Star Odyssey

Chapter 2382 The Third Sign

The sound is getting closer and closer, and the sound of the word "kill" resounds throughout the universe.

Lu Yin saw those soldiers again, and saw the eyes, unyielding, resolute, and bloodthirsty. Every soldier was tempered. He saw Hua Wu in them. Compared with what he saw before integrating into Henye's body, The martial temperament at this moment is getting closer and closer to those of the soldiers.

From this distance, he could see Hua Wu, but Hua Wu couldn't see him, but like the soldiers, he shouted the word "kill" and held a spear in his hand, intimidating.

Lu Yin stood on the sea, quietly waiting for the warship to approach.

In the distance, there are ships passing by, but they dare not approach the sea area of ​​the Corps. There is only a thin line between them, but no one dares to cross it.

"Ship, captain, there's someone there," one person exclaimed.

On the boat, everyone looked and saw Lu Yin standing quietly on the sea with his hands behind his back, and in front of him was the warship of the Corps, sailing out of the darkness.

The captain's face turned pale, "Go, go, go, go quickly, that man is seeking death, let's stay away."

"Wait, Captain, why does that person look familiar to me?" someone was surprised.

The captain yelled, "You look familiar. It's useless for anyone to come here at this time. Stay away quickly and don't get affected. That guy is looking for his own death and he can't hurt us. Send a message to the following ship and tell them not to get close to the sea area of ​​the Corps."

"I remembered, he is Lu Yin, the leader of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, the founder of the Fifth Tower, and the current ruler of the Fifth Continent," the man said excitedly.

The others stared at the sea, "Yes, it's him, Lu Yin, Lu Daozi."

"I also remembered that I saw him participating in the Star Supreme Competition."

"I have also seen earlier competitions at the Starry Sky War Academy decades ago."

"Captain, we don't have to run away. It's Lu Daozi. The corps has encountered a difficult situation."

The captain stared blankly, relieved at first, "That's good, no wonder he dared to face the corps directly, it turned out to be him."

"The Corps divided the sea area. At first, even the Rennes Group did not dare to approach them, but now they finally have someone to control them," someone said excitedly.

"As long as this sea area can be restored to normal, our sailing time will be increased by at least one-third."

The captain grinned. He didn't believe that others could deal with the corps, but Lu Yin had no problem, "Brothers, just wait, this sea area will be able to sail freely soon."

"Long live Lu Daozi".

"Lu Daozi kills the Corps."

In the distance, Lu Yin glanced into the distance. What were those people excited about?

"Kill", with a sharp shout, thousands of spears fell to the ground at the same time. The incredible cooperation allowed all the murderous intent and combat power to be concentrated and exploded, releasing a killing force comparable to a million combat power and blasting towards Lu Yin.

The sky of the cosmic sea has collapsed, and the sea surface is shaking. No matter how far or close, whether on a ship or on an island, you can feel that there is a powerful force erupting from the depths of the sea at this moment.

Everyone in the Rennes Battle Group looked solemn.

Shang Sanren walked out and stared in the direction of the corps, "Why are you so crazy? Someone messed with them?".

"Captain, the bottom of the sea is about to be overthrown," the ghost doctor reminded with a hunched waist.

Shang Shengren took out his sword and said, "They can't lift it." After saying that, just as he was about to take action, the killing power suddenly disappeared and the universe sea returned to calm.

Everyone in the Rennes Legion was surprised and looked towards the direction of the regiment in confusion.

Shang Shengren frowned. Even he could not resist the force that the army just erupted. Who took action?

Lu Yin did not move in the corps sea area, but the power was suppressed by him.

The cosmic sea cannot be overturned, otherwise many people will die.

Ahead, the killing power of thousands of spears was disintegrated, but a spear still appeared, condensing into one point and stabbing Lu Yin. This spear seemed to come out of the long river of time, and Lu Yin heard those eight people again. The word - the supreme spear, the weapon of death.

This strike contains the power of the ancestral realm.

Looking at the fifth continent, there are not many people who can survive this spear, but it is of no use to Lu Yin. Let alone the power of the ancestral realm, even if the real ancestral realm strongman is here, he may not be able to withstand him.

Instead of borrowing the power of Chen Zu, he directly borrowed the Tao Ancestor Realm runes to offset the killing power of the spear.

When the spear finally came close to his face, all that was left was the spear, without the power of the ancestral realm or the power to kill.

On the warship, Hua Wu stared blankly at Lu Yin, was it him?

Lu Yin raised his hand and held the spear. His hand was cold and hard, with a strong smell of blood. He didn't know how many people he had killed.

He just held the spear, stepped onto the warship, and faced the soldiers.

All the soldiers were staring at him, and at this moment, Lu Yin realized that most of the soldiers had no look in their eyes. Only the soldiers at the front were awake, and most of the soldiers were not awake.

"You've crossed the line," came the hoarse voice.

Lu Yin looked over and said, "No. 0007. You have participated in the Starry Sky Supreme Competition. You are awake. Tell me, what is going on with you?"

In the team of warriors, it was the number 0007 that made the sound. When I first participated in the Supreme Tournament, I was in the eight-time hunting cycle. Now, I am still in the eight-time hunting cycle without any change. "We are the reserve forces of the garrison." The remnant army is ordered to guard this place. No one is allowed to approach. If you force your way in, we will defend it to the death."

Lu Yin looked at him, "Whose garrison?".

Number 0007 did not speak.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, "Protect what? Just this place?".

Number 0007 still didn't speak.

Lu Yin looked at Hua Wu, "Why are you here?".

Hua Wu raised his head, "The new recruits of the garrison will inherit the will of the garrison, insist on guarding this place, and fight to the death against foreign enemies."

"Stop talking nonsense," Lu Yin shouted sharply.

Hua Wu's expression changed and he hurriedly walked out with a smile on his face. He came to Lu Yin in a flattering manner and said, "Brother Lu, long time no see."

Lu Yin looked at him, "Why did you join the corps?".

Hua Wu had no choice but to say, "I don't want to either. I am being hunted and I accidentally come to this sea area. If I don't join, I will die. I have no choice."

"So you joined the corps by keeping your word?" Lu Yin said strangely.

Hua Wu's face twitched, "Join me sincerely, join me sincerely."

"What's going on here?" Lu Yin asked.

Hua Wu was helpless, "I don't know." Seeing Lu Yin's eyes getting colder, he hurriedly swore, "Brother Lu, I really don't know. I'm not going to lie to you. With your strength, you can easily suppress the corps. I don't have to." I'm lying to you, I really don't know. I have been on this warship since I joined the corps and have never been out. Life is very hard. If I had known this, I should have brought those enemies with me. At least there would be someone to talk to." .

"So you are of no use at all? Then you can continue to stay here," Lu Yin said casually.

Hua Wu was anxious, "No, Brother Lu, although I don't know their secrets, I can analyze them." As he said that, he lay on the ground and started drawing.

Number 0007 suddenly took action and stabbed Hua Wu with a spear, "Traitor, die."

Lu Yin casually waved his hand, and the number 0007 flew out. At the same time, thousands of soldiers took action again. Lu Yin used the runes of the point general platform to suppress the warship. "If you die, you can't complete the mission."

Number 0007 stared at Hua Wu, "Betray us and you will be punished by heaven and earth."

Hua Wu was frightened by his words, and in line with the weird atmosphere of the corps, he was a little afraid to move.

Lu Yin said calmly, "You have already betrayed. What are you waiting for? Hurry up."

Hua Wu thought for a while and continued to draw bitterly.

He drew the sea area of ​​​​the Corps, and finally pointed to a place, "Brother Lu, no matter how this warship sails, it will always circle this point, as if it is pulled by a thread from this point. There must be something weird about this point."

Lu Yin's field was suddenly released, looking for direction.

Number 0007 shouted, "Kill". After saying that, thousands of spears fell down at the same time again, turning into a spear and stabbing Lu Yin, but Lu Yin had already disappeared.

The protective power of the Corps is very powerful, and it can rely on the power of the ancestral realm, but it is useless against Lu Yin at this moment.

Lu Yin had already found the location and rushed into the seabed with Hua Wu.

Hua Wu exclaimed, "Brother Lu, I won't go, please throw me away, Brother Lu -".

Plop, Hua Wu choked and drooled all over.

Lu Yin's field continued to spread, and he had already discovered something. When he stopped and looked down, there was shock in his eyes. This was the sign of Hui Zu.

There is not one original treasure formation under the cosmic sea, but several or even a dozen combinations of original treasure formations, forming an original treasure formation seal that is almost exactly the same as the one left behind in the Emperor Ice Continent and the Hanxian Sect. There are signs of Huizu, which were left by Huizu.

Lu Yin didn't expect that this was what the Corps was guarding.

"Brother Lu, what did you see?" Hua Wu was curious.

Most people can't see it. If it weren't for Kirlov, he wouldn't be able to see Hui Zu's sign.

"Nothing," Lu Yin said lightly, then he took off and appeared above the sea. In the distance, the warship had arrived, "Kill, kill, kill." Thousands of spears once again exploded with killing power. At this moment, those thousands There was light in the eyes of the soldiers, they were awake, and they looked at Lu Yin with eyes full of hostility.

Lu Yin sighed, turned around and left.

Hua Wu did not expect this result. He thought the corps was finished.

"Brother Lu, why don't we fight?" Hua Wu asked. He hoped that the Corps would be dealt with, otherwise the words of No. 0007 would be too disturbing. He was afraid that the Corps would be much more powerful than any enemy he had experienced before.

How could Lu Yin attack the Corps? Not only could he not fight, but he also had to help them protect this place.

This is the seal left by Huizu. So, they are Huizu's garrison. What about the people in Jibing City? Is that true too?

As far as we know, Huizu left three seals on the fifth continent. The first one is the Emperor Ice Continent, and the guardians are those from Jibing City. The second one is the space left by the Hanxian Sect. There are no guards, but that area There are remnants of energy and spirit in the space, and there is even the killing power of the ancestral realm on one of the punishment mountains. There is also an old ghost like the Second Night King hiding in the space, which does not need to be guarded. This is the third place, and the guardian is the Corps.

Why did Huizu leave three seals on the fifth continent, and what were the seals? Lu Yin didn't know, but he was sure that since Huizu was sealed, it meant that the things inside were harmful to humans and could never be opened.


I’m getting married on the 9th. Although I’m busy, I will definitely update more. Let’s all be happy together. Thank you brothers for your support, thank you! !

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