Star Odyssey

Chapter 3014 Returning to the Sky Palm

The man stared at Lu Yin: "You actually know Kong Kongzhang. It seems that you have been to the Sea of ​​Falling Stars."

Lu Yin exhaled: "Are you really from the Fifth Continent, a traitor?"

"You have something I want to know, and I also have something you want to know. It depends on who can ask the last question." The man took action, but his palm was empty. He did not look down upon Lu Yin because he was not a strong man in the ancestral realm. This palm was more powerful than the one in the ancestral realm. Just now it was fierce and fast.

Lu Yin also raised his hand, his palm empty.


The two palms collided, and the void collapsed, spreading around, revealing a world of nothingness.

Lu Yin was surprised, this person actually blocked his normal palm? You must know that except for the Mebis family and the Eater Star, his power is difficult to meet opponents, even without visualization and infinite inner world, even if the opponent is strong in sequence rules, after all, the opponent has not used the sequence rules yet.

On the opposite side, the man was equally surprised. This man was indeed very strong. He was obviously not a strong man in the ancestral realm, but he could still block his own palm. Who on earth came out of the Fifth Continent?

Of the six disaster realms of the Eternals, only the first disaster realm targeted the beginning space. He stayed in the fourth disaster realm for too long, and it was difficult for Hei Wushen to come back, so he didn't know the current situation in the beginning space.

But it doesn't matter, you will understand soon.

The man took action again, this time with Kongming Palm.

Lu Yin also used Kong Ming Palm.

A palm-to-palm blast shattered the starry sky. The man continued to increase his palm strength, and Lu Yin also increased his strength. He was a strong man of sequence rules, with a high realm, and a power far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Palm-to-bomb blasts seemed to be able to increase the power infinitely.

In the distance, Mr. Chan was surprised, why did this person use the same palm technique as the Taoist Master?

In the collision of palm powers, no one took the lead in using other powers.

Finally, as Lu Yin meditated on the Immovable King Elephant, his strength increased dramatically and he pressed the man down on Kong Ming's palm.

The man used a new palm technique. Like the Kongkong Palm and the Kongming Palm, it was the power of one palm, but this palm was very soft. No matter how Lu Yin's strength increased, it was absorbed by this palm, like a sponge.

Lu Yin knew that this should be the palm technique that Qian Zhongjin could learn from Zhongshan Dojo.

The strength continues to increase, and the stronger the palm force is, the more it seems to be able to be resolved.

There was no counterattack with this palm, as if it was just to neutralize Lu Yin's attack.

The man kept staring at Lu Yin. This man didn't know the third palm, didn't he learn it? With his strength, he can definitely learn it. In this case, he looked sharply.


Another palm hit, Lu Yin's expression changed, and the powerful force hit him along with the force of the collision. He almost lost his balance. In front of him, the man struck out with another palm, something was wrong.

There was a bang, another collision, and it came again. Lu Yin stared at the man's palm. This was another new palm technique that Wan Zhongjin should have learned. This palm was not only gentle enough to neutralize his own attacks. Characteristics, and in an instant, he can exert a power comparable to his own attack. No, it is transformation. This palm not only defuses his own offensive, but also uses an unknown method to convert his own offensive into counterattack force to hit himself.

The more powerful Lu Yin's attack was, the stronger his counterattack would be.

He immediately cast the Infinite Inner World, the lines continued to blend in, and his power increased dramatically.

The man was shocked. This man was only half-ancestral, but he had exerted such power. There was no way he could be an opponent in the ordinary ancestral realm. It seemed that the outcome would be a disaster.

Lu Yin didn't believe that the man could really counterattack every one of his palms.

He exerted his power to the limit without using the power of confinement. With a loud noise, Lu Yin stepped back step by step, but he still fought back.

The man retracted his hand and looked at Lu Yin in amazement: "You are the first to make me so cautious that I am not even sure of the strength of my palm to fight back. My name is Kong Ji, and you are qualified to know my name."

"Are you from the Fifth Continent?" Lu Yin asked in a deep voice.

Kong Ji nodded: "Not bad."

"Betrayed humanity?"

"You can say that."


Kong Ji raised his eyes: "Everyone has pursuits. Race and body are just external manifestations. Without this body, I am still me. Why bother to stick to human beings."

Lu Yin shouted: "False, Hei Wushen tempted you. What benefits did he give you?"

Kong Ji clenched his fist and then released it: "I will let you feel that it is fate that you can get my legacy and meet here. Since you hate the Eternals so much, I will kill you directly and prevent you from becoming the Corpse King." , this is the respect I give you."

Lu Yin moved his arms: "I will also give you respect and let you atone for your betrayal of humanity."

With a cry, Kong Ji faced him with a palm: "You haven't learned it since the third palm. Look clearly, this is the fourth palm, called Hui Kong."

The Back to the Sky Palm is the kind of palm technique that can return one's own strength to oneself. Lu Yin failed to return it by relying on visualization and the infinite inner world. Now facing the Back to the Sky Palm, Lu Yin still struck out with one palm. Under Kong Ji's surprised gaze, his palms suddenly withered, and things must turn upside down.


With a loud noise, Lu Yin only felt that he was hit by a huge force. The power he used to attack Kong Ji was returned by the Return to the Sky Palm. However, this power was also absorbed by the Object Extremes, causing the palm to begin to recover. With this palm, Lu Yin Hidden and repulsed.

Kong Ji was shocked and stared at Lu Yin's dry palm, what is this?

Lu Yin relied on everything to counterattack, and continued to increase his strength. Even if the power was returned to him again, he was still strengthening. Kong Ji said that he was not sure that the previous palm would be completely returned. Now his increased strength is definitely beyond Kong Ji's expectation.

With a bang, the void exploded between the palms, turning into a thrust that shook both of them away.

Lu Yin's palm returned to its original shape, and Wujibi completely absorbed the returned force and punched it out again, making it impossible to return the empty palm.

Kong Ji looked at his palm, and then looked at Lu Yin. His eyes were no longer amazed, but fearful: "You can actually break the upper limit of the empty palm."

Lu Yin clenched his fist: "It's just childish, it's time to get serious."

Kong Ji's eyes widened suddenly, and his whole person's temperament changed, becoming thick and heavy, and his breathing made the void collapse.

Lu Yin's face was solemn. He saw sequence particles. Although there were not as many as his wood carving brothers, they were comparable to Xu Wuwei. This person was born in the original space, and his age should not be too long. Perhaps it was the Daoyuan Sect era of the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas, or He is older and has the strength of sequence rules. He should not be unknown in the Fifth Continent. There is only one explanation. He was bewitched by Hei Wushen to join the Fourth Calamity Realm before he reached the strength of sequence rules. The power of sequence rules, It's what the Eternals helped him achieve.

"Is this what Hei Wushen gave you?" Lu Yin's voice was low.

Kong Ji's eyes were sharp: "You can indeed see the rules. Although I don't know how you can see the rules when you can't even reach the ancestral realm. But seeing it doesn't mean you can fight against it. If I don't come to the fourth calamity realm, I will never reach it. To this power."

"So what if you achieve this power? You can only stay in the Fourth Calamity Realm. Even if you are allowed to live forever, you will still be just a lackey of the Eternals." Lu Yin said.

Kong Ji shook his head: "You don't understand the persistence of power. What did you just use? A very strange method."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed. With this person's strength, he didn't know that things will turn against each other. Sure enough, he came to the Fourth Era before Nine Mountains and Eight Seas became famous: "You can feel it for yourself."

Kong Ji suddenly raised his hand, empty palm, invisible palm prints suddenly fell along with the sequence of particles, Lu Yin's scalp went numb, this palm changed completely, he stepped backwards, parallel time, everything around him was still, but this time, his footsteps It is extremely heavy, and it is extremely difficult to perform it backwards.

With the sequence rules, he thought parallel time would not be that easy.

In an instant, the surroundings recovered, and Kongkong's palm brushed behind him, cracking the void.

Lu Yin looked back and was almost hit.

At this time, the numbness in his scalp reappeared, and Kong Ji struck again. This time it was not one palm, but dozens of palms struck at the same time, spreading all over the void. Even if Lu Yin could parallel time with reverse steps, he could not completely avoid it in an instant. open.

The power in his heart was released, cutting off time and space, and the world of nothingness formed a black halo around him. Kongkong's palm passed over the world of nothingness, and the sequence particles were somewhat contained. Lu Yin took action at the same time, resisting with the utmost force.

His body was hit three times in a row, and he stepped back step by step. Fortunately, he still blocked it.

Kong Ji was shocked. It was impossible. It was incredible that this person could block his attacks in his normal state. Now, he could even block sequence rule attacks?

Taking advantage of Kong Ji's shock, Lu Yin hurriedly stepped backwards, took the initiative, and pointed the general platform to appear: "Call the general with my blood."

It is not easy to fight against Kong Ji. Even if he takes out his slippers and attacks him secretly, he may not be successful. Such a strong person will not lower his vigilance.

Lu Yin had no intention of hiding it. He would not let Kong Ji escape alive from this battle.

One after another figures appeared, and dozens of ancestral realm generals were summoned and rushed towards Kongji.

Kong Ji's pupils shrank: "Dianjiangtai? Lu family, you are from the Lu family."

Around him, ancestral realms were being killed one by one. Kongji raised his palm and could erase an ancestral realm with one palm. These ordinary ancestral realms were completely useless to him.

The Cyclops King and the Seven-Star Mantis were summoned. Lu Yin's brain was dizzy for a moment. Sure enough, he felt burdened. The power in the general station could not be used indefinitely. There were twenty. At present, he could summon up to twenty generals.

Although there are not many, these twenty are all from the ancestral realm.

The Cyclops King was surrounded by the halo of the world of nothingness and punched Kongji.

The seven-star mantis swung its arm sword and slashed out.

Kong Ji collided with the Cyclops King with a palm. The Cyclops King had terrifying power. After all, with such a big body, the power was enough to suppress Kong Ji. However, Kong Ji’s sequence rules were not something that the Cyclops King could resist. Even though the halo of the World of Nothing was erased, After a few, the remaining rules still shattered the Cyclops King's arm.

At the same time, the space was pushed back by the explosive power of the Cyclops King. At the moment of containment, the seven-star mantis spread its six pairs of wings and appeared behind Kong Ji at a speed comparable to time, slashing down with its arm sword.

In Xi's life, huge blood marks were cut on Kong Ji's back.

He turned around and struck out with a palm, and the Seven-Star Mantis disappeared in an instant. Speed ​​and combat skills were different. Lu Yin's reverse step would be restrained by the sequence rules, but the Seven-Star Mantis relied on its own speed. Apart from Lu Yin, it was difficult to have a nemesis.


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