Star Odyssey

Chapter 2612 Choking

Ning Ran was shocked, "No one has been able to break through the virtual barrier for countless years. How on earth did you do it?"

"Master, you are so amazing." Gui San admired him.

The old man's eyes changed when he looked at Lu Yin, "cruel".

Lu Yin said, "Okay, since you can, let's go see her. I would like to see how charming this Yijun is, attracting so many people to line up to see her."

"There are two types of people queuing up to see Yi Jun. One is those who admire her and want to marry her, and the other are those who want to inquire about the situation on the Boundless battlefield. It is said that she has a group of comrades who share life and death in the Boundless battlefield. Those people will contact her every once in a while. "Many people ask to see her because they want to know about the Boundless Battlefield and the situation of their family or friends in the Boundless Battlefield through those people," the old man said following Lu Yin.

He is an old man, and the reason why he is brought with him is because of his unique skill, which is called Xiuli Qiankun. He can tell whether certain people have been exposed to them by their smell.

Lu Yin discovered that the people in Tianjian Mansion did not know that Lao Pian had a semi-ancestral level of cultivation. They only thought that he could achieve the position of team leader by being able to understand the world.

At this moment, Laodian's hair was not as disheveled as it was in Tianjian Mansion. Instead, it was combed and looked like a kind teacher. He looked very comfortable.

The two of them are now on Yijun Planet. This planet is directly named after her. It was given by Void God Time and Space to reward her for her achievements in the boundless battlefield.

"This Mr. Yi is very hospitable. Are you willing to meet these people for a fee?" Lu Yin said.

Laodian was speechless, "I won't accept it, but there are not many people who can see her. It's impossible to see her just by asking for a meeting."

Yijun lives under a huge mountain peak. The waterfall flows from the mountain peak, drooping white into the sky. The mist is misty and very beautiful. The sound of the piano cleanses the soul.

From time to time, people shouted something under the mountain peak, hoping to see Yi Jun, but no one succeeded.

"I am the best eater among my peers, please see Yi Jun", which attracted a burst of ridicule.

"I am good at calligraphy and painting, and I would like to draw one for Yijun", which also attracted ridicule.


Lu Yin and Lao Dian watched from a distance. Those people raised their necks and shouted, the more they behaved like this, the less likely they were to see Yi Jun.

"My dear Boqi, we have made an appointment to see Yijun," a young man came and said loudly.

The waterfall suddenly stopped, and a trace of water separated from the waterfall and connected to the young man's feet. "Master Boqi, please," a voice came from the water.

That Mr. Boqi stepped onto the current and headed towards the mountain peak, arousing the envy of those around him.

"That is the son of the Bo family. It is said that the head of the Bo family is in the boundless battlefield at the moment. This Master Boqi wants to know the current situation of the head of the Bo family," someone commented.

"Although Yijun has friends in Boundless Battlefield, it's not like he can check everyone's current situation."

"You don't know this. Boundless Battlefield collects information and transmits it to the Six-Party Association, who then transmits the information to many parallel times and spaces. The reason why Yijun is so popular is because one of her friends can access these messages. These news include the death of strong men and the list of meritorious service. The head of the Bo family has the peak cultivation level of the Xu Hao realm and deserves to be mentioned in the battle situation. Young Master Boqi came to Yijun just to ask Yijun to pay attention to it. Can he know the current situation of the head of the Bo family? ".

"Also, with Yijun's ability, it is impossible to directly search for someone's situation in the boundless battlefield, but you can pay attention to these messages, and maybe mention the head of the Bo family."

Not long after, Boqi walked out with a bad look on his face. Someone asked him what happened, but he didn't say anything and just left.

There was no news coming from the mountain top, and it was impossible for this news to be leaked casually.

Lu Yin walked out with Old Man, "Xuan Qi, can you see Yijun after passing through the virtual pass?".

Everyone who was watching the excitement felt that they had heard wrongly.

"What did he say? Break through the virtual barrier?".

"Breaked through the virtual barrier? Is he the one who passed through the virtual barrier?".

"It's actually him?".

There were constant exclamations, which showed how shocked Lu Yin was to them.

On the top of the mountain, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and a pleasant voice sounded. It was not the person who just spoke. This voice was softer and gentler, "Young Master Xuan Qi will be later."

Lu Yin looked at the mountain peak. There were no masters in the entire Yijun Star. The strongest one was only at the peak of the Xu Hao Realm and was not on the mountain peak. If he wanted to, he could do almost anything he wanted, including directly kidnapping this woman. He knew very well that this Women are hidden.

This woman can absorb the situation of the endless battlefield, which is very important to the Eternals.

Wait quietly.

Soon, a figure came from the waterfall, with a beautiful air, white as jade, and a blushing face. He landed in front of Lu Yin and saluted, "Yijun, I have met Young Master Xuan Qi."

The people around had mixed looks. They had been waiting here for a long time and had never seen Yijun treat a young man like this.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Miss Yijun, you are too polite. There is no need to greet her personally."

Yi Jun said with a smile, "How can we be careless in dealing with Young Master Xuan Qi? The Xu Pass was built by Lord Xu and represents the time and space of our virtual god. In order to join the time and space of Xu God, Young Master Xuan did not hesitate to break through the virtual pass and risk his own life. Yi Jun himself You should welcome the young master in person."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed. Not many people knew the reason why he entered the Xu Pass. In the time and space of Xushen, no, in the Liufanghui, there were many people who entered the Xu Pass. They didn't need any reason, but this Yijun knew that he wanted to join. It took the Void God Time and Space to break through the Void Pass, and this woman had some tricks up her sleeve.

"Master Xuanqi, please", Yi Jun raised his hand, revealing a flawless white jade arm, which dazzled people's eyes.

Lu Yin smiled and nodded, leading Laobian and Yi Jun into the mountain peak.

After they left, everyone came to their senses and looked at them with envy. This was the difference between people. They could be greeted by Yi Jun personally, but they were not qualified to talk to Yi Jun.

The place where Yijun received Lu Yin was in the pavilion above the waterfall. The pavilion spanned the waterfall. The surrounding area was filled with water and green vegetation hung down from the pavilion. It was very beautiful. Especially here, you could see the people waiting outside. They looked anxious and expectant. Lu Yin looked at Yi Jun, "You like it here very much?".

Yi Jun said, "There is no way, those people below want to see me, but I can't meet everyone, and I can't ask my sister to watch the boundless battlefield, so I can only stay here to play the piano for them from time to time, and try to calm them down. At the same time, see who is most anxious, maybe you can help."

Lu Yin praised, "Miss Yijun is so kind."

Yi Jun shook his head, "Master Xuan Qi, please stop making fun of me. Yi Jun is an ordinary woman. With more channels, she should serve everyone."

A few people sat down, and Lao Dian stood behind Lu Yin. Yi Jun was curious, "This senior?", "He is a servant, don't worry about him," Lu Yin said.

Yi Jun was curious, "I haven't heard that Young Master Xuan Qi has a domestic servant. I think he only had a servant recently, or maybe it was a gift from Senior Xu Wuwei?"

The old man raised his eyebrows, "Gi?" This word sounds harsh.

Lu Yin remained calm, "It seems that Miss Yijun knows a lot about me."

Yi Jun smiled and said, "Many people come here with some interesting news from the outside world, and there is a lot of news about Young Master Xuan Qi."

"Oh, is there any bad news?" Lu Yin teased.

Yijun smiled and said, "Yes, Xiaoyue said that she is very dissatisfied with the young master."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Xu Yue?".

"It seems that the young master is also very impressed by her," Yi Jun said.

Lu Yin asked, "Xu Yue is back? What about Xu Ji?".

"They are all back. They just came to see me yesterday. If the young master came a day earlier, I could talk to them about old times. They also miss the young master very much." Yijun stood up and poured tea for Lu Yin himself. His fingers were slender and not stained by dust. The crystal white color is very beautiful, and it also carries an indescribable fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Lu Yin couldn't help but get closer and took a deep breath, "What kind of fragrance is this?".

Yi Jun quickly backed away and glared at him angrily, "Young Master is a little too much."

Lu Yin came to his senses and apologized quickly, "I'm sorry, Miss Yijun, I rarely interact with women, so I'm really sorry, so I'll punish myself with a cup." After saying that, he picked up the teacup and drank it all in one gulp, provoking De Yijun laughed for a while and said, "You have to drink wine as a punishment. Are you using tea instead of wine?"

Lu Yin smiled and said, "I never drink, so the girl made fun of me."

"It's better not to drink. Drinking tea can help you understand life better."

"The girl's emotions are very profound. It seems that she has experienced a lot."

"I have experienced a lot on the front line of life and death in the boundless battlefield."

"The girl stepped into the battlefield to save her father, which is admirable. Xuan Qi proposes a toast to you."

Yi Jun said hurriedly, "I don't dare. Young Master Xuan Qi is admired for his ability to break through the virtual pass. Compared with Young Master, Yi Jun's small achievements are as dim as fireflies."

Lu Yin laughed.

Behind him, the old man was calm. The palace master was quite enjoying it. I have to say that this Yijun is very beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people excited. The palace master wouldn't be fascinated. Thinking of this, he coughed.

Yijun looked at Laodian.

Lu Yin glanced at him and said, "Are you feeling well?"

"No, I just choked," Lao Dian said.

Lu Yin looked at Yi Jun with a smile, "It smells really good here, I'm going to choke on it too."

Yi Jun rolled his eyes at Lu Yin and said, "Young Master doesn't like it. Yi Jun goes and changes his clothes." After saying that, he saluted Lu Yin and left.

Looking at her leaving figure, Lu Yin said, "How was it?".

Laodian replied, "I have definitely been in contact with him, and more than once."

Lu Yin hummed, of course he knew, but he needed Tianjian Mansion to confirm, otherwise it would not be possible for him to confirm it alone without support.

Not long after, Yi Jun changed into a long black dress, showing off his exquisite figure, "I have kept Young Master Xuan Qi waiting for a long time. By the way, Young Master Xuan Qi, what do you want to ask here?".

Lu Yin said, "Boundless battlefield, I want to know the situation of Boundless battlefield."

Yi Jun was puzzled, "If you want to know about the boundless battlefield, you can ask Senior Xu Wuwei, or the Xu Yang and Xu Yin clans who have good relations with you, why bother asking me?".

Lu Yin's lips curled up, "I don't like to trouble acquaintances."

Yi Jun laughed and said, "Young Master is really interesting. Okay, then I will briefly talk to you."

"The Boundless Battlefield is the largest battlefield between the Six Directions Society and the Eternals. It is also called the Hundred Alliance Battlefield. It is composed of sixty-two parallel time and space civilizations discovered by the Six Directions Society...".

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