Star Odyssey

Chapter 2444 Ancient Existence

In Zhongping Realm, a very prosperous city in Qingyue District, Xuan Jiu looked at the wireless Gu in confusion, should he accept it or not? This is a problem.

He has been hiding in the Starry Sky for three years, trying his best to avoid Lu Yin. He has been very comfortable during these three years, as comfortable as the twenty years when Lu Yin disappeared, and he was before the restoration of the Star Source Universe of the Fifth Continent. After leaving and coming here, I am not affected by the poison of time, and I am as carefree as I was on the fifth continent.

But it was impossible to join Sifang Tianping. He could only eat and die in the Zhongping world.

I just hope that I will never get involved with that guy Lu Yin.

But that guy actually contacted me.

The wireless Gu stopped vibrating, and Xuan Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, no need to answer it.

Then, the wireless Gu vibrated again, and he stared.

Stop, shake again, stop, shake again.

Xuan Jiu answered, "You are not going to give up."

Lu Yin replied, "At first you said that I was an unlucky person and whoever got close to me would be unlucky, right?"

"Yes", Xuanjiu replied without hesitation, and then immediately replied, "No, there is no need to get close to you at all. It would be bad luck to stay away from you."

"Do you know how to correct the Xuan Tian Jian?" Lu Yin asked.

Xuan Jiu was surprised, "You actually know Zhengxuan Tianjian? I don't know how, and no one does."

"Someone can," Lu Yin replied.

Xuan Jiu was surprised, "Who?".

Lu Yin replied, "Tell you, is there any way you can get the Zhengxuan Tianjian cultivation method from her?".

Xuan Jiu had a toothache, "Of course there is nothing we can do. Xuan Tianjian distinguishes pros and cons. Destiny will pass down anti-Xuan Tianjian. If someone knows how to correct Xuan Tianjian, things will be very serious."

"Don't Caixingmen not believe in destiny girls? You seem to be a very determined person of destiny."

"Nonsense, people from the Tianshang Sect era have confirmed it, so why don't you believe it?"

"But I feel like you knew about destiny early on."

"Okay, don't mince words. So what if I knew it early on? Let me tell you, Caixing Sect got to where it is today by relying on the abacus method of fortune telling. So what? No one believed it when I told you. There is no need to tell you now. A genuine descendant of destiny is here, what does it have to do with us?"

Lu Yin no longer dwelled on this point, "The person who masters the method of Zhengxuan Tianjian is my enemy. Is there any way to deal with him?"

"No, Grandpa Jiu, I am just a useless person. Don't expect anything from me. Grandpa Jiu has only one dream in his life." After a pause, he replied, "Five hundred years to the sky."

Lu Yin was speechless, "Five hundred years is too little."

"Hmph, let's live five hundred years first, I'm afraid you won't survive." Xuan Jiu rolled his eyes.

"Let's meet," Lu Yin replied.

Xuan Jiu ended the call directly, and then crushed the wireless Gu with his foot, "Meet? Meet your uncle."

Lu Yin put away his wireless Gu, and Xuan Jiu was determined not to see him again.

What happened to fate? The scene he just saw left a shadow on Lu Yin.

He observed the red divine power in his heart. Will this thing change him in the future?

Looking up, looking at the upper world, looking at the sky, the biggest unstable factor now is Crazy Lu. He is looking for every opportunity to take action against him, and he must destroy him as much as possible, otherwise who knows what will happen in the future.

There are also resources in the New World, Sifang Tianping will definitely take them, but there will be no shortage of behemoths like farmers.

Thinking of this, he raised his wireless Gu and contacted Nong Yi.

"You're here." Nong Yi was not surprised by Lu Yin's arrival. Three years is a short period of time, but anyone who knows Lu Yin knows that he has not been in seclusion for more than a year. "Do you have any clues about Xingyuan?" .

Lu Yin replied, "No, I came here to ask you something."

Nong Yi was confused, "What's going on?".

"Where are you? Dominate the world?".

"Seed Garden".

"Then I'll go over there." Lu Yin ended the call and headed towards the seed garden.

Soon, the seed garden was in sight.

The huge shadow of the Hell Dragon fell, attracting countless gazes from the Seed Garden, with trembling, fear, and shock.

In the seed garden, Nong Yi wiped his forehead and said, "You can't keep a low profile, Yazi, pick him up."

Behind him, Nong Ya looked depressed. Ya Zi, this name is really unpleasant, but the ancestor liked to call him that, and he had no temper.

At the feet, Guo jumped up and down, making a sound of "Yiyi", very happy.

Farther away, Nong Sanniang, Nong Lie, Nong Siniang and others were all there, including Bai Xue.

Nong Yi has always been outside the world most of the time and rarely returns to the seed garden. When the Lu family was still there, he was one of the strong men in the ancestral realm who protected the outside world. This was especially true after the Lu family was exiled. The Nong family could Not many people have contact with Nong Yi.

Now that the Eternals have finally been defeated and the threat has disappeared, the ancestor can come back at any time, and no one will miss this opportunity to get close to the ancestor.

Regardless of Nong Yi's identity as a farmer ancestor, even in the ordinary ancestral realm, cultivators would flock to him.

Soon, Lu Yin followed Nong Ya to the field and said, "Ancestor is in front, Lu Daozi, please."

Lu Yin saw Nong Sanniang and others, and also saw Bai Xue. They looked at each other, nodded, and then walked into the field naturally, taking off their shoes, just like the farmers.

Seeing Lu Yin arriving, Guo jumped over happily.

Lu Yin looked at Guo in surprise. This was not the first time he saw this little thing. Back then, the little thing followed Nong Lie and wanted to jump on him every time he saw him. This time was no exception.

Guo jumped up, Lu Yin subconsciously took it, put it on his shoulder, and listened to Guo making a happy sound.

"Little one likes you very much," Nong Yi said with a smile. He was dressed in simple clothes and had a towel tied on his forehead. He couldn't tell the ancestral image.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Old friends, senior, rural life is very happy, right?"

Nong Yi nodded, "For us farmers, a piece of heaven and earth and a cup of tea are the best enjoyments. It would be better if there are a few juniors who can teach us a few words at any time."

The people in Nongya looked helpless and subconsciously stepped back.

On the other side, Bai Xue looked at it complexly. She had heard a lot about Lu Yin when she was in the seed garden, but after hearing it again, it was hard to believe that Lu Yin, a person who was obviously about the same age as them, walked out of the earth together. How could a person like this be able to fight against a strong man from the ancestral realm now? It was even said that he even made the ancestor of the peasant family a god. It was unbelievable.

Is it because of the descendants of the Lu family?

"Senior, don't you plan to return to the outside world?" Lu Yin asked.

Nong Yi said, "If the threat comes again, of course I have to go back." As he said this, he waved his hoe and dug the ground.

Others followed suit and started digging.

Lu Yin pursed his lips, then took out a hoe from the Ningkong Ring and started digging the ground according to their rhythm, which attracted everyone's surprise.

Even Nong Yi was surprised, "This hoe?".

"It was given by someone else," Lu Yin replied casually.

Nong Yi looked at it and said, "Exotic treasure, besides my farmer, who else can make a hoe from the exotic treasure?"

Lu Yin smiled, "My surname is Nong, the same as yours, and I come from the Sixth Continent."

"Is there a farmer like me in the Sixth Continent?" Nong Ya was surprised.

Nong Yi was not surprised, "I see. No wonder, farmers are spreading their branches and leaves, not only in the fifth continent. It is said that one generation of ancestors once made great ambitions to cultivate six continents, so many farmers' children wanted to take pictures of one generation of elders." The ancestors’ flattery went to various continents to compete with each other in cultivating fields.”

"Then what?" Lu Yin asked.

Nong Yi dug his hoe into the ground, "Then the continent was gone, and the cultivated fields were naturally gone, so it's not surprising that there are descendants of my farm family on the sixth continent."

Guo jumped from Lu Yin's shoulder to the other, minding his own business, and was very happy.

"Senior, how much do you know about our Lu family?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Nong Yi was puzzled, "What specifically?"

"Crazy Lu", Lu Yin said three words in a deep voice.

Nong Yi stopped and looked at the ground in deep thought.

Nong Ya and others exited the farmland one by one. In the end, only Nong Yi and Lu Yin were left in the field, plus a fruit, playing happily.

"When it comes to understanding Madman Lu, you have found the wrong person," Nong Yi said. "Except for Senior Lu Tianyi, no one understands this madman. Even the ancestors of your Lu family may not understand him."

Lu Yin's heart moved, "The senior is telling the junior that this crazy Lu is very old?"

If Crazy Lu was from his father's generation or from the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas generation, how could it be possible that only the ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Tian, ​​understood it.

Nong Yi raised his eyebrows, "I really have to think a lot more when talking to you, but you are right, Madman Lu is extremely old. How should I put it? I am one of the first people born after the Starry Sky separated from the Fifth Continent. Although his seniority is lower than that of Bai Zu and the others, it is not much different. At that time, my grandfather was still alive. My grandfather told me that his father had heard of Crazy Lu. There are even older records that Crazy Lu is just like Crazy Lu. Home a negative label”.

"He is just like Senior Lu Tianyi. When outsiders mention the Lu family, the first person they think of is Senior Lu Tianyi, and those who know this crazy Lu will also think of him."

Lu Yin wondered, "How long has Crazy Lu survived?".

Nong Yi shook his head, "No one knows this, only senior Lu Tianyi knows."

Lu Yin looked above his head. Could this Madman Lu also come from the Tianshang Sect era? If so, why does he hate the Lu family? The Lu family didn't deal with him?

This person was a thorn in his heart, piercing deeper than the Sifang Scale.

Sifang Tianping is a mortal enemy, but because of the agreement, there is no need to worry about what happens to them for the time being, but Crazy Lu is different and may take action at any time.

So far, he has tried twice and almost succeeded.

For the first time, after the Jieyu duel with Mushang, if it hadn't been for that inexplicable palm, he would have been in real danger.

The second time was the Sixth Origin Tribulation, and Crazy Lu actually wanted to participate in it, just like the God of Cookery led Mr. Yu into the Origin Tribulation. It was clear that they would both perish together.

This person is a madman, a real madman. If he is not dealt with, Lu Yin will not be able to sleep peacefully.

But how to solve it?

If there were no Sifang Scales blocking his way, he could use what he saw during the time travel as a basis for suspecting Crazy Lu, and ask Senior Brother Mu Xie to come forward. Although the Senior Brother might not take action against him because there was no evidence, at least he could be with him. Crazy Lu faced off once.

However, with the balance in all directions blocking him, he may not even have a chance to confront him.

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