Star Odyssey

Chapter 3023 Heavy Weapons

"Speaking of which, this woman is really strong. Is she Bai Wushen?"

Lu Yin said: "Her name is Xizu, not Bai Wushen."

False God was afraid: "The Eternals have a very deep foundation. Just someone who appears can be so powerful."

Lu Yin was also afraid. He didn't know who the ancestor was. Although the E territory suffered several attacks, the ancestor did not take any action. However, Lu Yin clearly remembered that Xing Toad took the initiative to greet her, and she called the Great Heavenly Lord Tai. Hong, this is not easy.

Being able to get acquainted with Xing Chan and the Great Heavenly Lord, this woman is a bit confused.

At the entrance to the Era Realm, Zihuang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his ancestor walking out. With her appearance, the Eternals would not let them die.

Xizu walked towards the Shaoyin God one step at a time, his pace was very slow, as if he had not noticed that this was a battlefield.

Shaoyin Shenzun looked at the ground, the earth was soaked with sweat, and he was breathing heavily.

"How is it?" came the voice of the ancestor, very soft.

Lord Shaoyin clenched his fist, stood up, and looked at Xu Shen from a distance, his eyes filled with fear: "I didn't expect Xu Jia to hide this hand."

Xizu looked at the opposite side: "Don't underestimate anyone. It is not easy for anyone to become the master of parallel time and space in the Six Directions Association, including the land master."

Shaoyin Shenzun stared deeply at Xu Shen, then looked at the ancestor, and saluted slowly: "Thank you, ancestor, for saving me."

Under the lake of divine power, he used his divine power to combine the two sequence rules of lunar and sun, and broke away from the lake of divine power, shocking the realm of disaster. At that moment, he harbored hatred for his ancestors for punishing him, and also because of the arrogance caused by the transformation of strength, Let him not look down upon his ancestors.

Xi Ancestor did not care about it. The Eternal Clan really needed experts to be in charge. She had tacitly agreed that Shaoyin God would leave the divine lake, and she also tacitly agreed that he would be the new Seven Gods.

But the battle just now knocked away the arrogance of Lord Shaoyin, and also allowed him to see the strength of his ancestors. At least he was not sure of defeating Xu Shen.

There is Bai Wushen above, the ancestors before him, plus Shaoyin Shenzun and the captain of the True God Guards. In this battle, it is impossible for Lu Yin and others to deal with the Purple Emperor and the pure energy body.

Seeing the respectful attitude of Lord Shaoyin, the ancestor stopped looking at him and turned his eyes to the opposite side: "Xu Jia, have you recovered?"

"Tofu, no one is bothering you, do you know me?" Xizu has never left the realm of disaster, and even Xu God doesn't know her, but she does know Xu God.

The ancestor's eyes were calm: "The Lord of Space and Time, the Void God, naturally recognizes him."

"But I don't know you." Xu Shen said.

Lu Yin's eyes moved. He only knew that this woman was called Xizu, but he didn't know her specific origin.

Xizu didn't say anything, and looked at Dou Sheng Tianzun: "You were seriously injured in this battle."

Dou Sheng Tianzun gasped: "Three losers want to surround me and kill me. If you don't come, I will let them die without their bodies intact."

Zi Huang raised his eyebrows: "If it weren't for someone's support, you would have died."

Xi Zu's tone was calm: "He is right. If we don't come, you will die without any body parts."

Zihuang was shocked and didn't understand what Xizu meant by his words.

Lu Yin and others were equally puzzled, including Xu Shen.

Dou Sheng Tianzun clearly looks like he is dying, how come he still has the energy to kill the Purple Emperor and the pure energy body?

Among the three deities of reincarnation time and space, Dou Sheng Tianzun is the absolute strongest and has the title of deity, but no matter how strong he is, there is a limit. The three strong men from outside the realm, Zi Huang, should be able to deal with him with sneak attacks. He will not have any more. What means has not been used?

Dou Sheng Tianzun looked deeply at Xizu, this woman is not simple.

The ancestor’s last gaze fell on

He looked at Lu Yin, with wonder in his eyes and a hint of shock: "Master Lu, it's been a long time."

Lu Yin looked at his ancestor: "Who are you?"

The ancestor said: "Steward of the E Domain."

"A mere butler can change the situation of this war?"

"It is not an exaggeration to be able to manage this land of calamity for the only true god, and to have the power to change the situation of the war. On the contrary, Dao Master Lu, who has not even reached the ancestral realm, let alone the sequence rules, has the ability to change the situation of the war. I admire this ability. .”

Everyone looked at Lu Yin, Xizu's words touched their hearts.

On this kind of battlefield, ordinary ancestral realms are not qualified to approach. Bow Saints, Food Saints, etc. are all frightened when they come to this battlefield. Lu Yin, the half-ancestor, is particularly eye-catching, but he is just such a half-ancestor. Zu suppressed the sequence rules and fought against the strong ones, making it difficult for the Purple Emperor to escape, and forcefully forced out the Eternals, which shocked everyone.

The Purple Emperor and his pure energy body are also staring at Lu Yin. This human being is very scary. Even the half-ancestor is like this. What will happen once he reaches the ancestral realm and even understands the sequence rules? They dare not imagine.

Jingzhe and the seven-star mantis all died in his hands, and the death of the nine-headed bird was also related to him. This human being is a serious problem.

Zhongpan stared at Lu Yin closely. If he hadn't been the turtle in Baiyun City, he would have killed him.

Marquis Wu and the princes all looked at Lu Yin. The shock Lu Yin brought to the Eternal Clan was too great.


The Tengu also stared at Lu Yin, sniffed, tilted his head, and looked at him strangely.

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth curled up: "Since you admire me, do you have any ideas about eliminating this hidden danger of mine for the Eternals?"

Xi Zu and Lu Yin looked at each other: "Of course."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the battlefield became solemn again.

In fact, when Xu Shen retreated and Xi Zu talked with everyone, they all knew that the war was over and no one could do anything to anyone. But at this moment, both Lu Yin and Xi Zu had an edge in their tone. You can take action at any time if you disagree.

"Don't want to try? Maybe you can succeed." Lu Yin provoked his ancestors with a faint smile.

Xizu didn't care: "It's impossible to succeed, but this day won't wait long. I'm curious, what did you think after seeing the truth about my Eternal Clan?"

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back and said, "Beat them all to death."

The ancestor was stunned and laughed.

Shaoyin Shenzun's eyes were cold and cold: "You are not ashamed to speak loudly."

Lu Yin glared at him: "Including you."

Lord Shaoyin was extremely angry. If he hadn't been worried about the large number of people on Lu Yin's side, he would have taken action.


The tengu shouted.

Lu Yin looked at Tiangu and frowned. What was the look in this dead dog's face? He wouldn't recognize him. Wait, Lu Yin suddenly remembered that this dead dog peed on his leg. Could it be the smell?

Thinking of this, his heart sank.

The Tengu's eyes looked at Lu Yin more and more strangely, and his nose moved as if he was trying to distinguish something.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. He couldn't be recognized. Ye Bo's identity was of great use. His eyes flickered, and he suddenly took out something from the Ningkong Ring: "Shaoyin, in our eyes, you are just like this Everything is just as disgusting."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Shen and Dou Sheng Tianzun suddenly stepped away and looked at the thing in Lu Yin's hand in disbelief. What is so smelly?

All around, people looked at it blankly, it smelled so bad.

Opposite her, Xi Zu frowned. A smell came out that she couldn't bear. She hurriedly waved her hands to disperse it, but found that she couldn't disperse it. What was it?


Lord Shaoyin also smelled it and stared at the thing in Lu Yin's hand. It smelled so bad.


Tengu reacted the most violently and vomited directly.

What Lu Yin took out from the Ningkong Ring was the stinky thing that he had obtained from the interpretation of the language. It looked like fruit, but it exuded an unbearable stench.

When the Sixth Continent invaded, Lu Yin really disgusted a lot of people with this thing. Now he took it out again with the purpose of disturbing the Tengu's sense of smell. If this damn dog wants to know the taste, let him smell it enough.

A violent stench filled the land of Era.

Whether it was Lu Yin or the Eternals, they all stepped back with shocked expressions. Where did the smell come from?

This is a stench that even a cultivator cannot block, but it is only aimed at cultivators below the Star Envoy. It can disgust the Star Envoy at most. The purpose Lu Yin used it to disgust was only to suppress the cultivation to the realm below the Star Envoy. The smell was even more disgusting than Zhiyi's and Bu Kong's. They couldn't block the smell even with their secret techniques, but those cultivators were at too low a level, so they didn't expect it to disgust those in the ancestral realm as well.

But at this moment, he realized that he was wrong. He was surrounded by the ancestral realm, but he couldn't block the stench. How could it be possible?

Lu Yin himself was confused. Even the ancestral realm couldn't block it?


Dou Sheng Tianzun coughed violently.

Lu Yin blinked.

Xu Shen couldn't help but said: "Put it away quickly, be careful not to be beaten to death by the enemy, but you will be disgusted to death."

Lu Yin was speechless: "Can't you block it?"


"Use sequence rules."

"It can't be blocked."

Lu Yin's expression changed. This is wrong. Can't the sequence rules block this stench? How can it be?

Not only Xu Shen, but also the ninth-grade Lotus Master in the distance, the ancient ancestors further away, the Shaoyin God Master, and the Purple Emperor, all of them could endure the stench and could not shield themselves from it.

Everyone stared at the stinky thing. Where did it come from that even the sequence rules couldn't block the smell.

Lu Yin himself was also holding back. To be honest, he couldn't hold it any longer. He understood that Bu Kong and Zhiyi were going crazy at the time, but he had no choice but to rely on this thing to disgust the Tengu. Creatures like dogs have a terrible sense of smell. Sensitive.


The tengu fled directly back to the Era with its tail between its legs, vomiting all the way.

The ancestor looked solemn. No matter what kind of enemy he faced, Tengu was unbeatable. He had never run away with his tail between his legs like this. This was the first time.

Dou Sheng Tianzun opened his eyes wide, and the dead dog actually escaped. When he entered the calamity realm, he couldn't kill the dead dog no matter what. It also met its nemesis. It was an unexpected gain. Suddenly, he felt that the stench was very friendly.

"Don't put it away yet." Xu Shen urged.

Seeing that the Tengu had run away, Lu Yin hurriedly put away the foul-smelling thing. He couldn't bear it anymore.

When the stench disappeared, everyone calmed down.

Xu Shen exclaimed: "Boy, what is that thing of yours? Even the sequence rules can't block the stench, it's going to be against the heavens."

Lu Yin pursed his lips: "I got it from the explanation."

Xu Shen praised: "So that's it. Anything that can become an original treasure is not simple in the universe. If it weren't for the fact that most of the original treasures have nothing in their explanations, the original treasure formations cannot be developed. If you have time, borrow that thing." Give it to me."

Lu Yin agreed. In fact, he was very curious about what it was, a smell that even the sequence rules couldn't block. What would happen if the dice were used to increase the level by three points? This is a heavy weapon.

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