Star Odyssey

Chapter 3057 Shocking Collision

Avoiding the spear at a speed comparable to time, the seven-star mantis flew towards Di Qiong. Lu Yin hit him with a restraining punch. With a bang, he punched Di Qiong in the back, but it only made him move a little. , Lu Yin gritted his teeth and punched out. He didn't believe that he couldn't break through Di Qiong's defense.

However, after dozens of punches, Lu Yin's arms were numb. Di Qiong was only knocked out dozens of meters, and his whole body was like a towering mountain, leaving Lu Yin helpless.

He had no choice but to take out his slippers. At this time, Di Qiong turned back and stared at Lu Yin.

He may not have the power to control time, but at this level, the power of time is no longer a power, and it is not completely unsolvable.

"How many more punches do you want to punch?" Di Qiong's pupilless eyes made people feel cold.

The Seven-Star Praying Mantis rushed towards the Emperor Qiong. Lu Yin held the slipper in his hand and patted it hard.

The surrounding pages appeared again. Among the pages, there was a piece of paper that glowed faintly. It was the piece of paper that Lu Yin was holding the slippers on. As the paper appeared, Lu Yin's movements paused again. Fortunately, the Seven-Star Praying Mantis was not affected. , leading Lu Yin past Di Qiong, only a few meters away from Di Qiong.

Lu Yin could clearly see Di Qiong's gradually clenching fist, and the returning spear in the distance.

Above the head, the palm of light suppressed, and countless sequences of particles spread. The three elephants tried their best, but were reduced to nothing under the spear of Emperor Qiong.

Emperor Qiong's eyes widened suddenly, and the surrounding paper suddenly spread, passing by Lu Yin, the goddess, and the three elephants, almost wrapping the entire eternal kingdom. Each piece of paper glowed, among which Lu Yin looked like holding a slipper, and there was a goddess with the help of four The appearance of the power of the elephants taking action ranged from the appearance of three elephants to the appearance of Lu Yin riding on a seven-star mantis.

For a moment, Lu Yin and the others were unable to move.

Lu Yin was shocked, what kind of ancestral world is this? So incomprehensible?

Di Qiong sneered and stabbed Lu Yin with a spear.

When the ultimate crisis came, Lu Yin quickly put away the Seven-Star Praying Mantis before he could move. He instantly released the starry sky in his heart, and at the same time summoned Kong Ji and other Ancestral Realm powerhouses. Each of the Ancestral Realm powerhouses stood in front of the Emperor's Dome as if they were about to die. Shocked, is this the Lu family’s general station? It's really magical, but it's useless.

With one spear, the strong men in the ancestral realm were scattered one by one. The last one was Kong Ji. Hui Kongzhang didn't even have room to resist. He was also scattered. In front of him was the halo of the world of nothingness.

Di Qiong pierced with a spear, and the world of nothing intertwined with the current time and space, producing a tearing force that even he was afraid of, but the spear still stabbed Lu Yin steadily.

Lu Yin watched as the spear got closer and closer, almost reaching his eyes. He took out the Eternal Darkness Card and slapped it at Di Qiong. In an instant, Di Qiong was sucked into the card.

Eternal Darkness represents the level of the Great Elder of the Lost Clan, a strong man close to the Beginning Realm, and can naturally absorb the Emperor Qiong.

But Emperor Qiong entered Eternal Darkness for less than a second before rushing out again. Eternal Darkness could not trap him at all.

However, what Lu Yin wanted was this moment.

When the emperor's dome rushed out again, the flowers of the other shore bloomed under the feet, the eldest sister's head arrived.

The Flower of the Other Shore closed up, trying to swallow up Di Qiong. Emperor Qiong frowned, swept his spear across, and ripped open the Flower of the Other Shore and came out.

The eldest sister shouted fiercely: "Isn't he the Forgotten God? Where did this bastard dare to cause trouble here?"

The huge Pluto appeared, grabbing the emperor's dome with one hand, and the sequence particles were wrapped around his arms, constantly twisting the void.

Di Qiong looked back, the one with strong sequence rules? It must be these people who broke into the first calamity realm. He raised his hand and hit Pluto's palm directly. There was a loud noise, and the world turned upside down. Pluto's arm holding the sequence particles was shattered. The eldest sister took a step back, her expression changed in shock. Where did the perversion come from?

"Be careful, his physical strength is extremely strong." Lu Yin reminded.

"Then let's see how his world is like." Crazy Dean Shaochen arrived and looked at Di Qiong from a distance. He didn't know what he had done. Di Qiong's eyes were distracted. Is this someone else's experience? A strong man who has gone his own way cannot be left behind.

Di Qiong was too strong. Even though he was influenced by the crazy dean, he was unable to stop him from taking action. The spear continued to stab Lu Yin. At the same time, another spear appeared and stabbed directly at the crazy dean.

Master Zen and senior brother Qingping both arrived.

Zen Lao transformed into the Three Yang Ancestral Qi, elicited the Tianyi Patriarch, pointed at the Emperor Qiong, broke the spear head-on, and pointed directly at the Emperor Qiong itself.

At the same time, Qingping looked solemn, thinking about what to judge.

Lu Yin stepped backwards and retreated step by step. Below, the Great Sage Wuguo Elephant roared and slammed into him.

Everyone worked together to force Di Qiong back.

Especially the Ancestor Tianyi Finger that Zen Lao transformed into made Di Qiong fearful.

Lu Yin gasped. This was the true strength of the Seven Gods. Without existences like the ancestors of Tianyi, they would not be able to surround and kill them.

Di Qiong's face was gloomy. The Six Directions Association could invade the First Era Territory. It was said that the ancient gods and ancestors of the First Era Territory had participated in the war, which meant that there were strong men in the Six Directions Association who could rival them.

Although he is confident that he is invincible, he should be wary if he encounters such a strong person.

Although ants are weak, they can sometimes kill an elephant.

Thinking, he glanced at everyone, not wasting any more time.

He tightened his grip on the spear, stared at Lu Yin suddenly, took one step forward, and killed this man.

The elder sister and the others all took action, but this time, Di Qiong didn't even look at them. He only stared at Lu Yin. It was still the same spear. It seemed simple, but it could break everything.

Lu Yin's scalp was numb. At this moment, the threat to him from Emperor Qiong skyrocketed. He saw sequence particles appearing around Emperor Qiong, and he used the sequence rules.

The eldest sister's attack was the first to arrive. Di Qiong did not dodge or resist, and allowed the attack to land. However, this blow hit the ground along Di Qiong's side, tearing away the death energy.

At the same time, Patriarch Tianyi, who was transformed by Zen Elder, also hit the ground with his finger.

Their attacks were useless.

Emperor Qiong seemed to be standing on the dome, and any attack could only fall along the dome to the ground, but could not attack him.

In Lu Yin's pupils, the spear was infinitely close.

"Judgment - near or far, I choose - far." Qing Ping's voice appeared, and at the same time, there were steel scales, one appeared under Qing Ping's feet, and the other appeared under Di Qiong's body.

The steel scales already appeared under the body, which was not inconsistent with the sequence rules of the Imperial Vault.

But, near and far, what the hell?

Di Qiong saw himself being dragged up to the sky by the steelyard, turned around, and looked at Qingping in shock.

Lu Yin also heard it. Di Qiong didn't understand Senior Brother Qingping and couldn't react for a moment, but he understood that the rules of Senior Brother's trial were equally disgusting.

He chose to be far, which meant that the farther away he was from Di Qiong, the more favorable the trial would be to him. On the contrary, the closer Di Qiong was to him, the less favorable it would be to him.

Now that Di Qiong wants to kill Lu Yin, and he is getting further and further away from Qingping, the result of this trial will be unfavorable to Di Qiong and drag him to the sky.

The rules of this trial are actually very fair, and can even be said to be beneficial to Di Qiong. All he needs to do is get close to Senior Brother Qingping.

But he wanted to kill Lu Yin.

Senior Brother Qingping's trial was purely to save Lu Yin.

Once Di Qiong wants to kill Senior Brother Qingping, Senior Brother Qingping will face not only Di Qiong's attack and killing, but also the result of trial.

"Senior brother." Lu Yin's heart trembled.

Di Qiong was dragged up to the sky by the trial, and was completely furious. The majestic sequence of particles exploded, overwhelming the sky, directly breaking the steel scales, causing Qingping to vomit blood and fall back.

Lu Yin took out the left arm of the God of Death, held Gou Lian in his hand, and chopped it off towards the Emperor Qiong.

Just below is the air of death.

The sequence of particles around the Emperor's Dome is vast, isolating everything, and the spear stabs down vertically.

One spear and one sword, one from top to bottom, one from bottom to top, colliding in mid-air.


The void twisted, and the entire eternal kingdom was torn apart horizontally. Lu Yin tightened his grip on Goulian, and the lines of the infinite inner world merged. At the same time, the fifth continent appeared behind him, and his power continued to increase.

Directly above, Di Qiong's pupilless eyes were ferocious: "Is the power of the God of Death enough? So what if the God of Death is here."

Goulian cracked, and the spear penetrated Goulian, pierced into the left arm of the God of Death, and pierced Lu Yin's palm along the left arm of the God of Death.

Blood was flowing in Lu Yin's palm. From behind, the moves of Sister Tou and the others were pushed downward by the rules of the Emperor's Sequence. No one could help Lu Yin.

The blood flowed down the arm and gradually turned into gold. Lu Yin turned around and won the battle. At the same time, his arm withered. Things must turn to the extreme.

Huge force fell along the spear, causing Lu Yin's arm to continuously recover, dry up again, and recover again. Repeated several times, Lu Yin released the power absorbed by Wuji in an instant, and Gou Lian pushed the spear back for the first time.

Due to the death energy being pulled away, the people directly below the two of them, Er Dao Liu, Chong Gui, and Qian Mian Ju, all looked up with shocked expressions.

The majestic death energy eroded their bodies. They knew very well how powerful the death energy was. That person actually suppressed the death energy?

They didn't know Di Qiong, Di Qiong, but they recognized them.

Di Qiong didn't know Er Dao Liu and the others, but he could recognize the divine power in their bodies. Since they had divine power, they must be masters of the Eternal Race. It turned out that this place was where the masters of the Eternal Race were imprisoned.

With the power of the God of Death corroding, it is no wonder that it can suppress the strong men in the ancestral realm.

Gou Lian kept cracking, Lu Yin gritted his teeth, but in the end he couldn't withstand Di Qiong's spear. As the spear fell, Lu Yin used his strength to smash to the ground to avoid being stabbed by the spear. Di Qiong hurriedly chased after him, but he didn't notice. The surrounding light flashes and reverses for one second.

In one second, he failed to pursue Lu Yin. Lu Yin hit the ground hard and overturned the earth.

Just as Di Qiong was about to continue taking action, he suddenly turned around, his expression changed, and he threw out the spear and at the same time grabbed the ground with one hand, intending to capture Lu Yin, Erdao Liu and the others.

"What kind of bastard dares to touch my Xiaoqi." The voice of rage caused the Eternal Kingdom to sway. Lu Yuan suddenly arrived. Facing Di Qiong, he slapped him with a slap, smashing the spear into pieces along the way. Di Qiong's face was as gloomy as water, Lu Yuan?

Facing Lu Yuan's slap, Di Qiong clenched his fist and punched out. The physical strength enhanced by Wu Tong's transformation was extremely terrifying, making Lu Yin and the others unable to breathe. However, this punch was bent by Lu Yuan's ancestor's slap, and his wrist was bent. All are broken.

Lu Yuan was surprised: "You can actually block a slap from me, ancestor?"

The emperor was shocked. How could it be possible that he couldn't beat this Lu Yuan? He believed that even if the God of Death was here, he might not be able to defeat him. What height had Lu Yuan reached?

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