Star Odyssey

Chapter 2447 Profit without foundation

On this day, the wireless Gu in the hands of the cultivator of the Tree Starry Sky suddenly stopped moving. It was half dead and could not contact other people no matter how he gave the command.

This incident shocked Tree Starry Sky as soon as it appeared. Now Tree Starry Sky has begun to rely on the use of Wireless Gu. If Wireless Gu cannot be used, not only will the resources they purchased Wireless Gu be lost in vain, but it will also be difficult to explain to other practitioners. , because the transactions of Wireless Gu are directly through Sifang Balance.

Three years ago, Lu Yin discussed with Wang Wen and others, planning to use war resources as an agent to divide the Liu family and farm families with Sifang Tianping. However, with Liu Yue's death, the matter fell into nothing. Qiong Xi'er suggested that Sifang simply let Sifang balance. Balance represents the fifth continent's war resources.

For many cultivators in Tree Star Sky, the wireless Gu they purchased was not purchased through the Fifth Continent, but directly from Sifang Tianping. Now there is a problem with the Wireless Gu and they cannot find the Fifth Continent. After all, the Fifth Continent is new to the sky. The corridor is closed, and there is another problem in the Star Source Universe there. Who will look for it, they will only look for Sifang Balance.

"What did you say? Something went wrong? What problem?", a middle-aged fat man gave an order to the wireless Gu in front of him. This man was the fat man that Bai Qi brought to the Fifth Continent to discuss business cooperation with Qiong Xi'er. Qiong Xi'er had been having a long-term argument, but now he is responsible for the trade between Tree Starry Sky and the Fifth Continent. His wireless Gu is fine and can transmit messages normally.

Naturally, Qiong Xi'er was on the other end of Wireless Gu, "I don't know what the problem is, I'm checking it out."

"Then why am I okay with this?" The middle-aged man thought of something and gritted his teeth and asked.

Qiong Xier was helpless, "So I said, we are checking. What, you hope there is something wrong with yours?"

"How long will it take to handle it?" the middle-aged man asked.

Qiong Xier said, "I don't know, just wait." After that, she ended the call.

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered, and his palms and forehead were sweaty.

Not long after, Bai Qi appeared, looking very unhappy, "What's going on?".

The middle-aged man said respectfully, "Qiong Xi'er said there was something wrong with the wireless Gu and is checking it out."

"How long will it take?" Bai Qi frowned.

The middle-aged man wanted to say something, but he didn't dare.

Bai Qi looked at him and said, "Speak." The half-ancestor's aura made the middle-aged man dare not hesitate, and he knelt down subconsciously, "There is something wrong here."

"What's the problem?" Bai Qi was confused.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said, "My wireless Gu can communicate normally, but other people's have problems. This is not a simple malfunction, but intentional. The Fifth Continent deliberately caused problems with the wireless Gu sold to us. They took action against us."

"What did you say? Attack us? Why?" Bai Qi was confused.

The middle-aged man didn't know, "The villain doesn't know why. This transaction is related to the Starry Sky and the Abandoned Land. Strictly speaking, it's not a transaction at all, but an exchange of resources. Therefore, the villain never thought that the other party actually Using trade means, I hope this is a villain who is overthinking and it is really a malfunction, otherwise, otherwise."

"Otherwise what?" Bai Qi shouted.

The middle-aged man swallowed, "If the guess is correct, if the other party dares to take action at this time, we must definitely use wireless Gu. They will use wireless Gu to restrict our tree starry sky."

Bai Qi laughed, "I'm kidding, even if we don't use wireless Gu, we can also use Yuntong Stone." When she said this, her face changed and she looked at the middle-aged man, who was trembling. "Check it for me quickly, Yuntong Stone." Nothing can go wrong with the stone."

One day later, information from all parties gathered, and a large number of Yun Tong Stones in the Star Sky of the Tree were controlled. These Yun Tong Stones were unproduced and were just mineral resources, called Yun Stone. They were not Yun Tong Stones that could talk to each other and see each other. Stone, these marbles need to be made to form the Yuntong Stone for normal use. Now, those who control the marble minerals refuse to make it, and it will be useless no matter who finds it.

The middle-aged man exhaled, "As expected, they took action. They first replaced Yuntong Stone with wireless Gu. Wireless Gu became popular in large numbers. Naturally, the price of Yuntong Stone continued to decrease, and the price of marble minerals will be even lower. They secretly took action and purchased All marble mines have been waiting for this moment."

Having said this, he wondered, "The marble mine must be controlled. How could it be bought?"

Idiots all know that anything that can be used as a strategic material reserve will be controlled. Sifang Tianping must control a large number of marble mines. After all, they also have industries under their command. Yuntong Stone must be one of the largest pillar industries of Sifang Tianping. How could it be controlled? The Fifth Continent bought it?

Bai Qi's face turned ugly, "Those guys in the sect who thought they were smart saw Wireless Gu replacing Yun Tong Stone, so they immediately sold the Yun Stone mine, gained profits, and were rewarded by Bai Teng."

"Sold to the Fifth Continent?", the middle-aged man was incredulous.

Bai Qi said, "Of course not. Even if the marble mine is destroyed, it cannot be sold to the Fifth Continent. They sold it to a family in Yixian District."

The middle-aged man understood, "The Fifth Continent is using the locals of our Tree Star Sky to control a large number of marble mines, but where did they get the influence? How did they find the marble mines?"

Bai Qi didn't say anything about this. This person was extremely skilled in business and could see through Qiong Xi'er's intentions at a glance, but his thinking was limited to this. He could never see higher-level things clearly.

Although the Yunshi Mine is secretive, it is not difficult to control it with Lu Yin's methods and his overt and covert influence in the Tree Starry Sky.

Lu Yin's control of the Yunshi Mine means that they can no longer make Yun Tong Stone. If they want to communicate, they must use wireless Gu, but the wireless Gu is controlled by the other party. If it breaks, they can demand compensation from the other party, but now the other party has very few reasons. Simple, the cause is being checked. Even if compensation is required, we have to wait until the cause is checked. I don’t know how long it will take.

"Sir," the middle-aged man said.

Bai Qi looked at him.

"The Fifth Continent obtained a large amount of star energy crystal marrow from our tree's starry sky with war resources such as wireless Gu and virtual float, and then used these star energy crystal marrow to purchase marble mines. From the beginning to the end, they did not pay anything at all, even if they purchased After obtaining the marble mine, the remaining crystal marrow is enough to cover their cost," the middle-aged man said.

"Now that there is a problem with Wireless Gu, they can buy low and sell high for the marble mine. Not only can they make a profit, but they can also use this as a condition for negotiation. There is no need to deal with Qiong Xier's side. The villain thinks that we can contact them directly The person who calls the shots in the Fifth Continent, without his approval, Qiong Xier would not dare to do it even if she had the courage to do so."

Nonsense, Bai Qi's eyes were cold. How could a little Qiong Xier dare to plot against Shu Zhixingkong? She could kill him with just one slap.

This is also the reason why the middle-aged man did not take precautions in advance. His vision is limited to business, and he only looks at transaction profits. All he can do is to keep the purchase price as low as possible. How could he possibly think that the other party would use this to deal with the entire Tree Starry Sky? This is not him The vision that should be taken.

Bai Qi didn't blame him. Lu Yin wanted to take action. How could this man defend himself?

Now she no longer thinks about these issues, but is thinking about what Lu Yin is going to do? And why did he suddenly take action? Is he ready to fall out with Sifang Tianping?

Three years ago, Sifang Tianping killed Liu Yue and was about to fall out, but was stopped by Lu Yin. Now, he took the initiative.

Bai Qi immediately contacted Bai Wangyuan. This matter was not something she could handle.

When Bai Wangyuan learned about this, he was furious.

There would definitely be a confrontation between Sifang Tianping and Lu Yin, but they didn't expect that the first confrontation three years later would be like this.

He immediately contacted Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's brain was hurting at the moment. Opposite him, the big-faced tree happily talked about each war, even the details. Lu Yin didn't dare to ask, and once he asked, he would start all over again.

He was stunned to finish listening to a war story before escaping. He had to listen to it to the end, otherwise he would have to repeat it again next time.

Listen to it piece by piece, and you will always hear what you want to know.

Wireless Gu kept vibrating, Bai Wangyuan contacted him several times, and Lu Yin answered, "What's the matter?".

"What happened to the wireless Gu?" Bai Wangyuan asked in a suppressed voice.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed and he rubbed his forehead, "What wireless Gu?".

"Lu Xiaoxuan, there's no need to pretend, you and I know everything. Now I want to know what purpose you want to use these things to achieve," Bai Wangyuan said.

Lu Yin took the water handed over by Bai Xue and took a sip, "I was the first to enter the New World. I also destroyed the star gate of the Eternals. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even have the courage to set foot on the New World. In the end, But I only got ten cities."

Bai Wangyuan didn't expect Lu Yin to mention this. He thought it was something. But it was right when he thought about it. This confrontation did not involve combat and there were no casualties. It was just a commercial dispute. Business is of course for profit, "You How many do you want?".

"Now it's not just the ten cities. The ten cities combined only have 6 billion cubic star energy crystal marrow. Bai Wangyuan, are you kidding me?" Lu Yin asked back.

Bai Wangyuan said coldly, "Ten cities have been divided up for you. You didn't let anyone collect it. It was stolen by others. It has nothing to do with us. Don't blame us for this. I don't have time to talk to you about this."

"Two trillion, you give me two trillion, and I will pretend this never happened," Lu Yin said directly.

Bai Wangyan's eyes widened, "Two trillion? Now you are kidding me."

Although he was in the ancestral realm and did not attach much importance to external objects such as star energy crystal marrow, the figure of two trillion was a bit exaggerated.

Lu Yin said, "The balance of the four directions, 500 billion for a family, is not much."

"Ten cities are not enough resources. I can give you a few more cities. It's a small matter, but don't put all the accounts on my Sifang Balance," Bai Wangyuan shouted.

Lu Yin agreed, "Okay, if you don't want to, forget it" and ended the call directly.

Now that the marble mine is under control, Sifang Tianping wants to get it unless he buys it, otherwise relying on force is tantamount to robbery. They can't bear this face. Destroying a force, obtaining all its resources and direct robbery are two different concepts, not to mention just for the sake of such a trivial matter. Point money.

This is human beings. No matter how crazy they are, they will always retain what they consider to be rational and bottom-line sides, let alone strong men like Bai Wangyuan in the ancestral realm.

The word "rob" will never be allowed to appear with them and will be recorded in the long history of time.

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