Star Odyssey

Chapter 2568 It’s time to go

Feng Lei Guanqin's pupils flickered. The moment he was shrouded in darkness, he felt an indescribable horror. It was the feeling that life was beyond his control.

He looked at the man in the darkness in shock, his lips dry. What kind of cultivation level did this man have? He seems to be at the semi-king level, but he can defeat three masters of the same level in one second. When did such a person appear in this space and time?

Mrs. Mu tried her best to restrain her aura and did not dare to show her face for fear of being discovered by the other party.

In the sky above the Feng Lei Clan, Feng Lei Guanqin's power swept across the three fallen semi-king masters, confirming that they were unconscious. Although they were not dead, they would definitely not wake up in a short time.

He approached the man in the darkness and saluted, "I wonder who you are? The Feng Lei Clan's kindness in being saved will be generously repaid if possible."

The man landed in the darkness, "Gather the Feng Lei clan members, it's time to leave."

Feng Lei Guanqin was puzzled, "Leave?".

The man in the darkness said calmly, "Mo Heyuan failed, and Mu Jun is the next one to take action."

Feng Lei Guanqin's face changed drastically, "Mu Jun would take action personally? How is that possible? She is a monarch-level powerhouse, how could she take action personally for Luo Qi?"

Luo Er is Luo Laoer's real name.

In the distance, many people from the Feng Lei Clan were watching, looking at the people in the darkness with frightened eyes, including Luo Lao Er.

"Of course she will take action, not because of Luo Laoer, but because of Xiawangxingyu," Lu Yin walked out and spoke slowly.

All around, the Feng Lei clan members were confused. Luo Laoer opened his mouth wide, brother-in-law?

Feng Lei Guanqin was equally surprised, but not too surprised, "Xuan Qi?"

Lu Yin curled up his lips and walked up to Feng Lei Guanqin, "Let me introduce you formally. My name is Lu Yin. This is my senior brother Qing Ping, the leader of Feng Lei Clan. We don't have much time. It's time to go. The old lady of Mu Mansion has already To escape, we should report the battle just now to Mu Jun, maybe Mu Jun will take action soon."

"What did you mean by what you just said? Did Mu Jun take action against our Feng Lei Clan because of the Lower King Star Region?" Feng Lei Guanqin was puzzled.

Luo Laoer walked out, "Brother-in-law, are you here?".

Lu Yin glanced around, "There is no time to explain, there is only one chance, either come with me, or stay and wait for Mu Jun to destroy the family, you make your own choice."

On the other side, Mrs. Mu did report the results of the night attack to Mu Jun. Mu Jun was unbelievable and defeated three Half-Jun masters in an instant. Even Chen Le, who is known as the number one Half-Jun, could not do it. Chen Le could defeat Three and a half monarchs, but it is impossible to defeat them instantly. When did such a strong person appear in the space of three monarchs?

She thought of Xia Shenji. Could it be related to that space? That's not right. Ever since Xia Shenji arrived, Xingjun has been staring at the space passage, and there is no sign of it opening.

Could it be that a master accidentally showed up? Or someone from the Six Party Association?

Mu Jun contacted Luo Jun and decided to show off her cards. She wanted to clear out the Feng Lei Clan and gather resources as soon as possible to send Xia Shenji to that time and space, so that the two time and space could be united to find a way out for the three monarchs' space.

Luo Jun pondered for a moment, "Give up the space of three monarchs?".

Mu Jun's voice was soft, not like a strong person from the Ancestral Realm at all, with a strong charm, "You and I do not belong to this time and space. News came from Yuan Sheng that the Shi Space Tianshang Sect made it clear that it would not lead the Eternal Clan. In the war, even if Yuan Sheng can find a way to make Lu Yin compromise, it will probably take a long time. After all, the six parties are now under great pressure. In this case, if there is just one more person from the Seven Gods, we will not be able to hold on. It is better to join forces with Xia as soon as possible. The divine machine seizes the original space region."

"You agreed to join forces with Xia Shenji in the first place."

"Is there any news about Zang'er?".

"Not yet, but Shao Qingfeng, He Shu and the others have returned. I believe Zang'er has also returned. He is not a short-lived person."

"That's good".

"Do you agree with the sealing of the Thunder Clan?"

Luo Jun said in a deep voice, "Okay, but leave a trace of blood to the Feng Lei Clan and don't kill them all."

"Okay." Mu Jun stood up and took a step forward. His eyes were filled with coldness. Although he was absolutely beautiful, he couldn't feel any warmth at all, which was in sharp contrast with his voice.

The Thunder Clan, it’s time to end!

Mu Jun has rushed to the Xiawang Star Region as quickly as possible. For this reason, he even took risks and attacked the border regardless of the emergence of Ancestral Realm strongmen from the Eternal Clan, just to solve the Feng Lei Clan issue as soon as possible.

But when she arrived at the Feng Lei Clan, she found that the entire clan had disappeared, leaving only the three semi-king-level masters who fell on the ground. More importantly, the resources collected by the Feng Lei Clan over the years had also disappeared, among which... There are quite a number of resources on the list. They are resources that are only produced in the Lower King Star Region and are not available in other parallel time and space. Moreover, mining is very troublesome. This is the reason why she must take action against the Feng Lei Clan. Even Mrs. Mu is have no idea.

Now those resources are gone.

Soon, she received news that many resource mining planets had been destroyed. It was impossible for the Feng Lei clan members to be so fast. He must be the one who defeated the three Half-Jun masters in an instant.

Mu Jun was extremely angry, and the turbulent force swept across the Lower King Star Territory, and ordered the entire Three Monarchs time and space to search for the Feng Lei clan members.

In the eternal kingdom space, everyone from the Feng Lei Clan is here at the moment.

Qingping accompanied Lu Yin on a trip to the Three Lords Space, and the person who stayed in the Eternal Kingdom was replaced by the Holy Master.

The Feng Lei clan members were even more surprised when they saw another semi-junior master appear.

Feng Lei Guanqin suppressed his shock and waited for Lu Yin's explanation.

Lu Yin also formally explained his identity to Feng Lei Guanqin and Luo Laoer.

Luo Laoer was already stunned, "The beginning of space? The legendary beginning of space?".

Feng Lei Guanqin's face twitched, the Lord of the First Space?

Lu Yin smiled, "It's not a bad idea to call me brother-in-law."

Luo Laoer shut his mouth and widened his eyes, "Brother-in-law, you won't play tricks on me, right? Aren't you just a servant?"

"It's fake," Lu Yin said, "I can fight with your father."

Luo Laoer was speechless. Even if he hid his strength, he was the most powerful person at his age. How could he be comparable to his father if he had half-jun level strength that scared him to death?

Lu Yin did not tell him more about this, but explained to Feng Lei Guanqin why Mu Mansion was eager to take action against them.

Before leaving the space of the three monarchs, Lu Yin specifically asked the Feng Lei Clan to take away all the resources with the Ningkong Ring and destroy those that could not be taken away, in order to prevent Mu Jun from getting the resources so that he could continue his next plan.

Feng Lei was afraid after watching Qin. He originally thought that Mu Mansion took action against them because of Luo Lao Er. For this reason, he was lucky enough to think that as long as Luo Zang stopped, they would be fine. He also planned to find a way to ask Luo Jun. Fortunately, this person appeared, otherwise Feng Lei would The Thunder Clan will inevitably be exterminated.

"The Feng Lei Clan has escaped from the Three Monarchs Space. You will live in the Beginning Space from now on, but the matters in the Three Monarchs Space still need to be resolved. Luo Laoer, it's up to you."

Luo Laoer was confused.

Soon after, Luo Laoer finished listening to Lu Yin’s speech.

Feng Lei Guanqin was the first to reject the plan, "No, Xiaoya will die if we don't do it. According to what you said, Mu Jun must hate us deeply now. Once Xiaoya appears, it will be over."

Lu Yin said, "What Mu Jun wants is resources. These resources are of great use to her. Killing Luo Laoer is useless and is a waste of time for her."

Luo Laoer muttered, "Don't be so straightforward."

"Yes", Feng Lei Guanqin wanted to say something else.

Lu Yin stared at him with a sharp gaze, and an invisible aura was crushed out. It was an aura developed in the battle ancestral realm. He was not afraid even when facing Madman Lu. How could a half-ancestor be able to fight against him.

Feng Lei Guanqin's whole body was oppressed, and the overwhelming pressure was no worse than the darkness shrouded in Wutian by Qing Ping.

At this moment, Feng Lei Guanqin confirmed that this person might really have the strength to fight against Luo Jun. This pressure was unbearable for him. He was already half a king, and the next step up was Luo Jun's monarch level.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?" Luo Laoer was puzzled and looked at Feng Lei Guanqin's face getting paler and paler, with beads of sweat covering his back.

Lu Yin's pressure was only directed at Feng Lei Guanqin, but after a while, he calmed down and said, "I saved the Feng Lei clan, do you think it was just because of my brother-in-law?" He looked at Feng Lei Guanqin and Luo Lao'er, "Everyone They are all smart people, don't pretend to be stupid with me, Luo Laoer, I told you in Liufang Dojo that I don't like to be used by others, let me tell you another truth today." After a pause, Lu Yin spoke in a deep voice, "Using is mutual."

Luo Laoer's expression changed slightly, and his eyes changed slightly when he saw Lu Yin. He had not yet changed from Lu Yin's identity as Xuan Qi, and now he had to adapt. This person was completely different from Xuan Qi.

Feng Lei Guanqin took a deep breath, his palms were covered with sweat, and his tone was respectful, "Lu, Dao Master Lu, is there no other way? Do you have to let me take risks?"

Lu Yin's eyes were sharp, "This is not an adventure, it is revenge, to seal the Thunder Clan for you, to avenge Luo Lao Er's brothers and sisters, and even more for himself." He looked at Luo Lao Er, "You don't want to be a hostage forever, do you?" .

Feng Lei Guanqin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word. The lives of Feng Lei clan members all depended on this person's thoughts, and he was not qualified to bargain.

"I'll go", Luo Laoer looked serious.

Feng Lei Guanqin looked at him complicatedly, "Xiao Er."

Luo Laoer patted the back of Feng Lei Guanqin's hand and felt the beads of sweat. He looked deeply at Lu Yin and smiled, "Brother-in-law, I will do whatever you say. After all, you are my brother-in-law. You have been before and always will be." yes".

Lu Yin smiled and patted his shoulder, just like Luo Laoer did when he saw him for the first time, "I will protect you, no one can touch you."

"Domineering, brother-in-law", Luo Laoer flattered him and returned to his previous appearance.

This time Lu Yin brought not only people from the Feng Lei Tribe, but also a time-traveling master. Qing Ping was looking for it before the Mo Heyuan masters attacked the Feng Lei Tribe at night. The purpose was to use this time-traveling man to go to the Feng Lei Clan. Time and space.

It was Super Time and Space who cooperated with Mu Jun and asked for the inventory resources, and only Super Time and Space needed these resources.

What Luo Laoer has to do is go to Super Dimension.

There are many small carriers of the art of feeding in the ultra-dimensional space. On one of the carriers, there is a beautiful woman with her legs crossed, her snow-white thighs constantly swaying. Several people around her look over from time to time, with hot eyes.

Opposite the woman sat a man whose clothes were completely different from those in time and space. His face was downcast and his eyes were calm.

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