Star Odyssey

Chapter 2986 Parallel Time

"In the history of the Fifth Continent, my image is probably much more glorious than what you see now." Chen Zu smiled lightly.

Lu Yin laughed: "History is all legend, and the image will be processed by itself after entering everyone's mind. In fact, everyone is ordinary people."

"You are young, but you are very open-minded. Don't be so mature. Sometimes being impulsive is not necessarily a bad thing. It's tiring to put too many shackles on yourself." Chen Zu said with a smile.

Lu Yin smiled: "I thought senior was a serious person."

"I fight very seriously," Chenzu replied.

"I hope to have the opportunity to see senior walk out of the funeral garden." Lu Yin said.

Chen Zu's face was calm, but there was also a hint of longing: "One day, I will create invincible combat skills, and I will be closer to killing the only true god than anyone else."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Close?"

Chen Zu stared at the lake: "I have been in the funeral garden for so many years just to think about a combat skill that can kill the only true god. I am good at fighting and creating combat skills. Even so, it has been difficult to create a true god after all these years. The invincible combat skills have derived some changes for other combat skills. It doesn't mean anything to me, but it can help you. Step back, do you want to learn it?"

"I'll go backwards."

"There are new changes."

"I will also get new changes, from the immortal god."

"The Immortal God among the Seven Gods? By the way, when we first fought, he said that he created the reverse step. He could skip time and completely restore himself with the reverse step. It was a very thoughtful change. How is he?"

"Dead, surrounded and killed by us."


"I learned his reverse step, but the ability to skip time is far from enough."

"His is about skipping time, and mine is about being parallel to time. You can also understand it as time stands still."

Lu Yin's eyes widened: "Time stops?"

Chenzu looked at him: "Interested?"

Of course Lu Yin was interested. Every time Mr. Mu appeared, time stood still. He didn't know how to do it. Now Chenzu actually derived such an ability for the reverse step. This was really, he didn't know how to describe it. Not even the immortal god who created the reverse step has this ability.

Can we only say that Chenzu is really good at creating combat skills?

Getting along with Chen Zu was beyond Lu Yin's expectations, but it was also within his expectations.

Chenzu is a very easy-to-get-together person. On the Fifth Continent, his legend is accompanied by killings and fierce battles, but there is no description of him.

The only thing that can be spied on is Xia Qin. In order to take revenge on the Xia family, Chen Zu instigated Xia Qin and made the Xia family face a choice.

In order to take revenge on the Xia family, he also took away the mountains and seas of the Xia family, causing Xia Shenji to fail to become the nine mountains and eight seas.

These things can show that Chen Zu is a person who must take revenge. He is not as great as others think, and it was he who caused the decisive battle with the Sixth Continent.

But this is a person, a genuine, real person.

The persecution he suffered and the experiences he encountered pushed him step by step to where he is now.

However, his purity has never changed. He did not betray humanity because he was persecuted by the Xia family. He did not hurt innocent people. He took revenge or complained. He never implicated others. He agreed to stay in the cemetery for the tomb keeper. I never went out again, no matter how much I wanted to leave.

Faced with the threat posed by the Eternals to humanity, he could sit there for countless years and quietly think about combat techniques to break the situation, and he was confident that he could do it.

As for his junior, he is pleasing to the eye and can teach him with all his heart.

nothing left.

Chen Zu is a pure Jianghu person.

Two months later, Lu Yin was about to leave. He had mastered the changes that Chenzu had added to the reverse step, but it would take a long time to reach parallel time, which was the same as skipping time.

Before leaving, Lu Yin faced Ancestor Chen and bowed deeply: "Throughout the journey of my junior's cultivation, I have all been favored by my seniors. I'm here to thank you, junior."

However, Chen Zu has disappeared, and only the words came: "I am not that great. It is your luck to learn my skills and has nothing to do with me. When one day I create an invincible combat skill that can kill the only true god, who can worship me?" Me, I'm willing to bear it."

Lu Yin stood up, tore the void apart, and left.

In two months, there was no movement from the Tianshang Sect, but a lot of news came from the Six Directions Society.

The Ninth-Rank Lotus Master teamed up with the strong foreigners to kill the strong foreigners who were helping the Eternals.

The Canghai area of ​​Xushen's time and space was destroyed, Xiu Ci was killed, the starry sky was stained with blood, and the entire Canghai area was washed with blood. It came from a powerful person from outside the area named - Jingzhe.

Jingzhe not only bloodbathed the Canghai Territory, but also said that if the Six Directions Association were to deal with them, the powerful outsiders who helped the Eternals, it would not only bloodbath the Canghai Territory, but also exterminate the Six Directions Association in a certain time and space.

When Lu Yin heard the news, his face turned gloomy.

"If it weren't for the leaders of the Six Directions Association being in retreat, these extraterrestrial creatures wouldn't dare to come in." Xu Leng came to Tianshang Sect, his face extremely ugly.

"Sister Leng, I will invite senior Xu Wuwei to Liangse Mountain. With senior here, we should be able to protect ourselves." Lu Yin said, after all, Xu Wuwei is a strong master of sequence rules. No matter how powerful those extraterrestrial creatures are, they may not reach the level of the Lord of Parallel Time and Space. level.

Xu Leng bitterly said: "Jingzhe threatens the entire Xu Shen space and time. Unless it is solved, we cannot always guard against it."

Lu Yin frowned. Jingzhe was the first one. If he didn't deal with it, there would be a second one and a third one. And the most threatening Star Toad might also come, and no one would be able to stop it then.

He ignored the Great Heavenly Lord and wanted to control the Six Directions Society, so he had to be able to shoulder this responsibility.

It was also on the list he gave Samsara Time and Space to take action against the strong men outside the territory. It is hard to let Samsara Time and Space stop now.

Xu Leng left, and the purpose of her coming was to seek protection from Tianshang Sect, otherwise Liangse Mountain might be the next Canghai area.

She came here without telling Xu Heng. Lu Yin could understand and didn't want anything to happen to them.

Jingzhe must be resolved. No extraterrestrial creatures can threaten the Six Directions Association, otherwise there will be headaches in the future.

We must first understand the information about Jingzhe.

A few days later, Jiang Chen suddenly arrived, which surprised Lu Yin.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yin was surprised. Baiyun City asked for help from the Tianshang Sect. The Tianshang Sect dispatched six masters to fight against the six true god guard captains of the Eternal Clan. The remaining Five Spirit Clan and the March Alliance overwhelmed the Eternal Clan. At the same time, the Great Heavenly Lord He also suddenly went to the Elysian Territory, which caused the all-out war to disappear in the bud. Now Baiyun City only needs to deal with their own troubles.

"I heard that you are inquiring about Jingzhe's information?" Jiang Chen sat down.

Lu Yin's eyes lit up: "Do you understand?"

"My father understands and asked me to tell you." Jiang Chen said.

Lu Yin's eyes were solemn: "Thunder Master understands Jingzhe?"

"I once fought against it. If this bug hadn't run so fast, my father would have killed it." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

Through Jiang Chen, Lu Yin gradually understood Jingzhe.

Jingzhe is a worm, very strong, but extremely timid. Because of its timidity, it can do many things extremely well.

, such as the massacre of Canghai area, is to shock the Six-Party Council in one fell swoop and prevent it from being targeted by the reincarnation of time and space.

Looking at the picture drawn by Jiang Chen, Lu Yin remembered that he was captured by the Great Heavenly Lord and sent to the Eternal Realm, and the helpers from outside the Eternal Tribe appeared, including such a bug.

"This guy is greedy by nature, but more cowardly than anyone else. If it can't scare you six parties this time, it will run away, far away. When this matter is over, it will come back, and even the Eternals won't be able to find it. It, so if you really want to solve it, either create an opportunity for it to take action again, or there will be no chance." Jiang Chen said.

"It promised to destroy a certain parallel time and space in the Six Directions Association." Lu Yin said.

Jiang Chen was disdainful: "It's fake. It wants to scare you. It's best if you can scare you. If you can't, just run away. It's just a worm anyway. Do you expect it to save face?"

Thinking about it, it was right. Lu Yin pondered for a moment: "How can we create an opportunity for him to take action again?"

Jiang Chen told Lu Yin about Jingzhe's habits. It didn't pick a random place in the sea, but the sea was very suitable for it to live and make it feel safe. Next, as long as it can find a place suitable for Jingzhe's life, it can cooperate with reincarnation. Time and Space has taken action against outsiders, and Jingzhe is likely to take action again.

Of course, there is only one chance. Once it escapes, it will be impossible to find it.

Lu Yin immediately asked the Six Directions Society to secretly search for a place similar to the Canghai area, and at the same time contacted the reincarnation time and space to ask them to postpone their actions.

"Thank you. If it weren't for the information you brought, I really don't know how to deal with this bug." Lu Yin said.

Jiang Chen said casually: "I'm not sure I can really deal with it. This guy's strength is actually not very high. It's far less powerful than the Star Toad, let alone the Ancient Thunder Locust."

"The Ancient Thunder Locust? Is this the old enemy that Thunder Lord is dealing with?" Lu Yin asked.

Jiang Chen was distressed: "Yes, if it weren't for the Ancient Thunder Locust, my father would definitely have to fight into the Calamity Territory again. No matter whether he could survive or not, it would only take three shots. But this Ancient Thunder Locust is just a natural chasm, blocking the way."

"What's going on?" Lu Yin was curious.

Jiang Chen rubbed his head and told the grievances between the Ancient Thunder Locust and the Thunder Lord.

The Thunder Lord has the ability to absorb the power of thunder by touching it. Jiang Chen did not hide this ability. He relied on the power of the black bead.

The Ancient Thunder Locust is a creature that practices the rules of thunder, and has a strong desire to devour thunder.

Compared with the Ancient Thunder Locust, the Thunder Lord is far inferior to the purity of thunder. Generally speaking, as long as the Ancient Thunder Locust is not provoked, it will be fine. It will not take the initiative to do anything, and is very lazy.

But it happened that the Thunder Lord accidentally touched the most powerful thunder in the universe, and this kind of thunder was guarded by the Ancient Thunder Locust. Because of this, the Thunder Lord was chased by the Ancient Thunder Locust.

No matter where the Thunder Lord escapes, the Ancient Thunder Locust will be able to find the Thunder Lord.

"Can't the Thunder Lord defeat the Ancient Thunder Locust?" Lu Yin asked.

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, what's the point of escaping if you can beat me?"

"The Ancient Thunder Locust sounds invincible when you hear its name. Even the Eternals don't want to provoke it. You can understand this thing as being close to the level of your Great Heavenly Lord. Father can delay it and lure it away, but if you want to fight it head-on, It’s unlikely. Every time we team up with Uncle Kong to drive it away, but it reappears not long after.”

"I finally found a parallel time and space and created a maze to trap it. No one expected that the Eternals would keep watching. When we were about to start a full-scale war with the Eternals, the Eternals released the Ancient Thunder Locusts and caught us off guard. , causing my father and the others to be unable to support the Five Spirit Clan, otherwise do you think I would ask for help from your Tianshang Sect?"

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