Star Odyssey

Chapter 2952 Watching a Show

The Yuntong Stone shook, coming from Seven Friends.

"Senior Yebo, have you ever heard of this Ice Spirit Tribe?" Qiyou's voice came out.

Lu Yin said: "No, you know?"

"Of course I know. Although my strength is not high, I have been a member of the Eternal Clan for a while and have gotten to know some of the Eternal Clan's powerful enemies. The Ice Spirit Clan is one of them."

"To be precise, it's not the Ice Spirit Clan, but the Five Spirit Clan and the Thunder Lord."

Lu Yin's eyes widened: "Thunder Lord?"

"You have heard of this strong man, right? The Thunder Lord is the Eternal Clan's great enemy, but he is also the Eternal Clan's great enemy who does not want to openly fight directly. It is said that the Thunder Lord's cultivation to the current state relies on the Five Spirit Clan. The Five Spirit Clan The tribes are Ice Spirit Tribe, Fire Spirit Tribe, Wood Spirit Tribe, Earth Spirit Tribe and Thunder Spirit Tribe.”

"The Five Spirit Tribe has a very good relationship with the Thunder Lord, and they themselves are also very powerful. Seniors must be careful. The Ice Lord can interact with the Thunder Lord, and his strength may not be inferior to that of Shaoyin God."

Lu Yin was confused: "Does the clan want to start a war with the Thunder Lord when they attack the Ice Spirit clan?"

"I don't know. I've only heard this. Shaoyin Shenzun asked us to reveal our identities as humans, but reminded us not to reveal our identities as Eternals. Maybe we want to use this to instigate the relationship between humans and the Five Spirits. I guess, Stealing Bing Xin is just a cover, senior's mission is to steal Bing Xin, it should be the simplest, if you can steal it, just steal it, if you can't steal it, forget it."

is that so? Lu Yin looked at the Ice Spirit Realm in trance.

He guessed that the task to get Lord Shaoyin to take action was not an easy task, but he didn't expect that it would directly involve the Thunder Lord.

Lord Lei, I really want to meet you for a while.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. Lu Yin has been on the top of this snow mountain for ten years. In these ten years, he barely moved, just looking at the Ice Spirit Realm.

Occasionally, people from the Ice Spirit tribe would arrive, but Lu Yin was nowhere to be seen.

Even if they passed by Lu Yin, they wouldn't be seen.

In the past ten years, Lu Yin has been reciting the meaning of the Ancestral Sutra. The meaning of this sutra is profound and profound. Lu Yin relies on it to become the true Taoist Master of the Ancestral Space. However, he feels that he is still far away from understanding the meaning of this Ancestral Sutra.

Mr. Mu gave him the opportunity to trace the ancient past and let Brother Mu and the others achieve transcendence. The Nine-Yang Cauldron they obtained must also be the path to transcendence, but there is not only one path to transcendence. The power of the ancestors can also make people transcend.

At the same time, he was also trying to cultivate the one-character incarnation passed down to him by his ancestor Tianyi.

The way of Tianyi, the incarnation of one word, is called - Chu, which is derived from Chu Yi. It is the cultivation method of Chu Yi, the Taoist master of the first continent. The real intention of Tianyi's ancestor to pass it on to Lu Yin is to survive in desperate situations. .

There are no absolutes in the universe, so there is no desperate situation. One-word incarnation can allow Lu Yin to see the only bit of life at the critical moment.

Ancestor Tianyi hopes that Lu Yin will not use it, and Lu Yin himself also hopes not to use it, but sometimes God does not fulfill his wishes, so he naturally has to practice just in case.

Soon, another twenty years passed.

There was no movement at all from Shaoyin Shenzun.

Occasionally, the Seven Friends would contact Lu Yin to exchange information with each other. The old woman also joined in, giving Lu Yin a general understanding of the current situation in the Ice Spirit Realm.

In fact, there is no point in understanding what you don't understand, and that's the case with the Ice Spirit Realm.

Lu Yin saw the growth and cultivation of a generation in the Ice Spirit Realm. The cultivation method here only requires facing the wind and snow. It is not as tiring as humans, but it is only suitable for the Ice Spirit tribe.

When time flashed to the fiftieth year, only half a year had passed in the Eternal Realm, including the Beginning Space.

This year, the world of ice and snow has changed. Lu Yin opened his eyes and clearly saw a sequence of particles moving in one direction. It could only be the Ice Lord. The Ice Lord left the Ice Spirit Realm and went to a star in the distance. above.

The Yuntong Stone vibrated, and the voice of Lord Shaoyin came: "Action, remember, I will expose you only when I let you be exposed. If I don't let you be exposed, you must not be exposed."

"Ye Bo, go and steal Bing Xin. The location is on the blue-white star in the southeast of the Ice Spirit Realm. I will tell you the specific location when you get there."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, blue and white stars? That was clearly the direction where the Ice Lord was going. Shaoyin Shenzun had no intention of luring the Ice Lord away. His purpose was to make himself confront the Ice Lord. He went to steal Bing Xin, and he was the one who made the meritorious deeds.

But he never thought that once he and others were exposed, it would be easy to tell the truth about the Eternals?

By the way, he is not worried at all. The three of them are human beings, not corpse kings, and have no characteristics of the Eternals at all. No matter how much they say, the Ice Spirit Tribe may not believe it. This is why Shaoyin Shenzun specially confirms whether he cultivates divine power. s reason.

If he cultivates, the task he gives himself may not be this.

In addition, the Eternals must have been preparing for this mission for a long time. Since they are pretending to be humans to attack the Ice Spirit Tribe, there must be someone who needs to take the blame. The Eternal Tribe must have already found one, and there is a way to make the Ice Spirit Tribe believe that it is Humans took action against them.

As for the three of them, life or death doesn't matter at all. Death can even increase the weight of this mission.

Lu Yin instantly figured out the purpose of the Lord Shaoyin. If it weren't for the fact that the Sky Eye could see the sequence particles, he would have been tricked to death by him.


Outside the Ice Spirit Territory, Qiyou and the old woman melted ice stones and pretended to be members of the Ice Spirit tribe and entered, directly finding the two ancestral realm experts from the Ice Spirit tribe.

Soon, the Ice Spirit Realm was in chaos, and the blue extremely cold light enveloped the Ice Spirit clan and kept flickering.

The Seven Friends and the old woman escaped from the Ice Spirit Realm together, followed by two Ice Spirit tribesmen who could slide through the ice and snow to tear the void apart. They were both strong men in the ancestral realm. They froze the void along the way and the old woman was almost frozen.

"Yebo, it's your turn." came the voice of Lord Shaoyin.

Lu Yin didn't move and watched quietly.

"Yebo, take action." The voice of Shaoyin God came out from Yuntong Stone again.

Lu Yin still didn't move.

No matter how the Lord Shaoyin shouted, he looked at the Ice Spirit Realm quietly. He was not alone in this mission, but he wanted to see what the Lord Shaoyin planned to do without his cooperation.

"Ye Bo, do you dare to disobey the mission? Even if you are the captain of the True God Guard, you will die. Act quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

"Ye Bo, you are looking for death."

Lord Shaoyin kept roaring, but Lu Yin remained unmoved and put away the Yuntong Stone.

This mission must be very important to Lord Shaoyin, so let him watch the show.

Outside the Ice Spirit Territory, the Shaoyin God was so angry that he crushed the Yuntong Stone. He would definitely kill this bastard when he returned to the Era Territory.

Lu Yin didn't take action, so Lord Shaoyin had no choice but to do it himself, taking advantage of Ice Lord not coming back, to take Bing Xin away. For this mission, the Eternals had been preparing for a long time, and they had prepared it long before Thunder Lord became famous. If the Thunder Lord hadn't appeared out of nowhere, they would have taken action against the Five Spirit Clan long ago, but now they have postponed it until now.

Lord Shaoyin rushed into the Ice Spirit Realm, and with a wave of his hand, he shattered the ice city in the center of the Ice Spirit Realm, with Bing Xin underneath.

Suddenly, Shaoyin Shenzun's scalp became numb. He looked up at the starry sky and saw a shocking scene.

The starry sky was directly frozen, and from far away, a huge Ice Spirit clansman glided, his white eyes staring at the Shaoyin God: "Stop."

Lord Shaoyin gritted his teeth, raised his hand, and in front of his palm, a Yang God cone formed by the power of the sun appeared, stabbing the Ice Lord fiercely.

The Yang God Cone contains the sequence rules of the power of the Sun, the Shaoyin God. Although the Taiyin and the Sun have not yet merged, the power of the Sun, which contains the sequence rules, cannot be underestimated.

The Yang Shen Cone melted the ice along the way, causing cold rain to fall in the Ice Spirit Realm.

The Shaoyin God holds up the Yang God Cone to fight against the Ice Lord with one hand, and presses Bingcheng with the other hand to steal Bingxin.

"Bing Lord, the pain you have brought to our alliance must be repaid today." Shaoyin Shenzun shouted, showing a crazy smile.

The Ice Lord's snow-white pupils turned: "It's you. You said it before, why do you regret it?"

"Let your Ice Spirit clan melt before we talk." Lord Shaoyin crushed the ice city and killed countless Ice Spirit clan members. Under the ground, white light shone, it was Bing Xin.

Shaoyin Shenzun's eyes flashed with heat, and he put his five fingers together to take out Bing Xin.

In the distance, Lu Yin's pupils shrank, is this?

Above the sky, the Ice Lord raised his snow-white round arms. Before Lu Yintian's eyes, he saw a large number of sequence particles falling. Even when he saw these sequence particles, he felt like they were frozen.

The entire time and space is frozen.

Lord Shaoyin was afraid. He still underestimated the Ice Lord. The Five Spirits were a serious threat to the Eternal Clan. It was rumored that if the Thunder Lord had not appeared, the Eternals would have sent down bone boats to the Five Spirits and completely wiped them out. Originally, Lord Shaoyin I thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seems that if an Ice Lord has such strength, the five heads of the Five Spirit Clan may all be similar. They are simply five extremely powerful masters of sequence rules. No wonder they are treated like this by the Eternal Clan.

The threat the Five Spirits Clan poses to the Eternal Clan is second only to the Six Directions Association.

The Ice Lord freezes the void, and some of the sequence particles come from him, and some of the sequence particles come from the bottom up, actually coming from Bing Xin.

Connected to Bing Xin's sequence particles, the extreme cold of the frozen void became more and more exaggerated, reaching a level that even the Shaoyin God did not want to face.

Shaoyin Shenzun's palm was directly frozen. He ran away without hesitation. The plan was considered a success. Even if the Bingxin was not stolen, the price he paid was enough. Theft of the Bingxin would make the Ice Spirit clan even more angry, but without stealing it, the effect was Although it is a big discount, it is not a failure.

It's all that bastard Ye Bo.

Lord Shaoyin fled towards Lu Yin's direction. He could tear the void directly and leave, but before leaving, don't think about having a good night's sleep. It's best to die here.

Lu Yin knew Shaoyin Shenzun too well. From the moment he took action, his position had changed. How could he let Shaoyin Shenzun plot against him?

Shaoyin Shenzun smashed the mountain to pieces, but did not find Lu Yin. He tore through the void in anger and left.

He is also a strong player in sequence rules, and the Ice Lord cannot keep him at all.

However, Qiyou and the old woman were still being hunted by the Ice Spirit Tribe of the Ancestral Realm. One was not strong in the first place, and the other was seriously injured. The two of them did not even have time to tear through the void and escape.

Lu Yin is already at the other end of the Ice Spirit Realm. He is ready to leave. The Lord Shaoyin will definitely cause trouble for him when he returns to the E Realm. But it doesn't matter. The worst is to argue. If he wants to attract the Ice Lord, he will die. He will stay in this place at night. Identity is of great use to the Eternals. It is a chess piece to deal with the beginning of space. How can it be allowed to be dealt with by Shaoyin God at will.

Lu Yin plotted against the Lord Shaoyin and saw through the mission, but he was the only one who failed to plot against the Ice Lord.

This is the Ice Spirit Clan, and the ice and snow are all rules. The Ice Lord can find the Lord Shaoyin, and naturally he can also find Lu Yin.

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