Star Odyssey

Chapter 2644 Identification

Luo Jun broke into Ziyou Realm and kidnapped Youle, which shocked the Liufang Association.

No one expected this to happen.

In the Six Directions Association, the Three Lords of Time and Space are at the bottom, and Samsara Time and Space is recognized as the strongest. Apart from them, the other four are similar.

Youjia has a transcendent status in super time and space, and his background is unfathomable. One day, Luo Jun will kill you and take away Youle. This incident is like a slap in Youjia's face.

What's more important is that the reason why Luo Jun entered the Ziyou world is that the You family caused Mu Jun to disappear. This is not simple. Why is the You family related to Mu Jun's disappearance? What is their purpose? Was it done by the You family? These things have planted greetings in the hearts of many people in the Six Party Association.

You Fang went to find He Ran, but Lu Yin didn't know what the outcome was. He only knew that after he returned to Zi You Realm, he angrily took You Teng to the Three Monarchs' Space and Time.

Soon after, news continued to come that many extremely powerful people from the Six Directions Society had entered the time and space of the Three Monarchs for interpretation. After hearing the news, they came to Ziyou Realm. They were probably searching, and they saw Lu Yin and said hello.

Xu Leng came to Ziyou Realm and found Lu Yin.

"Sister Leng? Why are you here?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Xu Leng said, "It's not just for you."

Lu Yin was puzzled.

Xu Leng said, "Such a big thing happened in Youjia, and you still stay in Ziyoujie. Aren't you afraid of something happening?"

Lu Yin said, "This is a matter between Youjia and the Three Lords. It has nothing to do with me. I was just invited to capture Anzi."

Xu Leng said, "A battle between extremely powerful people can easily affect one party. With Luo Jun's strength, Youjia may not be able to protect you. Don't underestimate the three monarchs, especially Luo Jun. He is a legend."

Lu Yin was moved, "Sister Leng, I'm fine."

Xu Leng rolled his eyes, "Let's wait until this matter is over. Youjia was slapped in the face by Luo Jun. You may suffer a loss by cooperating with them. Although Youjia is smart, his reputation is not very good."

A few days later, the matter came to an end temporarily.

Luo Jun has no evidence to prove that Mu Jun's disappearance is related to the You family. At most, it proves that Luo Qi appeared in Ziyou world.

However, the scope of the Ziyou world is too large, and it is not surprising for anyone to appear. This alone cannot be used to determine that there is something wrong with the Youjia.

The reason why Luo Jun is determined to be related to Youjia is not only because Luo Laoer appears in Ziyou Realm, but also because it is related to the internal battle in super time and space. The partner of the three monarchs in time and space is He Ran, and You Jia is obviously not the same as He Ran. , this is also He Ran’s guess.

But as long as there is no evidence, the Six-Party Association will not allow internal strife, and Luo Jun must let go of Yule. This is the bottom line of the Six-Party Association.

Youjia brought back Youle, and Luo Jun also said that once it was determined that Mujun's disappearance was related to Youjia, he would make Youjia pay the price even if he did not want it from the Three Lords of Time and Space.

These harsh words were not only given to You Jia, but also to others. He must find Mu Jun. If Mu Jun dies, he will also take revenge.

When You Fang returned to Zi You Realm, he heard that Wen Shi had investigated, and his expression turned bad. Hearing that Xu Leng was also there, he quickly found him.

"Senior, how's it going? Lele is back?" Lu Yin saw You Fang and asked quickly.

You Fang nodded, glanced past Lu Yin, looked at Xu Leng, and said politely, "Your Excellency, you must be Xu Leng, the newly promoted Xu Tai Realm powerhouse."

Xu Leng hummed and smiled lightly, "I've heard about the You family for a long time, so I took the liberty to come here. Sorry to bother you."

You Fang smiled and said, "Don't bother me. It's your honor to have you come to visit me as a guest..."

After some polite greetings, Xu Leng left Youjia, and Yulele had been brought back. Luo Jun could not come to Youjia to do anything else under the mediation of the Six-Party Association, so Lu Yin did not need her to guard her.

After Xu Leng left, You Fang asked Lu Yin directly, "Where is Luo Yin?".

Lu Yin was stunned, "Luo Qi? What do you mean, senior?".

You Fang stared at Lu Yin, "Who is behind you? Mu Jun is the one behind you."

Lu Yin's face darkened, "Senior, Luo Jun broke into Ziyoujie and captured Youle, which indeed caused heavy losses to the Youjia, but senior will not blame me for this matter. I, Xuan Qi, am just a junior. , where does he have the ability to plot against Mu Jun?"

You Fang's eyes were deep, "It sounds unreasonable, but I don't need reason. You didn't come. There's no such thing. When you came, things happened. Luo Ren and you had a good relationship in Liufang Dojo. You deliberately approached me, You Fang." The family must have another purpose, which makes it difficult for me not to connect this matter with you."

Lu Yin frowned. Most people would not think that this matter was related to him. He and the three monarchs were not at odds with each other. There was no way this matter could be connected with him, but You Fang recognized him.

Lu Yin has a headache. He likes to meet smart people. Those people can often analyze details that ordinary people cannot see. He is best at using these details to divert trouble. But Yu Fang is different. He only looks at the beginning and the end, and the middle process. Just skip the analysis and just identify someone if you suspect him. This simple and crude method made Lu Yin not sure how to deal with it.

"It seems that the You family believes that this matter is related to me, Xuan Qi, so why didn't the senior say it in front of others?" Lu Yin asked.

You Fang said calmly, "I want to see what else you can do. My You family has nothing to do with Mu Jun, so I am not afraid of being wronged. Unless you have the ability to make other parallel time and space target my You family, then I will admit it." Otherwise, the person behind you will be exposed sooner or later." After saying that, he left.

Lu Yin looked at You Fang's leaving figure and felt troubled. No wonder the You family has a bad reputation in Liufang. They decide something without proof and only look at the results. Who can bear this? Even if what they guess is true, guessing without evidence will only make others think that they are overbearing and unreasonable.

The You family is smart and arrogant, so they often do not act in ways that are accepted by ordinary people. This family is very strange.

Out of Lu Yin's sight, You Fang saw You Le coming for her and stopped her.

"Father, get out of the way. I want to settle the score with that guy Xuan Qi. It must be him." You Le bared her teeth. Like You Fang, she was determined to identify Lu Yin. Regardless of whether there was any evidence, this guy definitely had it. question.

You Fang said, "I have looked for him."

"How about it?".

"How about what? He won't admit it".

"What I, Youjia, have determined, do I need him to admit?"

"He is not a person from time and space. So what if he is determined?".

"Of course I will arrest him and interrogate him."

"Luo Jun has no evidence to prove that Mu Jun's disappearance is related to my You family, so he can only retreat. We also have no evidence to prove that this matter is related to Xuan Qi."

Le Le said, "How dare he resist?"

You Fang frowned, "There are four extremely powerful people standing behind him."

Hearing this, Yu Le became quiet and scratched his hair. The dandruff fell straight away. Yu Fang backed away when he saw it, "It's time to wash your hair."

"Irritated and don't want to wash it off", Yu Le was unhappy and felt aggrieved. The You family never needed evidence when doing things. They doubted who would arrest whom. This was one of the reasons why the You family took charge of Tianjian Mansion. They didn't expect that today would be tricky.

"Are we allowed to let this Xuan Qi plot against us?" Yu Lele clenched his fists.

You Fang smiled and said, "Let him do it. I want to see what other methods he has."

"Where's that He Ran? That woman transferred Wen Shi, and that's why Luo Jun rushed into Zi You Realm unscrupulously." You Le looked ugly.

You Fang's eyes were downcast, "This matter will never pass."

"Xuan Qi, could it be that He Ran sent him here?" Youle guessed.

This guess has been there from the beginning, especially when Lu Yin called Sister Ran, which made Yulele even more confident.

You Fang shook his head, "It's unlikely. Although he is very close to He Ran, He Ran is not stupid. It's not her style to send people to approach my You family so blatantly. Moreover," he pondered for a moment, "He Ran is not stupid. She has the ability to deal with Mu Jun, and she cooperates with the three monarchs in time and space. Once she deals with Mu Jun, she may easily become the target of public criticism, and she will not be able to gain a foothold in the Six Directions Association. She will not take this risk."

"Then how does Xuan Qi deal with Mu Jun?" You Le was puzzled.

You Fang frowned. This was also the reason why he did not disclose Xuan Qi. What was hidden behind this person? Void God Time and Space? No, and it shouldn't be. Is he an assassin? It's not impossible, but it's unlikely. For him, the price of sacrificing the entire Void God's time and space is too high, and this person is not worth it.

What exactly is it?

"Where does Xuan Qi come from?" You Fang asked.

You Le was stunned and said, "I don't know."

You Fang was surprised, "You don't know?".

"I thought you knew, father," Yu Le felt aggrieved.

You Fang was so happy, it was so ridiculous. So far, You Jia didn’t know the origin of Xuan Qi. This person obviously joined the Liufang Dojo from super time and space. You Jia thought that he had a transcendent status in super time and space, but he actually didn’t even know the origin of Xuan Qi. Do not know at all.

If you tell people, they will laugh to death, but they think they are smart in vain.

You Fang felt that he had caught something. There was definitely something wrong with the origin of Xuan Qi.

"Uncle Teng must know," Youle reminded.

You Fang immediately contacted You Teng.

You Teng's reply made You Fang's expression change drastically. It turned out to be Shi Space?

Ziyoujie was quiet for a while. During this period, Lu Yin waited quietly. After a while, he brought Luo Laoer and contacted the person who sold the information. That person was tantamount to betraying them once. Lu Yin did not find any information about this. Human clues can only be continued contact.

You Fang came and gave Lu Yin a task, "investigate the person who provided information to Luo Jun."

Lu Yin was puzzled, "The person who provided the information?".

You Fang said, "It was someone who told Luo Jun that Luo Qi had appeared in my Youjia, so Luo Jun concluded that Mu Jun's disappearance was related to my Youjia. I want you to find this person."

Lu Yin was amused, "Senior, you think I am involved in this matter, so you can still let me go find it?"

You Fang said, "This person is also what you are looking for urgently. Maybe you planned this thing together with this person and deliberately asked Luo Jun to find him. Or maybe, you took advantage of this person and you knew in advance that this person would Tell Luo Jun about this, you deliberately let him know that Luo Qi is in Ziyou Realm. If it is the latter, you do not want this person to know your identity, and this person will definitely not let you know his identity."

"Now I will give you a chance to investigate in person. Go to Three Monarchs Time and Space to investigate and find this person. Three Monarchs Time and Space will fully cooperate."

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