Star Odyssey

Chapter 2564 Sad

Listening to Long Ancestor's words, Elder Chan sighed, "Senior, you should be very clear about the importance of a practitioner's retreat. Once he leaves the retreat rashly and causes instability in his cultivation, who will bear this responsibility?"

"We know Lu Yin. He will not retreat for more than a year at a time. Although we don't know what this son can do in retreat for a year, it is not important to him," Long Zu said.

Zen Lao said, "Then just wait. You also said it will only be one year."

"But Yuan Sheng can't wait any longer," Long Zu said impatiently.

"When did Senior Longzu become Yuan Sheng's lackey?" Lu Yin's voice came, with indifference and dissatisfaction, tearing the void and walking out.

When Long Zu saw Lu Yin, he yelled, "Junior, no matter what achievements you have, you shouldn't insult me ​​like this."

Lu Yin sat down casually, "That's wrong? Who is Yuan Sheng? Why doesn't he come to urge me on his own? Samsara time and space, three nine saints, how amazing, he is so arrogant, but he let you come forward, it's ridiculous." .

Long Zu said, "The war between parallel time and space and the Eternals is in full swing. Now is not the time to show off your rhetoric."

Lu Yin laughed, "You won't forget how hard we worked to drive away the Eternals, right?"

Mr. Chan looked at Ancestor Long.

Long Zu was silent.

For a long time, the war between the Tree Starry Sky and the Eternals on the back battlefield has never stopped. The Fifth Continent has also experienced the war of the New Human Alliance, and had to unblock the people of the Tianshang Sect era. For this reason, Lu Yin also traveled through the void, Spanning twenty years, it can be said that the history of human development is the history of the war with the Eternals.

"It was so difficult to repel the Eternals, but because of someone else's words, they brought the Eternals back, don't you think it's ridiculous? Then what's the point of our efforts?" Lu Yin asked back.

Longzu's eyes were complicated and his voice was low, "Don't you know this? Wuzu went into seclusion because of this matter. He didn't say a word. I don't know who leaked the news. The entire tree and starry sky were scolding him for attracting eternity. People from the clan, but what can be done?" He looked at Lu Yin, "The Eternal clan is at war with the Six Directions Association and all humans on the Fifth Continent. This is a complete battlefield. If any party loses, everything will be lost." .

"When you were attacked by the Eternals here, it was the Tree Star Sky who took the initiative and contained most of the Eternals' power. This gave you a chance to breathe. Later, due to the undeath, the battlefield behind you was unstable. It was you who opened the Falling Star Sea and shared the burden. The pressure on the battlefield from behind, if not so, how can we fight against the Eternals?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, the reason why the Eternals were repelled has something to do with the situation of the Six-Party Conference. They put pressure on the Eternals."

Lu Yin raised his eyes, "They are not doing it for us, but for themselves. The battlefield of the Eternals spread across six directions and parallel time and space. When we lured the Seven Gods over, they took the opportunity to regain their lost territory. We helped them, not them. Under normal circumstances, we, the six parties and the Eternals can have a stalemate. Why do we need to initiate the war now? It is because they want to keep the lost territory, because they want to gain a strategic advantage, and because they do not want to sacrifice too much."

"If they don't sacrifice, it's us who will sacrifice. The Fifth Continent finally calmed down, but it started a war again for the sake of the Six-Party Association. Senior, do you blame others for scolding you?"

With a bang, Longzu stood up angrily and glared at Lu Yin, "You are talking nonsense. These are all your guesses. You have taken the initiative to take over the war many times. How could you not know the importance of a complete war situation? How could you not know that you cannot care about a city or a place?" The reason why you are unwilling to start a war is because the reincarnation of time and space participated in the exile of the Lu family, and it is you who want revenge."

Lu Yin smiled lightly, "I can take revenge, but not by this method."

Longzu said in a low tone, "Lu Yin, if the six parties will be defeated miserably, the Eternals can put all their power on us. We can't resist it. What we want now is balance."

"There is no such thing as balance," Lu Yin said coldly. "There is only diversion of trouble, and there is only death without saving."

He heard the conversation between Xu Xiangyin and the others, knew Liufang's attitude toward Shi Space, and also learned from Bai Qian the real reason why the Lu family was exiled.

In the view of the Six Directions Society, the First Space is the main culprit for the Eternals' expansion. They don't care how many people die in the First Space or whether there is development. They only care about the resource areas they have obtained, such as the Liuyun Space under Chaozhou, such as Taiyi. Time and space were all given the opportunity to the Six Directions Association because of the arrival of all the Seven Divine Heavens. Now, if they want to keep those areas, they must let the First Space lead the war against the Eternals.

This is not to balance the overall war situation, but to let the space bear the war they should bear.

In the past, the Tianshang Sect perhaps did not care about the Eternals because of their arrogance, which led to the Eternals becoming the behemoth they are today. From the perspective of the Six Directions Society, the Tianshang Sect had a responsibility, but this responsibility followed the collapse of the Tianshang Sect, and with the collapse of the continents It should have disappeared after being destroyed, but they let the Lu family bear it. Now that the Lu family is exiled, it is considered a responsibility. Everything in the past should no longer be blamed on the Fifth Continent.

But the Six Sides Association obviously doesn’t think so. They hope that the Eternal Space will always bear something. This is also the reason why Shuzhixingkong cannot join the Six Sides Association. They will never accept the First Space. Lu Yin has reason to believe that once the Eternals disappear completely, the Six Sides will The next target of the meeting is the beginning space. For so many years, the Six Sides Association has been monitoring the beginning space.

Long Zu sat down and said, "Lu Yin, I thought you were a person who considers the overall situation, but I didn't expect you to be blinded by hatred."

Lu Yin's eyes grew colder, "If I were blinded by hatred, you wouldn't be able to leave today."

Long Zu and Lu Yin looked at each other, "We will explain the situation to Yuan Sheng. I hope you won't regret it. The three nine saints are not our four-way balance."

Lu Yin exhaled, "I feel sorry for you that you actually use outsiders to threaten your own people."

"In front of the Eternals, all humans are our own." Long Ancestor stood up and was about to leave.

Lu Yin tapped his fingers on the table, "Long Ancestor".

Long Zu stopped and looked back at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at him, "The Eternals have been expelled. The good things you have done may not be accomplished by the Six Directions Association. You have lived a long life, so use your brain to think about it."

Long Zu's eyes changed, he looked deeply at Lu Yin, and left.

After Long Zu left, Zen Lao said, "If the situation of the Six-Party Conference is really not optimistic, perhaps sharing the pressure of the war is the only way."

Lu Yin sneered, "They are very optimistic. I have been to Mu Time and Space, and to Void God Time and Space. In each time and space, there are ancestral realms left behind. They just don't want to lose too much." After saying this, he contacted Mu Xie and Wu Zu, "Let's wait until everyone is here to discuss it. After we go out for a while, the context will become clearer."

On the second day, Mu Xie and Wu Zu arrived together, and Lu Yin told them in detail about their trip to the Six Directions Meeting. Wuzu didn't expect that Lu Yin went to the Liufanghui for retreat.

They were all surprised to hear the Six Directions Society's cultivation methods.

The energy source and feeding technique of super time and space, the talent of wood time and space, the virtual god of virtual god time and space, the lost clan card, and even more terrifying, the seats of the three nine saints in the reincarnation time and space, all made these two ancestral realms open. vision.

"According to what you said, as long as the energy is enough, they can create unlimited black energy sources?" Wu Zu was surprised.

Lu Yin replied, "It can be said that, of course, the manufacturing requirements for black energy sources must be extremely high, otherwise the entire hyperspace would have been flooded long ago."

"This is also terrifying. You can control the power to change the world at any time." Wuzu exclaimed.

Mu Xie also said, "Can the three Nine Saints really be inherited?"

Lu Yin nodded solemnly, "Yes, this is what I can't figure out. The reincarnation of time and space is a standard cultivation civilization. It is the same as ours, one step at a time. The Star Envoy must cross the Origin Tribulation, the Half Ancestor, and the Ancestral Realm. It is impossible to easily reach it. , why can I inherit?"

Zen Lao was puzzled, "Who is that Great Heavenly Lord? Yuan Sheng once said that he is comparable to the ancestor. Is it true or false?"

Lu Yin shook his head, "I don't know. Judging from Bai Wangyuan's attitude towards Yuan Sage, the three Nine Saints are quite strong. Of course, maybe it's because they are worried about the time and space of reincarnation. But in any case, the Three Nine Saints They are all ancestral realms, there is no doubt about it.”

"Now it seems that, except for the three monarch spaces, the other five are not simple, and each has its own characteristics," Wu Zu said.

Mu Xie asked, "What are you going to do next?".

"Yuan Sheng wants us to initiate a war against the Eternals through space, do you understand?" Wu Zu also asked.

Lu Yinmouding said, "If they don't take the lead, it's not that they can't hold on, but they are under too much pressure. They want us to share the pressure so that they can develop with peace of mind. To put it bluntly, we are the shield. They want to block us in front," said Then, he listened to the conversation between Zixu and Xiangyin.

Although I am grateful to Xu Xiangyin, everything is based on the fact that Lu Yin has not revealed his identity. Once he knows that he comes from the original space, will Xu Xiangyin still have the same attitude?

Lu Yin didn't think so at first. Ever since Bai Qian told him the truth about the Lu family's exile, he knew that the people in the Liufang Society hated the Shi Space. Their attitude toward the Shi Space that they had instilled since childhood would never change. They would always believe that the Shi Space was Space is guilty and this is irreconcilable.

Wuzu was angry, "They really said that? They want us to compete with the Eternals, and they don't care about our life or death at all."

Mu Xie said, "There is a reason why Shuzhixingkong cannot become one of the six parties."

Zen Lao sighed, "No wonder you were so determined just now. Doesn't Sifang Balance know the attitude of Liufanghui?"

Lu Yin said, "They know it, but they just don't dare to face it. Yuan Sheng said at the beginning that Xia Shenji paid homage to the Great Heavenly Lord. If the Great Heavenly Lord is really comparable to the ancestor, then" his face darkened, "in Xia Shenji's heart, What will be the status of the Great Heavenly Lord? How will Bai Wangyuan view the reincarnation of time and space? Are they still the same high-spirited people as before?"

This is a terrible guess.

Wu Zu and Mu Xie both looked gloomy.

People can be defeated, but not conquered. However, through Yuan Sheng's attitude, maybe Bai Wangyuan and the others were conquered, which is much more terrifying than being defeated.

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