Star Odyssey

Chapter 2379: Former Home

In this way, Lu Yin walked in front and Zhiyi followed behind. The two of them walked towards the center of the food garden, where wine bottles were scattered everywhere, and steaming dishes were placed on a blooming flower.

Lu Yin walked to the wine bottles, and a memory emerged. There were many people sitting in a circle, laughing, drinking, and talking loudly. He looked in one direction, where the eldest sister should be sitting, "Little Seven, drink less, it’s time for you to enter the bridal chamber tonight.”

He shifted his gaze, and there was the second brother's position, "Sister, our Xiaoqi has grown up, and he won't want us anymore."

"Second brother, don't talk nonsense, Xiaoqi, come, fourth sister will drink with you."

"Fourth sister, you should drink less. Don't forget that there are still people in your family waiting for comfort."

"It's not like I can only marry one, Xiaoqi. I'll take Girl Xi away later."

"I recorded it, haha. I'll play it to Bai Xian'er right away. Fourth sister, she has long disliked you."

"Lao Wu, you are seeking death, don't cause family conflicts."

"Xiaoqi, please stop telling Qiming. My star has dimmed before my eyes. The child is so pitiful."

"Who lets this kid always provoke me? By the way, why doesn't he provoke you?".

"As for Xiaoqi, you'd better speak up and let him try to provoke me. Third brother will plant him in the soil. No, throw him into the wheat circle. Don't think about it in ten years."

"Who, who dares to scold me, the Eighth Hero Tu Qiming? Boss, someone scolded me."

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Ha ha ha ha".

Everyone gathered in a circle, laughing happily, drinking, and blessing. Lu Yin clenched his fists. He didn't know when his eyes turned red. This memory appeared in his mind like an image. It was very clear. He remembered it. Remember the appearance of each person, what they said, what they did, and the blessings they gave. At that moment, I felt warm. I had a home, relatives, brothers, sisters, and lovers.

But then, everything shattered, the picture disappeared, and there was nothing.

When I came back to my senses, all I saw were empty wine bottles on the floor. Where were the people? Where have all the people gone?

Lu Yin sat down, where he had been sitting before.

In the distance, Zhiyi looked at Lu Yin's sitting back and felt very lonely. This loneliness did not disturb her. No matter how many people walked by, they could not drive away this loneliness. He had definitely been here before and had something here.

Zhiyi had been to this place before, and when she saw empty wine bottles on the ground, she thought there were still people on the island. She was alert for this for quite some time, but in the end she found that no one was there.

Lu Yin spent the entire day sitting next to the empty wine bottle without moving. He was reminiscing, trying to find the past memories and happy times. Unfortunately, he thought of those people, but he couldn't find them. time.

The old servant said that there were important things for him here, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Have you visited this island?" Lu Yin asked.

Later, Zhiyi replied, "Well, I've been here for decades, and I've traveled all over the place."

"What did you find?".

"It's all food, nothing else."

Lu Yin stopped talking.

"Oh, by the way, there is actually someone who talks to me occasionally, but she always contacts me and I can't contact her." Zhiyi suddenly remembered something, "The last contact was ten years ago."

Lu Yin turned around with a deep look in his eyes, "Who?".

Zhiyi replied, "She said her name is Bai Xian'er."

Lu Yin's body suddenly appeared in front of Zhiyi. Zhiyi was so quick that she didn't react at all. She was shocked. What kind of cultivation level did this person have now? On this island, she only eats and practices, and the star source is abundant, just like in seclusion, so she has broken through the star envoy, but why does she feel as powerless as a child in front of this person?

"Take me to find her," Lu Yin said solemnly.

Zhiyi was stunned and frowned, "Lu Yin, I'm not your subordinate. I just saw you like that because I haven't seen anyone for a long time, and I can't find a way out." She hadn't finished her words yet. , she felt her brain was shaken, and a long-lost unparalleled oppression came, as if the sky was falling and the whole island was shaking. This kind of oppression made it difficult for her to breathe, and she squatted on the ground without the ability to resist.

She couldn't believe it. She had only felt this kind of oppression from her half-ancestor. Not even the powerful Seal of the Heavens had given her such a shock. She could only stare at the ground and couldn't raise her head. If she raised her head, she would die.

"Take me to find her," Lu Yin said again, his aura suddenly disappearing.

The huge pressure came and went away quickly. Zhiyi coughed out blood. The sudden disappearance of the pressure made her body unbearable. She supported the ground with her arms, slowly raised her head, and looked at Lu Yin with fear for the first time. , she is fearful of a peer, someone who once had to join forces with others to fight against her.

When was the last time you saw him? In the Starry Sky Supreme Tournament, even if this person showed the power of Death in the final battle and swept everyone with absolutely powerful combat power, it was impossible to bring fear to them. Why is it so exaggerated now?

Lu Yin looked at her calmly, condescendingly. Zhiyi wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said in a trembling voice, "I'll take you there."

Lu Yin raised his head and looked into the distance. He no longer cared about this woman.

In the past, Zhiyi was one of the three realms of Taoyuan. Her vitality was endless and difficult to crack. Now, this once powerful enemy was like paper in front of him. He didn't even need to do anything. One look could make her disappear into ashes. So what.

Zhiyi stood up slowly, coughed and walked in one direction.

The feeling of injury had not occurred for decades. She had forgotten this pain. The last injury was caused by this person.

She really wanted to ask how the Fifth Continent was doing, but now she didn't dare to ask because the gap between them was too big.

Zhiyi didn't walk quickly, and Lu Yin didn't rush her. He was thinking about what was going on.

What does it mean that Bai Xianer can contact Zhiyi in the food paradise? It means that she knows the direction, and it means that she can find Food Paradise.

Facing Bai Xian'er, one should think of the worst in many things and treat her as if she can enter and leave the food paradise at will. So where is she now?

Thinking of this, Lu Yin was vigilant, ready to borrow the runes of the General Pointing Platform at any time. On his shoulders, the candle god villain also appeared. Under his clothes, from his wrists, the fighting spirit of the palm realm spread, ready to take action at any time.

Zhiyi took Lu Yin to an exquisite wooden house deep in the food park. It is not accurate to call it a wooden house. It should be called a water house. This is a house made of water. It looks like water flow, but in fact it is as solid as wood. From time to time, there are small The fish floats along the current, looking beautiful and elegant.

There is a fence around the water house. Some animals should have been raised inside the fence. The various vegetables grown in a large area behind it look particularly peaceful and peaceful.

Further away is a waterfall, flowing with colorful drinks, and fish are constantly swimming towards the top of the waterfall, as if they are jumping over a dragon's gate.

The mountain walls on both sides of the waterfall are covered with fruit trees, which produce not only fruits, but also delicacies, sauces and even meat.

Looking at the room in front of him, Lu Yin's pupils flickered, and a picture appeared in his mind. He saw a beautiful face smiling so happily, and the eyes that looked at him were full of love. That was Bai Xian'er.

This is where he and Bai Xianer lived.

"Just in the house," Zhiyi said, standing still.

Lu Yin stepped forward step by step, raised his hand and put it on the fence. He seemed to have done this action many times, which brought memories of happiness and comfort. He pushed open the fence and looked at both sides. Rabbits and cats were raised here. , also raised dogs and hedgehogs. He seemed to see a beautiful woman squatting on the ground, smiling and feeding. He suddenly looked towards the woods, as if something should come over.

By the way, I remembered it, it was a colorful deer. Whenever he came back, a colorful deer would run from the woods, shout at him, and bump into his arms.

This is the home that belongs to him and Bai Xianer alone. Apart from entertaining a few brothers and sisters, not even anyone from the Lu family has been here, he remembers.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yin walked toward the house, opened the door, and looked around.

The house was very small, and the furnishings inside were exactly the same as those many years ago. He was sure that it had the same wooden bed, the same dresser, and the same table. He was very familiar with this place. When he walked into the house, he had the urge to live here for the rest of his life.

This is his home. By the way, he remembered why he promised Bai Xian'er to move the food paradise to the land and sky. It was because of this place.

They got married, and this place was their home, not Lu Tianjing. That’s why the family agreed to move the food paradise there. This was Bai Xianer’s suggestion. Lu Yin still remembered how excited she was when she proposed this matter. Longing.

"Brother Xiaoxuan, can we just ignore the outside world from now on? I just want to stay in the food paradise, stay in our hut, and be in the land and sky realm, but that's not what I want." These are Bai Xian'er's original words .

Lu Yin clenched his fists, and he remembered that she was the one who mentioned moving the food park there. Everything was a lie. Everything about wanting to stay here, having a home, and not liking being high above were all lies. .

With a bang, the water house fell into pieces, and everything around it was swept away by Lu Yin's huge momentum.

Zhiyi subconsciously stepped back and looked at Lu Yin as if he was a psycho.

Lu Yin was breathing heavily, his eyes were red, and he was suppressing something.

At this time, there was a vibration, coming from the dressing table in front. This dressing table was not destroyed.

Lu Yin looked and saw a Yuntong Stone.

He took a deep breath and connected, and the image of Bai Xianer appeared.

Lu Yin looked at her.

She also looked at Lu Yin and said, "Brother Xiao Xuan, what did you remember?".

Lu Yin stared at Bai Xian'er, "It was you who mentioned moving the food paradise to Lutian Realm. You planned what happened to all of us."

Bai Xian'er was surprised, "Master Shan, didn't they tell you? I thought you knew it a long time ago."

"Sister, how are they doing?" Lu Yin asked sharply.

Bai Xian'er looked at Lu Yin innocently, "They are dead."

Lu Yin's eyes were stern, with boundless murderous intent deep in his eyes, "I will make you pay the price."

Bai Xian'er smiled and said, "Would you like to dance again? I'll wait. By the way, Brother Xiaoxuan, there are your own things under the bed. I can't even learn them. I'll give them back to you." As she said that, she looked towards All around, "It seems that you are really angry and even demolished the house, which I managed to save with great difficulty."

"Oh, and" Bai Xian'er suddenly looked solemn and looked at Lu Yin, "you need to speed up your cultivation. If you wait for me to break into the ancestral realm first, maybe" she said calmly, "you will die."

After saying that, the image disappeared.

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