Star Odyssey

Chapter 2615 Riding the Wind

Looking at the clothes of these people, Yi Jun turned pale and stared at Lu Yin, "Are you from Tianjian Mansion?".

Lu Yin put down the tea cup and said, "The acting master of Tianjian Mansion, Xuan Qi."

Yi Jun suddenly lost strength and raised his head. The scene of her delivering the message was still playing in the sky. It was exactly the same. It was indeed a live broadcast. Her words, tone and demeanor were exactly the same. How on earth did this person do it? There is another person in Yijunxing who is at the peak of Xu Hao Realm. He is always paying attention to her situation and should not be allowed to spy on her.

She couldn't even figure out how Lu Yin did it.

And that person who was at the peak of the Xu Hao Realm was also caught. This person had received favor from Yijun in the Boundless Battlefield and voluntarily came to Yijun Star to help her. Whether it was Anzi or not will become clear after the investigation.

Lu Yin did not see the information that this person was An Zi in Yun Wu's memory.

But just now after he revealed that Yijun was an assassin, the man's mood obviously fluctuated greatly. In Lu Yin's opinion, he should not be an assassin.

The fact that Yijun was confirmed as an assassin by Tianjian Mansion and taken away shocked many people, especially those who wanted to pursue Yijun. They focused their attention on Tianjian Mansion and tried their best to find out the news about Tianjian Mansion. , Tianjian Mansion rarely receives such attention.

The news about Yun Wu was also speculated by the outside world. After all, she met Yi Jun, and then Yi Jun was confirmed to be Anzi, and Yun Wu never came down again. What happened in this is arousing speculation.

Lu Yin specifically contacted Yun Yun to say sorry. Tianjian Mansion would continue to hide Yun Wu's role as a scapegoat. Yun Yun had nothing to do. After all, Yi Jun was involved. However, she asked if this was considered a meritorious service.

Lu Yin couldn't answer her.

It was very troublesome to deal with Yun Wu. All the Anzi said that they were controlled by Cheng Kong, making it difficult for Tianjian Mansion to make a decision.

We can’t kill them all. There are indeed many people controlled by Cheng Kong. These people do not want to be the accomplices. No matter their relatives, friends or outsiders, it is impossible for them to agree to all executions. Who can guarantee that the people around them will not will be controlled as empty.

Lu Yin discovered that Cheng Kong was the powerful Eternal clan member that the Six Sides Association wanted to deal with the most.

The interrogation of Yi Jun was naturally left to Ning Ran. Ning Ran did not expect that Lu Yin really captured Yi Jun, and the evidence was conclusive and no one could refute it.

Looking at Ning Ran's poisonous toad, Yi Jun was calm. She had been proven to be the culprit. She was not going to defend herself, but she would not say anything. All she could say was, "I am being controlled."

Naturally, it was impossible for Ning Ran to believe such words directly. Everything would have to be known after the interrogation.

In the Tianjian Mansion city, Xu Ji exclaimed, "I didn't expect you to catch Yi Jun so quickly. She involves too many people."

"Including you," Lu Yin said.

The virtual season is peaceful.

Xu Yue looked at Lu Yin strangely, "You still have this ability. You must have been pretending before. You are too shady."

Lu Yin said solemnly, "You will use all possible means to deal with Anzi. Do you want Anzi to become rampant?"

Xu Yue glared at him, "Don't accuse me wrongly."

"What are you going to do with Yi Jun?" Xu Ji asked.

Lu Yin was surprised, "You seem to care about her very much? Why, do you like her?".

Xu Ji said, "Catching is one thing, how to deal with it is another. If the results of your treatment are the same as those of the people in Tianjian Mansion before, there is no point in our joining."

"You didn't mention this kind of thing when you joined," Lu Yin said.

Xu Ji looked at him and said, "Don't let me down."

Lu Yin was speechless. Where did this guy get his confidence? I have said this sentence many times, just like the mantra of Ling Palace, everyone is so arrogant.

"I'm going to be in seclusion for a while. You can discuss the outcome of Yijun's interrogation among yourselves. If you really can't handle it, just wait until I come out."

"You want to retreat? How long?" Xu Yue asked.

Lu Yin said, "It won't be long."

Of course he has to go into seclusion. If he doesn't go into seclusion, how can he find other secrets? This Yijun can't be so easy to interrogate. Such a person can't get any result from the interrogation. He is not really like a god.

After finding a place to retreat, Lu Yin took out the skeleton of the wart bird, released the power of the Void God, raised his hand, and the dice appeared. He pointed it out with one finger, and as the dice slowly rotated, it was six o'clock.

Lu Yin's eyes widened. Was it six o'clock?

Consciousness appeared in the dark space. This time, Lu Yin looked around and found that the brightest light group around him was also slightly dim, but he could only blend in with this.

Opening his eyes, he was standing in the starry sky, surrounded by nothing but some planets. As memories poured in, Lu Yin's face became increasingly ugly.

The person he integrated into was not Anzi, but he was no better than Anzi. He was a selfish madman. For his own benefit, he could plot other families and sects to extinction. Countless people died at his hands, and this person Participating in the boundless battlefield was the most valuable thing Lu Yin got in this person's memory, but it could only go so far.

The killing in the boundless battlefield is between humans and the Eternals. Unless they are forced to a dead end, humans generally will not kill each other, but this person specializes in hunting humans, seizing other people's resources, and strengthening himself. Although this person is not an assassin, he is better than An Zi is even more hateful.

Lu Yin frowned. It was disgusting to be integrated into this person. He committed suicide without hesitation.

When Lu Yin's consciousness returned to his body, the black and white mist at his heart turned and increased. He had forgotten this. Suicide by blending into other people's bodies can increase the death energy. This is the only way Lu Yin has discovered to increase the death energy.

Other than that, one can only look for the death energy left by the God of Death.

Letting that person commit suicide can be considered a good thing. After all, that person has nearly six Origin Tribulation cultivation levels, can cause great harm to others, and can become a dark child at any time if given the opportunity.

Raise your hand and continue rolling the dice.

A month passed in the blink of an eye. This month, Ning Ran was in trouble with Yijun. The effect of the poisonous clam was really terrifying. Although Yijun did not appear to be hurt, his will was constantly weakened. The pain caused by the poisonous clam was too great. God Although Jianfu's reputation is not very good, it still has many methods, especially Tianjianfu, which spans across the Liufanghui. It not only has the methods of False God's time and space, but also other methods of parallel time and space.

Yi Jun was also determined, but he persisted until the second month and still said something. It was a list of people who had been in contact with her. Tianjian Mansion could find this list from other places, but Yi Jun could say This is a good start.

Yun Wu contacted Yijun in person, so it is very likely that Yijun contacted other Anzi in person, but the Anzi she contacted on the mountain before could not be found. If Lu Yin hadn't live broadcasted Yijun It is really impossible to convict Yijun through the news he deliberately spread.

Lu Yin is still in seclusion with no sign of coming out.

The entire Tianjian Mansion is investigating that list, and it is not easy for people who can come into contact with Yijun. Fortunately, Xu Ji is here, and his identity can be preserved.

Witness to see anyone.

Others don't want to see Tianjianfu, but they can't help but see him.

Although he could meet those who had contact with Yijun, it was of no use. There was no point in finding out who the secret was.

Xu Yue complained that Lu Yin was in seclusion and left all the troubles to them.

Xu Wuji came once and marveled at Lu Yin's high efficiency in catching Yi Jun. He didn't care about this woman. Anyway, he was sure that she was An Zi.

A few more months have passed, and Tianjian Mansion has gained nothing. They also caught a lot of secrets before Lu Yin joined.

Among the people who came into contact with Yijun, they continued to investigate and finally gained something. They arrested two people, both of whom were behind Yijun's development. However, the third person stumped them. That person was Xu Ji. None can be arrested.

Tianjian Mansion Laojian and others, including those in charge of government affairs, Xu Ji and Xu Yue all gathered together to discuss.

"Really want to arrest him?" The old man rarely spoke, and this time his expression was more serious than ever.

Boss Guan had a sullen face and didn't say a word.

Gui San said cautiously, "I think it's better to report it to the Palace Master."

"He is in retreat," Xu Yue said.

Gui San said, "I mean the real master of the palace."

The others looked at each other and it seemed like this was all they could do.

Xu Ji frowned. Lu Yin asked him to join the Tianjian Mansion just to deal with some people with more backgrounds. Even if the other party was from a strong family in the Xu Tai Realm, he would be useful, but this person was too troublesome.

"Why are you all gathered here?" Lu Yin appeared.

Seeing him coming out of seclusion, Gui San and the others were relieved. In any case, they didn't have to decide, someone was taking the responsibility.

"Master, have you been released from seclusion in just half a year?" Boss Guan asked.

Lu Yin nodded, "My retreat time is usually very short. I retreat only when I have an epiphany."

Gui San hurriedly said, "Enlightenment? You are worthy of being a Palace Master who has passed through the virtual barrier. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to achieve enlightenment. Only the Palace Master can easily achieve enlightenment."

Xu Yue rolled her eyes and said, "Listen to him."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Who were you talking about arresting just now?".

Everyone looked at each other, and it was Xu Ji who spoke, "Among the people who came into contact with Yijun, we found out two secrets, and we are investigating the others."

Lu Yin's eyes were dazzled, and he actually found two hidden objects. Generally speaking, there are very few connections between hidden objects and hidden objects, so they are not easy to detect. Finding two at once can only prove that this space-time The rampage of shadows.

"However, there is one person who we now suspect is an assassin, but it is not easy to catch him," Xu Ji said.

Lu Yin was curious, "Who?".

"Chengfeng", Xu Ji spoke in a low tone.

Everyone else's faces turned serious when they heard the name.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, riding the wind? This person is Anzi. He has rolled the dice many times in the past six months and has merged into some people's bodies. Among them is Anzi. The person who developed that Anzi happened to be Chengfeng. It was not Chengfeng who confessed his identity, but the Anzi himself. It was found out that this man was quite smart. He knew that Chengfeng was the one who developed him but did not tell anyone about it.

When it came to Chengfeng, Lu Yin understood why they were in such a difficult situation. He knew a lot about Chengfeng, but he couldn't say why he, a person who had just arrived in Xushen's time and space, knew Chengfeng so well.

This person is not an ordinary person, and he is quite extraordinary.

"Why is it so difficult to catch? Not even you?" Lu Yin asked pretending to be curious.

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