Star Odyssey

Chapter 2934: Sense of Superiority

After listening to Bi Lan's words, Bi Teng shook his head: "It doesn't matter to ordinary cultivators, but at Master Lu's level, especially he can reverse time." At this point, he paused, with some scruples: "Such a person, then This kind of parallel time and space is a consumable to them."

Bilan didn't understand, but looking at Biten's look, she didn't ask any more questions.

"If it doesn't work, just tell him the place." Biten muttered to himself, and Bilan couldn't hear clearly what he said.

The dark red sea stirred up huge waves with the storm. In the distance, there were continuous thunders and green mist that almost covered the sky. From time to time, huge creatures leaped out of the sea, swallowed sea water, hung with thunder, and flew towards the distance. .

Here is the twelfth time and space of Yi Xing.

Number 12 means that the speed of time here is twelve times that of the original space.

Lu Yin stood on a desert island. This desert island was very large, equivalent to a continent on the earth, but it was just the tiniest island in this ocean, because the area of ​​​​this ocean far exceeded that of the earth.

This is just an ocean. Lu Yin looked into the distance. The oceans were connected to each other, forming this unique parallel time and space.

This is a parallel time and space composed of oceans. The oceans are either silent on the planet or floating in the starry sky, constantly connected with no end in sight.

Lu Yin stepped forward, crossed the thunder, and with a wave of his hand, the green mist in the sky dispersed, revealing a deep but slightly green starry sky. This starry sky was poisonous, at least not suitable for human survival.

This is also a parallel space-time without humans, and this space-time is larger than the fifth parallel space-time.

Lu Yin's eyes widened and he saw the space lines. Sure enough, they were larger than the space lines in the fifth parallel space-time. They were twelve times faster than the time flow rate in the original space. Once the streamer could adapt, he could see it for twelve seconds. The previous picture.

If you suddenly enter a parallel space-time where the time flow rate is fifty times that of the original space, it is equivalent to crossing this parallel space-time with a flow rate of twelve times. Lu Yin thought about this, but he denied it. The faster the time flow rate, the harder it should be. Adapt to it. Five times the flow speed will make Liu Guang fall into the quagmire. Fifty times the flow speed, maybe he will be rejected as soon as Liu Guang appears.

That kind of parallel time and space is also difficult to gain recognition.

Of course, these are all Lu Yin's guesses. Maybe whether it can be recognized by parallel space and time has nothing to do with the speed of time. Maybe some time flows at tens of millions of times faster than the original space, but it is easy to be recognized. These are all possible. Lu Yin is now Can only rely on guessing.

It was difficult for him to obtain that kind of parallel time and space all at once, and even if Yi Xing had it, it would not be possible for him to give it to him.

Still, we shouldn’t put our hope in Yi Xing. We must know through Yi Xing whether other people have this kind of parallel time and space.

There was a click, thunder passed horizontally, and not far away was a huge tornado.

Lu Yin took one step forward and began to understand this parallel time and space. Only by understanding can he be recognized.

A month later, over the ocean, the star source on Lu Yin's body swept wildly, overwhelming the entire ocean, causing the ocean to spread in all directions. Inside, huge creatures looked at Lu Yin in fear, some were fish, some were turtles, and there were many strange creatures. .

These creatures kept wagging their tails or praying to Lu Yin in their own way.

Lu Yin discovered that although the creatures here were all giant beasts in the sea, they were quite intelligent and knew how to pray and surrender.

The entire parallel time and space is an ocean, divided by these behemoths. They have territorial awareness, and some even join together to defeat some powerful ocean behemoths, and then fight independently.

It is clearly a unique marine civilization.

It's easier to handle things if you're civilized.

The only way Lu Yin could think of was to conquer them all. He would never teach these giant ocean beasts the truth. These ocean giant beasts were not uncivilized. Their civilization of the weak and the strong was engraved in their bones, so the only way to suppress them was in this way. .

Wherever Lu Yin goes, the pressure of the star source is enough. The more powerful the creature, the more fear it will feel. Especially when faced with an absolutely irresistible force, no creature will resist and choose to surrender.

Two months, three months, until five months, Lu Yin swept across the entire space and time, making all the most powerful marine creatures in this space and time surrender, and less than half a month had passed in the original space.

Twelve times the flow of time gave Lu Yin twelve times more time.

He felt that this time and space made him feel less repulsive. This feeling was not noticeable before, but it has become more obvious since he went to the fifth time and space. Now Lu Yin can be sure that he has been recognized by this time and space.

Compared with suppressing by force, educating Gan Jie is obviously more troublesome and takes ten years. If Yi Xing had come up with this parallel time and space from the beginning, Lu Yin asked himself that he would not have to waste so long time.

Although it was a pity, he couldn't blame Yi Xing. From beginning to end, Yi Xing was forced.

it's time.

Lu Yin used his inner world - Streaming Light.

Amidst the anxiety, the streamer appeared, and the feeling was the same as when it appeared in the fifth time and space. It felt like being stuck in a quagmire. If one had not adapted to the fifth time and space in advance, this feeling would have been even deeper.

In the fifth time and space, Lu Yin taught the Gan Jie. After being recognized by the time and space, it was very smooth to cast the flowing light. However, in this time and space, it still feels like being stuck in the quagmire. Could it be that it has not been recognized yet?

Lu Yin looked at the stars and waited.

After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief. There was no danger of being rejected, which proved that this time and space indeed accepted him.

Those marine creatures are the overlords of this time and space, just like Lu Yin is the master of the fifth continent. If you gain the recognition of those marine creatures and even make them surrender, you will naturally be accepted by this time and space.

Now that you accept it, why do you still feel trapped in the quagmire?

Lu Yin began to adapt to this time and space with his flowing light. Anyway, he gave it a try.

Tianshang Sect, Tuo Lin stared blankly at the books that almost filled the entire room in front of him. The second night king was behind the books and couldn't get in at all. The books blocked the way.

"This is the book that the Tao Master ordered to find for you. I would like to ask the Young Master to review it." The King of the Second Night said respectfully, with envy in his tone. This young man was accepted as the Tao Master's disciple. In the original space, even a strong man in the ancestral realm, His status wouldn't be any higher than his, he could reach the sky in one step.

Tuolin was stunned: "So many?"

The Second Night King said: "This is just a small part of a small part, there is more on the way."

Tuo Lin's face turned pale, is there more? How could he finish reading it?

Looking at the piles of books, really piled up, he had doubts for a moment.

"Young Master, these books are collected by various sects, sects, and families. They are books about human history. If you have finished reading them, please inform your subordinates and they will return them." The King of the Second Night said respectfully.

Tuo Lin frowned: "Are these books very precious?"

"It's very precious." Wang Ye said on the second night. This was what Lu Yin ordered him to say.

Tuo Lin took a deep breath. It was impossible for the master to lie to him. If he wanted to lie, he could just find some ordinary books. Why did he have to find these precious books? Because only these books record history that is invisible to ordinary people.

Yes, Master's expectations for himself are too high, and the test is also very severe.

He remembered every word Lu Yin said to him, every word, and the look of approval he gave him. For a moment, Tuo Lin felt a breath in his chest, and he spit it out. His eyes were firmer than ever before, no matter what was ahead of him. No matter how difficult the road is, no matter how long the Master's test lasts, he will complete it.

He has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting mankind. He is the savior.

"Come on." Tuo Lin picked up the book in front of him and started reading.

The King of the Second Night didn't know why he was suddenly so excited, but just let him go and read books. These books would last him a few years, just for an ordinary person.

On the Zonghou Mountain in the sky, Lu Yin waved his hand, and the light flowed back and forth. He silently counted, one, two, three...thirteen, huh? besides? Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen.

The flow of light was withdrawn into the body, and Lu Yin was surprised, how could it be eighteen seconds?

He thought that after the streamer adapted to the parallel space-time of twelve times the flow rate, he could see the scene twelve seconds ago, just like if he adapted to the flow rate of five times the time, he could see the scene five seconds ago.

But why is it eighteen seconds now?

Eighteen seconds can be understood as one second plus five seconds plus twelve seconds, which adds up to eighteen seconds, which is the number of the initial space plus the fifth space-time plus the twelfth space-time.

Why is this happening?

Lu Yin thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure it out, but it seemed to be a good thing.

It has increased from the originally thought twelve seconds to eighteen seconds. If he goes to parallel time and space with different flow rates and can still superimpose, it means that he can see the pictures from a longer time ago.

One minute? An hour? one day? Or a month? Even a year?

Lu Yin used Flowing Light again. He could still only reverse time for one second, but he could see through what happened eighteen seconds ago. This was really hard to understand.

He is now more and more eager to obtain parallel time and space where time flows at different speeds.

Not long after, Lu Yin returned from the back garden with an ugly face.

He asked Zi Jing, and Super Spacetime gave them a space-time to study sequence particles. The time flow rate was a hundred times that of the initial space. It was actually a hundred times faster than the dimension master could find.

It's a pity that it was destroyed by Huizu, it's a pity, it's such a pity.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, and he contacted Nalan Fairy and asked her to come to Tianshang Sect.

"Master Dao, you scared Yi Xing's people by calling me here. They thought you wanted parallel time and space with different time flows." Nalan Fairy was lazy and looked at Lu Yin with bright eyes, fascinated.

Lu Yin laughed: "They guessed it right. I really want a parallel time and space where time flows at different speeds."

Fairy Nalan was surprised: "It hasn't been long."

Lu Yin didn't know how to explain to Nalan Fairy, and he didn't need to explain: "Does Yi Xing have this kind of time and space?"

Nalan Fairy Mou Ding said: "There must be, but they all made a tacit agreement not to tell me. I asked about it, and asked Biteng directly, but Biteng didn't tell me at all."

As the Tianshang Sect became more and more powerful, both Lu Yin and others in the Tianshang Sect became more and more direct in their behavior, which was completely different from before. This phenomenon is both a good thing and the people who represent Shi Space are very confident, but it is also a bad thing. This feeling of superiority can destroy some people.

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