Star Odyssey

Chapter 2361 Verification

When the four shakes were completed, Lu Yin sighed. He still couldn't shake to six o'clock, but he had shaken to three o'clock. But what he wanted to improve now was only the level of slippers. How could he improve here? The breath was very possible. Attracting Bai Wangyuan and those people.

Continue to wait for ten days.

For most practitioners, days on the battlefield are like years, but there is no such feeling on the battlefield at the back, because the war here will basically never stop, and war may come at every moment, every minute and every second.

None of the five formation bases can be idle, and I don’t know where so many corpse kings came from.

After these days of war, the Fourth Formation Base Battlefield has successfully attracted everyone's attention because the fighting method is so unique. An exploration realm practitioner can travel through the void and raise his hand to launch an enlightenment realm attack, let alone an enlightenment realm practitioner.

After these days of war, the number of deaths in the fourth formation base is very few, including the giant beast army. There are too many virtual floats, enough for each person to have one. Once in danger, the virtual floats will travel through the void as much as possible to let the corpse king The attack is ineffective.

It can be said that the Fourth Formation sent the largest number of cultivators and starry beasts to participate in the battle, had the highest average cultivation level, and the lowest death rate, and even occasionally defeated the Corpse King.

The reason why cultivators of the Tree Starry Sky are afraid of the battlefield behind them is because of the endless war. However, the fourth formation can repel the Corpse King, which is extremely rare, and their original treasure formation has not been destroyed. It is also relatively rare.

There are no original formation divisions in Tree Starry Sky to support the fourth formation base because they are not needed at all.

The dazzling performance of the fourth formation base caused many people in Tree Star Sky to talk, saying that they could be given another formation base defense, but this was not something they could decide.

It seems that giving the Fifth Continent an additional formation base defense is a good thing for Shuzhixingkong, but from the perspective of Bai Wangyuan and others, it is different.

The Fifth Continent defends two formations, which means that they can't do anything to the Fifth Continent, otherwise the first thing to happen will be the battlefield behind them, and they don't want to be led by Lu Yin.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and there were only twenty-eight days until Mu Shang's birthday. Lu Yin also received news that on that day, the four original formation Celestial Masters would all be present to watch them play the eternal square. The location was within the entrance to the battlefield at the back. One step to the north will lead you to the upper realm, which separates the peaceful upper realm from the fighting battlefield behind.

Mushang chose this location to give Lu Yin a hint that he could leave at any time, but once he leaves, it means losing.

Although both parties did not mention the price of losing, they both knew that they could not afford to lose.

Lu Yin pointed out the Fourth Formation General Headquarters, and the dice rotated slowly, and finally stopped at six o'clock. His eyes lit up, and his consciousness appeared in the dark space. He looked at the dim light group around him, feeling a little disappointed. .

What he most wants to integrate into is the original formation Celestial Master. However, there are only four original formation Celestial Masters in the Tree Starry Sky today. The chance of being able to integrate is too small. The one with the worst cultivation level is Mu Shang, but the light that Mu Shang represents Tuan are brighter than these.

Lu Yin was a little unwilling, and his consciousness moved towards the distance, looking for a bright light group.

He couldn't control his consciousness in this dark space at all. He didn't know how far he was if he moved casually, and there were no bright light groups around him.

He can now fight the half-ancestor, and the bright light must represent the half-ancestor. No matter how bad he is, he is still a star envoy with five or six origin calamity cultivations. In this situation, look at the starry sky of the tree and the fifth continent's energy.

how many?

The direction in which consciousness appears at six o'clock of the dice has little to do with the location of one's own body.

Fortunately, he now has a lot of star energy crystal marrow, which he can consume as much as he wants.

The consciousness moves again, but there is still no bright light group, come again.

He knew very well that every time he moved, he would consume an astronomical amount of star energy crystal marrow, but if he could not integrate into a valuable human body, six o'clock on the dice would be in vain, and he was not sure that he could roll up to six o'clock next.

Finally, after moving for the fifth time, he saw a bright light group, and it was particularly bright. It was brighter than the one he had faced before with Qiu Ling Celestial Master and Hen Ye. He should be the half-ancestor. Lu Yin hesitated for a moment, but chose assimilate into.

The moment he merged into the light group, a feeling mixed with pain and numbness was transmitted to his brain. Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes, surrounded by darkness. Where is this place? Memories poured in, and his expression changed. This was the depths of the New World, and what he integrated into was not a human being, but Lan Hou, one of the twelve candidates of the Eternal Race.

Lu Yin didn't expect that he would be integrated into the body of the Twelve Eternals. Although he could fight against the half-ancestor, it was only with the help of various powers. If it weren't for the power in his heart, it would be impossible for him to face the inner world of the half-ancestor. The Twelve Hours of the Eternal Clan are similar to the heads of the Twelve Heavenly Gates of the Tianshang Sect. It won’t take too long for him to integrate now.

Sure enough, such a bright light group represented the half-ancestor.

He didn't move, letting the memories flow in, and Lu Yin's expression changed.

Lan Hou has not been out for nearly ten years and has always been healing underground. Lu Yin already knows where these endless corpse kings come from, it comes from parallel space.

It is possible to travel through parallel spaces, but it is difficult to come back. However, this is not difficult for the Eternals. They have coordinates.

It was the same as the big seal of the Eternal Kingdom that Lu Yin had obtained before. Through Lan Hou's memory, Lu Yin knew that the big seal came from the only true god of the Eternal Tribe. He also saw in Lan Hou's memory what the only true god represented. Scarlet vertical eyes.

I realized the reverence Lan Hou had at that time. Not only Lan Hou, but even the Zombie King in the Ancestral Realm had to respect the only true god from the bottom of his heart.

Not only was there reverence, but there was also fear. Obviously in Lan Hou's memory, the scarlet vertical eye had no scary aura, but it was the fear that made them feel the deepest fear in their hearts. This fear was also felt by Lu Yin.

At this time, the consciousness suddenly disappeared, and then returned to his body through the dark space.

The time it takes to integrate into Lan Hou's body is indeed not long. It should be said that it is too short. After all, he is one of the twelve Eternals.

Lan Hou's memory did not allow Lu Yin to get much useful information. In addition to seeing the symbol of the only true god of the Eternals, there was also the person who hurt him. It was a middle-aged man wearing thunder. Lan Hou failed to see clearly. His appearance, just the aftermath of the thunder struck him like that, forcing him to retreat into seclusion for cultivation.

And that person is in a parallel space, not in this space.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. The Eternals can continuously create endless corpse kings through parallel spaces. So if they have a way to locate the coordinates, can they also recruit people to join the war through parallel spaces?

In fact, the inference that the Corpse King comes from a parallel space has long appeared. There are many cultivators in Xincheng who are said to come from a parallel space, such as Sister Rakshasa, but none of them have been definitely confirmed. Now Lu Yin has confirmed it.

Without thinking too much, he checked the Ningkong Ring. Lu Yin knew that constantly moving in the dark space would consume a lot, but he didn't expect it.

However, it consumes so much, 250 billion, a full 250 billion, which is nearly 100 billion cubic star energy crystal marrow that was originally integrated into Henye's body.

You must know that when I was integrated into Henye's body, it was only 146 billion. Henye was located in the fifth continent. At that time, I was in the starry sky of the tree. Moreover, I had been in Henye's body for a long time, and I was still able to withstand the power of the ancestral realm. The bombardment only consumed so much. This time the integration into Lan Hou's body actually consumed so much. Lan Hou is in the New World and has not crossed space. Is it because Lan Hou is the half-ancestor?

The cost of crossing from Star Envoy to Half Ancestor is too exaggerated. No, it should be more moving in the dark space, and the cost of each move is also exaggerated.

Lu Yin sighed, the higher the cultivation level, the more consumption. As expected, no matter how much money he got, he couldn't withstand the consumption of dice.

Don't think too much about it. If you don't have enough, keep earning. He doesn't love money. The purpose of money is to improve his strength.

With a finger pointing, as the dice slowly rotated and then stopped, at four o'clock, Lu Yin's eyes changed and appeared in the time-stopped space.

When he came here, Lu Yin basically had as many points as he wanted, and it only took a little time at most.

He looked at Ning Kong Ring and fell into deep thought.

At the beginning, there was a chance to upgrade the slippers on Shaozu Planet, but firstly, the amount of star energy crystal essence consumed to upgrade the slippers was too exaggerated. Secondly, even if the slippers were upgraded to the point where they could kill the ancestors in one go, they would not be able to come close to the ancestors. Situation, after all, slippers are a melee weapon.

But things are different now. I can summon evil generals, have hell dragons, and use the ancestral realm runes. In the fifth continent, I can also use the power of Chen Zu. There is no chance of winning with slippers.

Xia Shenji and the others must be on guard against slippers, but the Eternals may not be. And even if they are on guard, as their strength increases, they may not be able to guard against them. It can only be said that they can guard against them now.

Then, it’s time to upgrade the slippers and make them a weapon that can win in the ancestral realm just like Gou Lian, the God of Death.

When the dice rolled to three o'clock, looking at the upper and lower light curtains, Lu Yin took a deep breath, and the real consumption came.

When the needle was raised a little, it consumed about 460 billion crystal marrow, and Lu Yin took a deep breath again, and he was prepared to be poor.

Keep the slippers on the upper light screen, and then start smashing the star energy crystal marrow crazily.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but Lu Yin was already numb. He didn't know how much Star Energy Crystal Essence he still had in his Ningkong Ring.

The star energy crystal marrow obtained from the Behemoth Starfield cannot be placed in one Ning Kong Ring. He collected the largest Ning Kong Ring in the Fifth Continent and placed three of them. Now, two are empty and one is still missing. is constantly decreasing.

Lu Yin didn't want to calculate how much he had consumed, he just watched the slippers gradually fall, and then landed on the lower light curtain.

Looking at the slippers at this moment, Lu Yin swallowed. There was no change. No, the footprints were darker.

His face also turned dark, no way, if nothing changed after consuming so much crystal marrow, he would have died.

Picking up the slippers, Lu Yin wanted to find someone to take a picture of him, but he couldn't find anyone, but there was a prison dragon.

Just then, the time in the still space was up. Lu Yin held his slippers and walked out of the headquarters, looking up at the prison dragon.

At this moment, the Hell Dragon dug its claws deep into its nostrils without knowing what to dig for. It had no image of the ancestral realm, and those who had seen this scene were already numb.

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