Star Odyssey

Chapter 2463: Majestic Resources

These cultivators often experience desperate situations in the Omen Star. Many of them have looked down on life and death, but people's instinct of fear cannot be curbed. Facing the hell dragon, except for the corpse king of the Eternal Tribe, normal people will be more or less frightened, unless they are more powerful than the hell dragon. powerful.

Lu Yin said, "I killed him." As he said this, he appeared in front of Feng Lan. Feng Lan was wary and took a step back.

Lu Yin stepped forward and appeared directly within five meters of him, blending in.

During the three years in the Fifth Continent, Lu Yin merged into Fenglan's body once, so he could directly blend in within five meters of his body.

He merged in to take a look at this person's memory and see if there was anything related to Crazy Lu.

The others looked at Feng Lan blankly, no one dared to speak.

At this time, the drunkard came out of the Temple of Og, looked up at the Hell Dragon, and opened his mouth to drink.

The Hell Dragon looked at her and subconsciously bared its teeth and claws. It liked to see the fearful appearance of creatures.

But it was disappointed. The drunkard was drunk and had no fear at all. Moreover, in her eyes, the hell dragon was more like an illusion.

Lu Yin returned to consciousness, and in front of him, Feng Lan was awake and looking at him in confusion.

"Go back each other." Lu Yin turned around and left. In fact, these people had nothing to do with Crazy Lu. Their growth and cultivation did not receive Crazy Lu's help, but were eliminated naturally.

The practice of Oxi Star is to snatch the power of Oxi from living creatures. These people are like raised Gu insects. The fittest will survive and the losers will perish. The winner can join the Ome Temple and serve Crazy Lu.

The only person who is truly valued by Madman Lu is the drunkard.


A long belch sounded.

Lu Yin looked at the drunkard walking towards him step by step, swaying, "How much wine have you drunk?".

The drunkard laughed and said, "If you are happy, drink more."

"Crazy Lu is solved, are you happy? He should be nice to you," Lu Yin said.

The wine man threw the gourd of wine to Lu Yin and said, "That's right. We are rare drinking buddies."

Lu Yin looked at the wine gourd and shook it.

The Tianjing Treasure House was a scam from beginning to end. Sifang Tianping used Lu Xun to arouse his interest, and he also used his own methods to find the Tianjing Treasure House and enter. Among them, Lu Xun was a traitor, but Lu Gong was not. He wanted to He brought it out from the Hanxian Sect, and the key to the Tianjing treasure house came from the wine baron. What role did the wine baron play in it?

She had contacted the bartender three years ago. It stands to reason that the bartender would help her, but it did not mean that she would not deliberately help her according to the requirements of Sifang Balance like Lu Xun.

With a snap, the drunkard slapped his head to wake up, "Hey, Lu Yin, you're here."

Lu Yin threw the wine gourd to her, "Why are you so drunk?".

"If you're happy, drink it if you're happy." The wine man said with a smile, took the wine gourd, shook it, and handed it to Lu Yin, "Would you like to drink it? Ox star's specialty, super spicy, full of stamina, I guarantee that even the star messenger can give it to him You're drunk."

Lu Yin shook his head, "No need."

The drunkard took a swig.

"Crazy Lu is gone, are you happy?" Lu Yin asked.

The wine baron wiped his mouth, "He was a rare drinking buddy. Of course I'm not happy to be gone suddenly, but I'm happy to be able to leave this hellish place." After saying that, she put away the wine gourd and said, "I'll give you that The key, he knows it”.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

"After I gave it to you, he had a showdown with me, haha, but he didn't do anything to me. He and I were just drinking buddies. We can't survive in this damn place without finding one or two close friends," the drunkard said.

Lu Yin was surprised, "Drinking buddy? Isn't he your master?".

The drunkard said, "Of course not, he doesn't accept disciples, but he says he is my master to the outside world, but in fact he is protecting me."

"He knew about it when you contacted me for the first time, but he didn't say anything. He deliberately let me give you the key. It was probably a trap. Just hope you're fine."

Lu Yin nodded, "It's okay. You've really suffered a lot from staying in the Bad Star for so many years."

The drunkard grinned. As a woman, few people are as generous as her. "As long as you have wine, if you don't have wine," she kicked the ground, "you would have been buried here long ago."

What she said to Lu Yinxin was nothing more than a feeling.

"What did you say when you drank with him?" Lu Yin asked, "I want to get to know him."

The drunkard rubbed his head and said, "Let me think about it. He rarely talks. He is a boring gourd. Every time he is drunk, he curses people. The one he curses is Lu."

"Who did you scold?" Lu Yin asked.

"Old ghost Lu, he is immortal," said the drunkard.

"Why scold?".

"I heard him say that I will definitely destroy the Lu family, I will do whatever you don't let me do, if you don't like that person, I will help him, become his test subject, etc. Anyway, it's all These are some curse words to vent."

Lu Yin frowned. These words were not much different from what he heard from Madman Lu. Madman Lu hated the Lu family to the core. The person he mentioned as the experimental subject should be Gu Yizhi. Lu Buzheng and the others had said, The Fifth Continent and the Third Continent are not at odds with each other. I say this because my ancestors dislike Gu Yizhi.

The reason why Madman Lu became Gu Yizhi's test subject was more to take revenge on the Lu family.

No wonder one of Chenzu's avatars turned into a giant and attracted the entire Fifth Continent to hunt him down. The giant originated from the Third Continent and was created by Gu Yi. It is normal for him to be disgusted by the Fifth Continent and be regarded as an alternative, unless the Lu family forgives him. he.

After thinking through these links, Lu Yin was worried about Chen Zu. If there were more grievances between the Lu family and the Third Continent, his clone might not be able to survive.

Then who is the old ghost Lu mentioned by Crazy Lu?

Why does he hate the Lu family so much?

Hell dragons soar into the sky and wander around the evil star.

Lu Yin entered the Temple of Og and entered the simple courtyard following the information he learned from Feng Lan's memory.

The courtyard is just like where ordinary people live. After stepping on two deep traces, I looked towards the corner. That was where the Dianjiang Platform used to be. Traces were left on the ground. Now, Crazy Lu’s Dianjiang Platform and the Illustrated Book of the Gods are both there. It was destroyed and disappeared together with the heavenly treasure house.

Walking through the yard, I came to the house, stretched out my hand, and pushed it away.

The interior of the house is equally simple, just like the hut Lu Yin built for himself and Bai Xian'er in the Food Garden, even simpler than that one.

Crazy Lu seemed to be immersed in his own world and didn't care about anything outside.

Passing through this hut is the backyard, a desolate dark red land with weird bugs crawling around from time to time.

Lu Yin stood in the corner at the back of the hut, raised his hand, and his fingertips touched something, causing ripples.

This is a hidden space, similar to the big world.

He goes right in.

This is what we can see from Feng Lan's memory. Crazy Lu is not afraid of others seeing it at all, but Feng Lan has not dared to take advantage of this place from the beginning to the end. They have a heartfelt fear of Crazy Lu.

Lu Yin stepped into the space where Crazy Lu was hiding, and when he saw it, endless star energy crystal essence shone brightly.

He opened his mouth wide, this, this, this?

He originally thought that Crazy Lu had hidden something terrible in his backyard, but he didn't expect that such a large-scale Star Energy Crystal Essence was found.

Where did he get so many star energy crystal marrows? Looking at it, the scale is even larger than that of Shaozu Star, or even several times that of Shaozu Star.

By the way, Lu Yin remembered that since Madman Lu knew that the bartender gave him the key, it meant that he already knew where the key was. The star energy crystal essence here could not be from the heavenly realm treasure house.

The more I think about it, the more likely it is that Crazy Lu wants to destroy the Lu family. He simply wants to destroy the Lu family, not to help Sifang Tianping.

The Lu family was exiled, so it was normal for him to take away the resources in the Tianjing treasure house.

Sifang Tianping definitely didn't know about this, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed to give him the bad luck star.

Lu Yin fell into ecstasy. He thought that the Heaven Realm Treasure House was just a trap, but he didn't expect that there was something there.

The number of star energy crystal marrow here should be no less than ten trillion. I swallowed my saliva and realized that I have money. This resource can not only repair the Sword of the Forefathers, but also have more leftover. Do you want to upgrade the slippers?

No, the slippers have been exposed, and others are on guard. Whether it is Crazy Lu, Sifang Tianping or the Eternals, they must be very impressed by their slippers. They have to change them, but for what? Needle? No, it’s also exposed.

Lu Yin had a headache. He wanted to find a weapon that would not attract attention but be as powerful as the slippers.

Having used slippers so many times, he deeply felt how useful they were. They saved him more than once.

It's difficult to take away so much star energy crystal marrow, so let's repair the Sword of the Ancestor here.

Taking out the Sword of the Ancestor, Lu Yin suddenly paused, and the scene he had seen appeared again in his mind.

Under the scarlet pupils, the swing of the sword brought about cruel killings. The people he killed were all the people he cared about, including relatives and friends.

Lu Yin looked at the Sword of the Ancestor complexly. He had obviously been full of energy and vowed to change the future, but when he touched the Sword of the Ancestor again, the coldness in his hand also chilled his heart.

He took a deep breath and looked firmly. No matter what the future holds, he will definitely change. No one can control his own future.

Thinking about it, he raised his hand, the dice appeared, and he pointed it out.

It went very smoothly, and it hit three o'clock directly.

Lu Yin put the Sword of the Ancestral on it and started throwing crystal marrow crazily.

How terrible it is for a person to spend money, it depends on how he spends it.

For a cultivator in the Exploration Realm, dozens of Cube Star Energy Crystal Essences are enough for him to use in the Hunting Realm.

For a hunting realm cultivator, thousands of cubic star energy crystal marrow is quite a lot.

The Enlightenment Realm can cost tens of thousands or even more, but when it comes to the Star Envoy, it doesn't cost that much, because the Star Envoy uses the Star Source.

These are normal expenses, but for Lu Yin, tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Or millions of cubic star energy crystal marrow? He didn't even have enough money in the hunting realm, but now that he's in the Star Envoy, his expenses are measured in trillions.

In the entire space, the star energy crystal marrow is visible to the naked eye, becoming less and less, and the Sword of the Ancestor is getting closer and closer to the bottom.

Finally, when the Sword of the Ancestor completely fell from the light curtain below, more than half of the star energy crystal marrow in the entire space was lost.

Twelve trillion cubic star energy crystal marrow, a total of twelve trillion cubic meters.

This is a terrifying number, even if all the star energy crystal marrow possessed by the Behemoth Star Domain is added up, it will be almost the same number.

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