Star Odyssey

Chapter 2573 Tea Party Seats

A few days later, two people appeared, one was Xu Xiangyin and the other was You Teng.

Cang Bi stopped outside and said, "Xuan Qi involves Luo Ren and the Feng Lei Clan. You can't take him away for the time being."

"Go away, you are not qualified to stop me." Xu raised his hand to Yin, and the dead insect appeared. The majestic power of Xu God made Cang Bi afraid.

People in the virtual god's time and space can fight with the help of several times their own virtual god's power. In other words, even if Xu Xiangyin and Cang Bi are similar in power, once he uses the virtual god, he will be equivalent to several Cang Bi. This is not Cang Bi alone. Can be stopped.

Cang Bi was determined, "I alone can't stop you, but there is Moheyuan here."

As soon as the words fell, within the imperial domain, a stream of half-lord auras shot straight into the stars.

There are fifteen and a half monarchs gathered in Moheyuan. Even if three were deposed by Qing Ping, there will still be twelve.

The power released by the twelve half-lords gathered together is enough to make it difficult for Xu Xiangyin and You Teng to advance even half a step.

Xu Xiangyin sneered, "Are you threatening me with Moheyuan?".

Cang Bi didn't give in.

You Teng said, "The duty of Moheyuan is to protect the imperial domain. If you can get all the half-lords of Moheyuan to block here, we will retreat immediately. If not, you have to retreat."

Cang Bi said, "Why do you two make things difficult for me? This is a task given to me by Luo Jun. Anyone who has contact with the Feng Lei Clan must be detained and await confirmation."

"Does Xuan Qi have any dealings with the Feng Lei Clan?" Xu Xiangyin raised his eyebrows, "He just arrived at the Feng Lei Clan's ruins, and you locked him up here without seeing a single Feng Lei Clan member. Which Feng Lei Clan member does he associate with? ".

"Luo Qi," Cang Bi said.

Xu Xiangyin sneered, "Xuan Qi and Luo You were in the Liufang Dojo. They were caught by the Eternal Clan Anzi. Even though they were both in this time and space, the two could not contact each other. Otherwise, if Luo You ran away, why would Xuan Qi commit suicide? Falling into a trap?".

Cang Bi frowned, that was true, that's why he just locked Xuan Qi here instead of interrogating him. Everyone else had already interrogated him.

Xu Xiangyin looked at You Teng, "Time waits for no one, we can't let them delay the trial."

You Teng pushed Cang Bi away and said, "If there is anything that needs to be negotiated between Luo Jun and Master He Ran, we will take Xuan Qi away."

Cang Bi raised her hand and blocked You Teng's arm.

You Teng stared at Cang Bi, "You don't know what Luo Jun is doing, do you?"

Cang Bi was startled and subconsciously lowered her arms.

You Teng stepped into the hospital.

Xu Xiangyin snorted coldly and entered at the same time.

In the courtyard, Lu Yin was practicing the power of the False God. When You Teng and Xu Xiangyin came in, this was what they saw.

Xu Xiangyin was excited and said, "Boy, you make it easy for us to find you."

Lu Yin looked at Xu Xiangyin in surprise and was equally excited, "Senior, you are finally here. I almost thought I couldn't go back."

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I will take you back now." Xu Xiangyin laughed. He was really happy. Seeing the captured people coming back one by one, but Lu Yin was not there, he was worried that Lu Yin was dead. For He really cares about this child. Not only is he highly talented, he is also very obedient, sensible, and yearns for the civilization of the Void God. There are too few such children.

Although he might be taken away by Dashimen, even so, not only did he not give up, but he felt even more guilty because it was Xu Shen Spacetime who failed to keep this son.

You Teng also breathed a sigh of relief. This Xuan Qi was equally important to Chaotic Spacetime. He Ran had reminded him several times that he must find this person, so he and Xu Xiangyin rushed over as soon as possible. Not bad, not bad.

"Senior, can this junior leave?" Xuan Qi was worried.

Xu Xiangyin waved his hand, "Let's go, what happened in this space and time has nothing to do with you? You are just unlucky and you are still here."

Mentioning this, Lu Yin's face suddenly turned bitter, "Senior, you don't know how this junior spent this time. You can't find anyone if you look for it. You finally found out where the Feng Lei Clan is, and you can't show off the aura that doesn't belong to the king." With the strength, I traveled many times to get here, and after I got here, I was put under house arrest here. The senior Cang Bi said nicely and asked the junior to wait here. The junior can see that he is imprisoned."

Outside the yard, Cang Bi looked ugly and kept contacting Luo Jun and Xing Jun. However, due to the border war, which lasted for at least several months, it was difficult to contact them.

"Okay, go back and complain if you have any troubles. Shi Jiao has been looking for you for a long time. He mobilized the entire Dashimen to search for the time and space where other people have appeared. Although he doesn't want to admit it, Dashimen really cares about you." Xu Xiangyin After saying this with emotion, he took Lu Yin out of the time and space of the Three Lords and headed to the Six Directions Dojo.

Cang Bi wanted to stop them, but in the end she didn't. In the Six-Party Association, the three monarchs' time and space status was too low and they could be replaced at any time, especially when Mu Jun was still missing. They were already on the verge of elimination. No one dared to offend them at this time.

As for Xuan Qi, this boy is either in the Six Directions Dojo, or going to the Void God Time and Space or the Samsara Time and Space. As long as there is something wrong with him, he will not be able to escape anywhere.

After returning to the Liufang Dojo, Xu Xiangyin breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, that Cang Bi is not an elm-headed man. If it were Chen Le, he might have stopped us. Facing Chen Le, to be honest, the two of us There's something mysterious about joining forces, and that guy might be able to use the entire Moheyuan to keep us there."

You Teng said, "Chen Le rarely leaves the imperial domain, and it is said that he will not care about such things at the critical moment of breaking his ancestors."

"Chen Le is going to break his ancestors?" Xu Xiangyin was surprised, "He is worthy of being the first half of the three monarchs in time and space. Once his ancestors are broken, it will be enough to offset the negative situation of Mu Jun's disappearance. However, it is still very difficult to fully integrate the three monarchs' formation. Disaster".

"That's not what we worry about. Xuan Qi has been brought back. He has caught up. You can tell him yourself. Anyway, he is either a person from your Void God Time and Space, or a person from the Samsara Time and Space," You Teng said. Then leave.

Lu Yin looked at Xu Xiangyin in confusion.

Xu Xiangyin said, "Thank you for showing up. If it had been a few days later, such a good thing would not have been possible."

"A good thing?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Xu Xiangyin is dark and serious, "The Six Directions Dojo Trial".

Lu Yin was surprised, "Trial? Mountain climbing?".

"That was the first trial. You Teng told you at the beginning that where you enter is where you must exit, right?"


"That is a test for integrating the civilizational cultivation of the Six Directions Association. If you pass the test, you can leave the Six Directions Dojo. You will be reused when you return to the original time and space, but that is not important. Now there is an additional trial. This level is both a trial and a trial. Refining is also a test, and there are rewards. This is also a good thing I told you, have you ever heard of - Beginning Space?"

Lu Yin moved his fingers and looked confused, "Starting space?".

Xu Xiangyin straightened up and said, "You probably haven't heard of it. In fact, I had never heard of it before I reached the current level. You can understand the beginning space as a powerful parallel time and space. This trial mission is to go to the beginning space. , arrest some people." After a pause, "Complete the task, and you will receive rewards from the Six-Party Council."

"It's very dangerous," Lu Yin hesitated, but his mood was depressed. Will the six parties take action against him? When arresting people, they should arrest people who are related to them. Where do they get the confidence to send people to the Fifth Continent to arrest people?

Xu Xiangyin said, "Of course there is danger, but it does not mean that you will die in vain. The ninth-grade Lotus Lord, one of the three saints of reincarnation time and space, will give you a lotus treasure for this trial. Once you are in danger, just activate the lotus treasure and you will be saved." Bring it back to the Six Directions Dojo. It is not difficult for the extremely strong to break through Lianbao's defense. There are not many extremely strong people where you are going, and the people you want to arrest are not close to the extremely strong. As long as they are not exposed, the danger is not great. ".

"Xuan Qi, seize this opportunity. The First Space is a special existence for our Six Directions Association. You will understand this later, and the biggest reward in this trial is enough to make people crazy."

Having said this, Xu Xiangyin's eyes were hot, "Do you know what the reward is?".

Lu Yin smiled bitterly, "How can this junior know?"

Xu Xiangyin's eyes exude fanaticism, "seat".

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "A seat in the reincarnation of time and space?".

"No, it's the Great Heavenly Lord, a seat at the tea party," Xu Xiangyin said word by word.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank. He had heard of the Great Heavenly Lord's tea party, more than once. It was a grand event that attracted the attention of the Six Directions Association.

In normal times, it is difficult to see the Mahatma. Only at tea parties can everyone see the Mahatma.

The so-called tea party is not only about tasting tea, but also about listening to the teachings of the Great God. In the Six Directions Dojo, whenever a tea party is mentioned, everyone will be excited and enthusiastic, saying that they will try their best to listen. Even so, at every tea party, there are many people who can listen. How many? As for drinking tea, drinking tea brewed by the Great Heavenly Lord himself is only possible for those above the seats.

Xu Xiangyin raised his head and said yearningly, "There are ninety-nine seats at the Great Heavenly Lord's tea party. In the entire Six Directions Conference plus all parallel time and space, only ninety-nine people can have seats, get close contact with the Great Heavenly Lord, and drink the wine brewed by the Great Heavenly Lord himself. Tea, in addition to that, there are 9.99 million people who can listen to the teachings. It is because I listened to the teachings of the Great Heavenly Lord that I felt something in my heart, broke into the current realm, and became one of the existences second only to the extremely powerful in the virtual god time and space. One, and my opportunity comes from Senior Xu Wuwei."

He looked at Lu Yin seriously, "Do you know how many people will die at any Great Heavenly Venerable Tea Party in order to compete for the opportunity to listen to the teachings? They are not killing each other, but dying on the battlefield, dying for meritorious service, and dying for fame. If you want to get a position in Yangxingkong, you don't just have to have a high level of cultivation. It requires opportunity and merit. As for the ninety-nine seats, it is even more rare. It is difficult for even me to get one. How many extremely powerful people are there in the six directions? How many people are at my level, and how many are there in all parallel time and space? There are too many. Once any seat is released, it will be enough to cause a war."

Of course Lu Yin knew what Xu Xiangyin said. He had heard too many words about longing for the tea party. It was a grand event that even the ancestral realm wanted to attend.

"According to records, there are a total of seventeen people in history who have achieved the breakthrough of being extremely powerful because of their participation in the Great Heavenly Lord Tea Party," Xu Xiangyin said at the end.

Lu Yin took a breath. Seventeen extremely powerful people, that is, seventeen powerful people in the ancestral realm. A total of seventeen powerful people broke through the ancestral realm because they participated in the Great Heavenly Lord Tea Party? This is unimaginable.

"How about it, now you understand how important this seat is," Xu said solemnly to Yin.

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