Star Odyssey

Chapter 2534: List of the most powerful people in the future

Lu Yin said strangely, "That is, any civilized fighting method can be combined with the Lost Tribe card."

Xiaolian smiled and said, "Yes, Grandpa Zhibing said that there is no need to stick to a certain civilization. We are here to integrate civilizations. The lost tribes card is like a platform, where any civilization power can be exerted."

"It seems that there is no need to use the combat skills that Third Barrier taught me," Lu Yin said.

Xiaolian stuck out her tongue and said, "It's no use to me either."

After saying goodbye to Xiaolian, Lu Yin continued to study the star energy of reincarnation time and space, but he could not find any difference between the two. However, he had a way to use it, which was to rotate the star energy of reincarnation time and space in his heart. The power belongs to the unity of ten thousand ways. After one turn, the star energy can be accepted by the star source cyclone, and this also means that Lu Yin can practice in the time and space of reincarnation.

Did Bai Xianer also go to the reincarnation time and space when he passed through the half-ancestral tribulation?

It's a pity that Jiang Xiaodao went to Xushen Taoist Temple, otherwise he could get the star energy crystal marrow from him. I don't know if the star energy crystal marrow of Samsara Taoist Temple can be used for dice.

A month later, Luo Laoer suddenly sneaked into the Lost Taoist Temple to look for Lu Yin.

"What kind of large-scale secret shooting?" Lu Yin was confused.

Luo Laoer said, "I know that you don't know, brother-in-law, that there is a ruthless person in Liufanghui who organized the largest secret shooting in the history of Ya Town. It's today. I'm here to take you, brother-in-law."

"Isn't the secret shooting in Yazhen limited to a certain range?"

"That was a normal secret shoot. This secret shoot is different. Someone contacted me and asked me to spread the news. Many people already know about it and are preparing to go. There are people going to the big venues." As he said this, Luo Laoer came closer and whispered. , "Brother-in-law, do you still remember the demi-human that appeared in the last secret photo shoot?".

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "Remember".

Luo Laoer said, "After that secret shooting, everyone was curious about how the demi-humans were brought in. Some people guessed that they were brought in by strong men, some thought that they were brought in through connections, and some guessed that the Ningkong Ring can release people alive. , now the answer is revealed, it is the third guess."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Can the Ningkong Ring release a living person?".

Luo Laoer shook his head, "It's not the Ningkong Ring, it's a mountain."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed.

"It's a mountain, big or small. The release of demi-humans last time was actually to build momentum for this secret shoot. It's really cruel. I don't know who dares to play like this. I guess it's the Six-Party Association itself," Luo Laoer said .

Lu Yin looked at the Ningkong Ring, is it a mountain? Isn't it the Supreme Mountain that can release people alive?

The Supreme Mountain comes from the Optimus Pillar, and the Optimus Pillar is the stone pillar that supported the mountain gate in the Tianshang Sect era of the First Space. How could it be here? It shouldn't be Optimus Prime.

"How is it? Brother-in-law, are you interested?" Luo Laoer asked.

Lu Yin said, "Lead the way and see what you see."

"Okay, let's go," Luo Laoer said excitedly.

The environment of the Lost Taoist Temple made Luo Laoer very uncomfortable, "Brother Qi, I heard that you are already very good at the Lost Taoist Temple and got the best card?".


"When will we go to the next Taoist temple? Let's go together."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Have you entered Xushen Taoist Temple?"

Luo Laoer raised his head and said, "Almost."

Lu Yin said, "I don't know where the next Taoist temple will be. It's either the Reincarnation Taoist Temple or the Wooden Taoist Temple."

"It's better to go to Mu Daoyuan, you can get the talent of wood," Luo Laoer looked forward to it. Lu Yin nodded. There was nothing about Samsara Taoist Temple that attracted him. Going to Wooden Taoist Temple was really good. If possible, after returning to the Fifth Continent, he would like to try to see if he could get talents from the mother tree.

Lost Taoist Temple Not only did the two of them go to Yazhen, they met several people on the way, and they also encountered the Shi Wu Zang.

"Brother Qi, I seem to have heard of this weirdo. He belongs to Mu Shikong, right?" Luo Laoer whispered to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was surprised, "Have you heard of it?"

Luo Laoer said, "I heard that a man beyond his age came to Mu Spacetime. It was him at first glance. I heard that he had a high status in Wood Spacetime and got a super rare thing. It can even be said that there has been no one in Wood Spacetime for countless years. The wood talent you can get”.

"Can you find out what talent it is?" Lu Yin was also curious. He asked Shiwuzhang, but Shiwuzhang told him everything but concealed this point.

Luo Laoer shook his head, "I can't find out. I asked people in Mu Shikong and I heard that not many people know about it even within Mu Shikong. Even though the guy is old, he has a deep background and is not under Jiang Xiaodao."

Lu Yin looked at Shi Wuzhang. From this point of view, among the people who came out of the earth, apart from himself, he was the best one.

Zhang Dingtian lost the protection of the Liu family and practiced in the starry sky of the tree, hoping to one day avenge the Liu family.

Bai Xue takes care of the big-faced tree in the seed garden. She is the kind of person who is indifferent to the world.

Xu San followed the Lingtong Ancestor because he had his own reasons, and the Lingtong Ancestor treated him well.

None of them had a background in releasing Wuzhang.

By the way, there is also Bai Qian, who has a very high status in super time and space, and can even make people like Ke Jian salute.

Since we met Shiwuzhang, of course we will go together.

The three of them soon arrived at Yazhen and covered their faces with fruits.

Lu Yin glanced at Shiwuzhang. He didn't need to cover it at all. The raised arm was so conspicuous that everyone knew it was him.

Ya Town was very lively that day, with a lot more people and more stalls than last time.

Luo Laoer took them to the place where the secret shooting was about to be held. On the way, he met several people saluting Shiwuzhang. Lu Yin also saw Shi Hong following Zuoyu, with a person from Mu Shikong.

"Sister Hong, is that the weirdo with a high status in Mu Shikong that you mentioned?" Zuoyu asked in a low voice.

Shi Hong said, "Yes, although I don't know what kind of wood talent he got, but even senior brother Mu Cheng has to salute him. His wood talent is definitely extraordinary. It is one of the few rated by our Six Directions Dojo. The most powerful human being in the future."

"The most powerful human being in the future?" Zuoyu was surprised.

Shi Hong nodded, "This is a list that was recently made. The so-called extremely powerful are those who have the power equivalent to the black energy source of our time and space. When converted into combat power, it is more than five million."

Zuoyu took a breath. She was very ambitious and wanted to become a strong person, but she never thought that one day she would become a strong person at that level.

What is the concept of five million combat power? The starry sky can be wiped out with a wave of the hand, and the carrier of the feeding technique can be destroyed with one blow.

"Who is on this list?" Zuoyu was curious.

Shi Hong said, "The ones I know include Shao Qingfeng from the reincarnation time and space, Jiang Xiaodao, the Shiwu Staff from the wooden time and space, Xu Ji from the virtual god time and space, Zhi Xiao from the Lost Clan, our He Shu from the super time and space, etc., by the way. ", she paused, with complicated eyes, "Xuan Qi may also be on the list."

Zuoyu was puzzled, "Why can Xuan Qi be on the list? Because of talent?".

Shi Hong said, "Xuan Qi's talent will definitely attract the attention of the extremely powerful people in Virtual God Spacetime. There are rumors that more than one extremely powerful person in Virtual God Spacetime is interested in him. Once he falls into the eyes of any extremely powerful person, he will With his talent, he will most likely become a strong person at that level."

"Of course, these people we are talking about have the potential to become extremely powerful. In fact, although some people are about the same age as us, they are almost equal to extremely powerful people. Those people are the real monsters, and they cannot come to the Six Directions Dojo. If they want to learn about other civilizations, they don’t need to come here at all.”

Zuoyu was puzzled, "A real monster?".

Shi Hong didn't say much, and Mu Cheng came back, "It's strange, I don't know who the two people next to Shiwuzhang are. It's not easy to be so close to Shiwuzhang."

"Is Shiwuzhang difficult to get along with?" Shi Hong was curious.

Mu Cheng said, "It's not that they are difficult to get along with. It's not easy to get close anyway." After saying that, he looked at Lu Yin and Luo Laoer curiously.

Throughout Ya Town, people from all directions were heading towards a certain area, and more and more people were concentrated in that area.

Lu Yin suddenly looked in one direction, where several figures were approaching. Everyone around him avoided them and did not dare to approach.

He looked at two of them, one was wearing a blue and white coat, his hair was slightly long, hanging down to his shoulders, his eyes were filled with aloofness, the other was wearing a light golden robe, with his hands behind his back, giving people an ethereal feeling. Lu Yin was deeply impressed by the two of them. They were the two young men who followed Yuan Sheng to the fifth continent.

In the Fifth Continent, through Zijing, he knew that one of them was named He Shu, a name he had heard many times after entering super time and space. He was the ultimate wizard in super time and space, and the younger brother of that perfect woman. And the other one, he also It was confirmed that Shao Qingfeng was the reincarnation time and space wizard who was suppressed by his performance in Xushen Taoist Temple.

They are all the absolute top leaders of the younger generation of the Liufang Society. In this time and space, they are in the great arena.

There was a woman walking between them, and Lu Yin recognized it as Mu Mu, who had fought with Jiang Xiaodao.

"Brother Seven, it seems to be Mu Mu," Luo Laoer said. He could recognize it because Mu Mu's mask had not changed and was exactly the same as the last secret photo shoot.

Some people are naturally unwilling to hide their identities and are arrogant. Mu Mu and Jiang Xiaodao are essentially the same type of people.

At this time, Mu Mu and the others also saw Lu Yin and the others. Mu Mu's eyes changed, he took a few steps closer and came to Lu Yin and the others, "Who are you?".

Lu Yin said, "Ya Town has Ya Town's rules. If you ask this, you break the rules."

Mu Mu frowned, "Rules can only restrain some people. Who are you? Why are you with Shiwuzhang?".

Shi Wuzhang said, "Mu Mu, don't worry, we are friends."

Mu Mu was curious, "Do you have friends?".

Shi Wuzhang calmly said, "I am willing to make friends, and you are also my friend."

After hearing what Shi Wuzhang said, her face became a little better, but she still looked at Lu Yin and the others with wary eyes, "It's best not to give Shi Wuzhang any ideas, otherwise, what awaits you is an unimaginable end."

Lu Yin was surprised that Mu Shikong valued Shi Wu Zang very much. It seemed that the wood talent he received was really extraordinary.

Shao Qingfeng and He Shu stood not far away, not close, very calm.

Many people came around, waiting for the secret shooting to begin.

Two hours later, there was no movement.

The secret filming venue was inside the mountain wall, but the mountain wall was not opened.

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