Star Odyssey

Chapter 3002 Parallel Time

The sense of dissonance reappeared, Lu Yin's stream of light continued to surround him. He had no ability to see through the speed of the Seven-Star Mantis. All he could do was adapt to this speed, and hold on to the wings tightly.

The entire time and space became the flying stage for the seven-star mantis.

On the other side, Jiang Qingyue had blood at the corner of her mouth, and her white sword was stained with mottled blood, which was green and came from the ancestral realm of Mantis.

The Mantis in the Ancestral Realm saw the battle between the Seven Star Mantis and Lu Yin. It was not stupid and wanted to leave, but it was not the Seven Star Mantis and did not have that kind of speed. Every time it wanted to leave, it was interrupted by Jiang Qingyue, even if there was no original intention. It can't escape even the treasure formation.

"Human, you can't beat me, give up. Your target is the Seven-Star Boss and has nothing to do with me. I promise not to target humans in the future." Ancestral Realm Mantis spoke with a sharp and harsh voice.

Jiang Qingyue has fought fiercely with it until now, and both of them have been injured. From the perspective of the ancestral realm mantis, it is no longer easy for Jiang Qingyue to fight with it until now, and it is impossible to win. It is also difficult for it to win.

"Young Master, leave the next step to me." Dragon Turtle spoke into Jiang Qingyue's sleeve.

Jiang Qingyue's tone was cold: "It is my opponent."

Dragon Turtle's eyes were complicated: "Young Master, you don't want to use that trick."

Jiang Qingyue didn't answer, and the sword slowly dropped.

Seeing her like this, the mantis in the ancestral realm breathed a sigh of relief: "Human, make a wise choice." Then he tore the void apart and left.

Suddenly, in the deep dark starry sky, snowflakes were flying, I don’t know where they came from, and it was freezing to the bone.

The mantis in the ancestral realm was confused and had a bad premonition. He hurriedly tore the void, but found that his movements were slow. A white long sword appeared behind Jiang Qingyue at some point. The long sword was exactly the same as the one in her hand, but inexplicably Gives people a sense of pathos.

Dragon Turtle sighed, this sword belonged to Kong Tianzhao, the one who died, Kong Tianzhao.

Jiang Qingyue had two masters, one defeated the other, and the other died, and that decisive battle became a scene that Jiang Qingyue would never forget, so much so that she reached her current strength, and with the blessing of the situation, she appeared Another master.

This sword represents another Kong Tianzhao, the powerful man.

The white long sword fell slowly, overlapping with the sword in Jiang Qingyue's hand. The mantis in the ancestral realm stared blankly at the opposite side. This human being had changed. It seemed to see another shadow, white clothes and white sword, independent from the world, in the snowflakes. It was flying, took one step forward, and appeared again, already in front of me.

The ancestral realm mantis subconsciously raised his arm knife and slashed out.


There was a soft sound, and the two arm knives were cut off at the same time. The cut was smooth and smooth, and the white shadow flashed away.

Jiang Qingyue still stood there, looking at it indifferently.

The mantis in the ancestral realm looked at the broken arm knife, what happened?

Green blood flows from the head, then the entire body, split into two, and behind, the void is cut off, coming from the white shadow.

This sword is full of invincible edge.

Jiang Qingyue let go of her hand and inserted the long sword into the ground. She recalled the decisive battle she saw in the Ice Spirit Clan. That decisive battle made her successful and hindered her. Under the ancestral realm, with the current strength, few The opponent can kill the ancestors, but it is even more difficult to break through the ancestor realm. This inner demon must be broken by herself.

This is also the reason why she came to the outside world.

No one can help her.

Looking up, they saw the seven-star mantis flying through the starry sky. They couldn't see it, they only knew that the time and space was being fragmented.

Lu Yin clung to the wings of the seven-star mantis and had no time to pay attention to Jiang Qingyue. He was experiencing the speed of parallel time. As time passed, his feet were moving. He understood the changes taught by Chen Zu. Now All you have to do is substitute that change into the speed.

The Seven-Star Mantis is mentally broken. It likes to play with human nature. From another aspect, it itself is also being played by human nature.

It was afraid of death and wanted to escape, but it couldn't escape.

The human on his back has the ability to kill it at any time, but he refuses to kill it. This sense of despair makes it collapse. Those humans who have been toyed with their humanity also feel this sense of despair.

This is a game, a game of life and death.

It doesn't want to play this game anymore. The word game means nightmare and abyss.

The sense of dissonance gradually disappeared, and Lu Yin stepped backwards, becoming more and more smooth. He was adapting to the speed and the changes.

He saw the surroundings, saw the dancing wings of the seven-star mantis, and saw its trajectory. He gradually realized what the speed of parallel time is. Maybe he still cannot successfully parallel time in reverse, but he has already started and is close to success. It’s not far away, or in other words, success can be achieved at any time.

At the same time, the mentality of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis has reached the edge of collapse. It knows that it can't get rid of this human being no matter what. The feeling of a guillotine on its head is too terrifying, and it has to escape on its own.

He has seen too much about human nature. The greatest weakness of human beings is not selfishness, timidity, and fear of death, but feelings.

Its long and narrow eyes suddenly stared into the distance, staring at Jiang Qingyue. It gradually slowed down, raised the arm knife, and slashed it down. At the same time, it raised the blade again and slashed at Chan Lao.

Two swords were enough to kill these two humans. It wanted Lu Yin to make a choice, either to save them or to let them die and perish together with him.

It gave Lu Yin time and deliberately slowed down enough for the human to rescue the two people at the same time, and he also had time to escape.

It doesn't believe that Lu Yin can stop it while saving people. No matter how strong this human being is, there is a limit.

But it didn't know that besides Lu Yin and the others, there were other creatures present.

Facing the blade of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis, the Dragon Turtle and the Hell Dragon attacked at the same time. The Dragon Turtle stood in front of Jiang Qingyue, and the Hell Dragon raised its claws to grab the blade that was slashing towards Chan Lao.

Two slashes were struck simultaneously.

The Seven-Star Praying Mantis was shocked. There were still enemies?

"You are looking for death." Lu Yin shouted angrily and slapped his slippers hard, smashing a pair of wings.

The seven-star mantis wailed and twisted its body wildly, but its speed also dropped.

Wings are the key to ensuring its speed. Now that its wings are broken, its speed can no longer increase.

"Human, I will fight with you." The body of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis suddenly shriveled up. Lu Yin simultaneously slapped it with his slippers and slapped it directly on its back, smashing its back into pieces. However, before that, a much smaller mantis emerged from the body. Come out of it, this is the true body of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis. Its huge appearance is just its body, which is its means of protecting its life.

The much smaller Seven-Star Mantis also has six pairs of wings. As the six pairs of wings open, its speed increases to a level comparable to time. Escape, it will definitely avenge this, so it will escape first.

Lu Yin's eyes were stern, and he tried to step backwards and parallel time.

For a moment, the stars in the universe were still, and only he and the Seven-Star Praying Mantis were moving. Lu Yin stared at the trajectory of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis, chasing it wildly, and the reverse step became smoother and smoother.

The Seven-Star Praying Mantis looked back in shock, how could it be possible? Has this human caught up with him?

Previously, it was the means of time that prevented him from leaving. Now, it is very sure that this human being has reached a speed similar to it. How could it be possible? How did he do it?

No matter how hard the Seven-Star Praying Mantis tried, he couldn't figure it out.

Lu Yin had lamented more than once that Chen Zu had a unique talent in creating combat skills that was simply unparalleled. Now that he was experiencing the speed of chasing the seven-star mantis, this feeling was even deeper.

If Lu Yin could catch up with the speed of the Seven Star Mantis, he would be able to stop it or even kill it.

Its life-saving means can be used once but not the second time.

Click on the general platform.

One, two, three...ten, eleven, twelve, the Seven-Star Mantis stared blankly at the Ancestral Realm experts surrounding it, confused, where could there be so many extremely powerful people?

It is not easy for Lu Yin to summon generals to the ancestral realm, especially when there are so many. Fortunately, there is an endless supply of stars in his body. It is very conceivable that even the strong ones in the ancestral realm are far less than the star sources in his body.

Only with so many star sources can we guarantee that we can summon many ancestral realms.

In the end, seventeen ancestral realm experts were summoned and spread throughout time and space. Even if the Seven-Star Mantis had a speed comparable to time, it could not surpass Lu Yin's speed and consciousness, which could also chase him. Lu Yin did not need these summoned generals. The ancestral realm he came out of could cause harm to the Seven-Star Praying Mantis, and all he wanted was to delay it.

The arm knife slashed through, and the ancestral realm was divided into two. Then, one after another, the ancestral realm was cut down and turned into nothingness.

The Seven-Star Mantis wants to tear the void directly and leave. However, under the original treasure formation, it does not have even one second needed to tear the void. Even one second is a luxury for it.

One ancestral realm after another was cut into nothingness, and Lu Yin continued to approach, posing an increasingly greater threat to the Seven-Star Praying Mantis. It wailed again: "Lord Lu, I surrender to you and will never resist. You also want to have me." Please help such a strong person deal with the Eternals. I can even join the Eternals for you and help you find the secrets of the Eternals. Lord Lu, let me go, I don’t want to die.”

Lu Yin said nothing, the Seven Star Mantis must die, its final value has disappeared.

Its death is a tribute to the humans it killed.

Due to different races, Lu Yin would not say that Seven Star Mantis was wrong, but as a human being, revenge must be avenged. This is his principle.

Seven Star Mantis saw that Lu Yin was still approaching, and there were nearly half of the ancestral realm around him. Once he continued to be delayed, it would be a matter of time for Lu Yin to catch up. The ability to deal with this person depends on his speed, and the Eternals also care about his speed. , without the advantage of speed, it is not much better than those ancestral realms that have not reached the sequence rules.

"Lord Lu, I can help you a lot. You humans need me." The Seven Star Mantis was still praying.

Lu Yin looked at it: "The last one, kill."

The seven-star mantis trembled. This was the rule of the game it set on the first five continents of the seven continents. It only killed the last one in the human team, so as to bring despair and the struggle of humanity. Now, it has become Lu Yin The last one to kill.

"Master Lu, are you really going to fight with me?" Seven Star Mantis' tone changed and became sharp, and his eyes were extremely ferocious.

In front of him, another ancestral realm blocked him and was cut off by the seven-star mantis arm sword. He turned around, faced Lu Yin, and then rushed over.

Lu Yin was surprised. He actually rushed towards him? No, this is?

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