Star Odyssey

Chapter 2940 Guests

One year, two years, five years.

Lu Yin has been in this space-time for five years, but only two months have passed in the outside world. This is a parallel space-time with a flow rate of thirty times the time.

Of course, he did spend five years himself.

In fact, Lu Yin has been practicing for a long time so far. The dice gave him a lot of time in the early stage, and now this parallel time and space has also accelerated his cultivation process.

In a blink of an eye, eight months have passed in the outside world, and twenty years have passed in this time and space.

Some of the lives brought in by Lu Yin have survived and begun to spread, bringing vitality to this space and time. These lives came from the original space, and Lu Yin should have been recognized.

Lu Yin tried the streamer, and the sense of crisis brought about by time and space appeared. He left immediately. It was not enough, so he continued.

Twenty years passed quickly, and Lu Yin stayed in this time and space for a full forty years. He really wanted to try Liu Guang, but thinking of what Xia Shenji once said, it would be easy for him to let this kind of light flow after repeated attempts. Time and space collapsed, Lu Yin suppressed his temper and continued to wait.

Another twenty years have passed, and Lu Yin has stayed in this space and time for a full sixty years. Sixty years is quite a long time for him. He has only been practicing in the original space for more than sixty years.

Sixty years in this space-time is equivalent to two years in the original space.

Lu Yin tried to escape. This time, there was no more crisis. After sixty years of development in this space and time, Lu Yin was finally recognized.

This was a shortcut. If life in the original space could not survive in this time and space, Lu Yin wanted to be recognized. He had to wait until life developed in this time and space, wait for life to produce wisdom, and then allow intelligent creatures to recognize him.

The time consumed by this process should be measured in hundreds of millions.

It is one thing to be recognized by this time and space, but it is another thing to want Liu Guang to adapt to this time and space.

After quite some time, Lu Yin returned to Tianshang Sect to try his luck. He saw the scene from forty-eight seconds ago, thirty seconds longer.

Lu Yin was excited and continued. The next step was the parallel time and space in Luoshan.

This parallel time and space is Lu Yin's attempt. He first adapted to the space-time with a flow rate of thirty times, and then adapted to the space-time with a flow rate of twenty times. It stands to reason that the space of a time and space with a flow rate of twenty times is definitely not as tough as that of a flow rate of thirty times. If Lu Yin When he went in, he could let Liu Guang adapt, and when he came back, he would directly add twenty seconds. This was consistent with his guess. If not, it meant that his guess was completely wrong.

The different speed of time is indeed related to space, but it is not the kind of relationship Lu Yin thought.

The parallel time and space given by Luo Shan is much more convenient than the one given by Mr. Da Heng. There are intelligent creatures there, but they are also not human beings.

There are too many parallel time and spaces in the universe, and after all, there are only a few human beings.

Lu Yin spent twenty years in that space and time to be recognized, which is equivalent to one year in the original space.

And this kind of recognition means that his previous guess was indeed wrong. This space-time space is obviously not as tough as a space with a flow rate of thirty times. Liuguang still cannot adapt. He has to think in a different direction.

He returned to Tianshang Sect and started trying.

Sixty-eight seconds, a total of sixty-eight seconds, more than a minute.

He can see through sixty-eight seconds of time with his flowing light. The more time he increases, the more addicted Lu Yin becomes. He is eager to get more parallel time and space so that he can go back in time. One day he can reverse time for more than one second. That was the beginning of the transformation.

When Lu Yin adapted to parallel time and space, it was also the time when the Six Directions Society was at its most peaceful.

The war on the boundless battlefield has gradually slowed down, and there is almost no war on the borders of the Six-Party Association.

Both the Six Sides Association and the Eternal Tribe are waiting for the top experts on both sides to recover.

In this peaceful environment, among the trees and stars in the sky, the White Dragon Clan welcomed a mysterious guest. This guest has been staying with the White Dragon Clan for more than a year.

Since the Sifang Tianping was destroyed, the White Dragon Clan moved to the lower world to associate with Zu Mang, both to atone for their sins and to escape.

The living conditions in the Lower Mortal Realm are not good, and there are all kinds of giant beasts, but they are no threat to the White Dragon Clan. Elder Nihuang possesses the Dragon Ancestral Different Eyes, which can bring out the strength of the Ancestral Realm. Lu Yin agreed to let the White Dragon Clan go to the Lower Mortal Realm. It also has the meaning of guarding the lower world, just like the Hanxian Sect and others guard the waterways.

Except for the White Dragon Clan, no one can complete it. The White Dragon Clan has a similar aura to Zu Mang, and they are more willing to get close to Zu Mang.

In the third area of ​​the lower world, Elder Nihuang has been sitting in meditation for a year. He came here not long after the guest arrived. This is directly under Zu Mang's head. When you look up, you can see Zu Mang's lower jaw.

Here, his heart will be at peace.

"The White Dragon clan has been demoted to the lower world to live among the beasts. If he hadn't used you to guard the lower world, your clan would be gone. Do you really think that using Zu Mang to stand up and exile the Lu family would not cost anything?" came a sharp voice. into the ears of Elder Nihuang.

Elder Nihuang opened his eyes: "Are you able to get close to this place?"

"You underestimate me too much. We are from the same clan, so why can't we get close to me?" The shadow in black robe approached and came not far from Elder Nihuang.

Elder Nihuang raised his head and looked at Zu Mang complexly: "We betrayed the Lu family once, and the Lu family did not kill all of us, the White Dragon clan. This is a kindness."

"But from now on, your White Dragon clan can only stay in the mortal world. How is it different from the annihilation of your clan? What does the Starry Sky think of you? You have betrayed the Lu family, and your current life is tantamount to betraying the Sifang Balance. In the history of mankind, you have This kind of person has the worst end. You can only start over again by returning to your clan. This clan can help you embark on the road to surpass the Sifang Balance. Nihuang, you are not stupid, you should know how to make choices." A sharp voice came. .

Elder Nihuang sighed deeply: "I have been sitting quietly for a year, but I still can't get rid of greed. Yes, we, the White Dragon clan, want to return to the top world and replace the Lu family again."

"Then return to your own clan."

"I, the White Dragon Clan, do not want to stay in the lower world."

"Return to your own clan."

Elder Nihuang turned back and stared at the black-robed figure: "Even so, why do you think that we, the White Dragon Clan, can be brought back to the top? Do you know how terrifying that person is? He clearly lost his memory, but in just a few dozen Years have come before us again and pulled us off the altar."

"He went to the Six-Party Conference, and the situation of the Six-Party Conference changed drastically. Even you were swept away by him. If he appeared in front of you, would you still dare to stay here?"

"Faced with such a person, why do you help us?"

The black-robed figure shouted: "Shut up, you are too flattering to him."

"You underestimated him too much. I admit that when you came to me a year ago, I was very moved, but my reason told me that this is a path of no return, which will completely push the White Dragon Clan from the edge of the abyss. So I came here to meditate, trying to suppress the greed in my heart. Today, the White Dragon Clan only needs to live, but this greed can never be suppressed."

"Give me a reason to trust you absolutely, otherwise I, the White Dragon Clan, will not take risks."

The black-robed figure was silent for a while and did nothing. Suddenly, Elder Nihuang's complexion changed and turned white. Then he vomited blood without warning. His whole body performed the white dragon transformation uncontrollably, but with The white dragon transformation he performed before was different. The white dragon transformation he performed now seemed to completely transform himself into a monster.

Elder Nihuang groaned in pain.

The black-robed figure approached step by step: "I have natural blood suppression for you. Your lives are mine. I can take them away at any time, but I still waited for you for a year. This year, my clan gave me Your sincerity.”

"Will you give an ant that can be killed at any time a chance? Because you and I are of the same race, I give you a chance. This is not a threat, but sincerity."

Elder Nihuang looked at the black-robed figure in fear. A year ago, this figure came to the White Dragon Clan and showed almost the same bloodline power, but it suppressed them. He was very sure that this figure came from a place closer to the source of the White Dragon Clan's bloodline. The race is Zu Mang.

And this figure gave him a choice to deal with the Tianshang Sect and let the White Dragon Clan go to the top world again. Now it was time to make a choice.

The bloodline suppression is getting stronger and stronger, and Elder Nihuang's entire body is transforming. He knows that this figure can really deprive him of his life at any time, so what about the Dragon Ancestral Strange Eyes? Even if Long Ancestor is still alive, there will be no room for resistance in the face of this figure.

It is not only the gap in cultivation, but also the suppression of bloodline.

They are all too aware of the consequences of bloodline suppression.

In the past, the White Dragon Clan used the blood pool layout, so that all those who bathed in the blood pool to improve their strength were suppressed by the blood of the White Dragon Clan. Now, he also experienced this feeling.

"Not only can I suppress your bloodline, but I can also turn Zu Mang over."

Elder Nihuang was horrified: "Can you make Zu Mang stand up?"

"It's so fresh. Even you can do something, but I can't do it?" The black-robed figure let out a sharp laugh: "I want the Lu family to experience the pain of being turned over by Zu Mang again, and this time I want to completely eliminate it. Lu family.”

Elder Nihuang said enthusiastically: "I believe you, what do you need from me, the White Dragon Clan?"

The black-robed figure was satisfied: "There is medicine here that can make the starry sky beasts go berserk. I need you, the White Dragon Clan, to spread it all over the lower mortal world within a specific period of time, causing chaos in the lower mortal world."

"It's that simple?"

"Before that, I still need you White Dragon Clan to find the clear location of the Hundred Thousand Water Channel. This mother tree should also decay."

Elder Nihuang agreed and immediately ordered to summon all the elites of the White Dragon clan to gather in the third area, and the black-robed figure was hidden.

The lower world is very large and is divided into five areas. Zu Mang's huge body wraps around the trunk of the mother tree and becomes the sky of the lower world.

The top of the third area is directly facing Zu Mang's head, the top of the fifth area is Mang's tail, and the rest are the torso.

Wrapped around in circles, Zu Mang is so huge that it can directly push the upper world out. If the whole body presses down on the lower world, it can also crush the lower world.

The black-robed figure looked up at Zu Mang. Before coming here, it had never thought that such a terrifying strong man would appear in his clan. Such a big body could crush the entire lower world.

White dragon cultivators gathered in the third area one by one. Long Laoguai, Long Kui, Long Tian, ​​Long Xi, etc., including Long Kui's mount, also came, and they all gathered towards the third area.

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