Star Odyssey

Chapter 3004 The Kingdom of Gods

Lu Yin opened his eyes and looked ahead. He couldn't see the end, but he could see the prosperous civilization above the clouds. Is this human civilization? Those people have wings of light on their backs?

Just as he was astonished, the starry sky suddenly changed, and the light above his head was shining brightly.

Lu Yin and others looked up and saw light forming palms, covering the sky, and the entire void was trembling: "In the country of Shenfu, no unauthorized entry is allowed, retreat."

There was a loud shout, and Jiang Qingyue groaned, her face pale.

Lu Yin's heart skipped a beat as the sound penetrated his forehead and made his ears ring.

The prison dragon looked up blankly at the huge palm and panicked.

"What?" Dragon Turtle was shocked.

Lu Yin looked at Dragon Turtle: "Have you ever heard of the Kingdom of Gods?"

Dragon Turtle was confused: "No."

"Those who trespass will die." A loud voice resounded through the starry sky. After the words fell, his palms pressed hard against the Hell Dragon, intending to crush Lu Yin and others.

Lu Yin was furious and killed him before even meeting him. He was a member of human civilization, so he showed no mercy.

He took out the Supreme Mountain from the Ningkong Ring and let Mr. Chan and others in. At the same time, holding his slippers, he jumped up: "Whoever is pretending to be a ghost, get out of here."

The slippers hit the palm of the light hard, and the palm was crushed. Lu Yintian could see clearly that the sequence particles were entangled in the palm of his hand, forming an inexplicable and complicated text. It was the pressure brought by this text, but he had seen too many sequence particles. If there are too many, if I don't come out, I want to crush him to death with one palm? How can it be?

With a bang, the void shook, and countless cracks spread, sweeping towards the beautiful clouds in the distance, cutting the void.

At the same time, far away, a pair of beautiful eyes opened, with surprise: "You actually blocked it? The person who came is not good. With the power of the four elephants, fight with me. The great sage has no fault and will suppress it."

Lu Yin's slippers smashed the palm of light into cracks. Just when he was about to completely smash the palm of light, his pupils shrank sharply, and he saw endless sequence particles spreading across the starry sky, pouring into the palm of light crazily. If before The sequence particles just formed a word, so at this moment, these sequence particles turned into the entire palm of light to suppress him.

Lu Yin was shocked. He had only seen so many sequence particles when the Seven Gods and Great Heavenly Lord took action, and they encountered extremely powerful people.

Without hesitation, Lu Yin slipped away, stepping backwards, and parallel time disappeared in an instant.

The palm of light crushed the void and shattered the surrounding area, but there was no trace of Lu Yin.

Far away, the owner of those beautiful eyes was a girl wearing a purple veil. The girl frowned when Lu Yin escaped. She was not dead. She could feel that this person could escape under her palm. Who was he? ?

There is no scent of those monsters.

No matter who he is, anyone who enters the Kingdom of God will die.

Thinking about it, the girl closed her eyes, opened her arms, her slender figure was as beautiful as a picture, and stepped forward with her snow-white bare feet. With her as the center, the entire time and space seemed to have shrunk countless times, surrounding her, and constantly searching.

Soon, she opened her eyes and found it.

On the other side, Lu Yin ran away in reverse steps, wondering, what the hell? There is such a strong person in this space and time, definitely comparable to the Seven Gods. He cannot resist forcefully, but he can escape by using reverse steps, and the opponent will not reach the level of misery.

What time and space is this? It’s too overbearing to directly expel outsiders and kill them if they don’t leave.

The land of gods? The name fits this approach quite well.

Longgui didn't know, that is to say, Baiyun City had never come into contact with this Kingdom of Gods, and he didn't know if the other six parties had come into contact with it.

There are too many parallel time and spaces in the universe, and no one knows what will happen.

Lu Yin was very curious about this kingdom of gods. He wanted to see what kind of kingdom it was. If possible, it would be a powerful helper to deal with the Eternals.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, above his head, a palm of light quickly formed and crushed down hard.

Lu Yin was shocked, had he found himself? How did you do it?

He did not hesitate and continued to escape in reverse steps.

But no matter which direction he fled, the other party seemed to be able to find him and fight to the death.

In desperation, Lu Yin took out a general platform and summoned a general to escape from the ancestral realm.

The ancestral realm was quickly crushed into nothingness by the palm of light. Lu Yin took the opportunity to gather his breath and stopped moving.

After a while, the Palm of Light did not appear.

Lu Yin let out a breath and concealed it, who was it? How do you find yourself? To say that you can see through the counter-step, it's not like that. If you can see through it, you won't keep running away from where you are. But if you can't see through the counter-step, how can you find yourself?

After waiting for a long time, the Palm of Light still did not appear.

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky, could it be that he just restrained his aura? Or does the other party think he is dead?

Far away, the girl opened her eyes with doubts. She shouldn't die so easily. She could be killed with one palm. How could she escape several times? However, she couldn't find him. The other party had completely restrained his aura. Even if he wanted to look for it, he couldn't find it. not easy.

This is a master, and he is a master at hiding.

"Goddess, the day of praying to God is coming soon. All citizens are waiting for this moment and send you their most sincere blessings and prayers."

The girl said calmly: "Is everything ready?"

"already prepared."

"I ordered the whole country to be on alert, there are outsiders entering."

The outsiders were obviously surprised: "Outsiders? Weren't you suppressed by the goddess?"

"Go ahead."


The girl looked into the distance. Could this person be arriving at this time for the day of praying to God?

Seen from a distance, the clouds have a faint light. The closer they get, the weaker the light becomes. When Lu Yin steps on the clouds, the light of the clouds under his feet disappears completely.

This is a continent, but a continent made of clouds.

There are too many strange phenomena in the universe, and Lu Yin is not too strange.

Soon, he found a village-like existence and saw people with light wings. Except for having one more pair of light wings than them, these people were no different.

Lu Yin stayed in this village for a few days, and Mr. Chan and others also came out, pretending to be people from this time and space, feeling the humanities and customs of this time and space.

This time and space is called the Kingdom of Divine Palace. It is a completely closed country that opposes outsiders. Lu Yin also knows who is attacking them. The goddess, a deified existence in the Kingdom of Divine Palace, is just A young girl.

When he heard the news for the first time, Lu Yin couldn't believe that he would be chased and beaten by a girl.

But a few days later, with their cultivation, it was easy to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Gods.

Lu Yin understood that the goddess herself was not powerful, but she could rely on the power of the four images that were said to protect this space and time. With the power of the four images, the goddess protected this space and time from generation to generation, and no strong enemy could invade.

Lu Yin didn't know what the power of the Four Symbols was. There were cultivators in the Kingdom of Gods, but they practiced power similar to the star source. It was nothing special, and it was not the power of the Four Symbols.

What Lu Yin cares about is that the goddess can actually use the power of the Four Symbols to attack him. You know, what kind of strength can suppress him? The palm of that light is covered with sequence particles, and it definitely reaches the level of the Seven Gods.

It is abnormal in itself for an ordinary girl to be able to exert the power of the Seven Gods with the help of other powers.

The only possibility that Lu Yin could think of was that this goddess was recognized by this space and time, just like he was recognized by the original space, so this girl could use the power of the Four Symbols to take action, so she could find Lu Yin's location.

"It's so warm, so warm, so simple." Guihou came back, clinging to the shadow of Mr. Chan and sighing.

Mr. Zen also expressed emotion: "I haven't seen such a simple person in many years. Maybe it's because we have come into contact with too few ordinary people. In fact, there are many such people among ordinary people."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Chan: "It's not as simple as pretending."

"It is really simple. The people in this village are very simple and kind. There is no intrigue, no oppression and resistance, only mutual help and support." said Zen.

Lu Yin also discovered this situation, and the same situation was not limited to this village.

Around them, and even further away, the people they saw seemed to be living in fairy tales. Although there were also conflicts, quarrels, and even fights, they were all in moderation. Whether they were cultivators or ordinary people, there was no hierarchy, everyone was It's very harmonious, so harmonious that it's not normal.

Based on Lu Yin's many years of training experience, this situation is either disguised, or these people's thoughts have been deceived, and all their behavioral logic follows a certain person.

He prefers the latter, because even if he pretends, it is impossible for everyone in the entire time and space to pretend, but those with strong sequence rules can change the minds of everyone in the entire time and space, as long as they are strong enough.

Jiang Qingyue and Zhaoran also came back. Zhaoran was holding so many flowers with a blank look on his face that his whole body was almost buried in the flowers.

"I, I just said I liked those flowers, and then they gave them to me." Zhao Ran looked confused.

Jiang Qingyue's tone was low: "The enthusiasm is unaccustomed to me. Outsiders are clearly prohibited from entering, and even killing methods are used."

Long Gui said: "Outsiders are forbidden to come, but the people inside are so enthusiastic. Their enthusiasm is not directed at outsiders. Once our identity is revealed, how enthusiastic they are now will make a big difference. Everyone, something is wrong in this time and space. careful."

"I think they are very good." Zhaoran started to arrange the flowers, with a happy face.

Guihou said earnestly: "You are still too young. Human nature is complex. It can be very cruel, but it can also be very tolerant, but it is not so harmonious. Something is wrong. Brother Qi, let's go."

Lu Yin looked into the distance: "I want to see what is going on in this time and space."

Jiang Qingyue looked at Lu Yin: "Go to the Divine Realm. The land under our feet is called the Kingdom of Divine Palace. It can also be called the Kingdom on the Clouds. The center of this country is called the Divine Realm. That person The goddess is in charge of the divine realm, and if you want to see this time and space clearly, the divine realm is the best place to go."

"Young Master, you are taking a bit of a risk. This time and space seems difficult to deal with." Dragon Turtle advised.

Zen Lao said: "We are not enemies of it. Let's see it clearly first. I really want to see if this is the case in the entire time and space. Their kindness and tolerance are not disguised. At least what I see is not disguised. I will tell you now." I want to visit the divine realm.”

Mr. Zen rarely made requests, and this request happened to be Lu Yin's plan.

"Then go to the God Realm. The biggest event in the Kingdom of Gods, the day of prayer to the gods, is coming soon. Let's go and have a look. There is no need to rush. Follow the team in this village and try to see this time and space as clearly as possible." Lu Yin decided.

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