Star Odyssey

Chapter 2994: The Method of Destroying Ancestors

Master Qingcao shook the bamboo basket: "I am just an ordinary doctor. What I understand is naturally different from what ordinary people understand, and what I say is also different from what ordinary people say. It's like some people can tell how much they have by touching their money bag. Money, do you think that man is the God of Wealth?"

"The breathing I'm talking about is the result of countless years of experience. You can see pathologies when you look at people and things. This is what I mean. As for the potential you are talking about, I don't understand it at all."

Master Qingcao said it very seriously, especially when Lu Yin's eyes were not only serious, but also filled with suspicion that you were sick.

Lu Yin carefully looked at Master Qingcao. No matter how you looked at it, this master was just an enlightenment practitioner with a combat power of over 300,000. He didn't even reach the Star Envoy. He opened his eyes and saw the same thing.

The Sky Eye can see sequence rules, and can even see through parallel time and space in the future. It can also be seen clearly when facing Master Qingcao. Could it be that Master Qingcao is not a master?

"As a doctor, I feel sick in everything I look at. But as a strong man, Dao Master Lu, everyone looks like a master to you. In fact, this is also a disease and must be treated." Master Qingcao said seriously.

Lu Yin exhaled: "No need to treat it. Everyone looks like a master and should be more vigilant."

Master Qingcao was surprised: "What a good idea, yes. Why didn't I think of it? Maybe the disease in the Gu flow world is not a disease, but a way for it to protect itself. If I forcefully cure it, it will harm it. Yes, that’s it, yes…”

Seeing Master Qingcao muttering to himself as if he was crazy, Lu Yin didn't know if what he said was true.

Is he a master? A master who has survived for countless years and can see through the breathing of the universe?

Or, as he said, is he an ordinary doctor?

Lu Yin couldn't see through it. He would rather believe that Master Qingcao was a very powerful master who could keep him vigilant. As for him not admitting it, it would be useless no matter how much he forced himself.

Master Qingcao has completely fallen into another kind of thinking, just like a practitioner breaking through a bottleneck.

At this time, the wireless Gu vibrated. Lu Yin glanced at it and his eyes changed drastically. Is Ming Nu going to break her ancestor?

He quickly returned to Tianshang Sect.

At this moment, outside the Tianshang Sect, all the Hell Dragons and Ancestral Turtles are far away. Zen Lao, Xingjun and other ancestral realm experts are looking into the distance, waiting for something. On the other side, Lu Buzheng, Cai'er, Hen Xin and other people from the Tianshang Sect era are there. They all gathered and looked into the distance quietly.

Lu Yin returned and came to the front of Lu Buzheng: "What's going on?"

"Mingnu is about to break through the ancestral realm." Lu Buzheng's words were complicated. No one knows better than him how difficult it is for Mingnu to break through, because one of the three Yang ancestral Qi he has cultivated is destiny.

The method of cultivating destiny is not Star Source Cultivation, and Pozu is also different from ordinary Pozu. There is no way to refer to what kind of disasters will happen.

This is also the reason why he has never dared to break his ancestors. Now that Ming Nu suddenly decided to break his ancestors, it still surprised him.

Lu Yin looked into the distance and saw Ming Nu, who was quietly cross-legged in the starry sky. There was a thread surrounding Ming Nu, with one end alive and the other dead. This woman really wanted to destroy her ancestors?

"Why did she suddenly decide to break up her ancestors?" Lu Yin was curious.

Lu Buzheng shook his head: "I don't know, she rarely has contact with others."

Lu Yin looked in one direction, his figure disappeared, and then reappeared, already in front of the star-collecting girl.

When they found Cai Xingnu, Cai Xingnu was taken away by Ming Nu. She had tricked Ming Nu, and Ming Nu would not make it easy for her.

"Why does Ming Nu suddenly want to destroy her ancestors?"

Seeing Lu Yin appear, Caixing Girl slowly saluted: "Only if fate does not appear, can she replace fate. Today, there are more and more powerful people in Tianshang Sect. Maybe fate will show up at this time. At this time, Pozu It’s better than breaking the ancestors later.”

"Do you think she is sure?" Lu Yin looked at the star-collecting girl.

The star-collecting girl shook her head: "I don't know."

Lu Yin looked at his destiny girl from a distance again. The laws of destiny were mysterious and unpredictable, but he understood a little bit.

The so-called destiny is a bridge built in the long river of time. Others need to go through the years, but destiny directly transcends the years, sees the future, and then uses the future to predict the present, creating the so-called destiny.

How to break the ancestor in this way? He was really curious, and if Ming Nu succeeded in breaking her ancestors, who would she be? A new destiny?

How can there be two fates in the universe?

Ming Nu Po Zu didn't happen overnight. She had been sitting cross-legged in the starry sky for half a month and still hadn't started.

The eldest sister came over with a solemn look on her face: "Do you really intend to replace fate? Why should she?"

When Lu Yin heard what the eldest sister said, his heart moved: "Sister, why do you say that?"

The eldest sister said: "I have heard legends about fate. Destiny is not to become an ancestor yourself, but to be forcibly pushed into the ranks of the strong ones in the ancestral realm."

Lu Yin was surprised and didn't understand what he meant.

"In the cultivation of all things in the universe, especially humans, if they want to break their ancestors, they must either follow the path paved by their predecessors, such as Xingyuan cultivation, or they must follow their own path, such as Shao Chen, and the same is true for the Death Gods in the Tianshang Sect era. But there is a kind of person who becomes an ancestor completely passively and exploits loopholes in the rules of the universe. This is his fate."

"Gu Yizhi once said that the cultivation of destiny is to get close to the rules, assimilate the rules, and replace the rules by getting closer. She is not the first to become an ancestor among the six paths of the Three Realms. On the contrary, she is the latest to become an ancestor among the six paths of the Three Realms because she has set a limit for herself. Destiny, she can become an ancestor only when all other people in the Three Realms and Six Paths become ancestors."

"To be honest, I don't know much about the legend of destiny. What Gu Yizhi said is a bit mysterious. I only know that destiny can become destiny. It is inseparable from the Three Realms and Six Paths, and even from the ancestor. This destiny girl wants to replace Destiny is simply impossible, this era is far from comparable to our Tianshang Sect era."

Lu Yin listened silently, getting closer to the rules, assimilating the rules, and replacing the rules. Is this something that a person who has not yet broken his ancestors can do?

Passively becoming an ancestor, is there such a thing?

"Exploiting loopholes in the rules, isn't this just like Senior Brother Qingping?"

The eldest sister looked at the starry sky: "The universe can never be perfect. No one can tell how many loopholes there are. Those who can exploit loopholes in the rules are ruthless people. I don't think this fate girl is also such a person. It’s impossible for her to replace fate.”

"If you want to break the ancestors, you must replace destiny, because she practices the method of destiny, but destiny cannot be replaced by her, so."

Having said this, the eldest sister Mou Ding said: "She will definitely fail."

A few days later, Ming Nu stood up and prepared to destroy her ancestors.

The eldest sister stared closely at the fateful girl. She wanted to see what fate the fateful girl had set for herself.

Lu Yin hopes that the destiny girl can succeed. Compared with the destiny in the Tianshang Sect era, this destiny girl is obviously easier to control. No matter how magical the destiny method is, it is still a method of cultivation. Since it is as famous as the God of Death, Wu Tian, ​​Lu Family, etc. , which means that it is impossible to transcend these, then it can be controlled.

Ming Nu's plan to break her ancestors attracted too many people's attention, including the practitioners of the Six Directions Society.

The Tianshang Sect era was really too bright, and the name of Destiny also represented a certain height.

Especially now that there are too many masters in this Tianshang Sect. If Mingnv breaks the ancestors again, how can other parallel time and space survive, even the Eternal Clan will be difficult to contain.

Several cultivators have succeeded in breaking their ancestors before. Will this momentum end with Ming Nu?

Even though they are all human beings, many people in the Six-Party Society would rather see another ending.

They do not want to be suppressed by the Eternals, nor do they want a behemoth to appear next to them that also suppresses them. Although the Tianshang Sect has become the strongest of the Six Directions Society, it is still far from reaching its most brilliant time. The Six Directions Society has parallel time and space. It is enough for the Lord to come out of seclusion and talk to the Tianshang Sect at this moment without being suppressed, but if there are more powerful people at the legendary level, it is uncertain.

The days of the Tianshang Sect where all races came to court should not come back.

A thread constantly shuttled around Ming Nu, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing. Everyone who looked at it was confused and didn't understand what she was doing.

What about disaster? What about the vision? Nothing at all.

Are you sure this is breaking the ancestors?

Lu Yintian couldn't see anything. What was this woman doing?

No one can understand.

As the thread continued to shuttle, light spots appeared one by one in the void, floating and arranged.

The star-collecting girl exclaimed: "The method of causal transfer."

Lu Yin's eyes suddenly widened: "The method of causal transfer that was used to transfer the consequences of divination?"

The star-collecting girl turned pale and nodded.

Lu Yin's face darkened and he shouted: "Mingnu, no matter what you plan to do, if you dare to transfer disaster to innocent people again and cause innocent people to die, even if you succeed in breaking the ancestors, I will kill you." .”

Everyone around Tianshang Sect was shocked by Lu Yin's murderous intent.

Mr. Zen and others all stared at Mingnu. This woman seemed innocent, but in fact she was cruel beyond everyone's imagination. Her skill of causing and effect transfer had caused countless people to die tragically. This matter had always been pressing in Lu Yin's heart and became a problem in his heart. A thorn in my body, this thorn will be pulled out sooner or later, but I haven’t had time yet.

Now, the destiny girl actually plans to transfer the cause and effect. Needless to say, it must be the cause and effect of the disaster. Who does she want to transfer it to?

In the starry sky, Mingnu looked at Tianshang Sect: "Master Lu, this is a matter of my destiny. Please don't interfere, Master Lu."

“There is no innocence when it comes to destiny.”

After saying that, the light spot suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the star collector vomited blood.

In other places in Tianshang Sect, Bu Tian and Xiao Shi also vomited blood.

The aura on their bodies suddenly surged, and it felt like they were forcibly raising their level.

The star collector's face turned pale: "She transferred the law of destiny to us."

Lu Yin looked at Caixingnu. She was not injured. She was vomiting blood because her body could not withstand the surge in power. This would happen if her cultivation level increased too much. But what did Mingnu mean?

The eldest sister couldn't understand it at all.

Bu Tian's voice came from the distance: "Tao Master, Mingnu transferred all the laws of destiny to us. She completely discarded the laws of destiny."

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky. It turns out that she had no intention of replacing destiny. Although she had transferred the law of destiny, the majestic power of the star source surged out of her body. She planned to use the star source to become her ancestor.

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