Star Odyssey

Chapter 3064: Divine Power Rolls the Dice

At this time, Xinwu's body shook under his feet, the ground cracked again, and heavy breathing sounded in everyone's ears.

Dark red divine power surged out of Xin Wu's body, and he also used his divine power.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. Once he used his magical power, Xin Wu's combat power would skyrocket. This combat power could not be easily suppressed by Ye Bo's status.

The sound of breathing became heavier and heavier, and Xinwu was suppressing something.

Lu Yin looked down, his eyes solemn.

The heavy breathing was heard by everyone.

Xin Wu's body slowly crawled out of the ground. Lu Yin raised his foot, exerted force, and stepped down on Xin Wu again.

Xin Wu roared, turning to look at Lu Yin on his back, his eyes filled with crazy killing and resentment.

Suddenly, the two of them looked in the same direction at the same time, and they felt a hint of heart palpitations.

Immediately afterwards, Er Dao Liu, Chong Gui and the surrounding Ancestral Realm powerhouses all looked in one direction.

"Your Majesty?" someone exclaimed.

Everyone stepped aside and stood respectfully, looking at the person in the distance who was wearing a long black coat and walking towards them step by step.

The appearance of the visitor was invisible, and his whole body was covered by long black clothes, but the aura he exuded was extremely terrifying. Every breath he took made the space in front of him distort, and every step he took made the earth tremble, even though he walked very lightly.

With the arrival of this person, Xin Wu's boiling divine power was suppressed, and the surrounding rivers of divine power were also suppressed by inexplicable power.

Lu Yin's heart was in the starry sky, and the planet formed by divine power was shaking. This was because it was affected by the coming person.

This person possesses terrifying power in terms of divine power.

Lu Yin was more serious than ever before. He had only experienced this feeling in Qishentian.

Only masters at the level of the Seven Gods can influence him by using their divine power.

Is he the emperor? The most powerful person in the Third Era Realm, second only to the Emperor Qiong, is also the most powerful master in the Third Era Realm who will definitely participate in the battle of God's Choice.

He is definitely qualified.

The emperor walked forward step by step, and finally stopped less than a hundred meters away from Xin Wu and Lu Yin. He made a dry and low voice: "Can you come down from Xin Wu's body?"

The standard way of speaking of the Corpse King, Your Majesty, is an out-and-out Corpse King.

Lu Yin looked solemnly and jumped down.

Xin Wu slowly stood up.

Suddenly, the emperor's body disappeared and reappeared, already on Xinwu's back. Xinwu didn't even react. His body was pressed into the ground and he let out a miserable howl. Everyone only saw blood gushing out from the ground. The sky in the third disaster area was filled with blood.

No one spoke. At this moment, fear and trembling emotions spread in the hearts of many people.

In the ranking of the Corpse King Monument, Xinwu is ranked fourth, while Dixia is ranked first. It seems that there is only two rankings difference, but they are worlds apart.

All the creatures in the Third Era Realm knew that Xinwu didn't even dare to raise his head when facing the emperor.

The emperor pressed Xin Wu into the ground, and his body was still at the same level as Lu Yin and others standing on the ground. But who would have thought that he would suppress a master like Xin Wu in an instant, and Xin Wu did not even dare to resist. .

"Third, E Domain, I'm too slow." The emperor faced Lu Yin and spoke slowly, his voice without any emotion.

Lu Yin stared at the emperor in front of him. He couldn't see the face of this person clearly without opening his eyes: "You're welcome."

"You, want, to stay?"




"The battle of God's Chosen is about to begin. If you can defeat Fei, you can participate in the battle of God's Chosen instead of Fei."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows.

Countless eyes around him fell on Lu Yin. Lord Di Qiong actually thinks so highly of this person? He is not from the third disaster realm.

The words are spoken by His Majesty the Emperor, but the meaning must belong to His Majesty the Emperor Qiong. Only the Emperor Qiong can appoint candidates to participate in the battle of divine selection.

"Can I participate in the battle of God's Choice instead of the Third Era Realm?" Lu Yin was surprised.

The emperor's voice was still so low: "As long as you can fight and win, Fei, I, the third Era, will not be stingy. The first Era, you have no chance."

Lu Yin praised: "Thank you Lord Di Qiong for me."

The emperor left, leaving behind a star gate before leaving. This is the star gate that can lead to the third disaster realm.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, this Di Qiong really trusted him.

After the emperor left, there was movement underground.

Xinwu slowly crawled out of the ground. At this moment, he was injured far more seriously than the injuries he suffered in the first disaster area. Lu Yin saw the ruthlessness of the emperor's attack.

After crawling out of the ground, Xin Wu said nothing, bypassed Lu Yin, and left with Er Dao Liu and Chong Gui. He wanted to send them to the first disaster realm. As for Lu Yin, he could stay in the third disaster realm. .

After Xin Wu sent Er Dao Liu and the others to the first disaster realm, no one cared about Lu Yin in the third disaster realm, and no one talked to him. Mu Ji also seemed to have disappeared.

Lu Yin has his own tower and a maid, everything is the same as in the first disaster realm.

The difference is that there is no True God Guards in this third disaster realm, and there are no tasks assigned to him.

The situation in each disaster area is different, and the behavior style is also different.

There are constant tasks in the first disaster area, but there are very few tasks in the third disaster area.

A month passed in the blink of an eye. Lu Yin only visited the Corpse King Monument once. He wanted to talk to people, but no one dared to talk to him.

Even the man from the ancestral realm who had spoken to him at first stayed far away from him.

Everyone knew that Lu Yin had offended Xin Wu, and Xin Wu would definitely cause trouble for anyone who got close to him.

Lu Yin didn't care either. He was waiting for Mu Ji to find him. Mu Ji wanted to join forces with him to find the true god's special skills. There was no way he wouldn't come all the time.

On this day, Lu Yin sat in the tower, opened his eyes, and looked around.

He wanted to roll the dice, but only if he wanted to make sure no one was watching him.

In this third calamity realm, the only ones who have the ability to stare at him are Di Qiong and Di Xia. Although the possibility of these two staring at him is extremely small, after all, they also have to practice, and it seems that the Eternals are not staring at others. After all, humans who join the Eternal Clan, unless they are born in the Eternal Kingdom, are all traitors, and there is no point in staring at a group of traitors.

After looking around, he didn't feel any palpitations. At his level, no matter how high the level of cultivation was, he could almost detect it when people were staring at him. Not to mention cooperating with the Heavenly Eye, unless he was at the level of the only true god, he would still be able to detect it. no way.

After making sure no one was watching, Lu Yin raised his hand and the dice appeared.

He had an idea. He had cultivated divine power. Then, if he rolled the dice with divine power, would it merge into the body of a practitioner who also cultivated divine power? He hadn't tried it before, but he could try it now.

Pointing out the dice, the dice slowly rotated. At one point, a useless scissor fell out. It looked like a weapon. It broke as soon as it was broken. Continue, five o'clock, continue, three o'clock, continue, six o'clock, continue. Wait, Lu Yin. Consciousness appeared in the dark space, and he rolled the dice smoothly to six o'clock, and he rolled the dice under the premise of using his divine power.

Since it can appear in this kind of space, it means there is a ball of light that can be integrated into it.

Looking around, there was indeed a ball of light, especially in the distance, a particularly bright and dazzling ball of light, which made him rush over impatiently. Could it be the Emperor's Vault, or else, the One True God?

The six pieces of the Eternal Realm are all in the same time and space, could they also enter the bodies of other masters of the Eternal Realm?

Lu Yin was excited. If this happened, not only would he be able to understand the Eternals, but he would also have a great advantage against masters like the Eternals in the future. At least he would know himself and the enemy. Oh, and he could also try to commit suicide, although it would certainly not be easy.

Consciousness rushes towards the ball of light and merges.

In an instant, his eyes opened and memories poured in. Lu Yin had a strange expression. The person he merged with turned out to be the emperor.

No wonder the ball of light is so bright.

How could it be such a coincidence that the six evil realms were able to be integrated into the emperor's body.

Regardless of this, Lu Yin quickly checked the emperor's memory.

Gradually, his expression became weird, which was really interesting.

Through the emperor's memory, Lu Yin understood the emperor's fighting methods, sequence rules, and his current position, etc. Although he marveled at the emperor's strength, since he understood it, he had ways to deal with it, no matter what the emperor did In this way, it is impossible to surpass the Witch Spirit God, the Immortal God, and the Seven Gods, all of whom have been killed, and the emperor is no exception.

What really made Lu Yin find interesting was a conspiracy against him.

There must be traitors among the captains of the True God Guards. This was confirmed by the ancestors. When the six captains of the True God Guards were sniped by six masters of the Six Directions Society, the answer was obvious.

But so far, the Eternals have not found out who is the traitor.

The most suspicious one is Mu Ji, but Mu Ji has proved that he can escape from Mu Ke through his talent, and this talent also makes Xizu care.

Except for Mu Ji, all the other captains of the True God Guard have cultivated their divine power.

Practicing divine power should not betray the Eternals. If betrayal does occur, then, in the eyes of the ancestors, captains such as Ye Bo and Er Dao Liu, who have been imprisoned by the Tianshang Sect, may not be suspicious. This may be a bitter trick.

It has to be said that Xizu guessed correctly, and the current conspiracy against him was born, perhaps not just against himself.

A few days later, the Emperor will come to him and tell him that they will join forces to attack the Liufanghui, Liufanghui, and Baiyun City. They will attack the First Era Region again and again and defeat the First Era Region to the point where it cannot escape. This matter will last forever. The clan will not give up, they will also fight back.

The reason why I told myself this was to test and see if I would tell the Liufang Association so that the Sixth Party would be prepared.

This is a big deal. If he is really arranged by the Six-Party Council to enter the Eternal Clan, faced with such a life-and-death matter, he will definitely find a way to notify the Six-Party Council. Once notified, he will expose the fact that he is a traitor.

The Eternals don't care about other traitors. Even if the powerful human ancestral realm who surrendered to them is an undercover agent, they don't care. What they care about is divine power. If a person who practices divine power will betray the Eternals, this is unacceptable to the Eternals. Gotta figure it out.

It doesn't matter whether Ye Bo is a traitor or not. What matters is whether a captain of the True God Guard who cultivates divine power is a traitor.

Lu Yin was afraid. Fortunately, he rolled the dice on a whim and learned about this matter. Otherwise, if he was tempted, he would definitely notify the Six-Party Council and it would be over.

How could such a thing not be notified to the Six-Party Conference?

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