like Bai Wangyuan are watching, you can still speak out with confidence and boldly. Nothing will happen to you. Junior understands that you have been in the Starry Sky of the Tree for so many years. Bear the humiliation and bear the burden, now the junior is here to pick you up."

Master Qiu Ling clenched his hands unconsciously, and then loosened them, "Okay, I admit that I helped you in the past, but that was because I was favored by your Lu family. After that time, my relationship with your Lu family became clear. , I don’t owe you anything, and you don’t owe me anything. Let me say it again, I am definitely not a relic of the Lu family.”

Lu Yin was excited and stepped forward, "I don't believe it. The Adventure King hasn't come to me yet, and you don't admit it. Did Sifang Tianping do something to you?" Thinking of this, Lu Yin suddenly said, "Is that so? "Restrictions, Sifang Balance has also placed restrictions on you, seniors, don't worry, juniors can lift the restrictions on Sifang Balance, and the restrictions within the Star Alliance are lifted by juniors."

Heavenly Master Qiuling was very afraid of Lu Yin. She didn't know why she was afraid, but when Lu Yin approached her, a chill rose up. This chill made her subconsciously want to stay away from Lu Yin.

Lu Yin stopped where he was and looked at Master Qiuling complexly, "Senior, are you here, guarding me?".

Master Qiuling took a deep breath and said, "I said, I am not a relic of the Lu family, and I don't want to have anything to do with you, especially now that I belong to Shenwu Tian, ​​I don't want the ancestor of Shenji to be dissatisfied."

Lu Yin looked at her bitterly and laughed at himself, "I see. Yes, you belong to Shenwutian now. Of course you don't want to have anything to do with me, a remnant of the Lu family."

Master Qiuling breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Yin disappearing and stepped forward again. He looked at the fourth formation base, which must be here.

Just as he thought of this, a mighty ancestral realm power swept across the five formation bases.

Lu Yin suddenly turned his head, "No, there are enemies in the ancestral realm." He looked at Tianshi Qiuling again, wanting to say something, but in the end he said nothing and left with disappointment. The next moment, Echi appeared and was Lu Yin called his generals and rushed towards the fourth formation base.

Heavenly Master Qiuling was completely relieved when he saw Lu Yin summoning the ancestral realm. He finally got it done. He shouldn't have shown up to help him in the first place, but who would have thought that this son would actually appear in this starry sky openly? It was simply unbelievable.

She took a deep look in the direction of the fourth formation and turned to leave. Suddenly, her expression was shocked and her eyes became dull. In the shadow behind her [81 Chinese website], Lu Yin walked out , integrated into her body.

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