Star Odyssey

Chapter 3083 A surprise

In the wooden space and time, far away from the wooden carving, a figure frowned and kept calculating.

"It doesn't work in this direction, and it doesn't work in the other direction either. Trouble, why did this guy Mu Ke change his place? What are he doing at the border?"

This person is none other than Mu Ji. In the third Era Realm, he was inexplicably kicked into a crack in the void by Lu Yin, and went to a parallel time and space. He was also robbed of the Ningkong Ring. He could not return directly to the Era Realm, but could only return to the Wood Time and Space. .

If you want to go to the Era, you must enter the boundless battlefield through the wooden space-time border, and then enter the Era land through the boundless battlefield, and finally enter the first Era.

He can come back to Mu Shikong, he was born here, but how to enter the border is a problem.

Nowadays, the Eternals cannot retreat. Not to mention the border, even the war on the boundless battlefield has stopped. There is no war at the border of wood space and time. If he wants to pass, he can only break through. Once he wants to break through, he will be caught directly by the wood carving.

He didn't want to face the woodcut again.

That bastard in Yebo must be Lu Yin, otherwise why would he attack him? But what was the significance of him taking action against himself at that time?

He took action in an instant and even snatched away the Ning Kong Ring, making it clear that he would not be allowed to return to the Eternal Clan.

The worst outcome he could think of was that he was cheated.

Ye Bo was an undercover agent, but he let himself take the blame. This was the worst possibility Mu Ji could think of.

He is in a hurry now and wants to return to the land of Eternal Realm as soon as possible and make it clear to his ancestors. Otherwise, the six directions will not be able to tolerate him, and the Eternal Clan will not be able to tolerate him. What else can he do? It’s better not to find a parallel time and space and live a restful life.

We must go back quickly, that bastard Ye Bo.

In the first calamity realm, the ancestors didn’t know that Wang Fan was dead.

In the Battle of Divine Selection, the First Era Realm sent out Shaoyin God and Wang Fan. She was not sure about Wang Fan, but Shaoyin God had a 30% chance of passing the test. This was already very high, even if today's three Even if Qing Liuhao or Qishen Tian go to heaven, they may not be able to come back safely.

That was the battlefield of Taikoo City.

Eight entered the Taikoo City battlefield, and she only hoped that a few more would pass the assessment and increase the strength of the First Era Realm.

As long as most of the Seven Gods return, and a few more pass the test, it will be time for the Eternals to fight back.

As for the arrival of the bone boat, it is completely fake. The people below do not know it. She, including the Seven Gods, know that the bone boat cannot leave the Taikoo City. The arrival of the bone boat can indeed destroy the entire Six Directions Association, but what about the battlefield of Taikoo City?

As the bone boat leaves, experts from Taikoo City can also leave.

It's just a different battlefield.

The God of Forgotten Ruins arrived: "I just got the news that of the two people who participated in the battle in the Second Era, one came back and the other was captured."

"In the Fifth Era, one person escaped with serious injuries, and one died."

"Right now, the only people participating in the assessment are the two from our side, plus the emperor from the Third Era Region and Ji Luo from the Sixth Era Region."

Xizu calmly looked at the divine lake: "Only half is left."

"Yeah, only half of it is left. Haha, how pitiful. What do you think their expressions were like when they saw the battlefield of Taikoo City for the first time?" Forgotten God smiled delicately.

Xizu looked at her: "Have you recovered from your injuries?"

The Forgotten God was distressed: "Of course not. It's all my fault for that little Lu Yin and that civilization that appeared out of nowhere for disturbing me. Otherwise, I would have stayed in the Sixth Continent to recover."

"Sooner or later, the Tianshang Sect will regain the Sixth Continent. It's not difficult. It's not safe for you to stay there." Xizu said. After speaking, she remembered something: "Or do you just want to wait for Lu Yin there?"

The corner of Wangxu God's mouth curled up: "Maybe, I am full of expectations for our little Lu Yin. Think about it, what will it be like once he steps into the ancestral realm? In today's universe, except for the beginning realm, those who are going through hardships A few old monsters, no one can overpower him, right? How arrogant will he be then? Haha, it’s interesting to think about it.”

"By the way, sorry, I forgot, you are also that kind of old monster."

The ancestor didn't care: "I have already failed, otherwise I wouldn't have stayed here. The strength I once had is gone."

"But it is impossible for Lu Yin to break his ancestors. Each of his four inner worlds is more exaggerated than the last. It is extremely difficult for anyone with one to break his ancestors. He has four."

The Forgotten God nodded: "That's why I'm looking forward to it. He's the best at surprising people. He might give us a surprise next moment."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xizu and Wangxu Shen looked into the distance at the same time, looking at each other, couldn't they be so smart?

In the distance, the Wood God, the Void Lord, and the Ninth-Rank Lotus Lord appeared one by one. Even further away, the golden light shined brightly, and Dou Sheng Tianzun came to kill: "Shuang, this is my human style."

The former ancestor frowned, a long sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed into the distance with a sword, lightly Luo Jiantian.

The green sword light shines, and no one can stop it.

However, there were only a few people participating in the battle this time, and they were all at the Sequence Rule level. The only one who was not was Lu Yin. However, Lu Yin had some defensive ability in the spirit, energy, and spirit, and was not knocked down by a sword.

The Xu Lord endured the dizziness, Qing Luo Jiantian, a monster that forced the Lu family to cultivate energy and spirit, how to fight against such a monster?

Lu Yin was using Mu Ji's appearance at the moment.

Dou Sheng Tianzun jumped up and smashed the golden long stick to the land of Eyu: "Come on."

The Forgotten God had a headache: "I can't stop him."

The earth was shattered again.

Wuhou, Wanghou, and the two swordsmen all walked out.

The Tengu barked and rushed towards Dou Sheng Tianzun.

At this time, Dou Sheng Tianzun took out the foul-smelling thing from the Ningkong Ring and almost fainted himself, but compared to the unbeatable Tengu, he could endure it.


The tengu screamed and ran away with its tail between its legs.

Dou Sheng Tianzun laughed wildly, and rushed towards the black mother tree with the foul-smelling object. He wanted to see if the exhaustion had left any traces here.

The divine power soared into the sky, and the Ersword Style, Chonggui, Wanghou, and Wuhou all rushed out.

Marquis Wu was confused. Why did he suddenly attack the E region again? Could it be because of the Battle of God’s Choice? Lu Yin feels that the Eternal clan's combat power is empty at this moment? It's not impossible.

Above the sky, the ancient god appeared, and the black and purple matter condensed to form a prison platform, pressing hard on everyone. He was looking for Lu Yin, but he didn't realize that there was no Lu Yin?

The Wood God and the Void Lord teamed up to fight against the Ancient God. They had seen how powerful the Ancient God was, and they could fight Lu Tianyi, who came out of the Conferred Gods Catalogue, on their own. His strength was unmatched.

The Forgotten God is also looking for Lu Yin. It's strange that little Lu Yin didn't come?

Xi Zu was also looking for Lu Yin, but when she saw Mu Ji, she frowned.

Lu Yin's disguised Mu Ji was targeted by a heavy ghost. He held a mace, zoomed in, and slammed it down: "Traitor, die, a heavy blow of love."

Before Lu Yin could hide, the Ninth-grade Lotus Lord took action, and the Ninth-grade Kailian easily pushed the mace away.

At this time, beams of light appeared in the Eternal Land, and the Eternals invited foreign aid.

Dou Sheng Tianzun is unstoppable, and even the sword of the former ancestor cannot stop him. If he does not invite foreign aid, it will be difficult for the First Calamity Territory to block this offensive.

A familiar scene appeared again, Xing Toad made a sharp baby voice: "Haha, I made money again, thank you boss."

Xizu looked at Xing Toad and said, "Drive them away."

Xing Toad's eyes narrowed into circles, he was very happy. He held the lotus in his hand and suddenly threw it towards his ancestor.

The ancestor was surprised and avoided: "Xing Chan, you?"

Xing Chan smiled brightly: "The boss this time is the Six-Party Association, I'm sorry, old friend."

The ancestor frowned. Did he have a plan in advance? This is troublesome.

On the other side, Lu Yin's disguised Mu Ji approached Hui Wu, and the two pretended to fight: "Follow me, you are exposed."

"Aren't you Mu Ji?" Hui Wu was surprised.

Lu Yin said in a low tone: "Mu Ji did not betray the Eternals. I just threw him out, but he will come back. Once he comes back, you will be finished. He saw you leaving the Eternal Realm before the Corpse God was surrounded and killed."

Hui Wu looked ugly: "Are you taking me away in this battle?"


Hui Wu's eyes were complicated and he looked deeply at Lu Yin: "Thank you, but I can't leave."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "You have to go. Once Mu Ji comes back, in order to win the trust of the Eternals, your identity will be exposed, and you won't survive."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, but I really can't leave." Hui Wu said solemnly.

Lu Yin was extremely angry: "What on earth are you thinking? Isn't it good to live? You are like this, and Wu Tian is like this. Do you know how much I paid to save you? You risked your lives, and I wasn't here." Play, I risk death every step I take, Wu Tian doesn’t want to leave, and neither do you, why on earth?”

Huiwu forced Lu Yin back with a palm: "There are some things I can't tell you. I'm sorry, I really can't leave."

A golden meteor appeared above Lu Yin's head, and it crashed down with divine power.

"Have you seen Taikoo City?" Lu Yin stared at Hui Wu closely.

Hui Wu's eyes were shocked.

"There are too many strong men in Taikoo City dying, batch after batch. No one knows how long they can hold on, and how many strong men can be added. One day, Taikoo City will not be able to hold on. You go back alive, Even if you want to die, wouldn't it be better to die in the Ancient City? Why must you die in the Eternals? What can you do?"

"In this Eternal Race, you can't do anything with your strength."

Huiwu breathed out and nodded: "Yes, it is precisely because there is nothing that can be done that it makes sense to stay."

Lu Yin couldn't understand it at all.

"Go back, and thank you, Brother Lu."

Golden meteors accompanied by divine power continued to bombard the earth, flooding one side and pushing back Lu Yin.

Lu Yin originally wanted to use the method of controlling evil to cooperate with Hui Wu and take him away. This would allow him to take Shi Muji's side as a human being and take Hui Wu away.

But Huiwu didn't follow him after all.

This battle ended quickly as it started.

Under the cover of Dou Sheng Tianzun, Mu Ji rushed to the tower belonging to Mu Ji, pretending to take something, and then exited the Era.

There is absolutely no point in staying in the E-land and fighting. Now is not the time for a decisive battle.

After Lu Yin and others evacuated, Xing Toad also left.

Apart from being shattered, the land of Eternal Realm has no loss and nothing worth losing.

All the strong men in the ancestral realm who betrayed humanity and took refuge in the First Calamity Realm were dead. Even Wang Fan died on the battlefield of Taikoo City. Only the Lord Shaoyin was still alive.

The crazy corpses were also consumed, and the Ancestral Realm Corpse King was also consumed.

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