Star Odyssey

Chapter 3009: The so-called visualization

The goddess's sudden burst of such strength means that she is under great pressure. Once this pressure cannot be withstood, it will bring disaster to the Kingdom of Gods.

Although they don't agree with the atmosphere of the Kingdom of Gods, they don't want to see it destroyed.

Soon, Jiang Qingyue entered Lu Yin's time and space: "Brother Lu."

The sound echoed through time and space.

Lu Yin was awakened and raised his head: "Qingyue?"

He hurriedly recovered and climbed into the starry sky: "What's wrong?"

"Di Qiong is here." Jiang Qingyue replied.

Lu Yin took one step forward, left time and space, and headed towards the Kingdom of Gods. The next moment, he entered the Kingdom of Gods and looked into the distance. It was such a terrifying aura, obscure, dark, but also numbing. , just as he was about to go forward, his body suddenly stopped again, and the breath disappeared.

At the same time, the goddess's eyes widened suddenly, surprised, and left?

Her expression was ugly. Di Qiong was testing. Just like last time, he was testing how long it would take to break through the power of the Four Symbols. Every time he took action, he was one step closer to breaking through.

What makes the goddess uneasy is that she has no idea how many times Di Qiong will attack in the next few times.

Di Qiong knew it, but she didn't.

This was the most frustrating thing for her.

Lu Yin came directly to wait for her outside the goddess's residence.

Soon, the goddess walked out, seemingly calm, but her eyes were no longer so soft, filled with confusion and uneasiness.

Lu Yin looked at her: "Di Qiong left so quickly, what was his purpose?"

The goddess told Lu Yin her guess.

Lu Yin frowned: "If this is true, next time, or the next time, he will be able to break the power of the Four Symbols, and that will be the end of your Kingdom of Gods."

Jiang Qingyue, Mr. Chan and others are here.

And further away, a group of cultivators from the Kingdom of Gods arrived. The strongest of these people were the Half-Ancestors. Whether they came or not was meaningless.

The goddess' eyes were complicated and she looked into the distance. She originally thought that Lu Yin and others would be left behind to help when Di Qiong took action this time, but Di Qiong left so quickly. Is his temptation about to end?

"Do you want to lead the Kingdom of Gods to destruction?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

The goddess looked at Lu Yin: "We can go."

"What if I can't get away? Or, I'll be caught up by Di Qiong again."


Lu Yin suggested: "Join the Six Directions Guild, and the Eternal Clan will be unable to do anything to you."

The goddess looked at Lu Yin: "There is no need to try to convince me. I will take my people to find a safe place. We don't want to participate in the war."

"When the nest is overturned, there are no eggs left." Chan Lao sighed.

The idea of ​​the Goddess is difficult to change. Lu Yin hopes to add more masters to the Six Directions Association, but he cannot force the Goddess.

"Everyone, I'm sorry we can't entertain you anymore." The goddess apologized.

Di Qiong has already been here, and it will be at least a hundred years before his next attack. It is impossible for the Kingdom of Gods to keep Lu Yin and the others for a hundred years, and it is impossible for Lu Yin and the others to stay for a hundred years. In this case, it is better to let Lu Yin and the others leave. , she tried her best to find a new place.

Jiang Qingyue couldn't help but say: "If you escape, it will be over once you are found by Di Qiong. Don't say you won't. The Eternals are not as simple as you think. Joining the Six-Party Society does not necessarily mean joining the war. You are just seeking self-protection. You Why be persistent? If it doesn’t work out, you can join me in Baiyun City.”

The goddess shook her head and said firmly: "Sorry, please leave as soon as possible."

Lu Yin stopped Jiang Qingyue from trying again: "Your Majesty the Goddess, if you give me a few more months to complete the cultivation of the last piece of time and space, can you allow us to stay for a few more months?"

The goddess nodded: "Okay."

"Thank you."

The goddess had a good impression of Lu Yin and the others. Just when Di Qiong took action, Jiang Qingyue went to find Lu Yin before she asked for help, and Lu Yin also showed up immediately to deal with Di Qiong. Regardless of whether he took action in the end, this feeling... She would accept it, but it would only be a few months.

Lu Yin returned to that time and space again. He had been pretending to be that kind of creature for a hundred years, and he was already a little numb. He tried it once in the middle, but it was not recognized yet, so he continued.

A few months in the Kingdom of Gods would be decades in this time and space.

In the blink of an eye, decades passed, and Lu Yin followed these creatures to crawl into the starry sky. These creatures crawled in the starry sky on their own, while Lu Yin relied on his cultivation.

Give it a try.

In this attempt, there was no sense of crisis. Lu Yin was completely relieved. It was successful. He was recognized by this time and space.

This should be considered the most difficult time and space to admit so far. It actually allowed him to disguise this kind of creature for more than a hundred years. In the original space, his total training time was not that long.

It is difficult to be recognized by time and space, and it is not easy for streamers to increase the time to watch back.

In the Kingdom of Divine Palace, more than half a year has passed since the last time Di Qiong took action.

The goddess did not urge.

When Lu Yin came out, he led everyone to say goodbye to the goddess.

Before leaving, Lu Yin wanted to leave some foreign objects as a price for lending him to practice parallel time and space, but the goddess didn't want them.

"The purpose of lending you parallel time and space training is to use your strength to defend against the Emperor's Dome. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, this is a deal." The goddess said bluntly.

Lu Yin nodded: "In that case, I won't force it, but for the sake of the Kingdom of Gods, I think you need to have a backup plan."

The goddess was confused.

"Send someone to follow us to the Liufanghui to leave a trace. Once you are in danger, or are chased by Di Qiong after escaping, you can use these coordinates to go to the Liufanghui." Lu Yin said.

The goddess is not stupid. Although she is unwilling to get close to the Six Directions Society because of her ideals, it is always right to have a backup plan.

Lu Yin and others rode on the Hell Dragon, took with them a cultivator who had reached the semi-ancestral level of the Kingdom of Gods, tore through the void, and returned to the eternal kingdom.

Before leaving, Jiang Qingyue couldn't help but said: "I hope there will be a chance to meet again in the future."

They had been in the Kingdom of Gods for nearly six years. Jiang Qingyue and the Goddess had the most contact and had feelings for each other.

The goddess's eyes were complicated: "I hope so."

The hell dragon rushed into the crack in the void and reached the eternal kingdom in an instant.

The cultivator from the Kingdom of Gods who followed looked at the death energy below the eternal kingdom in surprise, and felt a shudder. This kind of power was beyond his imagination.

Lu Yin asked him to leave his breath on the coordinates as soon as possible. Seeing him leave, the Kingdom of Gods came to an end.

"What do you think about the immobility of the Heavenly King Elephant?" Jiang Qingyue asked.

Lu Yin said: "How much have you learned about the Four Symbols in the past few years?"

Jiang Qingyue recalled: "The Four Elephants are the protective force of the Kingdom of Divine Palace. They have existed since the founding of the Kingdom of Divine Palace a long time ago. Each generation of goddesses has special abilities to protect the Kingdom of Divine Palace with the help of the power of the Four Elephants. That's it." many."

"It means that the four images have never changed." Chan Lao mentioned.

Jiang Qingyue's eyes flashed and she looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back: "Ancestor Lu Yuan once captured a mount, the Fudo King Elephant. You guessed it right, the Kingdom of God's Palace has lost the Fudo King Elephant. After the Fudo King Elephant is lost, it can still block the emperor's dome. The creator of this Kingdom of Gods is by no means a goddess, the goddess is just borrowing the power she left behind."

"Where is the Immovable King Elephant? Where is it?" Dragon Turtle was curious.

Lu Yin shook his head: "The ancestor never mentioned it, and there is no Immovable Heavenly King Elephant in the Lu Tian Realm. I will go back and ask immediately."

Jiang Qingyue spoke with a heavy tone: "If the Immovable King Xiang can return to the Kingdom of God's Mansion, the Goddess may not be able to stop the Emperor Qiong."

"Perhaps, we have given the Kingdom of the Divine Palace a way out. It is up to the goddess whether to use it or not. There is no need to lament." Lu Yin said, and then led everyone to the Tianshang Sect, while he himself went to the Lutian Realm.

In Lutian Realm, Lu Yin met Lu Tianyi, and Ancestor Lu Yuan was still in retreat.

"The Immovable King Elephant? Why do you suddenly ask about it?" Lu Tianyi was puzzled.

Lu Yin told what happened to the Kingdom of Gods.

Lu Tianyi was surprised: "Is there such a thing? The universe has indeed given birth to various civilizations that can allow humans to tolerate each other. Such a country may seem beautiful, but it is more dangerous."

"As for the Fudo King Elephant." Lu Tianyi was silent for a moment: "When the Second Continent was destroyed, the Corpse God wanted to drag the Fifth Continent with it to destroy it, but the Fudo King Elephant knocked away the Corpse God and was buried with the Second Continent."

"Is the Fudo King Xiang dead?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Lu Tianyi sighed: "The battle that destroyed the Second Continent left our ancestors with heavy wounds that can never be healed, so he has been sleeping. In that battle, all the strong men of the Second Continent were killed and injured. In the nine mountains and eight seas, the Galaxy Sword Emperor He died right in front of me, without even a chance to enter the funeral garden. The Mabis family owed me a lot to the Lu family, so they became the purse strings of my Lu family. If it hadn't been for the rescue of my Lu family, the Mabis family would have perished long ago. "

"The death of the Fudo King Elephant is an eternal pain in the heart of our ancestors."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Since the Fudo King Elephant is dead, why can I, the Lu family, still meditate?"

Lu Tian looked at Lu Yin: "Visualization is belief. The Sixth Continent was seduced by the Eternals. The path of cultivation went astray. The reflection was cultivated. This kind of reflection can indeed improve the strength in a short period of time. However, once it is reflected When a person dies, the reflection ceases to exist. This is the shortcoming of cultivation in the Sixth Continent, the most fatal, because their beliefs will collapse with the reflection, but visualization is different."

"If you believe, there is. This is visualization."

Lu Yin understood that the power that the Eternals gave to the cultivation of the Sixth Continent was not only to allow the Sixth Continent to deal with the Fifth Continent, but also to use this power to destroy the faith of the practitioners of the Sixth Continent.

Let me ask you, how can a person become strong if he has no faith?

This is destroying the cultivation foundation of the Sixth Continent, and at the same time consuming the power of the Fifth Continent.

This is the Eternals.

"You were right not to tell the goddess about Fudo Uranus Elephant. Once she learns that Fudo Uranus Elephant is dead, her faith may not be preserved. Now she can rely on the power of the Four Symbols to rely on the will of time and space. What he admits is also a belief similar to visualization. Once the belief collapses, this kingdom of gods will also collapse."

"Furthermore, knowing that the Fudo King Elephant died here, we don't know what the attitude of this kingdom of gods is towards us." Lu Tian said.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Lu Yin didn't say anything. It would be troublesome if the Kingdom of Gods were forced to become an enemy.


Thanks to Brother Desert Guyan Wan for the reward, I will give you more! ! Thanks! !

Follow the public account "Author Sui San Piaofeng", and tomorrow we will publish - Chenzu Gaiden on the public account, thank you brothers for your support! !

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