Star Odyssey

Chapter 2556 Hidden Darkness

Shao Qingfeng and others watched quietly, no one said anything. He had guessed the identity of this woman and frowned. Such a person should not be here.

Luo Zang, Mu Mu, and even fools like Jiang Xiaodao looked at the woman with indescribable importance.

Shiwuzhang looked at Qianying, and he looked familiar.

Qianying's eyes swept across the crowd, pausing at the withered arm raised by Shi Wuzhang, then looked at Lu Yin, and finally withdrew her gaze and walked to the corner without saying a word.

He Shu followed immediately.

"I want to be quiet," said the cold voice.

He Shu stopped and suppressed the heat in his eyes. "Yes", he stopped where he was, neither looking at the woman nor anyone else. He was as arrogant as a sculpture.

With so many people gathered here, it was bound to attract others' attention. Some people stayed, but others didn't dare.

Two hours later, there was a rumble from the mountain wall.

Everyone looked and saw a passage. Lu Yin had seen this scene before, and it was the passage used to take secret photos of the venue.

Those who were not invited and came here accidentally looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes. They knew something good had happened. These people were obviously invited. This secret filming was definitely not simple. It reminded them of the previous one. The scene was filmed secretly.

Even though they couldn't get involved in a secret shooting of this scale, it would be nice to have some exposure.

He Shu was the first to come to the passage, bent down, and made an invitation gesture to the woman in white.

No one else came forward, they all looked at the woman in white.

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth curled up. This woman was Bai Qian. Her cultivation was obviously not high, she was only in the Enlightenment realm, but her status was ridiculously high, which was interesting.

Among the people who came out of the earth, Bai Xue lost his competitiveness and stayed in the seed garden to retire, Zhang Dingtian devoted himself to avenging the Liu family and sharpened his cultivation, and Xu San still stayed with the ancestor of Lingtong to dominate and bring blessings. Only Shi Wuzhang and Bai Qian came out. Shi Wuzhang was valued by Mu Shikong for his talent, while Bai Qian got such a high status for some unknown reason and could still compete with that He Ran.

In fact, when it comes to cultivation alone, Bai Qian is second only to herself.

Regardless of Zhang Dingtian's continuous practice, in fact he still cannot catch up with Bai Qian. Bai Qian's current cultivation level is very close to the ten finals.

Nowadays, people like Liu Tianmu, Ling Gong, and Wen Sansi among the Ten Jue are all at the Enlightenment Realm level and have not yet set foot on the Star Envoy. Bai Qian is also at the Enlightenment Realm and is an absolute cultivation wizard.

Bai Qian entered first, He Shu followed closely, and everyone else entered one by one.

They all seemed to know Bai Qian's identity.

Lu Yin and Luo Laoer also went in, followed the passage, and came to a place similar to the previous secret shooting. However, those mountain walls were meaningless. You could tell who was bidding just by the sound.

There were about fifteen to twenty people invited, and there were also more than ten people who came here accidentally. The total number of people was about thirty, which was too few compared to this secret shooting venue.

When everyone sat down, the void twisted, and a woman walked out, wearing a light yellow dress, with a beautiful appearance, and greeted everyone with a sweet smile, "Welcome to the secret photography venue, brothers and sisters."

"Tu Shuangshuang?", an exclamation came from Jiang Xiaodao.

Shao Qingfeng was surprised that she was the organizer of the secret shooting?

Mu Mu, He Shu and others were surprised when they came forward.

Lu Yin wondered, "Who is this Tu Shuangshuang?" He had never seen this woman before. Of course, he had already discovered this woman hiding in the mountain before secretly filming.

Inside, no one else can find it.

Luo Laoer said, "There are three Nine Saints in the reincarnation time and space. Tu Shuangshuang is one of the Nine Saints. He is an elite disciple of the Huasheng Sect. He has already achieved the third level of Immortal Transformation at a young age. He has been practicing in the Great Dao Field for a long time. It is said that he should In retreat".

"You don't know that the secret shooting was organized by her?" Lu Yin asked.

Luo Laoer shook his head, "The voice was male, who would have thought it was her. Brother-in-law, this Tu Shuangshuang is not simple. It is said that among the disciples of the same generation under the Huasheng Sect, she is the only one who has reached the highest level of Huasheng Gong. Under the Huasheng Sect, she has reached the highest level. His status is the same as Xiaolian's status under Lian Zun's sect, and he has a good relationship with Shao Qingfeng and Jiang Xiaodao."

Lu Yin nodded. He only cared about the Supreme Mountain. This woman's cultivation level was only at the level of three source tribulations, which was far inferior to him.

But I have to say that having a good master is different. This woman's talent may not be as good as that of the Ten Jue, but her cultivation can far exceed the Ten Jue. This is the background.

"Every senior brother and sister knows the origin of little sister. Yes, this secret shooting was organized by little sister. There is no way. Cultivation consumes a lot of resources. Little sister doesn't have enough. We can only piece it here and there to find some. Share the good things with all the brothers and sisters and get some benefits," Tu Shuangshuang said with a smile, his light yellow dress looked very soft in the dim mountain wall, and his voice was also very sweet.

Jiang Xiaodao shouted, "Shuang sisters, if you are short of money, tell me, I have it."

Tu Shuangshuang smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Xiaodao, but I still like to make my own money. Okay, now we will officially start the secret shooting. I believe all the senior brothers and sisters are aware of the demi-humans who appeared in the previous secret photo shoot. The reason why those demi-humans can lead When you enter the Liufang Dojo, you rely on a mountain, and the first photo taken today is that mountain." As she said that, she took out a mountain from the Ningkong Ring and placed it on the ground, making a booming sound.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, yes, it was the Supreme Mountain, that feeling was unmistakable.

The Supreme Mountain comes from the Optimus Prime of the Daoyuan Sect era. The Supreme Mountain in his hand is a corner of the Optimian Pillar of the Fifth Continent Daoyuan Sect. So, which Optimian Prime does this Supreme Mountain come from, and how? Disengaged?

Optimus Prime was built by the ancestor, and even the Corpse God cannot break it. No one knows how to break away from the Supreme Mountain in his hand. Maybe the Supreme Mountain now can give the answer.

"Shuangmei, are you saying this mountain can hold living people?" Jiang Xiaodao was surprised.

Tu Shuangshuang smiled and said, "Brother Xiaodao, if you don't believe it, you can come in and take a look. In fact, this is not the venue for today's secret shooting. The real secret shooting venue is in this mountain."

Everyone looked at the mountain in surprise, but no one was the first to go in. They had been practicing for so many years, and they were still wary.

"It seems that all the senior brothers and sisters have concerns. Let me go in first," Tu Shuangshuang said with a smile. After that, he entered the mountain.

Shao Qingfeng stood up and said, "There is nothing to worry about. We have known Shuangshuang for decades, so we naturally have this trust." After saying that, he jumped down and entered the mountain.

Jiang Xiaodao rolled his eyes and said, "Pretend". After saying that, he also entered.

People around him entered the mountain one by one.

Lu Yin also went in, taking Luo Laoer with him.

He Shu looked at Bai Qian.

Bai Qian stood up, took a step forward, and entered the mountain.

He Shu quickly chased after him.

Those who were not invited looked at each other and gritted their teeth, "All the big shots have gone in, what are we afraid of?"

"I've learned a lot. It's hard to come across this kind of opportunity. I can't miss it," someone said.


An individual enters, eventually,

There was only one mountain left within the dim mountain walls.

At this moment, the mountain is a different scene.

Everyone looked at it in surprise, "It can really get bigger and smaller, and the hardness of this stone is quite high."

Lu Yin looked around. The scenery was nothing special. It was just a mountain. However, since it was the same as the Supreme Mountain, it should be possible to spend resources to generate a light shield so that others could not enter and people here could not get out.

Just when I thought of this, the light mask suddenly blocked the sky.

Lu Yin was surprised, whatever he thought came to him.

"Shuangshuang, what is this?" He Shu asked, standing beside Bai Qian.

Tu Shuangshuang put his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "This mountain is the first auction item. Naturally, I want all the senior brothers and sisters to see clearly the functions. You see, this mask is one of the functions. It can resist external attacks, and this mountain is enough Hiding hundreds of billions of people.”

Everyone was amazed.

Luo Zang raised his hand and struck out with a palm. The wind from his palm only caused ripples on the light shield, but failed to break through.

He raised his hand to attack again, but still failed to break through. His face darkened and he was uneasy, "Let us out first."

Tu Shuangshuang was puzzled, "Since you are here, why do you want to go out?".

Shao Qingfeng and others all looked at Tu Shuangshuang.

Tu Shuangshuang smiled and said, "I just wanted to catch you, but I didn't expect", she looked at Bai Qian, "a big fish came in."

He Shu's eyes narrowed sharply and he attacked Tu Shuangshuang directly. Jiang Xiaodao and others had not yet reacted to Tu Shuangshuang's words.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, there was a problem.

He Shu used the third of Shimen's Eight Hands, which passed through Tu Shuangshuang's body without any hindrance and hit the target empty.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Shao Qingfeng blurted out, "Mu talent". He jumped up and took action against the light shield. Luo Zang, He Shu, Mu Mu and others all took action. They were not stupid. There was something wrong. Tu Shuangshuang actually wanted to Trap them.

However, their attacks had no effect on the mask.

Tu Shuangshuang's voice came from outside, "This light shield can withstand the power of the immortal level. Brothers and sisters, please don't bother."

"Tu Shuangshuang, what are you going to do? If you do this, you will bring trouble to the sage," Shao Qingfeng shouted.

Tu Shuangshuang chuckled, "What does he care about?".

"You are a Huasheng Sect member," Jiang Xiaodao shouted, but he didn't expect to be tricked by Tu Shuangshuang. He still can't believe it. Why did Tu Shuangshuang attack them? It's so unreasonable.

Tu Shuangshuang smiled and said, "Yes, I am a disciple of Huasheng, but I am not a disciple of Huasheng. It is not that important. Besides, my master is someone else. Brothers and sisters, the time has come, we should leave." .

Shao Qingfeng and Jiang Xiaodao both took out rare treasures, and He Shu even took out the blue energy source from the Ningkong Ring. Their attack intensity almost reached the peak of the Star Envoy, but they still couldn't break the light barrier.

Luo Laoer's face is pale, why is he like this? Something happened again, something happened again, where did all these things come from? What happened to Tu Shuangshuang?

Lu Yin looked up at the light shield. He wanted to leave, but instead of using this method, Tu Shuangshuang was most likely the Eternal Clan's dark son. Once taken away, he would face a powerful enemy of the Eternal Clan, and he was not sure.

Now it seems that the Liufang Club guessed well. The Eternals will indeed take action against the Liufang Dojo. The reason why the secret shooting was not carried out before was to prevent the Anzi from catching them all in one go. In the end, an alien was exposed in the illusion, but the Anzi is not only the alien. people.

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