Star Odyssey

Chapter 3093 Heavy

Soon, Lu Yin returned and learned what happened to Leng Qing. He took out the star gate and said, "Continue, we will definitely attract the deserters, but we have to be more cautious this time. The Eternals are already prepared. Let the three of us act together. Even if It’s okay to encounter a master of sequence rules.”

After stepping through the star gate, Lu Yin was about to go to the teleportation device. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he stepped backwards. Parallel time, he was on the same spot. A cold light suddenly appeared. He avoided the murderous intention. Stepping backwards, Lu Yin made everything around him look still. Looking back, the cold light also disappeared.

He shrunk his eyes and turned back. Behind him, a figure stood, and a short knife hung on Lu Yin's neck. The cold blade made his limbs stiff, and he subconsciously used objects to counterattack.

"Don't move." A hoarse voice came out.

At this time, Mr. Chan and Leng Qing walked out. Seeing this scene, they shouted: "Let go of the Taoist Master."

Lu Yin raised his hand to stop the two of them and looked at the figure: "Abandoned person?"

The figure made a hoarse and low voice: "You are destroying the Eternal Kingdom during this period. Why?"

"Ling you out." Lu Yin said bluntly. The muscles in his neck were already dry. Even if this person used a short knife, he might not be able to do anything to him.

"Why did you lead me out?"

"Join forces to deal with the Eternals."

"Stay in the Star Gate and leave. I won't join forces with anyone."

Lu Yin looked at the figure. The figure was short. He was holding the short knife around his neck while raising his arms, so that his arms blocked his face, making Lu Yin unable to see clearly.

"You continue to destroy the Eternal Kingdom and hate the Eternals. Why don't you want to join forces? What can you do to the Eternals on your own?" Lu Yin advised.

The figure raised his head with a cold gaze: "It doesn't matter, I am a remnant of civilization, and I will probably die."

"not worth it."

"It has nothing to do with you, retreat."

Lu Yin followed the figure's arms and looked into his eyes: "Aren't you curious why we can come here?"

The figure's eyes flashed: "Say."

"Mr. Mu." Lu Yin said three words.

The figure was surprised: "Mr. Mu?"

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Mr. Mu asked him to find this abandoned person.

"I am Mr. Mu's disciple. Master gave me the Star Gate and asked me to unite different civilizations to deal with the Eternals. You are one of them, otherwise how could we find this place."

The figure lowered his arms: "No wonder."

"Do you believe it?" Lu Yin was surprised, not even the Nine-Star Civilization believed it.

The figure picked up the short knife, and his face appeared on the blade: "The universe is very big, and there are countless parallel time and spaces. Even this time and space is very wide. With the star gate, it is impossible to find this place by coincidence, and it is impossible for the Eternals to find this place, otherwise It’s not you who are here, but that woman.”

"There's nothing unbelievable about it."

Only then did Lu Yin see the figure's face clearly.

This man was a skinny little old man who looked sinister. He was like a shadow and seemed to disappear at any time. His eyes held an ice-cold hatred that could never be resolved. Coupled with the short knife in his hand, he looked like a killer.

"Are you the one who abandoned the road?"

"Mr. Mu is kind to me. You want to join forces, but I don't want to, but I can help you once." Abandoned the Road said.

Having just come into contact with Nine-Star Civilization, Lu Yin has said enough. Now he regrets that he didn't record what he said to Kakawen and then let others listen to it. It would have saved trouble.

Although the deserter didn't seem to want to talk at all.

"In that case, let's do it. How can we contact you?" Lu Yin asked.

The abandoned person gave Lu Yin an object similar to the Yuntong Stone, which should be used to connect with this time and space.

"This is something I have only given to you for so many years."

Lu Yin nodded: "Thank you."

No matter what, it's good that the passerby can take action for him once. Although the encounter was short, Lu Yin was amazed by the strength of the passerby.

He couldn't get rid of the reverse parallel time, and even had a short knife held on his neck. This was something Lu Yin didn't expect.

No wonder he can fight fiercely with the Arrow God for so long. Even if this person loses to the Seven Gods, he will never be weak. He should be on the same level as the wood carving senior brother.

Returning to Tianshang Sect, Lu Yin immediately took out the fifth star gate.

This time, Leng Qing took the first step. Just when he met the deserter, Lu Yin had a short knife held at his neck. This scene made him more cautious.

The same is true for Zen Lao.

Anyone can die in the Beginning Space, even the ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Yuan, can die, but Lu Yin cannot die. He not only represents the present, but also represents the future.

Everyone is certain of one fact, that is, Lu Yin can definitely reach the level of Great Heavenly Lord and Ancestor Lu Yuan, or even higher.

Lu Yin himself was sure of this, but he really couldn't find a way.

If I could find a way to break my ancestors, I would have tried my best to cultivate.

Only Pozu can successfully deal with the Eternals. At least he doesn't have to worry about running away every time he encounters a strong person at the level of the Seven Gods.

Still have to find a way to break the ancestors.

Behind the fifth star gate was a broken starry sky with cracks in the void everywhere, reminding Lu Yin of the place where Daoyuan Sect left the handprints of Chen Zu.

But there was just a piece of heaven and earth, but here, the entire starry sky was shattered.

Lu Yin and the others spread out to search, but could not find any intelligent creatures. The starry sky was completely ruined.

This scene was obviously destroyed by a powerful force. The civilization that Mr. Mu asked him to find did not even exist in ruins.

In desperation, he left and took out the sixth star gate.

Luck seemed to have run out. What we saw after the sixth star gate was the same broken starry sky. Although it was better than the previous broken starry sky, we could also see some ruins, but it also meant that this civilization was gone.

Lu Yin's heart continued to sink as two powerful civilizations were destroyed in succession.

He calmly opened the seventh star gate and couldn't wait to go there.

In the parallel time and space that the seventh star gate leads to, Lu Yin saw the Eternal Kingdom, a very large eternal kingdom with a magnificent gate. It obviously did not belong to the architectural style of the Eternals and should be the ruins of a previous civilization.

Lu Yin and the others dispersed and wandered around the starry sky, trying to see if there was a civilization that could fight against the Eternals in this space and time, but he was disappointed.

No, there is no civilization that can fight against the Eternals.

They spent two months in this space and time, constantly asking, even if they could find out about strong men like the Forsaken who fought against the Eternals.

However, there was nothing. This time and space belonged to the Eternals, and the Eternals were the masters.

Lu Yin found out that the Eternals here belonged to the Sixth Calamity Realm.

This is not surprising. The Lord of the Sixth Calamity Realm is the Corpse God. The Corpse God is one of the Seven Gods. He has been fighting against the Liufanghui in the First Calamity Region all year round, but the Sixth Calamity Region has a strong man like Ji Luo.

This person is extremely powerful. In Lu Yin's opinion, he is not much weaker than the Seven Gods. He is good at killing. With such a master, it is not difficult to clear time and space.

With heavy hearts, the three people left this time and space.

There was only the last star gate left. Lu Yin didn't rush to open it and went in, he just looked at it.

Sometimes, there are coincidences in things in the world, but there are also causes and effects.

The law of destiny is not magical, but it builds a bridge in the long river of time and sees the future.

What really makes Lu Yin feel magical is the talent of Shiwuzhang's karma, which can see people's sins, as well as the karma transfer method of Mingnu, etc.

There are unexplainable forces and unexplainable luck in the universe.

After seeing three star gates in a row, all he saw were destroyed civilizations. For a moment, Lu Yin did not dare to open the last star gate.

The dissipation of a civilization means the disappearance of countless lives. This result is too heavy.

Lu Yin turned around and left the star gate, walked to the deserted peak and looked into the distance.

Chan Lao and Leng Qing looked at each other, shook their heads, and said nothing.

If you are a heartless person, you don't care.

But how can people be ruthless? Lu Yin is also a human being. After seeing three destroyed civilizations in a row, you can imagine how he feels now.

Perhaps, he thought of the Six Directions Society, the First Space, and a person who was tied to him.

Perhaps one day, someone will come to this time and space and see the eternal kingdom without any trace of the existence of the Tianshang Sect.

Lu Yin stood on the top of the mountain, looked into the distance, and saw the Hell Dragon sleeping in another position. It would be nice if it was as heartless as it was.

He looked at Tianshang Sect and saw familiar faces. Finally, his eyes settled on a courtyard.

The yard is filled with books. That is where his unlucky disciple Tuo Lin lives. He must have been reading for a long time.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin disappeared and appeared outside the yard.

The yard is filled with books, many of which have been preserved through unusual means. These books come from some large families, and some are collections of certain people. It is difficult for the descendants of the family to take a look, let alone outsiders. But now they are all gathered here, because those who want to read these books are Lu Yin's disciples.

Tuo Lin was no longer in the house, he was in the yard, burying himself in the book, flipping through every page of text obsessively, sometimes very fast, sometimes very slowly, sometimes laughing excitedly, sometimes hiding his face and crying, going crazy generally.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. He didn't want his disciple to go crazy, otherwise who would dare to worship him as his teacher in the future?

The disciples of the Taoist Master of Tianshang Sect are lunatics, which is terrifying to think about.

Lu Yin quickly entered the courtyard: "Tuolin."

In the pile of books, Tuo Lin heard Lu Yin's voice, his ears twitched, he stood up suddenly, overturned the surrounding books, looked at Lu Yin happily, and shouted with a smile: "Master."

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he knew that his master was not crazy.

"Master, why are you here?" Tuo Lin carefully avoided the books on the ground and walked towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was amused: "If you don't come back, you will rot with these books."

Tuo Lin was confused: "Decay?"

"How long have you been reading?" Lu Yin asked.

Tuo Lin thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't remember."

Lu Yin looked at him: "How are these books?"

Mentioning this, Tuo Lin was happy: "Master, the test you gave me is so right. With these books, I have read so many books and realized many principles of life. Master, I understand your painstaking efforts. You want me to learn to be a human being first and then learn to practice, right?"

Yeah? Lu Yin had no such plan.

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