Star Odyssey

Chapter 2584 The Boundless Battlefield

Lu Yin said, "Since it is the arrangement made by the Great Heavenly Lord, it must be reasonable. I just want to know how the senior Great Stone Saint died in battle."

Of course he cares about this, and trying his best to find out the power of the Eternals is one of the reasons why he joined the Six Directions Society.

The Eternals cannot only have seven ancestral realms, the Seven Gods. The six directions will add other parallel time and space and the beginning space. There are many strong people in the ancestral realms. Even so, they are still suppressed by the Eternals. You can imagine the power of the Eternals.

Shi Jiao's eyes dimmed, "Dashi Sheng died in Cheng Kong's hands."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Cheng Kong? That dream bubble?".

Shi Jiao nodded, "The Tu Shuangshuang who captured you is Chengkong's disciple. This Chengkong is very mysterious. No one knows his identity, not even men and women. What he is best at is finding loopholes. The great stone saint is the three of reincarnation time and space." Zun Zun was the one who was closest to death among the Nine Saints, so Cheng Kong set his sights on him. Unfortunately, Lian Zun failed to rescue him in time, only missing one step."

"Over the course of countless years, no fewer than three people from the ancestral realm died at the hands of Cheng Kong."

Lu Yin's pupils flashed, had he killed at least three people from the ancestral realm? What a concept? If he wants to deal with Mu Jun, he has to team up with Senior Brother Mu Xie and Elder Chan. The Ancestral Realm is very difficult to deal with, especially the Ancestral Realm that is bent on escaping. It is impossible to stay in the Ancestral Realm. If it is impossible, you can escape by tearing the void, and this Cheng Kong can actually kill Three.

"The Great Heavenly Lord can't even find Cheng Kong?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Shi Jiao said, "The opponent of the Great Heavenly Lord is the only true god. The one who tracked Cheng Kong was Huasheng. However, he failed to track it after many years. Instead, Chengkong instigated Tu Shuangshuang to rebel. This incident made Huasheng the leader of the entire reincarnation of time and space. The laughing stock." When she said this, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Xuan Qi, are you interested in the position of becoming a saint?".

Lu Yin was surprised, "The position of becoming a saint?".

Shi Jiao whispered, "Tu Shuangshuang was instigated by Cheng Kong to rebel, and Shao Qingfeng and others were arrested, which caused dissatisfaction from all over time and space, including Shao Qingfeng's master Shaoyin Shenzun who reported it to the Great Heavenly Lord. There are rumors from the outside that the possibility of becoming a saint is If you want to be deprived of your seat, once you become a saint and are deprived of your seat, someone will take over the vacant position of saint."

"Nowadays, many people are trying their best to join Huasheng. Once the position of Huasheng is taken away, they are the most likely to inherit it."

Lu Yin shook his head, "Junior still wants to join Virtual God Time and Space."

Without the position of Great Stone Sage, it was impossible for Shi Jiao to persuade Lu Yin so naturally, but she still said, "You value love and justice, which is a good thing, but in the world of cultivation, it can easily become a fatal flaw, Xuan Qi, Xu Xiang Yin is very good to you, but what he can give you is limited. Even if he recommends a very strong person as your teacher, because you are attacked in vain, the possibility of you getting a good virtual god is reduced."

Lu Yin wanted to say something, but Shi Jiao interrupted, "Or to put it another way, you can help Xu Xiangyin."

Lu Yin was confused, "Help Senior Xiangyin?".

Shi Jiao said, "Do you know the boundless battlefield?"

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, "I know, it is said to be the place where the Six Directions Association and the Eternals will fight."

Shi Jiao nodded, her eyes melancholy and fearful, "Yes, the boundless battlefield is the six-party society connecting many desolate parallel time and space, forming a barrier outside the six-party society's parallel time and space. It is the main battlefield to deal with the Eternals. No matter who wants to Regularly joining the life-and-death grindstone of the Boundless Battlefield, the extremely powerful are no exception. Since ancient times, no fewer than twenty extremely powerful people have died on the Boundless Battlefield. The Great Stone Sage died on the Boundless Battlefield. Xu Xiangyin has almost reached the age limit for going to the Boundless Battlefield. , once you step into the boundless battlefield

, life and death are not under your control."

"If you really want to help him, become a strong man as quickly as possible and go to the boundless battlefield to save his life. Otherwise, with his strength, it will be difficult to come back alive."

"Don't think that the higher the level of cultivation, the easier it is to survive. There are some battles that only people of our level can participate in. Xu Xiangyin was lucky enough to come back alive last time, but that won't be the case this time."

Lu Yin lowered his head. The boundless battlefield, also known as the battlefield of hundreds of alliances, the six-party society time and space discovered sixty-two parallel time and space civilizations, either alliances or conquests, and pulled them into the boundless battlefield. The battle there was more intense than the six-party society time and space. There are various civilizations and wars on the battlefield.

He heard about it not long after arriving at Liufang Dojo, and he heard it from Luo Laoer.

In Luo Laoer's words, you can't go to the boundless battlefield even if you die. If you go, you can't come back.

In fact, the boundless battlefield is equivalent to the battlefield behind the Tree Star Sky. The Tree Star Sky has the mother tree and infinite power to block the Eternals from the outside. The boundless battlefield is the mother tree and unlimited power of the Six Directions Association. The Six Directions Association has filled in too many people there. People must unite all parallel time and space to fight to the death against the Eternals. Only in this way can most of the Eternals' power be contained outside the Six-Party Association. Otherwise, the Six-Party Association would not be in its current situation.

When the Immortal God was trapped by Zu Mang, the Seven Gods rescued him, and the Six Directions Society regained the lost territory on a large scale. As a result, the Eternals had to evacuate from the Starry Sky of Trees. They must not be completely lost in the parallel time and space area of ​​the Six Directions Society, otherwise they would be blocked by the boundless battlefield. , it will be difficult to call back.

If it were just the loss of the six-party space-time area without the barrier of the boundless battlefield, the Eternals wouldn't care so much.

On the whole, the Starry Sky of Trees can completely isolate the Eternals with its mother tree and infinite power, and the situation is much better than that of the Six Directions.

Very few people from the Boundless Battlefield can come back, so the outside world doesn’t know much about the Boundless Battlefield, except that it is a place of death.

"Five of the three Nine Saints in my reincarnation time and space are in the boundless battlefield, not to mention other civilizations in time and space. You can imagine the horror of the boundless battlefield," Shi Jiao said.

Lu Yin raised his head with firm eyes, "I understand, this junior. If possible, I will strive for the position of becoming a saint."

Shi Jiao smiled and said, "That's good."

She also had selfish motives in persuading Lu Yin to strive for the position of becoming a saint.

Based on the kind of person Lu Yin showed, Shi Jiao thought she was pretty good to him. Once this person became an extremely powerful person, she would have an extra backstage. Compared to the future, she would have an extra strong backstage. Say a few more words now and move. It seems too cost-effective to use your brain.

"By the way, senior, who will inherit the position of Great Stone Sage?" Lu Yin was curious. Although he had no intention of inheriting, this person was like cutting off his hair, and he was still quite unhappy.

Shi Jiao frowned, "I don't know."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Don't know?".

Shi Jiao said in a deep voice, "This person is not from my reincarnation time and space, but where he comes from and what his origins are, no one in our Dashimen knows. It is estimated that only a few people such as the Great Heavenly Lord know."

Lu Yin said oh and didn't pay much attention.

"The Eight Hands of Shimen and the Stone Mace will soon be removed from the Samsara Taoist Temple, and will be replaced by the Heavenly Power," Shi Jiao reminded, "You should be able to see the importance that I, Samsara Time and Space, attach to the Six Directions Taoist Temple. Whoever abdicates, whose Power will appear here, which is equivalent to telling everyone that this seat can appear from the Six Directions Dojo. This is why I originally determined that you are likely to inherit the position of Great Stone Saint.

s reason".

"This is still the case today. If you practice the Yitian Gong well and attract the attention of reincarnation time and space, the Great Heavenly Lord may look here."

The last sentence made Lu Yin furious. Was he seen by the Great Heavenly Lord? How does this work? His death mask can deceive Bai Sheng, but it is impossible to deceive the Great Heavenly Lord. He doesn't know how many extremely powerful people in the Six Directions Association can see through the death mask, and he is particularly afraid of it.

Shi Jiao left quickly.

She was right. A few days later, the introductory exercises of the Reincarnation Taoist Academy were replaced by the Heaven Transformation Technique, while the Shimen Eight Hands and Stone Mace methods were revoked.

This move caused the Six Directions Dojo to boil, and countless people looked at the Samsara Taoist Temple, full of desire.

The news that the Transformation Saint might be replaced has spread for a long time. Now, whoever can practice the Transformation Skill well may achieve the position of Transformation Saint in the future.

Although Huasheng may be replaced, no one knows how long this time will take. Since Huasheng is placed in the Reincarnation Taoist Temple, many people think that they have enough time to practice.

Suddenly, everyone flocked to the Samsara Taoist Temple, including those in the Daochang.

The Heaven Transformation Kung Fu is a unique skill that can dissolve all power, absorb it, and transform it into one's own power, making it stronger when it encounters a strong force.

Tu Shuangshuang was able to fight against Shao Qingfeng and others with his Yitian Kung Fu, and he was able to overwhelm Jiang Xiaodao, which showed how powerful this technique was.

The emergence of Hua Tian Gong attracted Xu Xiangyin. In Xu Xiangyin's words, Dashimen no longer competed for Lu Yin. Lu Yin was almost a person in Xu Shen Spacetime. He gave Lu Yin some instructions to let him Practice hard and find an opportunity as soon as possible to take him to the virtual god time and space to meet senior Xu Wuwei.

Lu Yin was very curious about Xu Wuwei's strength, mainly because he wanted to find out if Xu Wuwei could see through the disguise of the Death Face.

"Senior Xu Wuwei," Xu Xiangyin raised his head, his eyes full of admiration, "That is one of the oldest and most powerful people in our Xushen time and space. In terms of age, he should be second only to Xu Lord."

As soon as these words came out, it was impossible for Lu Yinmou to see this Xu Wuwei. He was not looking for death. This person would never be inferior to Bai Wangyuan and the others. He would never face such a person. It was difficult for him to be sure that the death face would not be defeated. Be seen through.

The way not to see Xu Xiangyin is very simple. Learn the one-day skill. The better you learn, the more you will be competed for. Dashimen can compete with Xu Xiangyin, and people who transform into saints can also compete.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin ended the retreat with expectations and walked out. A jade stone fell down in front of him, which recorded part of the cultivation method of Hua Tian Gong.

For the reincarnation time and space combat skills, Lu Yin can easily get started with his cultivation level, and then reach an astonishing speed of practice, such as the Eight Hands of Shimen. If he is willing, his learning speed can scare the Great Stone Sage, and face the sudden appearance. He also thinks so.

But when he really saw the method of cultivating Hua Yi Gong, he was a little stunned. Even if he wasn't at his current level of cultivation, he could still practice it quickly, because isn't this the same cultivation method as Jie Yu?

To explain the language, you need to remove the treasure by decomposing the star energy. The control of the star energy must be ever-changing, and you must clearly see the star energy of the dust-covered treasure, so as to resolve it.

The same principle applies to the Hua Tian Gong. It requires analyzing the nature of the opponent's power in the shortest possible time, and using one's own power to reversely resolve it, or even absorb it to become one's own power.


Thanks to brothers Yuanfei 1985 Mu Zu AA for the reward, and I will give you more, thank you!

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