Star Odyssey

Chapter 2997: Getting older

Lu Yin thought of something and opened his eyes suddenly, looking into the space.

Sure enough, the spatial lines of this space-time are about three times tougher than those of the original space, which means that this space-time has three times the flow rate of the original space. This is a parallel space-time with different time flow rates.

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Chan, Jiang Qingyue and the others were at a loss.

Lu Yin didn't intend to explain, he just told them the target he needed to find.

"This space and time has three times the speed of time. I need to practice for a while. You can stay on the back of the hell dragon, or you can practice freely in this space and time." Lu Yin ordered, which was already communicated before departure.

At this moment, Zhaoran's effect was revealed. She directly made tea for Chan Lao to drink.

Mr. Zen is very comfortable. He has been worrying about the Fifth Continent from the split of the Starry Tree to the rise of Lu Yin. Now in the Tianshang Sect, he basically does nothing but show his face and be a thug. This time he accompanied Lu Yin I came out because of Lu Yin's invitation.

Just as he had promised when he broke his ancestors, he was willing to pave the way for Lu Yin and devote his life to it.

Jiang Qingyue left the Hell Dragon and took the Dragon Turtle to roam this time and space.

The ghosts were also driven away by Lu Yin, either staying on the back of the hell dragon or roaming around.

Lu Yin's goal was to be recognized by this time and space. He had to see this time and space clearly first. If it took too long to be recognized, it was unnecessary. After all, it was only three times the flow rate, which was too little.

A few days later, on the back of the Hell Dragon, everyone gathered again. Lu Yin held the compass in his hand, tore the void and left. There was no life in this space and time. It would take a long time to get recognition. For three seconds, it is not worth it. Lu Yin continued to search for the next time and space.

The same scene appeared again. The hell dragon entered the crack in the void, then found its direction by following the pointer, was dragged by the compass, and traveled through the void along the light, arriving at the next parallel space-time where time flows at a different speed.

This space-time flows at twelve times the speed of time. Lu Yin checked it out and estimated that it would take at most five years to be recognized. It was worth it.

He stayed in this time and space, and Jiang Qingyue officially set foot outside the territory and began to practice.

Five years after the current time and space, light flowed into Lu Yin's body and returned to the back of the hell dragon. Jiang Qingyue had also returned and looked at Lu Yin curiously.

Lu Yin didn't tell them what he was doing by searching for parallel time and space with different time flows, and why he was so sure to stay here for five years.

"Your Highness, drink tea." Zhao Ran was very happy. Coming to a strange parallel time and space, she could pick different flowers and prepare different teas, which made her very happy.

Lu Yin looked at the lava-like tea flowing in the tea cup in front of him, and it seemed that he had made a breakthrough.

After taking a sip, it was spicy in the mouth but sweet in the aftertaste. It was a strange combination of flavors that made people feel inexplicably refreshed: "Comfortable."

Zhaoran was happy: "Really? I'll go pick some more red fruits."

"What red fruit?" Lu Yin was curious.

Mr. Zen smiled and said: "This is the name given by Zhao Ran to a kind of fruit. The tea that the Taoist drinks is mainly made from this fruit. It is very delicious."

Lu Yin nodded and didn't care much, watching Guihou take Zhaoran to pick things on the planet.

Half a day later, Zhao Ran came back. Lu Yin held the compass and started the next parallel time and space.

One year after entering the original space, Lu Yin was recognized by a parallel time and space with a different time flow rate. This parallel time and space had a flow rate of seventeen times, which meant that they had stayed in this parallel time and space for seventeen years.

Seventeen years have passed for Zhao Ran to develop feelings for this parallel time and space.


Jiang Qingyue is very familiar with this parallel time and space. She knows where there are delicious fruits and vegetables, where there are strange mountains, where there are the most beautiful scenery, etc.

The way Lu Yin got recognition from this time and space was to walk around the starry sky, because there were no animals in this starry sky, only plants. He touched every plant and saw every plant clearly.

It’s really like traveling to see the scenery.

During this period, they traveled together with Jiang Qingyue for nearly three years. If not for Dragon Turtle's honeymoon, Jiang Qingyue would not have left alone.

Lu Yin was also quite embarrassed. This dragon turtle's mouth was so short that he was worse than a ghost.

Guihou really wanted to accompany Lu Yin on a trip around the mountains and rivers, but Lu Yin found it annoying.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed in the original space, and nearly a hundred years have passed for Lu Yin and the others in a parallel space-time with different flow rates outside the territory.

In the past hundred years, he has not encountered any danger. The only time he encountered a giant beast was when Zhao Ran encountered it. It was just the strength of the giant beast in the exploration realm, and he was slapped away by Gui Hou.

The nearly hundred years of peaceful time made Lu Yin feel a lot more relaxed.

Zen Lao likes this kind of time. The calmer it is, the more comfortable it is.

Zhaoran has innovated no less than twenty kinds of tea, all of which look weird but are delicious.

If a person's life passes by like this, it is a dream for many people.

"Young Master, you have made no progress at all in such a long time." On the back of the prison dragon, everyone drank tea and looked at the waterfall in the distance, feeling very comfortable.

Jiang Qingyue looked calm: "This is how cultivation is, and fighting all year round does not mean that we can make progress."

Mr. Zen agreed: "To improve your cultivation, not only your combat power and realm, but also your mental state is also very important. If you relax once in a while, you will know the benefits when you break your ancestors in the future."

Dragon Turtle raised his short tail: "I'm talking about feelings."

Zen Lao hesitated, coughed, and turned his eyes.

Jiang Qingyue raised her eyebrows: "I want to send you back to Baiyun City."

Dragon Turtle immediately retracted his head: "After so many years, you have not made any progress, and that Lu Dao Master is actually a piece of wood, eh--"

"Who, who slandered Seventh Brother? Stand up and I will fight you to the death." Gui Hou emerged from the shadow, staring at Long Gui and cursing.

Dragon Turtle rolled his eyes: "It's so noisy, stupid monkey."

"Damn turtle, stand up, I'm going to fight you."

"I'll whip you to death with one tail."

"You have a tail? Where is it? Why didn't I see it? Aren't those horns?"

"Damn monkey, you deserve a beating."

"Damn turtle, if you dare to scold Brother Qi, you will be killed for stew soup."

"I have no objection." Jiang Qingyue said.

Dragon Turtle said sadly: "Young Master, I am doing this for your own good."

Lu Yin stared into the distance. It had been three years since they first entered space, but nearly a hundred years had passed. Time is something that can really be changed.

"Brother Lu, how long will this trip last?" Jiang Qingyue asked.

She spoke, and Dragon Turtle and Gui Hou stopped arguing.

Mr. Zen also looked over.

Lu Yin said: "I don't know, keep going, it's unlikely to go back in a short time."

As he said this, something moved in his mind: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Qingyue shook her head: "Nothing."

Gui Hou came over and said, "Brother Qi, I'm getting older."

"Damn monkey, don't insult the young master." Dragon Turtle jumped up.

Gui Hou rolled his eyes: "I am old and want to get married.

Man, are you wrong? "

Dragon Turtle was stunned for a moment, then shook his head vigorously: "Yes, I have no objection, young master, you are old."

Jiang Qingyue looked ugly. These two things were one and the same age. As a cultivator, even a thousand or ten thousand years are not considered old.

Lu Yin casually threw the two things away, and then he became quiet.

"It is sometimes dangerous to travel through parallel time and space. Jiang Chen should know that just because we are safe now does not mean we will be safe in the future. Especially what I am looking for is parallel time and space with different flow rates. It is said that this kind of parallel time and space is a resource that strong people from outside the territory like to trade. We If you continue to search, you will definitely encounter powerful extraterrestrial creatures."

Jiang Qingyue thought for a while: "Father said that Xing Toad's favorite thing is parallel time and space with different flow speeds. If we encounter Xing Toad, you and I won't even be able to escape."

Lu Yin laughed: "It's not that big, and the Star Toad likes to do business. Without enough temptation, it won't do anything to us."

Jiang Qingyue smiled lightly: "I hope to meet Xing Chan."

Lu Yin smiled.

Zen Lao lamented that when he was as old as the two of them, not even creatures like the Star Toad, even the strong ones in the ancestral realm could touch him. At that time, the starry sky of the tree had split, and the last strong person he met was Lu Tianyi and Lu Crazy don’t count.

Times have really changed, it’s great to be young.

In the past hundred years, Lu Yin's streamer could see that the past time had been extended to one hundred and sixty-five seconds. The more time he could look back, the more Lu Yin felt that looking back at the past time was not the real purpose of the streamer. It should have Just use it for other purposes.

However, because there was still not enough time, Lu Yin could not confirm. He needed to continue to increase the time that he could look back on the past.

The Hell Dragon landed, and Lu Yin and the others came to a new parallel time and space where time flows at a different speed.

As soon as they arrived in this time and space, Lu Yin and others were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Ahead, continents are stacked one after another, forming a tower-like space where seven continents are superimposed.

From bottom to top, the land area becomes smaller and smaller, and they can see clearly because they are too far away.

Lu Yin was surprised. This was the first time he had seen this kind of time and space. There were no planets, only land, and the land was all superimposed on top of each other. It looked similar to the lower world, the middle world and the upper world of the tree starry sky.

The entire time and space is not very big. Lu Yin could see through it at a glance when he opened his eyes.

At the same time, he also saw clearly that the spatial lines of this space-time were nearly eighty times tougher than the original space.

Lu Yin's breathing was rapid, eighty times. This was a parallel time and space with eighty times different time flows. Apart from the Five Spirit Clan, this was the first time he had encountered such a high flow rate.

Found a treasure.

He looked at the seven continents, and his expression gradually darkened. This space and time was inhabited by human beings.

In three years, no human beings were found in the parallel time and space that Lu Yin visited. There are many parallel time and spaces in the universe. The probability of encountering a parallel time and space with human beings is actually not high. In addition, Lu Yin specializes in places with different time flow rates. In parallel time and space, the probability is even lower.

Now I encountered it.

However, the lives of people in this time and space are not good.

"Everyone restrain their aura, the hell dragon shrinks and lands on land." Lu Yin ordered, his face looking very ugly.

Elder Chan knew that there was something in this time and space that made Lu Yin dissatisfied, and his expression became solemn.

Jiang Qingyue looked into the distance. Although she didn't have a clairvoyance and couldn't see that far, she had practiced her posture. The seven pieces of land in the distance gave her a very bad feeling and was very depressing.

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