Star Odyssey

Chapter 2532 Obsession

At this moment, there is a different scene inside the Hidden Mountain card.

It's not like Zhibing said that Jiang Xiaodao can win. At this moment, he himself doesn't think he can win.

"Xuan Qi, you are despicable." Above his head, a big mountain pressed down. He struggled to resist it with his hands, and then another big mountain came down, one after another, constantly pressing him into the ground.

Lu Yin looked at it in surprise, is this the world of Kanai? It's the same as Three Thousand Worlds, but this card has its own function. With a casual move, a big mountain appears inexplicably and presses towards Jiang Xiaodao. This is the card's own function. No wonder it's called Hidden Mountain.

He is becoming more and more interested in the cards of the Lost Tribes. He wonders what functions other cards have?

"Xuan Qi, if you have the ability, fight openly and honestly," Jiang Xiaodao roared, looking at Lu Yin as if he wanted to devour him.

The corners of Lu Yin's mouth curled up, "I'm sorry, the gap between us is too big. I am no match for a fair fight."

Jiang Xiaodao vomited blood. He looked like he had just walked out of the garbage. Especially with the blood at the corner of his mouth, he looked more embarrassed. "Don't pretend, even if you use the Zangshan Card, you can't suppress me like this. You are definitely not superficial."

Lu Yin smiled lightly, "Thank you for exaggerating."

Jiang Xiaodao was furious and vomited blood again, "Xuan Qi, let me go."

"I will lose if I let you go," Lu Yin said.

Jiang Xiaodao's eyes were red and he was out of breath, "You are despicable, so despicable. I will not let you go. When I achieve the holy status, I will definitely seek revenge on you."

Lu Yin shook his head, "It's too far-fetched to think about, and when you achieve the holy status, I won't be bad at getting along in the virtual god's time and space."

Jiang Xiaodao thought of Lu Yin's talent in the virtual god civilization, and felt quite aggrieved. As long as this guy didn't die, his achievements in the future should be no less than him. Damn it, Dao Master was so aggrieved to be suppressed, even if he fought with Mu Mu, he was not like this. I have been frustrated before, and I have never been so frustrated when facing Shao Qingfeng.

"Xuan Qi, what do you want?" Jiang Xiaodao yelled.

Lu Yin waved again, and another mountain came down. Jiang Xiaodao howled and coughed up blood again.

"I know you don't want to lose, it's so embarrassing."

Jiang Xiaodao gritted his teeth and said, "Nonsense."

Lu Yin was helpless, "But you have to give me a reason to lose, otherwise why would I let you win?".

Jiang Xiaodao rolled his eyes, "Can you let me win?".

"Reason," Lu Yin said.

Jiang Xiaodao was breathing rapidly. What he valued most was not victory or defeat, but face. As the son of Jiang Sheng, he could never be defeated by this guy. After all, the gap was too big. Although there was an element of sneak attack, a defeat was a defeat. Lose him. If you don't say anything about Jiang Sheng's face, it will be even more embarrassing for Jiang Sheng. "The copybook belongs to you."

"It's not enough. I have a copybook when I win," Lu Yin said.

Jiang Xiaodao gritted his teeth and said, "I will give you more resources, huge resources."

"Void God Time and Space will give it to me," Lu Yin said.

Jiang Xiaodao said a few more things, but they were all denied by Lu Yin, "Then what do you want?".

Lu Yin stepped in front of Jiang Xiaodao, and the distance was only a few meters away. This distance was not a distance to Jiang Xiaodao. If it weren't for the pressure of the mountain, he was confident that one move would be enough to kill this person in seconds.

"I'm also very worried about what I should want. Why don't you give me some advice?" Lu Yin asked.

Jiang Xiaodao opened his mouth to say something, but was suppressed by Dashan and coughed up blood again, "How do I know what you want?".

Lu Yin said, "Well, anyway, I want to go to the great place, and I must learn the power of the four civilizations.

If you try this opportunity in advance, you can help me cultivate the power of reincarnation and time, allowing me to get started in the shortest time."

Jiang Xiaodao was surprised, "That's it?".

"Otherwise?" Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "Isn't it too simple?".

Jiang Xiaodao said hurriedly, "No, I mean, that's it."

Outside, everyone was looking at the direction where Zangshanka disappeared, waiting for the outcome of the battle. Soon, Zangshanka appeared, and two figures emerged from the void. One of them retreated in embarrassment, with a pale face, while the other was flying through the void like a peerless master. , extraordinary momentum.

The person who retreated in embarrassment was Lu Yin, while Jiang Xiaodao stepped on the void and raised his head.

Everyone can see who wins and who loses in this scene.

Jiang Xiaodao suppressed the blood he was about to cough up, which made his face redder, unnaturally red, "Xuan Qi, you are not bad. You can persist under my Tianhe for so long, and you will achieve extraordinary things in the future."

Lu Yin praised, "As expected of Jiang Sheng's son, the future Jiang Sheng, Tianhe's combat skills are mysterious, unpredictable, profound and profound. I have to admit defeat."

"Hahahaha, there is no need to be humble. Your ability is enough to surpass Shao Qingfeng and his ilk. Although you are a little worse than me, but, work hard, there is no limit to what you can do in the future."

"Thank you for the compliment, Brother Jiang. Brother Jiang has a broad mind and is worthy of being a quasi-sage."

"You're welcome, hahahaha, you are a genius."

"Brother Jiang needs to give me some advice."

Listening to the two of them complimenting each other, people around them were confused. What was going on? He had just been beaten to death, how could he be so friendly?

"Brother Xiaodao, you guys?" Xiaolian was confused.

Jiang Xiaodao waved his hand, "Brother Xuan Qi and I have never known each other before. Let's not mention the little misunderstanding before. By the way, I suddenly got inspiration. Brother Xuan Qi, I'll see you later."

Lu Yin said, "I'll wait for you, Brother Jiang."

Jiang Xiaodao turned around and left with a flushed face. The blood in his throat could no longer be suppressed and he left quickly.

After Jiang Xiaodao left, Lu Yin praised, "You are indeed a saint, you are so magnanimous, I admire you." After saying that, he looked at Xiaolian and Zhixiao and smiled, "This competition has delayed everyone's time, I'm sorry." .

Zhi Xiao was surprised that with his understanding of Jiang Xiaodao, he would give up so easily? What happened to Cary?

Xiaolian was surprised, "Brother Xuanqi, what happened to you inside? Brother Xiaodao is not someone who is easy to be friendly to."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "After all, he is a saint, and he still has some magnanimity."

Soon after, everyone dispersed.

Lu Yin looked in the direction of Shiwuzhang and chased after him.

"My friend, can we have a chat?" Lu Yin said.

Shi Wuzhang turned around and looked at Lu Yin, "We have met before."

Lu Yin nodded, "In Yazhen."

Shi Wuzhang shook his head, "No."

Lu Yin said, "We met in Yazhen, and then we met Jiang Xiaodao."

Shi Wuzhang looked at Lu Yin and said, "Your eyes are very similar to an old friend of mine."

"Yes, it means we are destined," Lu Yin said with a smile. He looked at the withered left arm raised by Shiwuzhang with a strange look on his face, "What are you doing?".

Shi Wuzhang said, "Don't worry about obsession. Is this why you are looking for me?"

Lu Yin said, "Actually, I want to ask about the card strategy. There are too few people who have started in the Lost Taoist Temple. Last time in Ya Town, you said that you started. You probably have been here for a long time, so I want to ask for advice."

Shi Wuzhang always has a calm look. He looks much older than the others, like an old man. He is very out of place in this lost Taoist temple, and no one wants to talk to him. Lu Yin is quite surprised to find him. .

He was not good at words, so he could only tell Lu Yin what he knew as much as possible, without hiding anything or asking why Lu Yin didn't find anyone else.

Human beings are very strange creatures. Some people change their personalities because of their obsessions or beliefs. Shiwuzhang is a typical example, but compared to when he was on Earth, he has changed.

On Earth, he raised his left arm because of his faith, but now, he said it was because of his obsession. The difference is huge.

The two found a place to talk without being disturbed.

The sensation caused by Lu Yin's move of the village from the Xushen Taoist Temple to the Lost Taoist Temple was also suppressed by Xu Xiangyin.

They didn't show up, so they couldn't praise Lu Yin every time they showed up. Xu Xiangyin felt that it was wrong.

Zhibing wanted to come out and praise him, but Xu Xiangyin stopped him. Not only was he worried that he would make Lu Yin proud by boasting too much, but he was also afraid that Zhibing couldn't help but steal people.

For several days, Lu Yin stayed with Shi Wuzhang. Someone looked for him along the way, but they couldn't find him.

"What's your card?" Lu Yin was curious.

Shi Wuzhang raised his hand, and the card appeared. It was a seasonal card, a three-star seasonal card. It was definitely not good, but it was not too bad either. It would be good to be able to get started in the Lost Taoist Temple.

"Have you arranged it?" Lu Yin asked.

Shi Wuzhang said, "You can go in and have a look."

"Thank you." Unless they are enemies, most people will not invite others to enter the card to visit. After all, it is related to the layout of the card holder. Shi Wu Zang can allow Lu Yin to go in and see. The most important thing is that his personality is like this. As long as he is not an enemy, he can follow He would almost never refuse if he wanted to visit the card.

Lu Yin was dragged in by the card. What he saw was a lake, an endless lake. It was very calm, like stagnant water, and there was no living thing in it.

He originally thought that there would be some killing methods suitable for Shiwuzhang himself, but when he looked, there was nothing there, only a lake.

It's impossible to hide the ability of Shiwuzhang from him. There is really only one lake here.

Shiwuzhang came in, "The power of the lost civilization is very strange, but it is not suitable for me. The only purpose here is to give me a quiet place to think about life quietly."

"Thinking about life?" Lu Yin was weird and said it very highly.

Shi Wuzhang's eyes were calm, "Human life is very wonderful. From birth to death, everything you have experienced, seen, and received seems to have been arranged. I want to see other people's lives. I want to know everyone's life." .

"You will go crazy," Lu Yin said subconsciously.

Shiwuzhang was puzzled, "Why?".

Lu Yin thought of the crazy dean, "Anyway, if you watch too much, you will go crazy."

Shiwuzhang mused, "Interesting remarks."

Lu Yin smiled, "Everyone is different, maybe you don't."

Shi Wuzhang looked at Lu Yin again, "Madness is also a kind of life."

Lu Yin had never thought about a problem like this before, and this topic was a bit heavy.

"Have you ever seen a crazy person?" Shi Wuzhang said.

Lu Yin said, "There are too many. You can find a lunatic asylum on any planet."

"I mean, people who reach the realm they want after going crazy," Shi Wuzhang said.

Just as Lu Yin was about to speak, the lake reflected light from the corner of his eyes, and he blurted out, "The best is like water?"

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