Star Odyssey

Chapter 2545 Beautiful Lines

Also in the Wood Spirit Realm, many people saw a surprising scene. Xu Ji was fighting fiercely with a person. The people who saw it thought they were fighting for a big tree, but there was not a big tree around, and the one who was fighting with Xu Ji The person turned out to be Xu Ji.

Everyone who saw it was shocked. Xu Ji and Xu Ji fought in exactly the same way. What the hell?

"Copy tree, it's a copy tree," the little girl yelled, very excited.

Someone around asked, "Little girl, what is a replica tree?".

The little girl was one of the three children of Mu Shikong. When someone asked, she replied obediently, "That is a very powerful tree in the Wood Spirit Realm. It can copy people close to it, whether it is appearance, cultivation or combat skills." All the techniques can be copied. It is one of the most powerful trees in the Wood Spirit Realm. Since ancient times, few people have been able to gain talents from it. That big brother is so powerful that he can actually cause the copying tree to copy."

"He is Xu Ji, the only winner of the Four Glory Fruits in the Six Directions Dojo," someone said.

The little girl's eyes were filled with brilliance, "The Si Yao Fruit is so powerful."

Seeing the battle between Xu Ji and Xu Ji disappearing, everyone hurriedly caught up. They wanted to know the final result.

Everyone in the Wood Spirit Realm is looking for big trees and sees all kinds of strange trees.

Lu Yin saw the giant-like tree again. The big tree was always moving, unlike other trees that were fixed in place.

So, he decided to chase after him.

Luo Zang watched Lu Yin heading towards the huge tree and wondered, what is he going to do?

Soon after, Lu Yin came to the bottom of the huge tree, then jumped up and onto the shoulders of the tree. The tree moved step by step without paying attention to Lu Yin.

Luo Zang's eyes flashed, and he followed Lu Yin's example in approaching the big tree. In the Wood Spirit Realm, if there was that big tree with him, he might be able to see an unusual sight.

However, he did not have the same treatment as Lu Yin. The huge tree lifted its branches and whipped him away with a casual blow. He had no ability to resist. If he had not taken out the exotic treasure at the critical moment for defense, he might have been whipped to death.

Luo Zang hit in the distance, piercing through several suspended mountain peaks, coughing up blood, but the huge trees had gone away.


He punched the mountain wall with resentment in his eyes. This is the advantage of the colorful fruit. It can run rampant in the Wood Spirit Realm. Xuan Qi, I will remember you.

Climbing onto the shoulder of the huge tree, Lu Yin sat cross-legged. He didn't need to look for it himself, so he just followed it, not knowing what he would see.

Huge trees don't walk very fast, but the distance covered by each step is very long.

Along the way, Lu Yin saw many people, some hiding, some staring blankly, not daring to approach the big tree.

He saw Jiang Xiaodao, with water flowing all over his body. At first glance, it looked similar to the ancestral energy of the Three Yangs entwined in the Qing Dynasty, and he laughed wildly with pride.

There was also Shao Qingfeng, who didn't know whether he had received the talent or not. He looked at him from the top of a mountain and the two of them looked at each other.

The Wood Spirit Realm was very large, and it was difficult for people to see each other when they were spread out. Gradually, Lu Yin saw trees that surprised him, led by the huge trees.

He saw a tree holding up three levels of the sky. Each level of the sky was so thick. Each level of the sky was equivalent to a world. This tree was by no means inferior to the thunder tree, and even had a higher level. But that was not what Lu Yin wanted. of.

He saw a tree spreading gourd-shaped ripples. Lu Yin tried to touch the ripples, and it seemed as if time and space were spinning, and enemies appeared in front of him.

This tree made him excited. He noted the location and maybe he could try it, although he didn't know what he could get from this tree.

What a talent.

He saw a tree that was not a tree, like a tear, hanging in the void, but it had branches and trunks, and its interior was crystal clear.

For several days, he saw all kinds of strange trees on the shoulders of the big tree, as if he was seeing a new world.

Lu Yin took note of some trees and prepared to choose one from those trees.

The corner of his eye flickered, and a shadow flashed across his face. Something quickly passed by him. Lu Yin looked at it, and his pupils shrank sharply. What was that? He rushed out of the big tree without hesitation and chased the huge shadow. He even used reverse step unconsciously. In a few steps, he came to the huge shadow and grabbed him, "Why are you here?".

The huge shadow that Lu Yin caught was the big tree that could escape, the sapling that Lu Yin loved most, the big tree that Lu Yin had people looking for in the Fifth Continent.

Lu Yin never dreamed that that big tree would appear in the Wood Spirit Realm.

Dashu was grabbed by Lu Yin and kept struggling to escape, just like before.

Lu Yin grabbed the big tree and said, "Do you have any wisdom? Why are you here?".

The big tree twists, trying to escape, and nothing can stop it.

"Little sapling misses you," Lu Yin shouted.

The big tree paused for a moment, then twisted again, trying to escape. Lu Yin grabbed the big tree with both hands. Inexplicably, a strange feeling came from him. He was startled, no, it was wood talent.

Mu Sanye reminded him that since he has eaten the wood fruit, he should not touch the trees easily, otherwise he will easily get the talent. However, the trees in the wood time and space should be targeted. Trees in other time and space will not get the wood talent, otherwise he will definitely go back. Touch the mother tree.

But what happened to the big tree that could escape? Does it come from wooden space-time?

Lu Yin was at a loss. At the same time, he obtained the wood talent from this big tree that could escape.

What gift could this tree give him? Escape?

Suddenly, Lu Yin's eyes changed. He saw lines intersecting the void, sometimes turning into squares, sometimes turning into circles. These lines were twisting and extending. He unconsciously let go of the big tree, and the big tree lifted its branches, It ran away in a flash. Lu Yin reacted and wanted to catch it. The big tree had disappeared, completely disappeared.

The big tree disappeared into the Wood Spirit Realm, but in Lu Yin's eyes, it did not disappear completely. Instead, it used its branches to open up the lines, as if opening portals, and kept escaping.

This is? Embodiment of space?

Lu Yin slowly stretched out his hand, approached the line, touched it, and felt a strange feeling. This line could be moved. He saw a completely different picture from before, as if he could see the space clearly.

Using force with his fingertips, he moved the lines, and the void twisted. Lu Yin took a step forward, and his body disappeared, then reappeared, already just far away.

Lu Yin looked back, excited, space, definitely space, that big tree actually gave him a sense of control over space, a feeling far beyond the realm of space gods. This feeling came so unexpectedly, so inexplicably, so- -good.

Could this be the realm of palm and void that Gu Yizhi wanted to achieve in the legend?

No, this is just the feeling of space control, and Palm. The Void Realm can extend and scale the space, and even chase time. He is still far away, but now he can see the space materialized, which means that as long as he continues to practice, he can control it. The void will one day reach the level of palm. The void.

Lu Yin looked at his hands, excited that he had gained such a talent without even realizing it. His future would be different again, and from now on, his fighting style would be different.

But what is that big tree? Can control the void, but still get caught?

In the following time, Lu Yin no longer walked around the Wood Spirit Realm, but walked step by step. He was looking at the lines in the space. Those lines were so beautiful. Sometimes touching them could make the void distort, and sometimes stretching them could make the space distorted. Increase.

It's like he found a toy and immersed himself in his own world.

On this day, the opening time of the Wood Spirit Realm came, and everyone was surrounded by green bubbles and headed towards the mountain peak where they first came.

"Xuan Qi, what talent have you got?" When Lu Yin arrived at the mountain peak, everyone looked at him.

Mu Sanye took a few steps forward to block the others and said softly, "Xuan Qi, what talent did you get? What tree did you see?".

Jiang Xiaodao, Luo Zang and the others arrived, and they all gathered around.

Lu Yin is the only winner of the five-color fruit. He has unimpeded access in this wood spirit realm and can basically choose all trees.

Xu Xiangyin was nervous. He wanted Lu Yin to get good talents but also didn't want to get good ones. It was very contradictory.

Xu Yue is also nervous, this guy won't complain.

Lu Yin said, "Junior saw a tree holding up the third heaven."

Mu Sanye's eyes widened and he was excited, "Have you obtained the third heaven talent?".

Everyone was nervous and their breathing was stagnant. From the look on Mr. Mu San’s face, he knew that this third-level talent was quite extraordinary.

Lu Yin shook his head, "Junior just saw it and didn't try it."

Mu Sanye was disappointed, "What's next?".

"Junior saw a tree making gourd-shaped ripples," Lu Yin said.

Mu Sanye was excited again, "Have you got a talent?".

Lu Yin was helpless, "I didn't have time."

Everyone was speechless and had the urge to hit him.

Mu Sanye's face twitched, "You just said you got the talent of a certain tree."

Lu Yin said, "I don't know how to describe it, so just draw it." After saying that, he raised his hand, drew in the air, and drew the big tree that escaped.

He wondered if Mr. Mu would recognize him, and he was curious about the origin of that tree.

Everyone looked at the tree drawn by Lu Yin with dull expressions on their faces.

Mu Sanye blinked, "Just, gone?".

Lu Yin said, "No more."

"No vision?" Mu Sanye was unwilling.

Lu Yin shook his head.

"What about talent? What is it?".

Lu Yin had already thought about it, "go faster."

Mu Sanye's expression was distorted, as if he was disappointed, angry, unwilling, in short he had all kinds of emotions.

Needless to say, Lu Yin knew that he did not recognize this tree.

"Just go faster?" Mu Sanye was unwilling to accept it.

Lu Yin said, "I feel like my legs are wrapped in the wind, and my speed is twice as fast as before."

"Mu San, what kind of tree is this?" Xu asked Yin.

Mu Sanye gritted his teeth, "I don't know."

Xu Xiangyin was surprised, "You don't know?".

Mu Sanye said, "There are countless types of trees in the Wood Spirit Realm, and they are still increasing. How do I know?" He glanced at Lu Yin, "There are not even any strange phenomena. They should be very ordinary. Xuan Qi, why are you Looking for this tree?”.

Others are also curious. Judging from the drawings, any tree in the Wood Spirit Realm is better than that one.

Lu Yin shrugged, "Young man, I can't help it. It suddenly bumped into me. I didn't look for it. I bumped into it accidentally. It was too fast to avoid."

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