Star Odyssey

Chapter 3068 Candidates

Vomiting out a mouthful of blood, Lu Yin couldn't help but squat on the ground, gasping for air.

High in the sky, Emperor Qiong appeared, and they were back.

The Five Spirit Tribe and the March Alliance were obviously well prepared. They were betrayed. The previous temptation was thought to be over, but at this moment, there was definitely an undercover agent within the Eternal Tribe who could directly access the important figures of the Six Directions Society. This undercover agent could not be ignored by them.

Wu Tiandu was almost rescued.

Di Qiong glanced below and saw Ye Bo squatting on the ground and Fei being nailed into the ground. His eyes finally fell on Wu Tian, ​​frowning and descending.

On the martial arts viewing platform, Di Qiong looked at Wu Tian.

Wu Tian lay flat on the martial arts viewing platform, looking at the dim sky.

"Why don't you leave?" Di Qiong asked.


"You obviously have a chance to escape."

Wu Tian didn't answer.

A cold look flashed in Di Qiong's eyes: "Here, you are still suffering endless torture. You are Wu Tian, ​​one of the six realms of the Three Realms. Are you really willing to do this?"

Wu Tian slowly stood up, sat on the martial arts viewing platform, and looked at Di Qiong: "You are very pathetic."

Di Qiong's eyes narrowed and his expression turned ugly.

"How long have you imprisoned me? You relied on my strength to reach your current position. Three Qings and Six Haos. Compared with our Three Realms and Six Paths, we seem to be equal, but are we really equal?" Wu Tian's voice was hoarse with vicissitudes of life, but there was a sense of fearlessness. Feeling: "Do you know why I don't leave? I know, Fertile Land knows, but you don't know. You Sanqing Liuhao just don't know, why do you compare us?"

Di Qiong suddenly took action and pressed Wu Tian's head to the ground, making a loud noise: "I am Daozu now, you are just a piece of rotten meat, don't talk about the Three Realms and Six Paths, who do you think you are? Do you really think you are still the same Wu Tian? Your disciples are all Seven Gods. They have betrayed mankind. Who do you think you are? What use are you? I can kill you at any time. Keeping you is just torture. Do you really think you have pioneered the method of weapon cultivation? That's nothing. It’s your time and space.”

"Looking at the universe, you are nothing."

Wu Tian's face was pressed to the ground, seemingly humiliated and tortured, but he smiled: "You are very pathetic."

Di Qiong's pupils shrank sharply, and his anger surged.

At this time, Lu Yin stood up: "Sir, the traitor is Mu Ji."

Di Qiong stared at Wu Tian, ​​but Wu Tian didn't even look at him, just looked into the distance, not knowing what he was looking at.

After a while, Di Qiong let go of his hand and kicked Wu Tian out, smashing him into the ruins of the wall: "You will die if I tell you to die, Wu Tian? That's ridiculous." After saying that, he appeared in Feishen Next to him, he took her and Lu Yin away.

Lu Yin looked at the martial arts viewing platform, why didn't the ancestor take Wu Tian away? There is obviously a chance.

"What's going on? Tell me." Di Qiong's tone was cold. This time, the Eternal Clan was completely fooled. The Five Spirit Clan and the March Alliance were already prepared. The First Era Territory was invaded by Dou Sheng Tianzun, and on his side, Wu Tiandu was almost rescued.

Although he didn't know why Wu Tian didn't leave, this result made him even more uneasy. Why Wu Tian didn't leave was now like a thorn in his heart.

Lu Yin told Di Qiong what happened.

Although Fei was seriously injured, he did not receive treatment immediately and also told Di Qiong what he saw.

Di Qiong frowned: "So, Lu Yuan was able to come to my third calamity region because of the star gate given to you?"

Lu Yin said in a deep voice: "Yes, Mu Ji suddenly attacked me. His talent was so strange that I couldn't react for a moment. He controlled me for a moment, snatched away the Ningkong Ring, and he ran away."

"Sir, doesn't Mu Ji have a star gate in the Third Era Realm?"

Di Qiong's eyes were cold, Mu Ji? Of course not. He was the injured captain of the True God Guards in the First Era. He was arranged by his ancestors to go to the Third Era. He did not belong to the Third Era, so he was not given a star gate.

They didn't need to give him the Star Gate for the previous test. After all, they had tested it before. Once exposed, he wouldn't come back even if the Star Gate was there.

Another consideration for giving Yebo Star Sect is that Yebo is suitable for cultivating the corpse king transformation and is a talent appreciated by Emperor Qiong. Moreover, Yebo has cultivated divine power, so in the eyes of Emperor Qiong, Yebo cannot be a traitor at all.

Looking at it now, it turns out that Mu Ji is the traitor.

He snatched Yebo's Ningkong Ring and put it into Lu Yuan to save Wu Tian. However, why didn't he tell the Liufanghui about the previous temptation? And how do you know that the real target within the clan is the Five Spirit Clan and the March Alliance?

Fei went back. She was too seriously injured this time. Lu Yuan had no mercy on her at all. He seemed to be harsh on Lu Yin, but in fact it was all fake.

So much so that Fei's injuries far exceeded those of Lu Yin.

Not long after, Lu Yin also went back. Mu Ji was basically a traitor. He couldn't even come back, and the Ningkong Ring was taken away by him.

Not to mention the third calamity realm, he couldn't even return to the first calamity realm.

If he wants to go back to the First Era Realm, he must pass through the boundless battlefield and the land of Era Territory where Dou Sheng Tianzun is located. Does he dare?

He has taken the blame.

This move is also very risky. If Mu Ji has a way to contact Xizu, he will definitely expose himself.

Lu Yin originally wanted to save Wu Tian and left. Ye Bo's identity was a good use. Unexpectedly, his ancestor did not take Wu Tian away. He wanted to visit Wu Tian again after a while. What happened?

In the first calamity realm, Emperor Qiong arrives.

"Where's Gu Yizhi?"

Xi Zu looked at Di Qiong: "Mu Ji, or Ye Bo?"

Di Qiong was puzzled: "Why do you suspect Yebo? He has cultivated divine power."

Xi Zu said calmly: "Until it is found out, everyone is worthy of suspicion."


Xi Zu was not surprised: "Indeed, he is more likely. Where is Wu Tian?"

"I didn't leave. I didn't leave voluntarily. I obviously had the chance to leave with Lu Yuan."

Xizu was surprised: "Don't leave willingly? Why?"

Di Qiong shook his head: "I also want to ask you why."

"You think I know?"

"At least he should know better than me."

Xizu shook his head: "Then you guessed wrong, I don't know."

Di Qiong looked at his ancestor: "He said that the Three Realms and Six Ways are not as good as the Three Realms and Six Ways. If he doesn't leave, the Three Realms and Six Ways know about them, but they don't know about the Three Ways and Six Ways."

The ancestor of the past looked at the divine lake with his eyes in a daze: "It was originally inferior."

Di Qiong frowned: "My strength is no worse than Wu Tian."

Xi Zu was indifferent: "It's not just a matter of strength. Even if you are on the same level, you will have no way to go up, but he has a way."

Di Qiong's eyes flashed: "You should understand. At that time, you were also one of the strongest people standing at the top of that era, no worse than the Three Realms and Six Paths."

Xi Zu was helpless: "But I fell."

Di Qiong wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Xizu: "You can go back. Even if Gu Yizhi knew, he wouldn't tell you."

Di Qiong looked deeply at Xizu: "Whether you know it or not, it doesn't matter to me. Wu Tian's life and death depend on my thoughts. This kind of opportunity will never appear in the future."

Xizu said nothing.

"Is it confirmed that the First Era Region will participate in the Battle of God's Choice?" Di Qiong suddenly asked before leaving.

Xizu turned his back to him: "It's confirmed."

Di Qiong raised his feet and disappeared.

After he left, the ancient god arrived: "I really want to compete with the Three Realms and Six Paths."

Xi Ancestor looked at the ancient god: "Why doesn't Wu Tian leave?"

The ancient god shook his head: "I don't know. If Lu Yuan knew in advance, he wouldn't risk saving Wu Tian. Wu Tian must have said something to him. If he told me the same thing, I might know, but he didn't tell me. By the way, you do not know?"

Xizu replied: "Of course I don't know."

"Then I don't know."

Di Qiong returned to the Third Era Realm with an ugly face. He didn't get an answer from his ancestors and was ridiculed, which made him very dissatisfied.

This battle of divine selection must suppress the first calamity realm.

The First Era believes that it is the strongest among the six Era, and must make them lose face.

Thinking about it, he summoned Di Xia and Fei.

Seeing Fei's serious injury, Di Qiong frowned: "Can the battle of God's Chosen be restored?"

Fei thought for a while and saluted: "I don't dare to delay you, sir."

Di Qiong took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Fei was useless. Lu Yuan's Ksitigarbha needle was not that easy to pick up. It was lucky that she didn't die.

There are only a few masters of the third disaster realm. Except for the first disaster realm, the other disaster realms are almost the same. The emptiness of the fourth disaster realm is even gone.

The Emperor should be able to defeat other masters of the Era Realm, but the First Era Realm is different. It can be seen from Xinwu's injury that the person who made the move is not weak. He can at least fight with the Emperor. Now that he has lost Fei, he is The side is at a disadvantage.

After thinking about it, Xinwu definitely couldn't do it, so who else could do it?

After pondering for a while, Di Qiong thought of Ye Bo. This person had surpassed Xin Wu before. Although it did not mean that his real strength was definitely stronger than Xin Wu, he had extraordinary attainments in the realm of divine power.

What is the strongest power of the Eternals? It's divine power.

If he cultivates divine power, he may not have a chance to replace Fei and represent the third disaster realm.

Thinking of this, he looked at Fei again: "Are you sure you can't recover?"

Fei said respectfully: "Use 80% of your strength at most."

Di Qiong shook his head, not enough. The other Era realms are not weak. With 80% strength, they will definitely lose: "What do you think of Ye Bo?"

The emperor raised his head and said, "You are not weak if you can avoid it with my palm."

Fei replied: "I fought against him at the martial arts viewing platform. It will be difficult for him to replace me in a short time."

Di Qiong's eyes flashed. It was difficult to replace Fei, but this was an opportunity. Fei definitely had no hope of winning in the battle of God's Choice. He wanted Ye Bo to try. If Ye Bo couldn't replace Fei in the end, then the Third Era could only It depends on the emperor.

Thinking of this, Di Qiong asked his emperor and Fei to retreat while he went to find Lu Yin.

Lu Yin had been staying in the tower. Di Qiong's sudden arrival startled him, and he instinctively wanted to run away, thinking he had been exposed.

"Ye Bo, how are your injuries?" Di Qiong asked directly.

Lu Yin took a deep breath and saluted slowly: "Sir, it's okay."

Di Qiong looked at Lu Yin: "It's not bad that you didn't die after receiving a palm from Lu Yuan. It's a miracle that your injury is not serious."

Lu Yin quickly explained: "That palm was blocked by divine power, and my subordinates took the opportunity to avoid it. Lu Yuan was paying attention to Wu Tian at that time and didn't even look at his subordinates."

"I know, Fei told me, and she also saved you."

"Yes, if it weren't for Fei, this subordinate would really be dead."

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