Star Odyssey

Chapter 2400: Calculation

If it weren't for Zu Mang, he wouldn't have had this opportunity. The Immortal God wouldn't have been able to stand and let him use his extremely powerful counterattack. Any counterattack would kill him in seconds.

However, various coincidences gave Lu Yin an opportunity to kill the Seven Gods. Once this opportunity is grasped, it will be remembered in history, and its shock level will directly exceed that of countless predecessors.

The Immortal God was whipped hundreds of times, his entire head was rotten, his body gradually collapsed, and he was about to be whipped to death.

Lu Yin was not excited at all. His eyes did not stay on the Immortal God, but on Zu Mang.

Ever since the Immortal God said that his ancestral world and Zu Mang were restrained from each other, he had been approaching Zu Mang using rune numbers and noticed that there was an obscure power in Zu Mang's body. That power should belong to the Immortal God, and now the Immortal God The whole person was about to be beaten to pieces, but the power in Zu Mang's body did not weaken at all.

No, Lu Yin suddenly stopped, stopped beating, and stared at the body of the Immortal God that was almost beaten into pieces. No, absolutely wrong.

"Why don't you fight?", the eldest sister exclaimed, "Get rid of him quickly."

Lu Yin let out a deep breath, "You are tempting us to take action."

The eldest sister is confused.

Opposite, the almost broken body of the Immortal God squirmed, and then slowly spliced ​​together, and the facial features could be vaguely recognized, as well as the scarlet eyes, "It's just a little bit worse, what a pity."

Lu Yin's face looked ugly, just a little bit close.

"What's going on?" The eldest sister was confused.

Lu Yin said in a deep voice, "He is tempting me to break his body to get away from Zu Mang. Even if the slippers beat him into pieces, it can't kill him. He is using me. The Ancestral World contained by Zu Mang has not weakened at all. , he was not injured."

One of the Immortal God's eyes fell out, and then it bounced in the void, as if hung by a thread, "How did you find it? Even Netherworld couldn't find it."

Lu Yin didn't say it was because of Fu Zu's power.

In the duel with the Immortal God, at that moment he was almost using the power of Ku Zu, Hui Zu and Fu Zu at the same time.

Although he didn't know how the immortal god could restore his broken body, this was definitely his way out of trouble.

The eldest sister frowned, "Then why did he return to the free state just now? If he didn't say anything, the first slipper spanking would have gone on forever, and you wouldn't have discovered the flaw."

"Because the first spanking was not powerful enough," Lu Yin said solemnly.

The eldest sister didn't understand that things will turn back when they are extreme. The slipper was able to hit the immortal god for the first time. It was not because the immortal god was frightened by his wisdom, but because he was testing the power of the slippers.

Lu Yin inexplicably asked Echi to attack with slippers and needles. Even idiots knew there was something wrong. He wanted to test the strength of the slippers. If possible, he would naturally be willing to be beaten into pieces. Unfortunately, the slippers were not powerful enough, so he had to resort to the extremes of things.

People have instincts, and so do practitioners.

If a person touches fire, he will subconsciously dodge. The cultivator's instinct is to avoid fatal attacks as much as possible. Even if the immortal god is trapped, his instinct will offset part of the damage caused by the slippers, but it will be different if the object must react in the free state. He will take the slap of the slipper literally.

In other words, that way, it can be broken into pieces.

If he hadn't discovered that his ancestral world was not weakened, Lu Yin would never have discovered it, and the result was

It was to beat the immortal god into pieces, and then use unknown methods to recover and escape from Zu Mang. Lu Yin would definitely be killed by the counter-attack.

The so-called third death-seeking personality is also fake. Everything is fake. He hopes to be broken into pieces from beginning to end.

"You are worthy of being a genius who can unify the Fifth Continent. Lu Yin, you are much smarter than Lu Xiaoxuan back then. It's a pity that you are just a little bit worse. It's a pity. In this case, let's cause chaos. I will be trapped for a day. The tree There will be a disaster in the starry sky one day." As he said this, the Immortal God's eyes suddenly widened. His eyeballs were obviously about to fall out of their sockets with bloodshot eyes, but at this moment, everyone seemed to see the ferocious and vicious gaze of the Immortal God, not just Lu Yin. The head of the eldest sister includes creatures in the lower world, the middle world, the upper world and even the outside world.

A pair of bloodshot eyeballs suddenly appeared in front of countless people in the Tree Starry Sky. The entire Tree Starry Sky was silent, and everyone stared at this scene in horror.

This scene appeared and disappeared just as quickly.

Lu Yin looked at the Immortal God, what did he do?

The eldest sister was also confused, not knowing what the Immortal God had done.

The Immortal God let out a hoarse laugh, and its shattered face expanded infinitely, bringing strange terror to people.

Far away from the tree root where the Immortal God was trapped, Liu Shaoge looked in shock. He saw Zu Mang piercing the Zhongping Realm and dragging down a strong man from the Ancestral Realm. He saw the battle that subverted the Lower Mortal Realm, which was the Ancestral Realm battlefield. , the aftermath was enough to make the creatures he feared in the mortal world crawl and tremble.

That is the state that practitioners should reach.

"That is the ancestral realm. The one who can cause Zu Mang to take action should be the absolute master of the Eternal Clan, most likely one of the Seven Gods." He saw a lot more, he saw Lu Yin, and he also saw the ancestor of the Liu family appearing before.

"The true body of the Seven Gods?" Liu Shaoge was shocked.

Xia Shenji's clone nodded, "If it weren't for its true form, how could it induce Zu Mang to take action and make the condor crow? For many years, the condor has rarely made a sound. It only reacts when faced with this kind of existence."

"Is there really a divine eagle in the Dominion Realm?" Liu Shaoge thought it was just a legend. As Yuchen's assistant in Hanxian Sect, he could not have come into contact with such confidential matters. No one would tell him this, and he did not dare to inquire.

Xia Shenji's clone looked at him, "Many legends are actually facts, but the facts are too false for most people, so they think they are legends. Ancestors are also legends to ordinary people. Didn't you see it? Your boss The enemy can even intervene in the ancestral realm battlefield."

Liu Shaoge took a deep breath. Legends like the Divine Eagle, Zu Mang, the ancient God of Death, and Destiny appeared one by one. This universe became more and more exciting.

At this time, Xia Shenji's clone turned his head and looked in one direction. The ground there was moving, as if something was coming out.

He frowned, is this? Corpse King?


A figure jumped out, raising dark and empty eyes to stare at Xia Shenji's clone and Liu Shaoge. If Lu Yin were here, he would definitely recognize that this was the mummy that had chased him in the fifth continent. He was later killed. The Eternals unleashed the bloodline to hunt down the Ancients, causing the Burial Garden to open up.

This kind of mummy suddenly appeared in this starry sky.

The mummy was born fearless and rushed towards Xia Shenji's clone, which was easily broken into pieces by Xia Shenji's clone. "How come something from the Eternals appears in the lower world? It's strange."

Liu Shaoge looked at the mummy that had been reduced to pieces. He was equally strange, but he couldn't think of the reason.

They did not notice that after the mummy was reduced to pieces, a trace of dark red that could not be detected melted into the ground and disappeared. This dark red seemed to be heading towards the direction of the undead consciously, and even if it was seen, it would be thought to be a blood stain.

At this moment, mummies appeared one after another in the entire lower world. They were not harmful to the creatures in the lower world, but they would immediately take action as soon as they found a cultivator.

Qianzou also saw a ghost. He was originally going to experience the mortal world under the starry sky of the tree, but he didn't expect that he first encountered Zu Mang piercing the Zhongping Realm, and the falling boulder almost killed him, and then the Ancestral Realm In the battle, no matter how fast he was, he could not escape the aftermath of the battle in the ancestral realm. His survival depended on luck. As he walked, a mummy actually appeared in front of him.

He was no stranger to this kind of mummy. It had appeared on the Fifth Continent. "There are some here too? Help--".

The mummy ran after him.

In the Zhongping Realm, at the same time, many mummies crawled out of the graves, and more mummies crawled out of the pond civilization, directly massacring the clans where they lived, causing a bloody storm. The same was true in the Top Realm. The most conspicuous It is the city under the Wang Family Continent. The pond civilization in one of the cities spewed out no less than a hundred mummies, killing them everywhere, and even killed them in the Xinkong Corridor Mountain Col. Facing the fifth continent and the starry sky cultivators of the tree, they were solved in the blink of an eye.

Although the mummy was solved, the dark red color also disappeared underground.

In the mortal world, the place where the immortal gods were trapped ushered in a semi-ancestor - Wu Yao.

The battle between the Liu family was so fierce, even the earth was pierced by Zu Mang, how could Sifang Tianping not care.

Not too long has passed since the appearance of the Immortal God's true form, and the people from Sifang Balance also appeared one by one.

After Wu Yao arrived, there were Xia Ziheng, Master Yu, Qing Chen, and two unfamiliar half-ancestors.

Even the Four Directions Scales don't know how many powerful people are hiding in the Starry Sky of Trees.

Ce Donglai also came.

Facing the Seven Gods, no one dares to be careless.

If it hadn't been for the war in the Dominion Realm, it wouldn't have been these half-ancestors, but the Ancestral Realm powerhouses. At most, they would have come to understand the situation.

Lu Yin briefly explained the matter.

Wu Yao said coldly, "It turned out to be that old ghost Liu Song. I had noticed that something was wrong with him, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be the body of the Half-Ancestor of the Seven Gods."

"Can you tell something is wrong with Liu Song? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qingchen was dissatisfied and looked at Wu Yao.

Wu Yao just subconsciously said that he had disliked Liu Song for a long time. How could he miss the opportunity to add insult to injury? He didn't expect Qingchen to take it seriously.

"I'm asking you something," Qingchen shouted.

Wu Yao looked at him and said, "I am not the sinner of your poor family, don't talk to me in this tone."

"Since you knew something was wrong with Liu Song, why didn't you say anything?" Lu Yin also spoke, with the same question, but compared to Qingchen, his deterrence was much greater.

Qingchen and Wu Yao were both half-ancestors, and neither one thought that the other could defeat him. However, Lu Yin was different. He had actually fought against four half-ancestors in single combat, and even killed one, and now he could also rely on his ancestors. The power of the realm made the ancestor of Sifang Tianping fearful. Facing him, Wu Yao subconsciously felt frightened, "It's just a little bit wrong. I also feel that something is wrong with the God of Cookery. Could it be that he will be investigated after saying that Han Clan will investigate him?".

Lu Yin frowned.

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