Star Odyssey

Chapter 2393 Visit

Liu Lu said, "This is a place specially designed to receive outsiders." As he said this, he looked at the eldest sister's head and said, "We hope everyone will see our Liu family this way."

The eldest sister sneered, "It's unnecessary."

Liu Lu frowned, the eldest sister's attitude made him unhappy.

Lu Yin was helpless. The eldest sister had a pirate character, and she had the same personality when she joined the Hall of Glory Council. She didn't mean to cause trouble on purpose, but she was incompatible with normal interactions. Only those in the Rennes War Group suited her taste.

Liu Lu led Lu Yin and the eldest sister into the house. At this moment, a middle-aged man was already standing in the house. This man's name was Liu Du, and he was the current head of the Liu family.

Lu Yin entered and met Liu Du's eyes. For some reason, he always felt that Liu Du looked familiar.

Liu Du looked at Lu Yin with awe in his eyes, and also had another strange feeling, as if he was looking at his own descendant, "I haven't seen you for so many years. It's great that you are alive, Xiao Qi."

Lu Yin looked at Liu Du in confusion and called him Xiao Qi. This was not a title that ordinary people could call. When the word Xiao Qi came out, Lu Yin's eyes changed when he looked at Liu Du, "I'm sorry, I lost my memory."

Liu Du sighed, "I am Xiao Shitou's father. Xiao Shitou's name is Liu Shi. You call him Fifth Brother."

Lu Yin's eyes widened, Fifth Brother's father?

At this moment, he already had a vague impression of the Seven Heroes. At the Food Park, he recalled the appearance of each of them. By the way, no wonder Liu Du looked familiar. He was very similar to the laughing Fifth Brother in his memory. "Are you the fifth brother's father?"

Liu Du shook his head, "Let's not talk about the past. As long as you live, don't worry, I will do everything possible to help you, but there are some things that I can't do. Who is this?"

Lu Yin calmed down and introduced, "She is my sister. She saved me when I was living in the fifth continent."

Liu Du looked at the eldest sister and said, "Thank you." This thank you was so sincere that everyone could hear it.

The eldest sister nodded and did not speak like she just said, "Xiaoqi is also my relative."

Liu Du smiled and made a gesture to sit down.

A few people sat down and Liu Du got straight to the point, "Xiao Qi, I will do my best to help you, but there are some things that I really can't do. Wang Wen was sent by you, right?"

Lu Yin said, "Yes."

"Then you know the answer from my Liu family," Liu Du said bluntly.

This kind of straightforward speech made Lu Yin feel comfortable. It meant that Liu Du regarded him as one of his own and there was no need to beat around the bush. "Uncle Liu, I know what you are worried about. The most important thing in the Starry Sky now is to maintain balance. The four-dimensional balance holds the battlefield behind. , you are standing outside the world, if this balance can be maintained forever, I will not look for you."

"What do you want to say?" Liu Du asked.

Wang Wen came to him and proposed agency and alliance. At first, he was moved, but what Bai Qi said at the farmhouse made them worried. The more they got to know Sifang Tianping, the bigger their worries became, and they were afraid that the fish would die and the net would be broken. .

Just like when people of equal fighting strength fight against each other, those who are timid are afraid of being cruel, and those who are cruel are afraid of losing their lives.

By joining forces with Lu Yin, they may be able to hold down the balance of power in all directions, but if they do so, the result will most likely be death together. Bai Wangyuan and others have spent so much effort to exile the Lu family to pursue more than just decades at the helm.

Lu Yin organized his words, "Sifang Tianping exiled my Lu family in order to control the starry sky of the tree. What's the point of the four families controlling it?".

Liu Du's eyes narrowed.

"Although this junior has lost the memory of Lu Xiaoxuan's time, he has been here several times. Long Qi and Yu Hao are both my identities. These identities allow me to be at home in the world," Lu Yin said. What he said made people Liu Du is so weird that he feels like a fish in water? But it's not just that simple, it's a disaster.

"Uncle Liu, do you know why these identities allow this junior to play with the balance of the four directions?" Lu Yin asked back.

Liu Du said nothing.

"Because these identities have one thing in common." Lu Yin leaned forward and stared at Liu Du, "Genius, a crushing genius."

Liu Du narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin said, "The reason why Long Qi made the White Dragon Clan lose face is because the White Dragon Clan held him up too high, so high that they would give up the Long Ke lineage for him. Why? Because the ancestor Mu Xie wanted to accept Long Qi as his disciple. , because Long Qi has an unparalleled talent for interpreting words, not because Long Qi has made great contributions to mankind. What the White Dragon Clan sees is a prodigy who can crush his peers in the future, a possibility that surpasses the balance of the world."

"This is especially true for Yu Hao. His talent in cultivation and language interpretation surpasses Long Qi. He also has both sides, making everyone in the world see the possibility of wooing him. Once he is wooed, he may surpass the other three companies in the future."

"Sifang Tianping has been trying their best to surpass others. They are never willing to let the four families control the starry sky. Their most fundamental purpose of expelling the Lu family is to replace the Lu family."

Of course Liu Du knew what Lu Yin said, "No matter how they fight, they will balance each other."

Lu Yin shook his head, "You have to take a good look at yourselves, Uncle Liu. If this junior guessed correctly, the Liu family and the farm family have already formed an alliance, and they have joined forces to deal with the Four Directions Balance. Once one family has the upper hand in the Four Directions Balance, they will help the other party and maintain it as much as possible. This balance, right”.

Liu Du did not deny it.

"Not only you two, Guiyuan, or others, you only think that it plays a balancing role in the starry sky of the tree, but I can guess that the four-square scale can also do it. I wonder if your combined power can compare Can you come to my Lu family?" Lu Yin said.

Liu Du's eyes flashed, "Of course I can't compare."

Lu Yin said, "Sifang Balance can find a way to banish my Lu family, let alone you. The balance you maintain is more like the balance that Sifang Balance is willing to let you maintain in the eyes of the younger generation. Once any of them has the ability to break this The balanced strength, whether it is the other three or you, is nothing but a mirror..."

The eldest sister yawned. Lu Yin said a lot, and Liu Du also said a lot, but their positions were different and they all had their own concerns. In the end, no one could convince the other.

Lu Yin didn't expect to succeed as soon as he came. Wang Wen's eloquence was better than him, but he also failed. His real purpose of coming here was just to plant a seed for the Liu family. Sooner or later, this seed would sprout, even if the balance of the four directions was balanced. If you don't let it sprout, he will let it sprout.

"Xiao Qi, it's hard to come here. Please stay for a few days. Xiao Shitou's house is still empty." Liu Du and Lu Yin walked out of the house and said. They were a little tired and looked at Lu Yin with strange eyes. The former Lu Xiaoxuan I can't say that.

Lu Yin was also tired, "Uncle Liu, I want to visit the sword monument."

Liu Du said, "Okay, you can go whenever you want."

"Can my sister visit?" Lu Yin asked.

The eldest sister looked at Liu Du.

Liu Du hesitated for a moment, "It's okay to visit, but I also have to tell Mr. Song."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "I also want to see Mr. Song, and I want to ask for advice on some swordsmanship issues."

"Swordsmanship problem?" Liu Du wanted to say that he could give me some advice, but after thinking for a while he couldn't say it. The person in front of him was not only the Lu Xiaoxuan back then, but also a powerful ancestral realm warrior who could force Bai Wangyuan and others to reach an agreement. , although he has only been in the fourth source calamity, he can fight against the ancestral realm, which is not something he can teach. Today, there is only one Song Lao left in the Liu family who is qualified.

"Okay, let me tell you something."

That day, Lu Yin and his eldest sister stayed at Liu's house.

Lu Yin looked at the simple wooden house. This was the fifth brother's house in the Liu family. He had lived here for many years, and Lu Xiaoxuan must have been here too.

With complicated emotions, Lu Yin fell asleep.

The next day, he found Liu Yishou, a person he had integrated into before. At this moment, he was talking to Zhang Dingtian.

Lu Yin could not reveal his identity, so he did not recognize Zhang Dingtian.

Approaching Liu Yishou step by step, Zhang Dingtian looked over cautiously, and Liu Yishou also looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin smiled at them, passed by, one step, two steps, three steps, and the third step happened to be within five meters of Liu's hand. Lu Yin took out the needle from the Ningkong Ring and shifted vaguely. His perspective changed, and he controlled Liu He took the needle with one hand and put it directly into the Ning Kong Ring.

Everything happened in just an instant, the needle had entered Liu Yishou's Ningkong Ring, and he didn't even know it.

On the way to Liu's house, he thought a lot, and the most important thing he thought about was Liu Song's identity. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Liu Song should not be left alone. However, he had no evidence to prove anything, so he could only see if he could do something with Liu's help. What.

That's why I asked Liu Song to teach me swordsmanship. At that time, most people from the Liu family would show up, and Liu Yishou was no exception.

Seeing Lu Yin leaving, Zhang Dingtian wondered, "Who is this person?".

Liu Yishou didn't understand, "I've never seen it before, but that mole has a lot of personality. Ignore him and continue."

Zhang Dingtian didn't care either.

Liu Du went to look for Liu Song, but he never showed up. Lu Yin was worried that Liu Song would simply not show up. Until the third day, Liu Du came and found Lu Yin. "Song will be here soon. If you have any questions about swordsmanship, just ask." Ask, Song Lao also liked you very much back then."

He was naturally referring to Lu Xiaoxuan.

Lu Yin and the eldest sister looked at each other and waited quietly.

Not long after, the hunched old Song Lao appeared. Lu Yin and his eldest sister looked at each other and saw nothing unusual.

The Song Lao who appeared in front of him was exactly the same as the one he saw at Wujie Headquarters, and the look in his eyes did not change at all. No, he was a little more joyful, "I had known that Long Qi was Lu Xiaoxuan back then. I would have kept you here longer." a few days”.

Lu Yin said politely, "This junior has met Mr. Song."

Song Lao nodded and said with a smile, "A year ago, you and Mu Shang played a stable game against Fangyuan. I also watched it. Compared with Lu Xiaoxuan's time, you have climbed higher and farther now, which is very good."

Lu Yin said, "Thank you, Mr. Song, for your compliments. When I took over the fourteenth mission, I offended the Liu family a lot."

Liu Song waved his hand, "Liu Ke is a traitor, damn it, I, the Liu family, want to thank you." After saying that, he paused and looked at the eldest sister, "You can visit the sword monument."

The eldest sister kept staring at Song Lao, with considerable fear deep in her eyes, "Have we met before?".

Liu Song was puzzled, "Have you ever been to this starry sky?".

"I've only been here for a year."

"Then I haven't seen it."


I'm getting married today. I'm hiding in my room coding, no matter how hot it is outside, I'm coding the most! !

Continuing to add more updates today, the time is at 6:28 pm, which happens to be the beginning of the wedding. Brothers are happy together!

Thank you brothers for your support, thank you! !

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