Star Odyssey

Chapter 3091 Cave

For a moment, the indescribable power of God frightened her, as if she really saw the ancestor himself. The statue magnified infinitely in front of her eyes. Finally, the sky and the earth connected, making Mimina couldn't help but kneel down.

Lu Yin raised his hand and grabbed Mimina.

Only then did Mimina wake up.

"Mr. Lu, who is this?"

Lu Yin looked respectfully: "This is the ancestor of our primordial space. He created the cultivation system and benefited future generations."

Mimina once again looked at the statue of the ancestor in shock, her eyes full of admiration.

She found that she came out of the Nine-Star Civilization as if she had never seen the world. Obviously the Nine-Star Civilization had come into contact with many parallel time and space, and those parallel time and spaces were far less powerful than the Nine-Star Civilization. The shock they felt when they saw the Nine-Star Civilization brought a shock to herself and others. Proud, but at this moment, she herself has become that kind of character.

Is this the beginning space? No wonder Teacher Kakawen was filled with envy when he mentioned the starting space.

The power of the original space is far from comparable to that of the nine-star civilization.

After visiting Tianshang Sect, Mimina had a good understanding of this place.

Lu Yin was very curious about the fighting methods of the Nine-Star Civilization and wanted to see it to facilitate future alliances.

Mimina specifically corrected it, saying it was cooperation.

"I'll do it, Taoist Master." Leng Qing walked out.

Lu Yin nodded: "Let's learn from each other until the point is reached."

Mimina looked at Leng Qing. Leng Qing had long disliked the Nine-Star Civilization. In his opinion, this civilization was too timid. Compared with the Nine-Star Civilization, he admired the Conquest of Disaster more. No matter how rude the Conquest of Disaster was, at least it was very timid. A successful alliance is not like this nine-star civilization, which is full of nonsense.

It was useless to lift Mr. Demu.

The place where the two discussed each other was not in Tianshang Sect, but in a meteorite belt.

Lu Yin didn't want the Eternals to notice that he had contacted the Nine-Star Civilization. He wanted to give the Eternals a surprise.

On both sides of the meteorite belt, Leng Qing and Mimina stood opposite each other.

In fact, in the time and space of the Nine-Star Civilization, Leng Qing assisted Mimina in dealing with the Ancestral Realm Corpse King, but they did not fight each other.

Following the order, Leng Qing rushed towards Mimina.

Mimina directly used the Aether Wall to push across the starry sky.

Leng Qing jumped over, avoiding the wall of ether, and slashed straight at Mimina. At this time, the wall of ether suddenly grew larger and spread crazily, feeling like it was connected to the stars. Leng Qing raised his sword and slashed out, pong. , there was a loud noise, and cracks appeared in the aether wall.

Mimina was surprised that she almost broke the aether wall with one knife?

This is the wall of ether that she has used in full force. She has fought against cultivating civilizations before, and few strong men at the same level can break it like this.

She had a new understanding of Leng Qing's strength.

Lu Yin stood in the distance, flanked by Mr. Chan and Lu Buzheng.

Lu Buzheng originally planned to go into seclusion and attack the ancestral realm, but the fate of Mingnu made him give up. He felt that he had been tricked by ancestor Lu Yuan. One of the three yang ancestral energies is fate. It seems that he is using the power of fate, but it is not fate. Use his power.

He felt that there was no hope of breaking his ancestors, so he simply gave up for the time being.

"This is the Nine-Star Civilization? The fighting method is very fixed." Lu Buzheng said.

In the distance, the light-piercing arrows intertwined with Senluo's light of death, constantly forcing Leng Qing back. Leng Qing's Heavenly Sword Realm descended and was contained by Senluo's light of death, consuming each other.

"Leng Qing is, after all, one of the former Twelve Heavenly Sect Masters. If this woman underestimates him, he will suffer a loss."

Lu Yin said: "The nine-star civilization is very strange. The six-star killing technique cannot beat Leng Qing, but when you reach the seven-star level, you can touch the level of sequence rules. That is a desperate move."

Lu Buzheng was surprised: "So exaggerated? Can it directly touch the sequence rules?"

Zen Lao sighed: "There are too many civilizations in the universe. Who dares to say that his own civilization is absolutely invincible? Even the Eternals may not dare. This nine-star civilization has its disadvantages and its advantages, otherwise it will not be able to stop the Eternals."

After a fierce battle, Leng Qing figured out the killing techniques that Mimina could unleash. Although there were changes, they remained the same.

With the emergence of the talented Dao Lan, Leng Qing broke through Sen Luo's light of death with one knife, and the blade pointed directly at Mimina.

Mimina frowned. This was the first time the Nine-Star Civilization and Shi Space had fought against each other. They couldn’t lose.

Thinking about it, he planned to use the seven-star killing technique: "Be careful, the ancient key may drag you into the dark abyss."

After speaking, she tapped the wood in her hand, and stars continued to appear and connect.

"Okay, that's it." Lu Yin suddenly stopped him.

Mimina stopped and looked at Lu Yin.

Leng Qing also lowered his blade.

Lu Yin looked at Mimina: "It's not easy for you to use the seven-star killing technique, otherwise you wouldn't have used it for the first time."

Mimina did not deny it.

Lu Yin smiled and said: "This battle is considered a draw."

Mimina was dissatisfied: "I admit, I was suppressed just now. If I don't use the seven-star killing technique, I am no match for him, but once I use it, he will be defeated."

"The most I can afford is a few days off."

Mr. Zen stepped forward: "But he didn't try his best. You don't know that all the ancestral realms here can borrow the sequence rules."

"Impossible." Mimina never believed it. Although Tianshang Sect shocked her, this shock would not break the rules.

Sequence rules can be possessed by any ancestral realm. If they have it, it is not the ancestral realm, but a sequence rule strong person.

"Don't think that I don't know common sense. He is in the ancestral realm, but he cannot be a strong person in the sequence rules."

Lu Yin took Mimina to see the sequence particle equipment and let her see on the spot that Mr. Zen took action with the help of sequence particles.

Mimina was stunned for a while, feeling like her three views had been subverted.

"Dozens of ancestral realms can also borrow sequence rules, so you all can't defeat the Eternals?" Mimina couldn't believe it.

Lu Yin's expression was serious: "That's why I took the risk to travel outside the region, looking for a powerful civilization that I can unite with."

"If the Eternals are so easy to deal with, why should your nine-star civilization worry about it?"

"Remember, the Eternals are always stronger than you think. Never underestimate the Eternals."

Mimina took a deep breath, faced Lu Yin, and saluted deeply: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for letting us see the Eternals clearly, otherwise we don't know how our nine-star civilization perished."

Lu Yin helped Mimina up: "We are a union, you're welcome."

This time, Mimina did not correct herself.

Judging from the current situation, it is a great blessing that the Nine-Star Civilization can unite with the Shi Space. Normally, it should be the Nine-Star Civilization that wants to unite with the Shi Space.

The fact that Lu Yin, the Taoist Master of Tianshang Sect, spent so much effort to unite with the Nine-Star Civilization is an opportunity for the Nine-Star Civilization to survive. This is Mimina's idea.

Only when you see the situation clearly can you know how to choose.

She looked at Leng Qing: "I lost the battle just now. I didn't use the seven-star killing technique, and you didn't use the sequence rules."

Leng Qing's face softened: "I don't use the sequence rules, but the outcome cannot be said. One day I want to see your seven-star killing technique with my own eyes, so that I can compare."

Mimina nodded: "There will be a chance."

After bidding farewell to Mimina, Lu Yin felt quite tired, but it was worth it. The Conquest of Disaster and the Nine-Star Civilization, once united with Shi Space, will definitely give the Eternal Clan a huge surprise.

He is now thinking about how to surprise the Eternals.

By the way, this kind of thing should be left to Wang Wen and Wei Rong, they are good at it.

Lu Yin took out the fourth star gate.

As long as the civilization that Mr. Mu has paved the way is not destroyed, it is almost a natural ally. This kind of powerful ally is enough for people to look forward to.

As before, when the star gate was opened, Leng Qing was the first to step inside, followed closely by Chan Lao and Lu Yin.

Stepping through the star gate, what comes into view is neither the starry sky nor the earth, but a place similar to a cave, and it is also a relatively small cave. Milky white liquid in the distance drips into a one meter square pit, and the entire cave is visible at a glance. I looked everywhere but couldn't see the exit.

Lu Yin opened his eyes, huh? Can't see outside?

With the power of the celestial eye, you can see sequence particles, and you can even see through parallel time and space in the future. But now you can't even see through a cave? There is something strange about this cave.


Leng Qing pressed his palms on the mountain wall and exerted a slight force. The force shook the mountain wall and made a soft sound, but it failed to damage the mountain wall.

"There's something wrong with this cave."

Lu Yin squatted down and looked at the pit filled with milky white liquid in front of him. What was it?

Mr. Chan and Leng Qing both watched.

There are many strange things in the universe, and only a few of them have been seen by humans.

Could it be that this milky white liquid was the reason why Mr. Mu guided him here? Otherwise there would be neither civilization nor starry sky here.

"Tao Master, there are blood stains." Leng Qing stared at the corner of the wall and reached out to touch: "Dried blood stains cannot be found without careful inspection. This kind of blood has dried for a long time and is the same color as the soil."

Lu Yin nodded: "It seems normal, but this cave has traces of the existence of living things, and." He lowered his head and looked at the pit of milky white liquid: "If there were no living creatures, this pit would have been filled long ago, but now it has not Man, just wait, maybe you can wait for something."

"I'll go out and take a look. There must be a way to get out of here," asked Zen Lao.

Lu Yin nodded: "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Chan. Be careful, I can't see through the outside."

Chan Lao searched for a long time before he found a way to leave the cave. It turned out to be a teleportation device. It was covered by dust and looked no different from the ground at first glance, so Lu Yin and the others did not notice it at first. Moreover, this teleportation device also did Hidden means.

Lu Yin has seen similar teleportation devices in the Starry Sky Battle Academy and the Science and Technology Star Field. This technology is between technology and cultivation. Some technological civilizations have not developed to a very high level, and some cultivation civilizations have clearly not developed technology. , but it was researched.

It mainly depends on whether anyone is researching this direction.

It's not too strange that such a device appears here.

Zen Lao left, and the days passed day by day.

Lu Yin was not in a hurry, so he sat in the cave and waited. The fifth continent visualization appeared behind him. He had too much to practice.

The four inner worlds must transform into the ancestral world. The problem is that except for the infinite inner world and the flowing light inner world, the other two cannot find their direction.



Baidu brothers’ reward, thank you brothers for your support! ! It’s quiet to code at night, but also very sleepy! !

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