Star Odyssey

Chapter 3060 Martial Arts Observation Platform

Mu Ji continued: "We are cooperating. There are three special skills of the True God, which are hidden under the river of divine power. If you help me, I will help you. Don't you want to get it? Have you never heard of that legend? You have cultivated divine power, True God Stunts will help you much more than they will help me.”

Lu Yin didn't hear what he said next. Instead, he was interested in the legend: "Is there anyone in the Seven Gods who has obtained the true god's special skill?"

Mu Ji shook his head: "No, according to legend, the only true god has three unique skills. If you master any of them, you can transcend and become the strongest in ancient and modern times."

Lu Yin said indifferently: "Not interested."

"You do not believe?"

"If the True God were the most powerful in ancient and modern times, the Six Directions would have ceased to exist long ago."

"It's not just true gods who can transcend. You know, human beings are the best at creating, and they also have means to transcend. Now the competition is about who is faster. I want to mix it in. My talent is destined to be extraordinary. I am one of my ancestors. The one who survived under the sword, that sword was so cruel."

Lu Yin looked at Mu Ji: "Not interested."

Mu Ji was speechless: "Besides these four words, do you have anything else to say?"

Lu Yin raised his feet and left. He had decided to return to Tianshang Sect. No matter whether Mu Ji confirmed his identity or not, he could not take any risks.

"Hey--Hui Wu, have you heard of this name?"

Lu Yin suddenly stopped, his pupils flickering.

"The prince also has problems, but she doesn't do anything evil. Haha, it's so interesting. A captain of the True God Guards, one of the biggest traitors in the history of the Fifth Continent, actually doesn't do anything evil. Brother Yebo, don't you think it's ironic?"

Lu Yin looked back at Mu Ji: "These have nothing to do with me."

The corners of Mu Ji's mouth curled up: "I'm afraid of offending others. How about you tell my ancestors this?"

Lu Yin looked at Mu Ji steadily, and the smile in Mu Ji's eyes became even brighter.

"It has nothing to do with me." Lu Yin replied.

Mu Ji was speechless: "Four words and four words for jumping, is it interesting?"

"Hui Wu, who is it?"

"The name of Marquis Wu."

"What is the problem?"

"No problem." After a pause, he patted his head: "By the way, I almost forgot, after the battle when the Six Parties Attacked the E Domain, Wu Hou went out once. Others didn't know it, but I knew it, hehe, and then Soon, the Corpse God almost died."

"The Corpse God is the Seven Gods. He was almost besieged and killed by the Six Directions, but it shocked the First Calamity Region. Because of this incident, the ancestors contacted other Calamity Regions, and those of us who were injured were also thrown out of the First Calamity Region. domain to prevent bad luck.”

"Brother Yebo, do you think there is any connection between them?"

Lu Yin looked indifferent: "It has nothing to do with me."

Mu Ji chuckled, approached Lu Yin, whispered something in his ear, and then left.

Lu Yin stayed there dumbfounded. Just now, Mu Ji cursed the only true god in his ear, and that curse was quite sharp.

He looked at Mu Ji's back, which was facing him, and waved his hand: "Martial Arts Observation Terrace."

Cursing the One True God does not mean that Mu Ji will never expose Lu Yin, nor does it give Lu Yin an excuse. After all, Lu Yin has no evidence to prove that Mu Ji cursed the One True God. The biggest significance of this move is that Mu Ji has absolutely no idea. Belongs to the eternal race.

It is impossible for anyone who practices divine power to curse the one true God.

Just like how can an ordinary person scold the gods he believes in? Even if he thinks the gods do not exist, it is impossible to scold him.

Mu Ji just scolded him, the scolding was quite sharp and the words were so bad that it made Lu Yin feel like he had refreshed his outlook on life. This guy is a ruthless person.

What's going on with this Mu Ji? He betrayed Wood Time and Space. Brother Mu Carving said that this is true. After joining the Eternal Clan, he tried to control the center through evil, and was eventually thrown into the divine lake, but came up intact.

To say that he is an undercover agent arranged by humans in the Eternal Clan is unlikely. It is too obvious. The ancestor is not stupid either. How much did Hui Wu pay to break into the Eternal Clan? It is by no means comparable to Mu Ji, but if he was really betrayed by humans and joined the Eternal Clan, he continued to seek death in the Eternal Clan, and even dared to curse the only true God.

He didn't tell Xi Zu about Hui Wu. Once he did, Hui Wu would be finished.

There was also the matter of Wang Xiaoyu and the speculation about himself. He didn't say anything about it. What on earth did this guy want to do?

Is it really to get the true god's special skills?

Lu Yin was confused.

Er Daoliu came over and said, "Ye Bo, are you stupid? That guy Mu Ji must have said something to you. Be careful with him. He is a villain."

Lu Yin thought deeply: "He is indeed a villain."

"What did he say?" the pink-haired woman was curious.

Lu Yin said: "We were caught for mocking."


At this moment, Lu Yin felt relieved. If Mu Ji wanted to harm him, he could do it now. Before showing up, he told Di Qiong that he had been arrested by Di Qiong. He did not do so, even though Lu Yin could not see him clearly. The purpose is, but I am not worried that it will be exposed.

There must be his motive for not exposing it at this moment, and what he has to do now is to understand the situation about Wu Tian as soon as possible.

The last three words he left were, Guanwu Terrace? What's the meaning?

The little giant Xin Wu also left. He seemed to be here just to teach Chong Gui a lesson and was not interested in Er Dao Liu or Lu Yin.

A few days later, Lu Yin got rid of the Erdaolyu and Chonggui and headed for a distant place alone.

He already knew where the martial arts viewing platform was.

There are eighty-one eternal kingdoms in the Third Eternal Realm, arranged in a circle. On the periphery of the eternal kingdom, the direction to the Black Mother Tree is the Corpse King Monument, and the Corpse King Monument goes straight towards the eternal kingdom, reaching the center of the eighty-one eternal kingdoms. In the center, there is the martial arts viewing platform.

Lu Yin walked through the eternal kingdoms. As he went to the periphery, the corpse king became weaker and weaker. He saw the eternal kingdoms one after another. These eternal kingdoms were completely different from the eternal kingdoms on the fifth continent that he saw for the first time. Here, there was no People were killed by the Corpse King, and the two groups seemed to really live together.

To be honest, Lu Yin didn't believe that humans and the Corpse King could coexist. He carefully observed every eternal kingdom he passed and found that the people here and the Corpse King did coexist, but they had their own ways of coexisting.

Just like the Eternal Kingdom transformed by Neptune, humans and the Corpse King are on opposite sides of the Eternal Kingdom. Although they are in contact with each other, they all have their own concerns. The one who maintains this seemingly harmonious way is the Corpse King. He no longer takes action against humans. He is also a person here and is not afraid of the Corpse King.

The first batch of people who were captured into the Eternal Kingdom to live with the Corpse King must be afraid. The more fear they have, the more they will arouse the Corpse King's murderous intent. Nowadays, almost all of these people were born in the Eternal Kingdom. In their perception, the Eternal Kingdom is Jia, the Corpse King, is also a type of human being, so naturally he is not afraid.

Lu Yin felt heavy, what exactly did the Eternals want to do? By building an eternal kingdom and erasing humanity’s sense of belonging to their own ethnic group, what can they gain?

To put it in the most unpleasant words, wouldn't it be better to transform these people into corpse kings? Is it easier for them to use it?

For what purpose?

There are so many things that Lu Yin wants to know, and the answers to these things can only be obtained by the Eternals.

The front suddenly became clear, Lu Yin walked to the end of the eternal kingdom in one direction, and further forward was the center of the eighty-one eternal kingdoms, where there was the martial arts viewing platform.

Mu Ji must have a purpose when he mentioned the martial arts viewing platform.

Soon, Lu Yin saw the martial arts viewing platform, his pupils shrank sharply, and he stood there with a blank mind. That was the martial arts viewing platform?

In the center of the eighty-one eternal kingdoms, there is a cylindrical high platform. On the high platform are chains connecting nothingness, and what is bound by the chains is a man, a man in ragged clothes who looks extremely miserable.

The man had been tied up for an unknown length of time. The chains and the high platform were filled with decay from time. Crows circled high in the sky, making a shrill cry.

What really made Lu Yin stunned were the chains that bound the man, forming two words - Wu Tian.

Is this person Wu Tian?

Lu Yin's hands and feet were cold and his whole body was sluggish. Wu Tian, ​​is he Wu Tian?

Guanwu Terrace, that’s it, Guanwu Tian’s platform, this is Guanwu Terrace, this person is Wu Tian.

Lu Yin approached the high platform step by step. People rushed over from time to time, including old people, children, corpse kings, and strange creatures.

These people have long been accustomed to walking around the high platform. No one glanced at this high platform. Everyone avoided it and were full of disgust.

Around the high platform, a fishy smell filled my nose.

Lu Yin could see nothing else but that man. Was he really Wu Tian?

Laughter spread, and a child bumped into Lu Yin, fell down, and cried, attracting adults.

"Who are you? Didn't you see the child? Don't you know how to help me?"

"Boy, you deserve a beating, right? Turn around and look at me."

"I'm talking to you, answer me."


Lu Yin approached the high platform step by step and just watched, ignoring the push from the man behind him.

"Forget it, you're a lunatic, let's go."

"Wait a minute." Lu Yin said, turning his back to them.

"What, are you looking for a beating?"

Lu Yin said: "Who is this person?"

"Wu Tian, ​​can't you see?"

"Do you know him?"

"Who knows this? It is said that he is a sinner who wants to destroy the peace of our eternal kingdom. Boy, who are you? You don't know this? You are not a member of our eternal kingdom."

Lu Yin's eyes flickered, don't you recognize him? The history of mankind has long disappeared in this eternal kingdom, and history has been forgotten. Are they still the same as themselves?

No one can blame them. They were born in the eternal kingdom and know nothing. If you want to blame them, you can only blame those who failed to protect human beings.

Why do people practice cultivation? For detachment? For eternal life? No, the purpose of cultivation is very simple, to protect history and protect the ethnic group, nothing more.

People in this eternal kingdom avoid the martial arts viewing platform. Obviously, the martial arts viewing platform is a dirty place in their hearts, and their eyes are full of disgust when they look at the martial arts viewing platform.

Only Lu Yin stood alone under the martial arts viewing platform. He was not worried about this scene being seen by Di Qiong. Divine power was the best guarantee.

A person who has cultivated divine power will not be suspected.

At least that's the case for now.

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