Star Odyssey

Chapter 2500 Brother-in-law

Lu Yin continued to ask, "What is the relationship between the three monarchs?".

Luo Laoer was surprised, "Husband and wife, everyone knows."

"I'm asking about temperament and character," Lu Yin reminded.

Luo Laoer was surprised, "Are you still curious about this? Your time and space will no longer be connected to the time and space of the three monarchs, then you will be finished."

Lu Yin's eyes changed, but he was still calm on the surface, "What should I say?".

"Is the truth revealed?" Luo Laoer's eyes widened and he gloated, "Tell you." At this point, he suddenly paused, "No, it's my turn to ask, what is the relationship between you and Zijing?".

Lu Yin said naturally, "Friends."

Luo Laoer was surprised, "Not a couple?".

"It's not that far yet," Lu Yin said. He and Zijing were indeed friends. As for husband and wife, they really weren't there yet and couldn't be. Of course, the last sentence was omitted.

Luo Laoer came closer and said, "If I want to chase Zijing, is that okay with you?"

Lu Yin was weird, "You can easily get beaten if you talk like that."

Luo Laoer grimaced, "Brother, understand, I can't help it. As a proton, it's instinct to find ways to protect yourself."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and said, "I can let Zijing recognize you as my younger brother."

Luo Laoer exclaimed, "That's okay, hahahaha, okay, that's it, brother-in-law."

Zuoyu was passing by and when he heard Luo Laoer's name, he came over directly, "What brother-in-law? Luo Laoer, is he your brother-in-law? Isn't he Zijing's man?".

Luo Laoer said loudly, "I am Zijing's younger brother."

"Fart", Muduo also heard, "You are a poor thing abandoned by the three monarchs in time and space."

"You are the wretch, your whole family is the wretch, I am Zijing's younger brother, and this is my brother-in-law." Luo Laoer was very shameless and got it right.

Lu Yin was speechless, facing everyone's gaze, "the family is unlucky."

Luo Laoer lost his temper and said, "Brother-in-law, don't talk nonsense, I am your pride."

Zuoyu stared at Lu Yin, "When did Zijing recognize him as his younger brother?".

Luo Laoer smiled and said, "I'll recognize my brother-in-law first, can't I?"

"Luo Laoer, you deserve a beating," Zuoyu took out his long whip.

After finally coaxing Zuoyu and others away, Lu Yin brought up the topic again, "You said before that you would be unlucky if you were connected to the three monarchs in time and space. What did you mean?"

Luo Laoer sighed, "Brother-in-law, since you are my brother-in-law now, I won't hide it from you. My dad is a selfish and controlling bastard. Do you know what his favorite collection is?".

Seeing Lu Yin's confused eyes, Luo Laoer said seriously, "Eternally do it, coordinates."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, "What are the coordinates?".

Luo Laoer said, "Brother-in-law, your knowledge needs to be improved. Read more books when you have time."

"You can go to parallel time and space by tearing the void. You can come back to the parallel time and space where you were born at any time. But if you want to go to other parallel time and space, you must have coordinates. Otherwise, it is just a matter of luck. My dad likes to grab the coordinates of the Eternals and then open up the parallel time. In time and space, if you find something that suits your eyes, place the coordinates there and go there at any time. The purpose is very simple, you know."

"He calls himself a monarch, and his cultivation realm is divided into servants and monarchs. What do you think he will do when he controls those time and space?"

"Actually, Flowing Cloud Space is a parallel space-time controlled by Super Time and Space. There are coordinates of Super Time and Space here. Look at how miserable the creatures in Flowing Cloud Space are. Send them to death, and Super Time and Space will keep the benefits."

"I'm not afraid that the coach and the other coaches will hear these words. They don't care at all."

Luo Laoer said a lot, and I don’t know whether he really recognized Lu Yin as his brother-in-law or something else. He completely damaged the space of the three monarchs and almost became the second in the Eternal clan. As for his father, Luo Jun, he directly Got scolded.

"He is your father," Lu Yin reminded.

Luo Lao Er angrily scolded, "Shit's father, he doesn't care about us at all. He only cares about the son he had with Mu Jun. Do you know how many sons he has given birth to so far? One hundred and twenty-five. I am the second eldest son. I was born many years ago." Being treated as a proton and still in time and space, fortunately, except for the son he had with Mu Jun, most of them died. I said before that my brother died on the battlefield because he was forced to do so. In his eyes, we Just tools".

"Does everyone in the Three Monarchs Time and Space know Luo Jun?" Lu Yin asked.

Luo Laoer said, "Anyone who has reached a certain level will understand."

Lu Yin nodded, this must be the reason why Gu Yue sealed the passage. If Luo Jun is really what Luo Lao Er said, letting him enter the fifth continent is definitely not a good thing.

At that time, there were only half ancestors in the Fifth Continent, and the strongest one was Zen Lao. Facing Luo Jun, he would have no power to fight back. Even if the road to the Starry Sky of the Trees was opened, Luo Jun and the three of them could deal with the Seven Gods and the Four Directions Balance together. There is nothing you can do about them.

"Brother-in-law, is your time and space really connected to the time and space of the three monarchs?" Luo Laoer asked.

Lu Yin shook his head, "No."

"Then you ask so many questions?".


"I'm really curious. I should have known better not to say that. It's a waste of words. By the way, when can I meet my sister?"

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky and said, "Let's talk about it when we get back alive."

"Hey, you can definitely go back alive. My sister is too important. As for me, I should be able to do it. After all, I am a proton, so others may not be able to do it." Luo Laoer gloated.

Mu Duo shouted fiercely, "Luo Laoer, you deserve a beating, don't you? Curse us so we can't go back."

Luo Laoer exclaimed, "Muduo, don't talk nonsense. I don't have it. If you don't believe me, ask my brother-in-law."

Lu Yin understood clearly that this Luo Laoer really deserved a beating.

The Eternals in Liuyun Space seemed to have been defeated, and no Eternals showed up for more than half a month.

During this period of time, Luo Laoer was used to calling Lu Yin brother-in-law, and he was more affectionate than anyone else. But whenever Lu Yin asked about the space of the three monarchs, he would try to find out something from Lu Yin and give him some advice. Lu Yin's feeling was that he would not suffer any loss, even for trivial matters.

"Brother-in-law, I don't feel right," Luo Laoer leaned next to Lu Yin and whispered.

Lu Yin was used to his surprises. During this period, every time this guy wanted to get close, he always started with, "What's wrong?"

"It's too quiet," Luo Laoer said solemnly.

Lu Yin frowned, and he felt the same way. Based on his understanding of the Eternals, unless he found the huge scarlet vertical eye and drove them out, they would not be so quiet.

"I have seen the combat records of Liuyun Space," Luo Laoer naturally sat next to Lu Yin and whispered, "The more Chaos Time and Space reinforces Liuyun Space, the faster the Eternals will attack and the intensity of the attacks will be higher. "Big, but in the previous war, more than one monster that rivaled the Swimming Master died, and the Eternals haven't taken action until now, so there must be something wrong."

"I guess we are likely to encounter the strongest zombie king next."

Lu Yin's heart moved, "Can it match the corpse king with a black energy source?"

Luo Laoer nodded, "Using our three monarch space classification standards, it is the monarch level, the kind that can fight with my father."

"Has such a corpse king ever appeared in Liuyun Space?" Lu Yin asked.

Luo Laoer shook his head, "It's definitely not in the combat records, and you see, the swimming coach only used a white energy source. Although it was because he offended the decision-making team, if a monster of that level appeared in this space, the decision-making team would It is impossible for the team not to give Black Energy Source just because the coach has offended them."

"Maybe the coach has a black energy source, but you don't know it," Lu Yin said.

Luo Laoer pondered, "It's possible that some old guys in the decision-making team are quite insidious and deliberately sent a coach who is at odds with them to make the Eternals think that the swimming coach does not have a black energy source. Once the Eternals send a monarch-level corpse king, , I’m sure you’ll be stunned.”

Lu Yin breathed out, "You'd better pray that there is no corpse king of that level to come over and challenge us one on one. You and I both come from a cultivating civilization, and we know very well that we cannot be the opponent of a cultivator of the same realm based on the energy source alone."

Luo Laoer rolled his eyes, "Brother-in-law, look, it's been so long. How about trying to contact my sister? Take us out?"

Lu Yin glanced at him. This was this guy's goal. He wanted to get close to Zijing and also wanted to escape from the battlefield.

"You seem to be particularly afraid of Liuyun Space", Lu Yin was surprised.

Luo Laoer smiled and said, "I am afraid of all battlefields. I won't play if I can't."

"As a proton, it is generally unlikely to go to the battlefield. Why did you show up?" Lu Yin had long been curious about this. Who would send the proton to the battlefield? Once the proton dies, it will intensify the contradiction between the two time and space.

Luo Laoer's eyes flashed and he laughed dryly and said, "This is not a battlefield in the first place, and brother-in-law, you are here too, which means it is quite safe here."

Lu Yin stood up and said, "It's my turn."

He's going to activate the cube.

Not long after, Lu Yin took back his hand, and it was Makuta's turn next.

Along the corridor next to the platform, Lu Yin walked towards the inside of the carrier body.

He had walked this road several times to replenish energy.

It was a long way from the platform to the place to replenish energy. Along the way, he saw many people replenishing energy. Some people were walking forward, and some were returning.

Suddenly, Lu Yin stopped, slowly turned his head, and looked at the metal wall beside him.

The walls are made of metal, with various kinds of light flowing inside. He stared at one of the lights, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. "A very unique talent." The moment he finished speaking, a little light appeared inside the golden wall. The light shot out and shot toward Lu Yin's head.

Lu Yin easily avoided it, and the light turned and turned into a blade and slashed down.

In his right eye, the dark green lens kept flashing with numbers. Lu Yin stepped back step by step and took off the frame at the same time. A blurry figure appeared in front of his eyes.

This person was hiding in the light, which reminded Lu Yin of the people in the world of light. The gift of a child of light is light, which can be seen but not touched, and can deprive him of his sight.

He had fought against the Son of Light, but that was a long time ago. After he became the Taoist disciple of Tianshang Sect, the Great World of Light gave him a grain of quicksand that belonged to the Son of Light.

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