Star Odyssey

Chapter 2781 Timing

In time and space, under the stairs, the Xiaoling people were dancing happily. Bai Qian looked at them and felt quite relaxed.

Zuo Lao's voice sounded: "Sir, the proposal to abolish the three monarchs of time and space was not approved by the Wei Lord. Will this cause the Wei Lord's resentment?"

Bai Qian said calmly: "Luoshan united with Youjia to plot against the leader of Wei. At this moment, Luo Shan is missing. Taking the opportunity to get rid of the three monarchs of time and space is to help the leader of Wei."

Zuo Lao felt uneasy. He didn't discuss such a big matter with the leader of Wei. How would he explain it once the leader of Wei came out of seclusion?

But he couldn't influence Bai Qian's decision.

Bai Qian's eyes flashed. It was very risky to do this. Although the leader definitely wanted to deal with Luo Shan, he had his own plan. Doing this himself would definitely destroy his plan. But now that the arrow was on the string, he had to take action. The only way to do this was to give Shi space. By becoming one of the six parties, she can further cooperate with Lu Yin and get out of this prison.

This is her only goal.

No one knows when Wei Lord will come out of seclusion. Perhaps when he comes out of seclusion, Lu Yin will not only solve the three monarchs of time and space, but also help her deal with Wei Lord.

In the time and space of the Three Lords, Chen Le finally waited for Lu Yin.

Ever since Lu Yin swaggered around the time and space of the Three Monarchs, he especially wanted to talk to this person about what he was thinking. Now, the opportunity has finally arrived.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Le stared at Lu Yin and asked in a suppressed voice.

Lu Yin was amused: "You seem to like asking questions like this."

Chen Le said angrily: "You made me lose face in the time and space of the Three Lords. If Lord Xing hadn't come out, how would I have stepped down?"

"Then don't get off." Lu Yin looked at Chen Le: "Luo Shan is missing, you know that."

Chen Le's eyes flashed: "I just got the news."

Lu Yin looked at Chen Le and looked into his eyes: "It's time to kick the three monarchs out of time and space."

Chen Le's face twitched: "What do you want to do?"

Lu Yin's lips curled up: "Are you willing to do it?"

Chen Le's eyes flickered and he looked at Lu Yin without saying a word.

Lu Yin didn't rush him and waited quietly.

After a while, Chen Le finally spoke: "With Samsara Time and Space's attitude toward Beginning Space, they won't agree."

Lu Yin laughed: "So, you don't dare?"

Chen Le narrowed his eyes: "You lied to me."

"What did I lie to you about?"

"Why don't you tell me about the grudge between the Lu family and Samsara Time and Space?"

Chen Le had buried this sentence in his heart for a long time. He really didn't know it at first, but when the passage opened, the three monarchs of time and space confronted the Tianshang Sect, and Lu Yin entered the Six Directions Society's field of vision. As a strong man in the ancestral realm, he also understood The Tianshang Sect understood Lu Yin and the truth behind the Lu family's exile.

If you wanted to check these things, you could check them out, but he had never thought about it. It was precisely because of these things that he regretted cooperating with Lu Yin.

If he had known that Lu Yin was an enemy of Samsara Time and Space, and an enemy of the Shaoyin God, he would not have cooperated even if he was beaten to death.

Those who would rather risk being controlled by Mr. Daheng should avoid Lu Yin.

Lu Yin watched Chen Le's expression change from calm to angry, and couldn't help but laugh: "Chen Le, Chen Le, it's a shame that you are such a strong person, but you are so timid."

Chen Le clenched his fist.

Lu Yin mocked: "When you were the leader of Moheyuan, you were controlled by Mr. Da Heng and worked for him. The reason why the most powerful people cooperated with me was because they were afraid of Mr. Da Heng, fearing that he would continue to control you and You are worried that Luo Shan will find out about you, you are so afraid of this and that, how can you be such a strong person?"

Chen Le said angrily: "Aren't you also afraid of the Great Heavenly Lord and are you willing to be punished and go to the boundless battlefield?"

"Am I an extremely strong person?" Lu Yin shouted.

Chen Le was startled.

Lu Yin continued: "What age am I and what level of cultivation do I have? You know very well what I have experienced. Where is the Great Heavenly Lord? He is the same generation as my ancestor of the first space and is above the Three Realms and Six Paths. Even if I, the ancestor of the Lu family, may face the Great Heavenly Lord, Called senior, I, Lu Yin, have been practicing so far that I am not even a fraction of the Great Heavenly Lord. If I were also of the same generation, there would be nothing wrong with the Great Heavenly Lord today."

"If I become extremely powerful, what can the Great Heavenly Lord do to me?"

"What I worry about is the Tianshang Sect, my relatives, friends, the people I care about and protect, and what about you? You only care about you, and you only care about what will happen to you."

"Have you ever had a statue built? Have you ever been truly respected, cared about, and prayed to?"

"Have you ever been a pillar of support for some people?"

Chen Le clenched his fists, as if he remembered something, and his breathing became rapid: "Stop talking."

Lu Yin shouted: "Have you ever had anyone you care about?"

"Stop talking." Chen Le roared, glaring at Lu Yin like a mad lion.

Lu Yin also stared at him.

Chen Le closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It took him a while to recover, "I don't want to be your Lu family's tool for revenge against the reincarnation of time and space."

Lu Yin said in a deep voice: "Now it is time for Shi Space to become one of the six parties."

Chen Le struggled. He was worried about Lu Yin's revenge and the time and space of reincarnation, but he was also worried about Mr. Daheng and Luo Shan. He was worried too much and his heart was confused.

"I might as well tell you that even if the original space cannot become one of the six parties, the three monarchs' time and space will inevitably break away from the six parties." Lu Yin said.

Chen Le was shocked: "Three Lords of Time and Space are going to leave the Six Directions Association?"

"Luoshan is missing. Do you know where Mu Jun is? Xing Jun, I already know the location of those people in Yingxing Time and Space. Do you think she can escape? The three monarchs are not worthy of their name. If this space and time is to be supported by the four-way balance, , do you think the Great Heavenly Lord will still allow this time and space to become one of the Six Directions?"

"Will Lord Wei agree? Don't forget, Luo Shan has teamed up with Shaoyin Shenzun and Youjia to attack him. Lord Wei has long wanted to destroy Luo Shan and solve the time and space of the three monarchs, but there has never been a chance. Now the opportunity has just been Appropriate, I got the news that Super Time and Space has proposed to the Great Heavenly Lord to abolish the time and space of the Three Sovereigns, make the time and space of the Three Sovereigns one of the boundless battlefields, and find a parallel time and space to replace the time and space of the Three Sovereigns."

"Even if it is not the original space, it will be other parallel time and space, and this time and space will forever remain a boundless battlefield."

"Cultivation is cruel. No one cares about the fact that old feelings will always remain in the time and space of the three monarchs. The strong will ascend and the weak will be eliminated. This is the rule of survival in the universe."

Chen Le didn't believe it, but Lu Yin was right. The Wei Lord would indeed deal with the three monarchs of time and space. Now that Mu Jun has been captured by Lu Yin and Luo Jun has disappeared, once Xing Jun leaves, this time and space will be completely destroyed.

Relying on the Four Directions Balance to retain the position of one of the Six Directions? How can it be?

This space and time is riddled with holes.

"You still don't believe it? Do you think those ancestral realms in Sifang Tianping can help you protect the time and space of the three monarchs?" Lu Yin looked at Chen Le and sneered: "Then, what about the Tianshang Sect going to war against Sifang Tianping?"

Chen Le's body trembled and he looked at Lu Yin in shock.

Lu Yin's eyes were deep and icy: "You also know the hatred between me and Sifang Tianping. We can start a war at any time. Leng Qing breaks through the ancestral realm and Mu Jun submits. I have a way to make Xingjun submit again and have a few more ancestral realms." , do you think I will be afraid? The Great Heavenly Lord has said that people from the Six Directions Society are not allowed to enter the original space at will, but he cannot interfere with the internal affairs of my original space."

"Once a war starts, even if there is just a hint of war, people like Bai Sheng can be sent back."

Chen Le retorted: "Bai Sheng and the others were ordered by the Great Heavenly Lord to help defend the Six Directions Association, how can they go back?"

"So the condition for the truce is that they cannot stay in the Three Monarchs' time and space to help defend the Six-Party Association, not the Three Monarchs' time and space." Lu Yin said.

Chen Le looked at Lu Yin with fear in his eyes. This person was too vicious. He used this condition to force Bai Sheng and others to give up the Three Monarchs of Time and Space. Once successful, there will no longer be an extremely powerful person in the Three Monarchs of Time and Space. How can it be called the Six Directions Society?

Even if the Great Heavenly Lord wants to retain the three monarchs of time and space, where will the extremely powerful people protect the three monarchs of time and space?

He didn't know if the remaining strength of Sifang Tianping could fight against the Tianshang Sect. He didn't know Bai Wangyuan and Wang Fan's strength at all. He couldn't guess. He could only calculate from the numbers. It was impossible for the remaining three ancestral realms of Sifang Tianping to be able to stop them. There are so many ancestral realm experts in Tianshang Sect.

This result is easy to achieve.

Of course Lu Yin wanted to scare Chen Le. No matter Bai Wangyuan, Wang Fan or Xia Shenji were not easy to deal with, plus the unfathomable Bai Xian'er and their relationship with the reincarnation of time and space, it was even more difficult to deal with. Now is not the time to start a war. At the time, at least he had to wait until Qi Space became one of the six parties, and wait until he found out the bottom line of Bai Wangyuan's strength before taking action.

But it didn't stop him from scaring Chen Le. This person was too suspicious. Lu Yin was sure that every word he said would hit him hard.

"The Majesty of Heaven prohibits anyone from setting foot in the Beginning Space at will. Can I join the Tianshang Sect?" Chen Le's tone slowed down.

Lu Yin smiled: "Stepping down represents outsiders. Joining the Tianshang Sect is one of our own. Why does the Great Heavenly Lord not allow our own people to go home?"

Chen Le was still worried.

"If you are really scared, just go to Void God Time and Space. I invite you as Xuan Qi, and no one can say anything." Lu Yin said.

Chen Le exhaled: "Where is that passage?"

"I have found three original formation heavenly masters who can re-seal the passage. Without Luo Shan and the others, no one can stop me from sealing the passage. By then, this place will become one of the boundless battlefields. Senior Chen Le, welcome to join Tiantian Zong."

Chen Le looked at Lu Yin blankly, "Tian Shang Sect?" He was eventually forced to join.

Lu Yin also breathed a sigh of relief. This Chen Le was the biggest obstacle. This person was obviously cooperating, but in fact he wanted him to die. Before entering the boundless battlefield, he and Chen Le had looked at each other, and he could see the kind of emotion deep in this man's eyes. I wish he could die.

This person is by no means a true surrender, but is forced to do nothing.

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