Star Odyssey

Chapter 2493: Known Guilty

"Your strength is too weak compared to mine. You have to recognize yourself," the middle-aged man said slowly.

Zijing grabbed Lu Yin's arm, pushed him away, and stared at the middle-aged man fiercely, "Ke Jian, if you want me to go back with you alive, let him go."

This middle-aged man named Ke Jian wondered, "Why do you care about him?".

Zijing's face turned red, "He, he saved my life."

Ke Jian looked at Lu Yin, "Emotional?".

At this time, the world of Star Alliance was shaken. Ke Jian raised his head with a solemn expression, "The powerful semi-ancestor of this time and space has discovered it." As he said this, the beads in his heart became bright white, and a force continued along the beads. When it came to his arm, Ke Jian raised his hand and crossed it. The void was torn apart. He grabbed Zijing and Lu Yin and stepped into the crack in the void to disappear.

After he disappeared, Qingping walked out and looked at the empty top of the tower. Junior brother, have a good trip.

There are countless parallel times and spaces in the universe. Some people divide the universe into multi-dimensional spaces. Time and space are the coordinate points of multi-dimensional spaces and can be expanded infinitely.

In the expanded starry sky map of the parallel universe, the larger the time and space, the greater the resistance you will encounter if you want to enter. A small parallel time and space like the eternal kingdom will encounter almost no resistance.

After Ke Jian led Zijing and Lu Yin to tear apart the void, a force came out from the bright white bead in his heart, isolating Zijing and Lu Yin from the void, and pushed out. In just an instant, the two of them were From the bright space at the top of the tower, he appeared in another brighter space.

This was a space filled with metal. Bright light shone on his face from all directions, while he and Zijing were suspended in mid-air.

Ke Jian walked out from above, knelt down on one knee facing the front, and said, "Bring it back."

Lu Yin was surprised. No matter what kind of strength this Ke Jian had, at least the power he exerted just now was definitely at the semi-ancestral level. If he actually performed such a great gift, then he should be facing the power of the ancestral level.

There was no one in front of Ke Jian, only a black bead, emitting a deep light.

A loud voice came down, "Zijing, are you aware of your sin?"

"Zijing, do you know your sin?"

"Zijing, do you know your sin?"

The sounds that fell one after another were not echoes, but came from an individual, full of condescension.

Zijing's face turned pale, and like Ke Jian, he knelt down and bowed, "Zijing, I know my sin."

"Why are you running away?", a huge sound like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, exploded in Zijing's ears.

Zijing was caught off guard and vomited out blood in pain. There was blood flowing from her ears, nostrils, and eyes. She knelt down deeply on the ground, "Zijing knew she was guilty."

"I'll ask you, why did you run away?" Another voice descended, almost forming a substance visible to the naked eye. It pressed Zijing deeply, but because of the invisible force below, Zijing was held up by two forces at the same time. , coughing up blood again, "Zijing, I know the crime."

"Why run away?".

"Why run away?".

"Why run away?".

The sound exploded one after another, causing Zijing to be continuously oppressed. Her coat cracked, revealing her snow-white skin. With the pressure of the sound, her skin also cracked and blood oozed out, which was extremely miserable.

"Stop." Lu Yin couldn't help it. These guys are repeaters? All say the same thing.

Zijing's face was pale and she didn't dare to look up.

Ke Jian lowered his head and looked at Lu Yin, not expecting him to speak.

Nowadays, Lu Yin has used his death face to calm down his aura, and his appearance has also changed slightly, so that he will not be recognized by Chaotic. And his cultivation level shows that he is also in the enlightenment state, and he is a very ordinary cultivator.

When he finished speaking, the space was silent, a ray of light descended, swept across his body, and a set of numbers appeared in the void, two hundred and seventy-six thousand six hundred and fifty-three.

"Weak man, how dare you speak in this supreme place, Ke Jian, who is he?" The voice fell, and with the pressure, it hit Lu Yin hard. Lu Yin was also pressed to the ground. This pressure should have The power of the peak of enlightenment.

Ke Jian lowered his head and said, "Zijing must ensure his safety. The two of them are emotionally involved."

Lu Yin lay on the ground, pretending to be struggling to raise his head, "Don't embarrass Zijing, she has come back and she has confessed her crime."

"Unbridled", a sharp shout, the pressure increased, Lu Yin and Zijing spit out blood, and the clothes on their bodies were torn, "When will it be your turn to speak as a weakling?"

Zijing screamed in a low voice, "Let him go, I can do anything you ask me to do, but I can't hurt him."

"Ridiculous emotions, we humans have already given up on emotions, and humble people like you are not qualified to give up on emotions, and will eventually be dragged down by emotions."

"Zijing, do you want to protect him?".

Zijing gritted her teeth, with blood at the corner of her mouth, "Yes".

"What if he dies?".

"I will die too".

"Okay, I'll let him live." After he finished speaking, a black hole suddenly appeared behind Lu Yin, and his body was thrown directly into it.

Lu Yin didn't resist. In fact, he couldn't have resisted in the place just now. Since Zijing was so important, the person who caught her and came back to interview must also be an absolute high-level person in Chaos. Chao is one of the six parties, so there must be ancestors. There are many powerful people in the world, and there are more than one. Once he is exposed, the result may not be too good.

Fortunately, Super Dimension cannot detect his background. It is right to think about it. Even the strong people in the Ancestral Realm cannot detect his true strength. Although Super Dimension has strong cultivation skills, it has embarked on another evolutionary path for human beings. But it does not mean that this path can transcend the cultivation civilization.

With a thud, Lu Yin hit the ground hard. Endless cheers came from all around, and a huge light shone on him again. He raised his head and saw his surroundings. Where is this? Colosseum?

"The sixth challenger has appeared. What kind of killing feast will he present? Will he be torn into pieces to satisfy your carnival, or will he in turn kill the giant beast and show the power of mankind? Let's start." The loud sound was deafening.

Lu Yin slowly stood up. From the right rear, the metal cage opened and a roar came.

He turned his head and saw a strange creature that looked like a tiger, more than ten meters long, but with white bones on its abdomen. There were flames burning around the creature, and its ferocious eyes stared at him.

Lu Yin looked at the belly of the giant beast. Inside the white bones were pieces of flesh. He saw more than one head.

Are you the sixth challenger? I see.

In the space just now, Zijing looked up, and the light screen in front of her was exactly where Lu Yin was.

She turned pale and shouted, "You said you would let him go."

"Zijing, let me ask you, are you willing to be loyal to Super Dimension?" A huge voice echoed.

Zijing hurriedly replied, "I do."

In the Colosseum, the giant beast roared, rushed out suddenly, leaving an afterimage in mid-air, raised its sharp claws and fell.

This giant beast definitely has more than 300,000 combat power. It is impossible for Lu Yin to defeat him with his disguised strength.

He barely avoided it, and his arm was grazed by claws, leaving a deep bloody mark.

"Zijing, let me ask you, are you willing to do your best to complete the tasks you have mastered and given by time and space?".

"I do".

Lu Yin continued to avoid the attacks of the giant beast. There were blood marks on his arms, legs, and even his abdomen, which satisfied the carnival of countless people around him. Pieces of bloody meat were thrown from the audience stand, stimulating the giant beast and making its pupils grow bigger. Cruel, the movements are getting faster and faster.

Lu Yin frowned, controlled his body, and suppressed his breathing. According to his disguised strength, the next blow should tear his stomach open.

Just when he thought of this, the giant beast swept across with its claws. Lu Yin raised his feet and avoided it with his combat skills. Blood flowed from his abdomen and dripped to the ground. His abdomen was torn open and his injuries were extremely serious.

"Zijing, let me ask you, can you give up your ridiculous pity, serve Super Time and Space, and devote yourself to Super Time and Space?".

"I do," Zijing shouted, "let him go now."

In the Colosseum, Lu Yin stared at the giant beast in front of him. He couldn't dodge the next blow. It was impossible to dodge it. Blood dripped from the corners of his eyes, staining his eye sockets red.

The giant beast roared, raised its claws high, and then lowered it.

Countless people cheered, they were eager to see blood, this was the purpose of their coming, it allowed them to roar, scream, and show the cruel side of human beings.

The beast's claws suddenly fell, and the Colosseum cracked.

Everyone stared at the claws of the giant beast. There was no blood. Where were the people?

Lu Yin was transferred again. This time, he appeared in water, to be precise, water that could heal injuries.

Through a layer of light, a woman glanced at his body and said, "The injury is very serious. He almost died. The treatment will take five minutes."

"Take him to the test in five minutes. With his physical fitness, he should be able to pass the test." Standing not far away was Ke Jian.

The woman said respectfully, "Yes."

Soon, the woman left.

Lu Yin looked at Ke Jian.

Ke Jian walked up to him. At this time, Lu Yin looked at Ke Jian seriously, and Ke Jian also looked at Lu Yin seriously.

"I appreciate your cultivation civilization and your ability to coordinate well with our cultivation skills. Unfortunately, you are too weak to let me see how powerful the cultivation civilization is," Ke Jian said.

Lu Yin made a weak voice, "Where is Zijing?".

Ke Jian said coldly, "She will be reused. After all, the technology she masters is very important, and you will also be reused. If you perform well, you may not be accepted by us. From now on, he is my person, and anyone When people ask, just say you belong to the Energy Research Group Guards." After saying that, he looked deeply at Lu Yin, "If Zijing's technology can really bring about a breakthrough, she will become my super-dimensional senior executive, and you will enjoy In what your civilization has never enjoyed, Star Messenger? Half Ancestor? Even the Ancestral Realm is not a dream. Even if it is a bug, we can let it control the power of the Ancestral Realm." After speaking, he turned and left.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, this was considered a pass!

From now on, even if I am settled in time and space, it seems that there is a backstage!

The injuries in the Colosseum were all skin injuries, and they were all wounds that Lu Yin imitated the giant beast. Otherwise, even if he stood still, the giant beast would not be able to damage his fur.

This kind of injury was cured in just a few minutes in the healing water, which made Lu Yin quite suspicious of the healing ability of this space and time.

The woman came to check Lu Yin's vital signs and then had Lu Yin taken away.

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